Funny Campus College Traditions

The Funny part of college is that Social Life is well structured and well planned. Most students are encouraged with the College Traditions to burn stress and to ease their minds off school activities and schedules.

It has been proven that most students get to bring out their best when they have expressed themselves socially with other students.

We enlisted below Funny & Wierd College Traditions students observe in various campuses o the world. You can notice that most of these Traditions have lasted over the years because of reasons of uniqueness, pageantry, and/or entertainment value.

For example, traditions on this list include tossing pianos off buildings, participating in thousand-person snowball wars, and throwing water balloons at the school president.

Why are college traditions important?

Campus traditions allow school communities to showcase who they are. They remind what the schools stand for, and why they do what they do. Not only do they provide students with exciting events to look forward to, but they also help maintain collective identity.

Which schools offer funny campus college traditions for 2023?

In the following lines, we are going to look at some of the trending funny campus college traditions for students this 2024. Keep Reading.

#1. Clark University: Spree Day

Spree Day is a random day of spring semester entertainment, chosen by university administrators. All academic works are halted and students can celebrate with fun activities on the green.

It is also traditional that the College Senior awake freshers by patrolling the dormitories by patting curiously on pots and pans.

Although technically a secret day, rumor has it that it usually takes place on the second Tuesday of April. The festivities include groups, entertainment, fun dinghies and more. Imagine the day on the field that you had as a child, except for the students.

 #2. Cornell University: Dragon Day

Spring Break’s annual kick-off will take place on Dragon Day in mid-March. The College tradition, which dates back more than a century, includes a hang gliding parade all over the campus with a giant kite created by architecture students the first year.

Students wear odd costumes and take the kite to the Quad Arts, where their engineering students are waiting for them with a giant phoenix ready to tackle the kite.

#3. Columbia University: Orgo Night

What is basically final sabotage in pre-organic chemistry, takes place twice a year. Finally, to annoy students in organic chemistry, the Colombian brass band burst into the library and scrolls on campus in unbearable volumes (after all, it’s a brass band).

Rumor has it that it started as an attempt to lower the test curve of organic chemistry, but the only thing to know for sure is that Orgo Night is likely to annoy the students who are actually trying to finish. learn.

#4. Carleton College: Silent Dance Party

The Carleton silent dance party takes place one or two days before the final, around eleven o’clock at night. A new collegiate tradition: all participants in the silent dance party download the same one-hour dance music playlist created by the party organizer.

They gather on the first floor of the library, wear headphones and press the play button on their devices at a fixed time.

The dance party continues to listen to the reading list and students silently dance from the library at various campus locations.

#5. Emory University: Dooley’s Week

Dooley is Emory’s unofficial mascot and is a less scary skeleton dressed in black. Students on campus can recite their motto and even learn everything about Dooley’s story.

During Dooley’s week, students are designated as his official bodyguards and accompany him in black – the student who disguises himself as Dooley every year is anonymous. In fact, it’s pretty cool, because when he enters a class, students are released! Dooley’s weekends with a solemn ball during which students dress in costumes.

#6. Georgetown University: Healy Howl

The author of “The Exorcist” is not only a Georgetown alumnus but part of the film was shot on campus.

Each year on Halloween, students gather at dusk to watch the film and then go to a cemetery near Healy Hall at midnight to make their best roar on the moon.

Legend has it that the students shouted loud enough in the past to wake the dead!

#7. MIT: Pumpkin Drops

Crowds gather every Saturday, every Saturday, to watch hundreds of frozen pumpkins being screened from the green building located on the MIT campus. Frozen pumpkins look more like an explosion if you ask.

MIT students seem to like throwing things into buildings. In addition to the pumpkin drop, there is also a drop in the annual piano and a drop of sodium.

They also organize spontaneous classes every year such as Riot, Time Traveler Convention, and Bad Ideas Festival. None of these events are relevant to pumpkin drop, but it is absolutely fantastic.

#8. Murray State University: Shoe Trees

The origin of this College tradition is unknown, but at Murray State, college-goers used to return to campus and nail inappropriate shoes on shoe trees – a shoe of each partner.

Similar to a love lock, shoes are often labeled with names, birth dates, and other memories.

Sometimes couples even continue the College tradition of starting a family and coming back to nail their baby’s shoes on the tree!

