10 Best Child Volunteering Opportunities Abroad

Loving children can never be outsourced, and child volunteering opportunities abroad allow you to show unconditional love to children who need it.

Volunteering is one of the most essential and beneficial activities that we as humans can undertake. This opportunity to contribute our time and talents to children’s welfare will make a significant difference in their lives and the world generally.

When a child is going through a tough time, volunteering as a coach, instructor, mentor, or even a friend can give them the help and confidence they need. If you have children, getting them involved early and often will show them the value of volunteering.

In addition, volunteerism helps nonprofit organizations accomplish their mission and achieve their objectives.

In the meanwhile, this article will cover the best child volunteering opportunities abroad.

Interesting Facts about Volunteering

People who had volunteered in the previous year reported feeling healthier physically, emotionally, and socially, according to a 2018 survey of 1,504 people published in BMC Public Health.

Just 55% of nonprofits evaluate volunteer effect (All non-profit organisations should be!).

According to a report conducted by The Corporation for National and Community Service, one out of every four Americans volunteers, and two out of every three Americans assists a neighbour.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, people between the ages of 35 and 54 are the most likely to donate their time.

Independent Sector Reports that volunteers are worth $24.14 per hour on average.

According to The Corporation for National and Community Service, volunteers are almost twice as likely as non-volunteers to contribute to a charity.

San Jose, California is ranked first in the nation for hiring millennial volunteers.

Volunteering is worth more than $184 billion dollars.

Those who volunteer on a regular basis have a 27 percent greater chance of finding work.

If you’re ready to volunteer with children or are considering a career working with children, the following guide will help you get started.

What is the Goal of Child Volunteering?

There are great incentives for the volunteer, student, and school, just as there are for any form of volunteering. Volunteers may add valuable experience to their resumes besides intangible incentives. Volunteers who travel to assist may be exposed to a new culture and language.

Volunteering in schools will serve as an alternative teaching guide for students and help fill the void left by local teachers. For both students and volunteers, cultural and language exchange during teaching and other school events may be the most important learning experience.

Why Child Volunteering? Benefits of Child Volunteering.

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Whoever you are and however you choose to volunteer, you’ll be part of a supportive community coming together to transform children’s lives if you chose to volunteer for children causes 

When it comes to physical health, the benefits of child volunteering are many.

Here are just a few:

Physical exercise is a natural part of many volunteer opportunities. Consider planting trees, raising funds by walking or running, or coaching a kids’ soccer team.

According to a Carnegie Mellon University report, reducing stress, which is an advantage of volunteering, can also lower your blood pressure.

According to research, losing weight can be a positive side effect of volunteering, especially for young people.

Reversing a sedentary lifestyle is often beneficial to one’s wellbeing. Visiting a child welfare center or packing food at a food bank forces you to get off the sofa.

Many volunteers invite anyone close to them to join them in their efforts. This will help others in their circle reap the health benefits of volunteering while also deepening a friendship.

Read: 17 Best Volunteering Opportunities In New York In 2024

Mental Health Advantages of Volunteering

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller

When people are feeling down or lonely, volunteering might not be the first thing that comes to mind. However, studies suggest that volunteering can have a significant impact on a person’s mental health. Here are a couple of examples:

Volunteering with others can help to ease feelings of isolation, sadness, and anger. According to the Harvard Health website, the volunteer both relies on others and enhances their social network.

Volunteering on a scheduled basis gives structure when life is without motivation. According to this volunteer, it gave her a clear reason to “get up off the couch”.

Volunteering outside has its own set of benefits, according to the Nature Conservancy of Canada. Time spent in nature can reduce stress and anxiety and improves mood, studies show.

Volunteering in any area gives people a sense of self-worth and achievement, indicate major studies like this one from the U.K.

How can I Find Opportunities to Volunteer with Children?

There are hundreds of thousands of nonprofit organisations dedicated to childhood development around the world. Here are some pointers to help you start looking for the right volunteer opportunity for you:

Look for organisations in your fields of interest online to see if they have a volunteer page on their website. Check out the organization’s FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page and follow up with any additional questions. Ask as many questions as you like of a nonprofit before you volunteer with them!

Visit websites like VolunteerMatch or Idealist and see if posted volunteer opportunities might be right for you.

Contact your local community centers, nonprofit organizations, senior centers, or libraries to find out if they are in need of volunteers. They usually are!


Keep in mind that, because of the pandemic and the restrictions placed in place to help stop the virus’s spread, some volunteering opportunities might be unavailable, and travel abroad may be restricted. Check with the organization that you want to volunteer with to see what opportunities are currently available.

10 Best Opportunities to Volunteer with Children in 2024

#1. Help at a children’s centre with Action for Children

Program description

Action for Children helps 370,000 babies, children and families across the UK.

The charity’s aim is to give children and young people the practical and emotional support they need to help them succeed.

The charity works with disabled children and their families, young carers, teenage mothers, and those in the care system.

Volunteer activities

There are a number of ways that volunteers can get involved; one of the easiest ways is to assist staff at one of the charity’s children’s centres across the UK.

