15 Ongoing Scholarships for Equatorial Guinea Students 

Are you looking for Scholarships to Study in Australia? A lot of students have benefited from varieties of Australian scholarships. There are 15 Ongoing Scholarships for Equatorial Guinea Students 2024.

Read through to know the eligibility criteria.

Australia offers a diverse range of courses for international students studying in Australia and Australians too. If you’re going to be receiving Australian grades, it’s worth looking into what they mean!

There is an impressive number of study options for overseas students with over 1,200 institutions and 22,000 courses in Australia to choose from.

Also, most international students make Australia their choice to study because of their cultural diversity, friendly natives, & high quality of education.

We have drawn up a list of Scholarships for Equatorial Guinea Students to Study in Australia offered by Colleges and Universities including scholarships the ones offered by governments and institutions. Carefully read through and apply.

Ongoing Scholarships In Australia for Equatorial Guinea Students

Below is a list of Scholarships to Study In Australia

  • IOE Centenary Masters Scholarships
  • UWE Millennium Scholarship for International Students
  • The Denys Holland Scholarship at University College London
  • The University of Gothenburg International Scholarships
  • Government of Flanders Master Mind Scholarships for International Students
  • University of Geneva Excellence Masters Fellowships
  • Swedish Institute Scholarships for Global Professionals
  • Amsterdam Excellence Scholarships
  • Ampère Excellence Scholarships for International Students
  • Edinburgh Global Research Scholarships

IOE Centenary Masters Scholarships

This scholarship is for students who plan to work either in their home country or another, to improve the circumstances of disadvantaged, excluded or underachieving citizens.


It is open for a Masters degree in the field of courses offered. Full-time Taught Master’s Degree programmes offered at UCL Institute of Education. Please note that online courses are not eligible for these scholarships.

Scholarship Worth

Scholarships cover full tuition fees and 1-year accommodation at the International Students House. They don’t cover subsistence in London, travel, or any other added extra costs.

Scholarship Application Deadline

5 April 2020 (annual)

Visit the official scholarship website.

UWE Millennium Scholarship for International Students

The Millennium Scholarship is offered by The University of the West of England, Bristol. It is for international students who want to undertake an internship working within the International Office or other departments.


Any Postgraduate Programme offered at the University except MBA, BPTC, LPC, GDL, MSc Robotics, PhD‘s and continuing professional development courses.

Scholarship Worth

Participants will get 50% of the tuition fees for one academic year.

Scholarship Application Deadline

The deadline is 28 April 2020 (annual)

Visit the official scholarship website.

The Denys Holland Scholarship at University College London

The goal of this scholarship is to support undergraduate students from any country to help in funding their studies.


This is open for the Bachelor’s Degree Programme in any subject offered at the University.

Scholarship Worth

It is worth £9,000 per year for three years.

Scholarship Application Deadline

The deadline is 5 July 2024(annual)

Visit the official scholarship website

The University of Gothenburg International Scholarships

Currently, there are a large number of scholarships in Australia that you can apply for at the University of Gothenburg.

They offer fee-paying students the opportunity to receive a scholarship to pursue a Master’s degree programme, with entry autumn semester.


You can choose any Masters Programme offered at the University

Scholarship Worth

Scholarship covers:

  • Tuition fees for the programme
  • 27 000 SEK per study semester
  • The FAS
  • Insurance for fee-paying students

Scholarship Application Deadline

Deadline is 4 Feb 2024 while course starts August (annual).

Visit the official scholarship website

Government of Flanders Master Mind Scholarships for International Students

This goal of this scholarship is to promote the internationalization of the Flemish Higher Education. And they award 30-40 scholarships to outstanding Master students from all countries.


You can apply for the eligible/approved Masters Degree Programmes offered at participating Flemish Institutions

Scholarship Worth

New students are awarded a scholarship of maximum €8,000 per academic year while the Flemish Host Institution can ask the applicant for a tuition fee of maximum €11o.8 per year.

Scholarship Application Deadline

Deadline is 30 April 2024 (annual)

Visit the official scholarship website

University of Geneva Excellence Masters Fellowships

The Faculty of Science of the University of Geneva is an internationally recognized leading research institution.

They are in collaboration with several sponsors who have established an Excellence Fellowship Program to support outstanding and highly motivated candidates to pursue a Master of Science in any of the disciplines covered by the Faculty.


Master of Science degree in one of the disciplines offered by the Faculty of Sciences. You can apply for it today and get access.

Scholarship Worth

The scholarship value is CHF 10,000 to CHF 15,000 per year.

Scholarship Application Deadline

Deadline is 15 March 2024 (annual)

Visit the official scholarship website

Swedish Institute Scholarships for Global Professionals

If you have an ambition, a leadership experience and a strong professional background you could study for a master’s degree in Sweden on a fully-funded Swedish Institute scholarship.

This is a new scholarship programme which replaces Swedish Institute Study Scholarships (SISS). They offer scholarships to a large number of master’s programmes starting in the autumn semester 2020.


Click here to check eligible Master’s programmes to apply.

Scholarship Worth

Getting this scholarship covers your tuition fees, living expenses of SEK 10,000/month, insurance, & a one-time travel grant of SEK 15,000 (only for scholarship holders living outside Sweden).

There are no additional grants for family members. Apply wisely as you do.

Scholarship Application Deadline

Deadline is 15 Jan/14 Feb 2020 (annual)

Visit the official scholarship website

Amsterdam Excellence Scholarships

This scholarship is awarded to exceptionally talented students from outside Europe to pursue eligible Master’s Programmes offered at the University of Amsterdam.


Eligible English-Taught Masters Programme is offered in the following faculties:

  • Child Development and Education
  • Communication
  • Economics and Business
  • Humanities
  • Law
  • Psychology
  • Science
  • Social Sciences

Scholarship Worth

The scholarship is worth €25,000 which covers tuition and living expenses for one academic year with the possibility of extension for a second year for two-year Master’s programmes.

Scholarship Application Deadline

The deadline is 15 Jan/1 Feb 2024 (annual)

Visit the official scholarship website

Ampère Excellence Scholarships for International Students

This scholarship provides excellent international students with the opportunity to pursue one of the eligible Master’s programs offered at ENS de Lyon.


You can apply for all Masters Degree Programmes in Exact Sciences, the Arts or the Human and Social Sciences offered at ENS de Lyon (except FEADép Master’s programs)

Scholarship Worth

The value of this scholarship is 1000€ per month for a 1-2 year

Scholarship Application Deadline

Deadline is 10 Jan 2024 (annual)

Visit the official scholarship website

Edinburgh Global Research Scholarships

They offer scholarships for Ph.D. Research Programme in any field of study offered by the University for that academic session.

They are given to attract high quality overseas research students to the University of Edinburgh


They offer PhD Programme in any field of study offered at the University

Scholarship Worth

Each of the scholarships given covers the difference between the tuition fee for a UK/EU graduate student and that chargeable to an overseas graduate student.

Scholarship Application Deadline

Deadline is 1 February 2024 (annual)

Visit the official scholarship website


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