#9. Occidental College: the birthday of the dunk

What does “Happy Birthday” mean, more than a huge commotion? Literally.

With Occidental, you can be sure that you will go to the “fountain” on your birthday, whether you like it or not. Officially, it is called commemorative fountain Lucille Gilman, but is generally called in “Oxy” only “The fountain”.

You do not know when it will happen either. This special surprise element is an added bonus. Some people say they do not like birthdays … do not you wonder why?

#10. University of Pennsylvania: toast toss

At the University of Pennsylvania, it is traditional for students to toast at home football games after the third quarter.

It became a tradition after alcohol was banned from the stadium in the 1970s. The fans were no longer able to “roast” (as usual) on hearing the line “Here is a toast for the dear old Penn “in the song” Drink a Highball “.

According to the university, a good season can be between 20,000 and 30,000 toasts per game. The university even has a special Zamboni that can carry the toast!

#12. Stanford University: Quad Full Moon

It began traditionally as a knighthood on campus for newcomers, where older gentlemen formed a line and kissed new novice ladies on the cheek and gave each a rose. It is called “the full moon of the quad”, as it occurs at midnight under the first full moon of the autumn quarter.

Modern times have changed the tradition so much that it is now a great feast of cuddles that goes out of traditional customs and values. Do you want to catch something rough? Pucker!

#13. Virginia Tech: A Caddy vs. a Civilian Snowball Battle

If you’re part of the Virginia Tech Drillfield during the first snowfall of the year, be sure to get away as soon as the fire alarm rings – unless you want to join the action, of course.

The snowballs fly and the crowd goes crazy – some people even have shields and snowball throwers – they’re serious!

Take a look at some of the 2015 fights between Vet Cadets and Civilian VT Cadet vs. Civilian.

#14. Yale University: Good luck walking

It started as a rumor … no? No one seems to know for sure how it started, but rumor has it that rubbing one’s foot on a bronze statue of former Yale University president James Dwight Woolsey can bring good luck, especially for students who hope to be admitted to the university.

#15. University of Ohio:  Miracle lake jump

If you have never plunged into sub-zero waters, you can not imagine how invigorating it is. This does not prevent the 10,000 or so students from the US state of Ohio from making an annual leap.

On the eve of Buckeye’s annual confrontation with rival Wolverines of the University of Michigan, students show their support for the highly acclaimed football program by consuming a lot of courage and diving into cold, dark waters.

Although some reports say the unofficial tradition dates back to 1969, the modern 1990 ritual really took its place on the Lore campus.

At that time, a pioneering group of about 100 students presented the Riling School Spirit on campus.

The band of merry revelers interrupted the parade by diving into the popular Mirror Lake of the school.

#16. Spirit Splash at the University of Central Florida

The College Tradition began in 1995 at the University of Central Florida. The Festival is supposed to be a secret but is known to come up around the end of October.

For Spirit Splash, students at the University of Central Florida travel to Campus Reflecting Pond to celebrate the homecoming weekend.

The tradition began in 1995 when someone pushed the student president into the pond. Spirit Splash received the Best Campus Tradition Award from the National Association of Campus Activities.

#17. Pennsylvania State University: THON Weekend

The THON Weekend is the Pennsylvania State University tradition. It started in 1973 and is rumored to hold every February.

THON Weekend is a 46-hour, no-sitting, no-sleep dance marathon that takes place every February at Penn State.

The marathon has a good goal. Much of the revenue goes to the Four Diamond Fund to fight cancer in children. THON has raised more than $ 114 million since its inception in 1977 for this purpose.

 #18. Lawrence University: Great Midwest Trivia Contest

The Great Midwest Trivia Contest started in 1966. The Tradition at Lawrence University kick starts every Last Weekend in January.

The Great Midwest Trivia Contest at Lawrence University is an extraordinary challenge with 50 hours of quizzes from Friday to Sunday.

The competition is known as “the longest quiz competition in the world”, as each year a question from a previous year launches the new contest.

#19. North Carolina State University: The Krispy Kreme Challenge 

In 2004, The Krispy Kreme Challenge of the North Carolina State University Kickstarted. The Tradition is always held in the month of February as the exact date is always announced a few days before the challenge.