As a children’s centre volunteer, you could take part in stay-and-play sessions, assist with the child and family health services on offer, participate in programmes of speech and language support or help to maintain and develop the centre’s social media presence.

Who can volunteer?

Volunteering is open to everyone, from all backgrounds.

There’s no upper age limit, though you’ll need to be at least 14 to apply (16 or 18 for some roles).

Action for children is especially keen to hear from people with disabilities, or who identify as Black, Asian, or another minority ethnic group (BAME).

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#2. Answer Childline phones with the NSPCC

Program description

For years Childline has been helping children and young people in the UK, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, but they currently only have the capacity to answer three out of every four calls from children in need. This is where volunteers can help.

Volunteer activities

Giving just four hours of your time per week could ensure that every child receives the listening ear they deserve.

As a volunteer counsellor you’ll be trained to offer comfort, support and practical advice to young callers.

You can also help out as an email counsellor or switchboard volunteer.

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#3. Become a youth activities volunteer with Whizz Kidz

Program description

Whizz Kidz provides disabled children and young people with the mobility equipment they need and supports them in learning essential life skills.

Volunteer activities

Youth activities volunteer positions are available across the UK and typically require you to give up one day each month.

You’ll support wheelchair users aged 8 to 25 in a range of activities, across a variety of services including wheelchair skills training, ambassador clubs, and Camp Whizz Kidz.

As a volunteer, you must ensure all young people are engaged and safe and deliver fun and empowering activities. You’ll need enthusiasm and confidence, as well as a flexible and creative approach to working with young people.

Other volunteering options include becoming a volunteer speaker or helping out in the Whizz-Kidz head office.

Currently, there are volunteering opportunities open in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen, Bangor, Wrexham and Conwy, Swindon, Gloucester, Exeter and Crawley, Cardiff, Newport and Swansea and Liverpool

Who can volunteer?

Everybody above 25 year of age

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#4. Befriend a child with Barnado’s

Program description

As one of the UK’s leading children’s charities Barnado’s helps to transform the lives of some of the country’s most vulnerable children. 

Volunteer activities

As a befriender, you’ll dedicate three to five hours on a weekly or fortnightly basis to act as a companion to a child or young person and provide a listening ear.

You could ensure that your new friend enjoys some much-needed leisure time by taking them to the park, cinema, bowling, or a museum, or you could provide more practical support by helping with homework or transporting the young person to group activities.

Befriending services usually take place on the evenings or at weekends.

Who can volunteer?

People from all nationalities and backgrounds are welcome.  Volunteers may include job-seekers, retired workers, asylum seekers, full-time workers, students and schoolchildren.

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Asides working as a child volunteer, try this out also: Top 10 Volunteer Opportunities For Senior Citizens In 2024

#5. Teach a child to read with Beanstalk

Program description

Providing one-on-one literacy support to children who struggle with their reading, Beanstalk has volunteers across England and you could be one of them.

Volunteer activities

As a Beanstalk reading helper, you’ll work with children in a nursery or school setting, supporting those between 3 and 13 years of age.

You will help to build a child’s confidence and self-esteem through fun, literacy-based activities. You’ll nurture their reading ability, practice reading skills, and help children discover the magic of books and reading.

This is one of my best child volunteering services because it encourages the art of reading.

Who can volunteer?

Anybody can volunteer for this role. However, if you would like to give children a better chance to get on and stay on the path to becoming confident and independent readers, this can be the best shot.

You do not need any professional qualifications or experience of working with children, or in-depth knowledge of children’s literature… although it’s fine if you do!

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#6. Support early childhood development in Sri Lanka

Program description and volunteer activities

Working in Sir Lanka with Projects Abroad, you’ll work in kindergartens, daycare, and community centers and help staff with their day-to-day duties.

You’ll arrange and carry out fun activities to promote early childhood development, provide specialized care to children with special needs and create educational resources. 

Based in the Sir Lankan town of Colombo you’ll live with a host family.

Who can volunteer?

If you would like to volunteer with children further afield and combine your passion for working with young people with your love of traveling there’s an array of opportunities available.

  • Aged 16+, wanting flexible dates, independence, and a volunteer project or internship tailored exactly to your needs
  • Aged 18+, wanting to join a small group of like-minded travellers to explore, engage and make a difference together
  • Students aged 15-18, wanting fun, structured, fully-supervised work experience with other teenagers during your holidays
  • Students aged 12-15, wanting an introduction to experiential learning and cultural exchange, with 24/7 supervision
  • Aged 50+, wanting to join a small group of like-minded travellers to give something back and learn about new cultures
  • Students looking for a unique Gap Year Program before university
  • Aged 16+, wanting to learn and practice a new language by immersing yourself deeply in a community and new culture
  • Families, wanting to grow and learn together by doing something different and volunteering abroad
  • Adventurers and explorers, wanting to combine different countries and different volunteering projects around the world
  • Schools, university and corporate groups of five or more people, wanting a tailor-made and unforgettable volunteering trip abroad
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#7. Care for disadvantaged children in India

Program description

India struggles to care for the increasing number of children born into poverty; because of this the country is home to thousands of vulnerable young people.

