Cayman Island Government Overseas Scholarships, 

Cayman Island  Scholarships program offers students the opportunity to receive a first-rate education and gain professional experience in the process. You will be able to work with some of the world’s best professionals who will inspire the best from you.

About the Sponsor: The Ministry of Education, Employment & Gender Affairs

The Ministry of Education, Employment & Gender Affairs. From schools, colleges, and training programs to job placement, labor administration, and pension inspections, we are a ministry focused on enabling our people to realize their hopes and dreams of becoming productive and valued members of Caymanian society.

This process is dependent on the ministry carrying out its core functions of developing and utilizing our human capital.

A central objective of our Ministry is to enable our people to acquire the capacities to be successful in the global economy.

Cayman Island Government Overseas Scholarships, 2022

The Ministry of Education, Employment & Gender Affairs is awarding overseas scholarships for young Caymanians to pursue Associate/Bachelor degree programs or postgraduate degree programs. Scholarships are also available to pursue online studies with an overseas institution only at the postgraduate degree level or higher. (i.e. Masters level or higher).

The Ministry of Education, Employment & Gender Affairs is committed to providing students with every possible opportunity to fulfill their educational and career goals. The Ministry is therefore pleased to provide young Caymanians with scholarship opportunities.

The Ministry is so happy to supply younger Caymanians with educational chances. A fundamental objective of the Ministry will be to allow individuals to obtain the abilities to become prosperous in the international market.

Level/Field of study

Scholarships can be found to pursue Overseas undergraduate or postgraduate study.

Scholarships will also be accessible to pursue on the web studies using an international institution just at the postgraduate degree level or even higher. (i.e. Pros level or more ).

Host Nationality

Cayman Island Government Overseas Scholarships is been hosted by the Ministry of Education, Employment & Gender Affairs. The scholarship could be obtained at Abroad

Eligible Nationality

Students from Cayman Island can apply for all these scholarships that are overseas.

Scholarship Benefit

For international studies, scholarships have been offered up to a maximum of CI$ 20,000 yearly to pursue Associate/Bachelor level programmes that cover tuition, room & board, books, reunite insurance & airfare.

Undergraduate degree study for standard Bachelor programmes: You must possess a minimum of:

Who is Eligible for Cayman Island Scholarships

Applicants interested in applying for Cayman Island Scholarships program must meet the following criteria

  • At least 3 ‘A’ Levels with a minimum grade of ‘C’ in each A-Level
  • Or an Associates degree with minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
  • Or Advanced Placement minimum grade of 3 with three subjects
  • Or International Baccalaureate Diploma (3 Standard Level and 3 Higher Level Classes with no grade lower than a ‘4’, plus completion of TOK, CAS, EE)
  • Or 3 Higher Level (HL) International Baccalaureate certificates with a minimum total of 13 points and no grade lower than a ‘4’
  • Or 5 Standard Level (SL) International Baccalaureate certificates with no grade lower than a ‘4’.
    At the discretion of Education Council: You MAY qualify if you possess a minimum of 7 higher levels ‘O’ Level subject passes with ‘A’ &
    ‘B’ grades, including Maths and English or a cumulative high school GPA of 3.25 or higher including Maths and English with any of the following: a minimum combined SAT score of 1700 or a minimum ACT score of 30Postgraduate Degree study: You must possess a minimum of :
  • A Bachelor degree with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or an Upper Second Class Degree (2:1) or higher to pursue a Master’s Degree
  • Or a Master’s degree with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or an Upper Second Class Degree (2:1) or higher to pursue a PhD

How to Apply for Cayman Island Scholarships program

Application should be filled online. When applying applicants might need to produce a password and may also upload duplicates of their necessary documentation together with initial copies getting delivered via article.

For those who have placed on some university and also have not received your approval letter, you should still submit your application time providing a observe your approval is coming.

If you’re anticipating final grades out of the existing studies that come due following the application period closes 31 January 2019, you should still submit your application time with an email explaining whenever your final grades are expected.

Cayman Island Scholarships 2024 Application Deadline

Currently, Cayman Island Scholarship 2024 is not specified.

Scholarship Link

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