15 Scholarships for Cape Verde Students to Study in Canada

Are you from Cape Verde? Looking for undergraduate, masters and PhD scholarships to study abroad? Worry no more, we have compiled different Canadian scholarships for Cape Verde students to study in Canada.

To crown it all, most of the scholarships listed on this content are fully-funded scholarships. Enjoy!

We have compiled this list to aid students who have been searching for Cape Verde scholarships in Canada. These scholarships are specifically for Cape Verde students, it does not mean other countries are not eligible to apply for these scholarships.

I advise that you explore these opportunities to help yourself financially as you undertake your degree programs.

15 Scholarships for Cape Verde Students to Study in Canada 2024-2023

The are

  • Dalhousie University Master and PhD Scholarship – Canada
  • Humber College Scholarships For International Students– Canada
  • Quest University Scholarships For International Students In Canada
    Canadian Government Scholarships
  • PEO International Peace Scholarships For Women
  • York University International Entrance Scholarships For Undergraduate Students
  • Quest University Fully-Funded David Strangway International Scholarships Canada
  • Generation Google Scholarship In USA And Canada
  • Microsoft Undergraduate Scholarships For Students In USA, Canada & Mexico
  • New Brunswick University’ International Scholarships In Canada
  • Prestige Scholarship Program At The University Of Carleton In Canada
  • International Undergraduate Entrance Scholarships In Canada
  • International Engineering Scholarships In Canada
  • Canada University Of Victoria International Undergraduate Scholarships
  • UBC Mastercard Foundation’s Scholarship Program in Canada

#1. Dalhousie University Master and PhD Scholarship – Canada

Host/Eligible Nationality

The Dalhousie University Master and PhD Scholarships will be taken in Canada. The scholarship is available to Cape Verde students and other international students.

Level/Field of Study

This scholarship for Cape Verde student in Canada is open to Masters, PhD or Doctoral degree students.

Scholarship Worth

The scholarship program is valued at $40,000 annually.

Application Deadline

All applications should be submitted on or before August 1st.

Application Link

#2. Humber College Scholarships For International Students– Canada

Host/Eligible Nationality

Humber College Scholarship is organised and will be taken in Canada. The scholarship program is open to Cape Verde students and other international students.

Level/Field of Study

Humber College Scholarship is available to undergraduate students pursuing any course in the college.

Scholarship Worth

The scholarship program is a fully-funded scholarship, it can be renewed annually.

Application Deadline

It gives deadlines for different applications below:

  • September: May 17, 2022
  • January 2024: September 27, 2022
  • May 2024: January 31, 2022

Application Link

#3. Quest University Scholarships 2024 For International Students In Canada

Host/Eligible Nationality

This scholarship provided by Quest University is organised and hosted in Canada. The scholarship is available to international students as well as students from Cape Verde.

Level/Field of Study

Quest University Scholarships are open to undergraduates pursuing a career at Quest University Canada. You can access the field of study by clicking on the application link below.

Scholarship Worth

The scholarship provided by Quest University is a fully-funded scholarship that runs through for four years.

Application deadline

 Scholarship and Bursary Application has closed. However, the deadline is dated for March yearly.

Application Link

#4. Canadian Government Scholarships

Host/Eligible Nationality

This is a scholarship provided by the government of Canada to assist graduates to complete their career. The scholarship program is available to international students (Cape Verde students included).

Level/Field of Study

The scholarship is awarded to pursue Graduate studies in social sciences and/or humanities, natural sciences and/or engineering and health.

Scholarship Worth

The program is valued at $50,000 annually.

Application deadline

Deadline for application falls in October each year.

Application Link

#5. PEO International Peace Scholarships For Women 2024-2023

Host/Eligible Nationality

The Scholarship Program will be taken in the USA or Canada. The program is available to international Students (Cape Verde Students Inclusive).

Level/Field of Study

Scholarships are available to study in the Graduate and PhD program in any subject.

Scholarship Worth

  • The maximum amount awarded to a student is $12,500. Minor amounts may be granted based on individual needs.
  • The scholarship is based on demonstrated financial need; however, the prize is not intended to cover all academic or personal expenses. At the time of the application, the applicant must confirm the additional financial resources sufficient to cover his estimated expenses. Additional resources may include personal and family funds, tuition waivers, scholarships, teaching placements, scholarships and other scholarships.
  • Prices are announced in May. The amount of the PEO International Scholarship will be divided into two installments that will be distributed in August and December.

Application Deadline

No deadline is given, however, interested applicants are advised to click on the link below for more information.

Application Link

#6. York University International Entrance Scholarships For Undergraduate Students

Host/Eligible Nationality

The scholarship program is organised by York University Canada. The scholarship is open to Cape Verde students and other international students.

Level/Field of Study

The scholarship is open to undergraduate students in the fields listed below.

Arts, Media, Performance & Design; Environmental Studies; Education; Glendon; Health; Lassonde School of Engineering; Liberal Arts & Professional Studies; Science; or the Schulich School of Business.

Scholarship Worth

$35,000 will be awarded per year to the recipients. The program is a four year’s course which means $140,000 will be given in total.

Application deadline

Deadline for submission of applications is dated for February annually

Application Link

#7. Quest University Fully-Funded David Strangway International Scholarships Canada

Host/Eligible Nationality

The Scholarship is to be taken in Canada. Citizens of all nationalities are eligible for this scholarship (Cape Verde students inclusive)

Level/Field of Study

The Scholarship is available for students pursuing the undergraduate program and is awarded to study the subjects offered by the university.

Scholarship Worth

The scholarship is a fully-funded scholarship which provides full-tuition for four years and covers accommodation fee, book allowance, and other expenses.

Application Deadline

Unfortunately, the submission for this application has closed. However, the deadline for submitting applications is March each year.

