African Business Education (ABE) Initiative For African students in Japan 2024

African Business Education Initiative for Youth. This program offers opportunities for young and eligible African men and women to study at Master’s courses in Japanese universities as international students and to experience internships at Japanese enterprises in order to develop effective skills and knowledge in various fields for contributing to the development of industries in Africa.

At the 5th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD V), it is recognized that there is a need for human resource development in both the private and public sectors of Africa in order to cultivate a strong human network between Japan and Africa.

What You Need To Know About The African Business Education (ABE) Initiative For African students in Japan 2022

The recommendation also mentioned the significance of increasing the number of African people visiting Japan, as well as increasing awareness among Africans regarding the efficiency of Japanese technologies and systems of enterprises. The ABE Initiative was launched based on this recommendation.


Following three (3) types of personnel are expected as Participants;

1Persons from the Private SectorYoung individuals who are or will be involved in economic activities in the local private sector maintaining and developing strong ties with Japanese companies.
2Governmental OfficialsYoung officials, such as civil servants, who take part in governance and policy-making in order to enhance industries to whose development Japanese companies can contribute.
3EducatorsYoung individuals who are responsible for educating in Higher Education and TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) institutions in Africa, in order to enhance capacity building in related industries.


The scholarship is to be taken in JAPAN.


The scholarship is open to all African students who are interested in studying in Japan.

The African Business Education (ABE) Initiative Eligibility 

The following are basic eligibility requirements written in General Information as guidance.
For making sure, please refer to the JICA office in your country for details.

1NationalityCitizens of one of the 54 African countries
2AgeBetween 22 and 39 years old (as of April 1st in the year of your arrival in Japan)
3DegreeA bachelor’s degree holder
4Job experienceApplicants from government sectors/ educators who have both of the following: At least 6 months of working experience at their current organization -Permission from their current organization to apply
5English abilityHave adequate English proficiency, both in written and oral communication (IELTS score of over 5.5 is preferred)
6Clear understanding
of the objective of
this Program
Clearly understand the objective of this program and have a strong will to contribute to the industrial development of their country while broadening and strengthening the linkage between their country and Japan
7No other scholarship programsNot currently applying or planning to apply to scholarship programs offered by other organizations
8Health conditionHave good health condition, both physically and mentally, to complete the program

Number of Participants & Durations

1st batcharrived in 2014156 participants
2nd batcharrived in 2015317 participants
3rd batcharrived in 2016348 participants
4th batcharrived in 2017250 participants

It is expected that the duration of stay in Japan will be a maximum of 3 years.

How To Apply For The African Business Education (ABE) Initiative:

The scholarship application is an online application follow the link below to apply.



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