As a Kaya volunteer, you’ll work to develop the cognitive, academic, emotional and social skills of children by assisting local educators with their day-to-day activities.

Volunteer activities

Working in schools, day-care centres or schools for children with learning disabilities you’ll teach basic English and maths skills, lead songs and rhymes, play games, undertake outdoor activities and monitor child development.

You’ll complete weekly progress reports for each child and attend volunteer meetings. You’ll be based in Jaipur, known as the Pink City.

Who can volunteer?

Child Development Volunteering in India placement is open to all volunteers.

As you will be working with children, volunteers are expected to be outgoing, enthusiastic and have a genuine interest in children. Bring ideas and a willingness to work with local staff to help to make educational activities fun, diverse and exciting.

Lastly, this child volunteering opportunity requires you submit a CV/resume before being accepted onto this project.

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#8. Work on community projects in Ghana

Program description

Based two and a half hours from the capital city of Accra, Pod Volunteer gives you the opportunity to get stuck into community projects that directly benefit children in Ghana.

Volunteer activities

As a volunteer, you’ll be involved in building a brighter future for some of the poorest communities.

Living and working with locals, you’ll get stuck in a number of projects including delivering solar lamps to children in remote communities, giving children in isolated communities access to bicycles so they can get to school, helping after school clubs, promoting hygiene initiatives in schools to prevent illness and coaching sports such as football and volleyball.

You’ll usually work five days a week and enjoy two days off. In your spare time you can experience Ghanaian life and culture and visit local sights including waterfalls, national parks and vibrant markets.

Who can volunteer?

  • Gap years and students
  • People doing their Duke of Edinburgh Award
  • People taking a working holiday
  • Individuals taking a career break
  • Families
  • Under 18 year olds
  • Over 50s and retirees
  • LGBTQ+ community
  • Groups – School, University, Charity Challenges, Bespoke
  • Corporate – individual employees or corporate teams / groups
  • Cadet teams – Army Cadets, Air Cadets, Sea Cadets and Royal Marine Cadets
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#9. Teach English in Thailand

Program description

Located in Krabi you’ll teach English with Projects Abroad in local primary and secondary schools to help children develop their language skills, which will hopefully lead to better future education and work opportunities.

Volunteer activities

You’ll work Monday to Friday teaching English classes. Also, you’ll help out with other subjects and extracurricular activities where necessary.

This child volunteering opportunity warrants you to attend teaching workshops and run basic English lessons during the school holidays.

While on the project you’ll also be able to take advantage of all that Thailand has to offer. You’ll be able to visit islands, beaches, caves, parks, and temples.

Who can volunteer?

  • Aged 16+, wanting flexible dates, independence, and a volunteer project or internship tailored exactly to your needs
  • Aged 18+, wanting to join a small group of like-minded travelers to explore, engage and make a difference together
  • Students aged 15-18, wanting fun, structured, fully-supervised work experience with other teenagers during their holidays
  • Students aged 12-15, wanting an introduction to experiential learning and cultural exchange, with 24/7 supervision
  • Aged 50+, wanting to join a small group of like-minded travelers to give something back and learn about new cultures
  • Students looking for a unique Gap Year Program before university
  • Aged 16+, wanting to learn and practise a new language by immersing yourself deeply in a community and new culture
  • Families, wanting to grow and learn together by doing something different and volunteering abroad
  • Adventurers and explorers, wanting to combine different countries and different volunteering projects around the world
  • Schools, university and corporate groups of five or more people, wanting a tailor-made and unforgettable volunteering trip abroad
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#10. Provide after-school care in Italy

Program description

In disadvantaged areas of Naples, children often spend their free time on the streets due to a lack of safe after-school leisure activities.

As an after-school care volunteer for International Volunteer HQ, you’ll organize after-school workshops and educational activities, which incorporate art, cooking, games, and music.

Volunteer activities

The project runs in the afternoons so your mornings are free to plan activities or to take advantage of the Italian language lessons provided.

Volunteers also enjoy weekends off duties so you’ll have plenty of time to explore this culturally rich country. You’ll be free to visit historical sites, drink espresso and sample the world-famous cuisine. What’s more, Rome, home to the Colosseum, Vatican, and Sistine Chapel, is just an hour’s train ride away.

Who can volunteer?

Volunteers need to be 18 years or above to participate in this program unless volunteering with a parent or guardian. If you are under the age of 18, IVHQ offers alternative volunteer opportunities for teens.

All volunteers are required to have adequate volunteer travel insurance and provide a criminal background check to IVHQ’s local team on arrival in Italy.

Additional requirements apply for Environmental volunteers as outlined in the project descriptions. Fluency in Italian is not a prerequisite for the IVHQ Italy volunteer program.

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Read: Volunteering Opportunities in Denver


Investing in youth is one of the most effective ways to ensure a better future. Anyone with financial resources may donate to a school, a classroom, or a non-profit organization whenever and wherever possible.

However, investing time and money in children’s lives can be the most successful way to make a difference in their lives.

Become a child/kid volunteer today and learn about volunteering opportunities open to you. Kids also volunteer with their parents.


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