Nevertheless, interested applicants should click on the link below to keep up with updates.

Application Link

#8. Generation Google Scholarship In USA And Canada

Host/Eligible Nationality

The Scholarship is to be taken in the United States of America or Canada. Cape Verde students and international students are eligible for this scholarship.

Level/Field of Study

The scholarship is open to Undergraduates in the field of computer science.

Scholarship Worth

Selected students will receive $10,000 (for those studying in the United States) or $5,000 (for those studying in Canada) for the 2024-2024 school year.

Application Deadline

The deadline for application varies, interested applicants should check the application for more details.

Application Link

#9. Microsoft Undergraduate Scholarships For Students In USA, Canada & Mexico

Host/Eligible Nationality

The scholarship program will be done in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Scholarships are open to international students (including Cape Verde students), who intend to study in the United States, Canada or Mexico.

Level/Field of study

Microsoft graduate scholarship is given to the international students enrolled in the following four-year graduate program in the following subjects: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) or Computer Science.

Scholarship Worth

Candidates can get a full or partial scholarship for the academic year. A full scholarship covers the tuition fees for the academic year published by your college or university financial aid office.

Microsoft will pay in a designated school and will not be transferable to other educational institutions. You can only use funds to pay for tuition, and not for other costs that appear in your treasury bills, such as housing and food.

Application Deadline

Unfortunately, the scholarship applications are now closed. However, the Tuition Scholarship application will re-open in October 2024 while the Conference Scholarship application will re-open in January 2024.

Application Link

#10. New Brunswick University’ International Scholarships In Canada

Host/Eligible Nationality

The scholarship is to be taken in Canada. It is open to students of all Nationality.

Level/Field of Study

The scholarship is for undergraduate studies at the university.

Scholarship Worth

UNB’s scholarship support ranges from 500USD to 100,000USD.

Application Deadline

This scholarship is an annual scholarship whose submission date is usually 1 March.

Application Link

#11. Prestige Scholarship Program At The University Of Carleton In Canada

Host/Eligible Nationality

The New Brunswick University’ International Scholarship is to be taken in Canada. The scholarship is open to students of all Nationalities.

Level/Field of Study

The scholarship is for undergraduate studies at the university.

Scholarship Worth

  • Chancellor Scholarship: $30,000 ($7,500 x four years)
  • Seven Richard Lewar Scholarships: $21,500 ($6,500 in the first year and $5,000 in the second, third and fourth years)
  • Three Carleton University Excellence Scholarships: $20,000 ($5,000 x four years)
  • Two Carleton University Excellence Scholarships in Shad Valley: $20,000 ($5,000 x four years)
  • A Riordon Scholarship: Full Enrollment in First, Second, Third and Fourth Years
  • One Collins Prestige Scholarship: Full registration in first, second, third and fourth years

Application Deadline

Unfortunately, the scholarship application has closed. However, the deadline for submission is March 1 each year.

Application Link

#12. International Undergraduate Entrance Scholarships In Canada.

Host/Eligible Nationality

The scholarship is hosted by the Lakehead University, Canada. It is open to non-Canadian students (Cape Verde students inclusive).

Level/Field of Study

The scholarships are available for pursuing the undergraduate program in any field of study at the university.

Scholarship Worth

These scholarship opportunities have different values that include tuition waiver of

  • Academic Average (Canadian Equivalent) : 90.0 per cent plus
  • Scholarship Total (in Canadian dollars) : $30,000 ($7,500 x 4 years) 1
  • Scholarships Available: Limited
  • Academic Average (Canadian Equivalent) : 80.0 – 89.9 per cent
  • Scholarship Total (in Canadian dollars) : $20,000 ($5,000 x 4 years)2
  • Academic Average (Canadian Equivalent) : 75.0 – 79.9 per cent
  • Scholarship Total (in Canadian dollars) : $4,000 ($4,000 in Year 1 only)3

Application Deadline

The scholarship deadline varies, therefore, applicants should click on the link below to stay updated.

Application Link

#13. International Engineering Scholarships In Canada

Host/Eligible Nationality

The scholarship is hosted by the University of Toronto in Canada. The scholarship is open to international students (Cape Verde Students inclusive).

Level/Field of Study

The scholarship is open for pursuing an undergraduate program in applied science and engineering.

Scholarship Worth

The scholarship program opportunity has a value that is Variable, to a maximum of 20,000USD x 4 years (renewable).

Application Deadline

The application deadline is for February annually.

#14. Canada University Of Victoria International Undergraduate Scholarships

Host/Eligible Nationality

The scholarship is hosted by the University of Victoria of Canada. The scholarship is open to international students.

Level/field of study

Scholarships are for students who take part in university studies at the University of Victoria and scholarship is given to study all the subjects presented by the university.

Scholarship Worth

Scholarships ranging from $3,000 to $10,000 are provided for exceptional international students.

Application Deadline

The application deadline is February annually.

Application Link

#15. UBC Mastercard Foundation’s Scholarship Program in Canada

Host/Eligible Nationality

The scholarship is hosted and done in Canada. Opportunities for the scholarship will be given to citizens of sub-Saharan African countries (including Cape Verde).

Level/field of study

Opportunity for scholarship is available for first-year graduate programs. The program can be presented in any field in the university.

Scholarship Worth

Benefits include full scholarship, tuition, textbooks, accommodation, and living expenses; Financial, academic who will allow you to achieve those experiences and skills that you need to succeed.

Application Deadline

The deadline to apply is dated November, annually. However, interested applicants are advised to follow the link below to keep up with updates.

Application Link


These 15 scholarships have been listed for your reading pleasure.

Go through them carefully and apply to the ones that appeal more to you.

Remember to check their deadlines before applying.

International and African students are welcome to apply.

Best of luck!

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