TRU Scholarships [APPLY NOW]

Thompson Rivers University, through the work of its Foundation, volunteers, and humble donations from generous individuals, businesses, and community organizations, is able to offer hundreds of awards and scholarships worth over a million dollars each year to TRU students.

TRU offers a comprehensive range of programs to assist students in financing their educational and living costs and to also recognize academic excellence. Financial support can be a combination of bursaries, scholarships, awards, work-study, loans, and grants.

Some of these programs are administered directly through Student Awards & Financial Support, and others in collaboration with the appropriate government office.

Some funding requires an application, some is provided upon the recommendation of faculty, and some scholarships are automatically awarded based on performance.

Interested applicants are to review the application requirements to better prepare their application and determine their eligibility.

Thompson Rivers University TRU Scholarships

Here is a list of TRU Scholarships available to students at the Thompson Rivers University:

  • Undergraduate Entrance Scholarships
  • TRU Regional Entrance Awards
  • TRU Potential Entrance Awards
  • The TRU Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship
  • BC Graduate Scholarships
  • Dr. Sherman Jen Graduate Entrance Award
  • TRU Ambassador’s Entrance Scholarship
  • TRU Leadership Entrance Scholarship
  • The TRU President’s Entrance Scholarship
  • TRU Community Engagement Entrance Scholarship
  • TRU Relocation Entrance Scholarship

1. Undergraduate Entrance Scholarships

Undergraduate entrance scholarships are available to Canadian citizens and permanent residents who have not previously attended a college or university other than having completed up to 12 transferable university credits on a part-time basis.

Applicants must be enrolling in a TRU degree program or a two-year program. The minimum academic requirement is an 80% average in four Grade 12 academic subjects including English 12 (Grade 11 academic subjects may also be used).

Application for the primary Undergraduate Entrance Scholarships is made on the same general application form, all with a March 1 deadline.

Read: Washington CPA Foundation Scholarship 2024

2. TRU Regional Entrance Awards

These awards are available to students graduating from secondary schools within the TRU region outside of the City of Kamloops. 

Awards are given based on student involvement and service within their secondary school and/or their community and require a 70% overall average in Grade 12.

The student must be admitted to a degree, diploma, or 8-month ladder-able certificate.  Preference will be given to applicants who are the first person in their immediate family to attend post-secondary education (first-generation students).

Awards will seek to achieve diversity in geographic areas and by TRU faculty & school.

  • Awards of $3,000
  • 20 awards available
  • Deadline: April 1

3. TRU Potential Entrance Awards

These awards are available to students entering any TRU undergraduate program who demonstrate exceptional potential. Applicants will describe the vision of their future at TRU and how they wish to realize it.

Applicants must elaborate on their past experiences and accomplishments which are indicative of their ability to unleash their untapped potential through a TRU education.

Potential Entrance Award

  • 5 Awards of up to $4,000
  • Five awards available
  • Deadline: April 1

Read: Maxis What’s Next Postgraduate Scholarship 2024

4. TRU Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship

These scholarships are available to students transferring from another college or university to complete a TRU campus-based baccalaureate degree.

This award is based upon academic standing, and students must have been attending post-secondary in the previous year. After March 1, this application will continue to be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until July 31.

  • Awards of $2,000 each
  • Up to 10 awards
  • Priority Deadline: April 1
  • Final Deadline: July 31

5. BC Graduate Scholarships

Four awards valued at $15,000 each to the best and brightest graduate students who are leaders in their fields. Eligible graduate programs: Research intensive, Professional, Emphasis but not exclusive focus on disciplines related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Available to a student who is: Canadian or permanent resident, entering their first or second year of full-time on-campus graduate studies program (with an emphasis on the first year), academic excellence. Preference is given to Indigenous applicants.

Deadline: Dec 1

6. Dr. Sherman Jen Graduate Entrance Award

The Dr. Sherman Jen Graduate Entrance Awards are available to students entering their first year of a full-time on-campus graduate studies program.

The awards will be given based on outstanding academic achievement in coursework and research and will take into account leadership activities.

8 awards valued at $6000 each are available to students entering TRU’s Science and Education Graduate Programs (Master of Science in Environmental Science, Master of Education).

Deadline: April 1

7. TRU Ambassador’s Entrance Scholarship

Minimum of 5 Awards of approximately $22,000 (full standard undergraduate tuition & fees, renewable over four years)

Students offered this scholarship may also accept the responsibility of student leadership activities during the academic year.

Deadline: March 1

Also Read: Brighton University Forward Bound Scholarships 2024/2024

8. TRU Leadership Entrance Scholarship

The Leadership Entrance Scholarship recognizes documented leadership and community service combined with solid academic performance based on secondary school averages in the core subjects.

  • Minimum of 10 Awards of $5,000 each
  • Deadline: March 1

9. TRU President’s Entrance Scholarship

The TRU President’s Entrance Scholarship recognizes student academic excellence based on admission averages in the top four Grade 12 academic courses, including the English Language (the equivalent Grade 11 academic subject will be used in each case where a Grade 12 course is in progress).

  • Minimum of 15 Awards of $5,000 each
  • Deadline: March 1

10. TRU Community Engagement Entrance Scholarship

The Community Engagement Entrance Scholarship recognizes documented community service combined with strong academic performance based on secondary school averages in the core subjects.

  • Minimum of 15 Awards of $2,000 each
  • Deadline: March 1

11. TRU Relocation Entrance Scholarship

These scholarships will be awarded to entrance scholarship recipients who live a significant distance from Kamloops and must relocate in order to attend TRU. Consideration is automatic and no separate application is required.

  • 14 Awards of $500 each
  • Deadline: March 1

Similar Scholarships Include;

Alvin & Lydia Grunert Entrance Scholarship

The recipient must meet all of the requirements for TRU undergraduate entrance scholarships.

One Award of $30,000 (renewable over four years)

Deadline: March 1

How To Apply

  • Prepare a personal statement introducing yourself and your educational goals (only one letter is submitted for all awards for which you are applying). There is no minimum length, but statements for Ambassadors applications should be about two pages, while a Community Engagement application statement may be shorter, ensure it includes a comprehensive description of your extra-curricular activities and involvements:
  • Your letter and references must outline your leadership and service record, including areas such as student government, volunteer positions, community and religious organizations, sports and athletics, music and art, clubs, travel, etc.
  • Essential activities which have developed your character, leadership abilities, goal orientation, and passion for learning are relevant, and ensure to describe the nature and duration of each involvement.

Applicants don’t need to explain or define ongoing programs like LINK, Me to We, and Leadership class other than noting their level of involvement.

Applicants should SIGN THE APPLICATION FORM once they’ve completed the fillable PDF. Email the application and your essay and references to (the paper original is not required).

You may also drop applications off in person.  If you use Canada Post, your application must reach us by the deadline. To apply, visit

Application Deadline

The deadline for the TRU Scholarships is as follows;

  • Undergraduate Entrance Scholarships – deadline March 1, annually
  • TRU Potential Entrance Award – deadline April 1, annually
  • TRU Undergraduate Regional Entrance Awards – deadline April 1, annually
  • TRU Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship – priority April 1, deadline July 31, annually
  • Dr. Sherman Jen Graduate Entrance Award – deadline April 1, annually
  • BC Graduate Scholarships – deadline Dec 1, annually

For more information

For more information on the TRU Scholarships, applicants can send a mail to Thompson Rivers University at;

805 TRU Way, Kamloops, BC V2C 0C8

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get a scholarship?

There are a few different ways to get scholarships. You can search for them online, ask your school counselor, or look for private organizations that offer them. You can also try to get a scholarship through your parents’ employer or by writing an essay.

How do I apply for a TRU Scholarship?

There are a few different scholarships offered by TRU, and the application process will vary depending on which one you’re applying for. For most scholarships, you’ll need to fill out an online application form. Some scholarships may also require additional materials, like essays or transcripts. You can find more information about each scholarship and the application process on TRU’s website.

How many scholarships are available?

The number of scholarships available varies depending on the organization or institution offering the scholarship. Some scholarships are offered on a yearly basis, while others are offered as one-time awards. There are also some scholarships that are renewable for multiple years.

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