This tradition involves a lot of walking and many donuts. Runners travel 4 km to a Krispy Kreme store, eat a dozen donuts, and travel 4 km from the North Carolina State Campus.

The Krispy Kreme Challenge began as a challenge for some undergraduate students and has now become a major event with recipes for the North Carolina Children’s Hospital.

#20. University of Chicago: The Treasure hunt

The Treasure hunt Tradition at the University of Chicago originated in 1987. The program starts early in the month of may taking Mother’s day as the last day of the event.

The University of Chicago’s treasure hunt, which lasts four days in May, includes a list of items to discover, a blood donation, and a trip that can take participants up to 1,000 km from Chicago.

This event currently holds the Guinness World Record for the world’s largest treasure hunt.

#21. Virginia Tech: Civilians vs. Cadets clash

The Civilians vs. Cadets clash at Virginia Tech is done at the first big snowfall of the year. The Virginia Tech student body was formerly only the Reserve Officer Training Corps.

Each year, during the first major snowfall, students split into two teams – cadets and civilians – and begin a snowball fight in honor of the school’s history.

#22. Hope College: The Pull

The Attraction Tradition at the Hope College Started in 1898 and is observed every September yearly. The Pull is an annual tug of war competition at Hope College. Each team has 18 “shooters” and 18 “moralists” to raise morale.

The longest train lasted three hours and 51 minutes, the shortest only two minutes and 40 seconds. “Sports Illustrated” called the shoot the “mother of all tussle”.

#23. Reed College: Renn Fayre 

Since the creation of the Renn Fayre College Tradition in the 1960s, the program has been held in April ending or May beginning.

Renn Fayre is a crazy tradition that celebrates the end of the school year. This features music, food, art, a giant slide, and a skate ramp, as well as nude students in blue.

One of the highlights is the thesis parade, where seniors burn all their thesis notes around the campfire and then parade on campus.

#24. Le Moyne College: Dolphy Day

Dolphy Day is a big College Tradition at Le Moyne College. The Tradition is organized every spring since 1971.

Dolphy Day is a tradition at Le Moyne College that surprises students with a day off. The date of the surprise holiday remains secret until the last minute and the festivities start at 2 am with a firework display. During the rest of the day, students enjoy barbecuing and partying.

#25. Indiana University: Little 500

The College Tradition started in the year 1951. As part of the Indiana University Culture, the program is observed every April.

The Indiana University Little 500 is inspired by the Indy 500 and is the largest university cycling race in the country. Teams of four compete in a race. The men’s race lasts 200 laps, the 100 laps of the women. More than 25,000 people attend this event and the proceeds are used to obtain scholarships for students.

#26. Drake University: Drake Relays

Drake Relays at Drake University started in 1910. The College Tradition is Expected to hold every April Yearly. The famous Drake Relays have been a tradition for more than 100 years, attracting more than 40,000 viewers each year.

World-class athletes and university teams participate in the races, resulting in a very exciting event on campus.

#27. Dartmouth College: Dartmouth Winter Carnival

The Dartmouth College is known for the Dartmouth Winter Carnival which holds every February yearly. The College Tradition was started in 1910 by the students of Dartmouth College.

The Dartmouth Winter Carnival has over 100 years of tradition and features events such as ski competitions, an ice carving contest, a polar bear swim, and a dog sled race. One of the biggest celebrations of this event is the Alpha Chi Alpha Beach Party, a tradition since 1976.

#28. The Harvard Yale Football Game

The Harvard Yale Football Game is a prestigious Tradition at Harvard University since 1883. The Game is always held every November yearly

The Harvard Crimson and Yale Bulldogs football teams are major rivals and compete each year in November to delight the many enthusiastic students and alumni of The Game. The 2014 edition will take place on November 22 and will mark the 131st anniversary of the game.

#29. Carnegie Mellon University: Carnegie Mellon Carnegie Competition

Every April, the Carnegie Mellon Carnegie Competition has aimed at Uniting Students in the School since 1920.
Also known as a buggy, the draw is a competition between campus organizations, where each team builds torpedo-shaped vehicles and propels them into a relay race.

#30. Arizona State University: ASU BB Run

The ASU BB Run started in 2008 and hosted early May / last day of class Yearly.
For the ASU BB (bras and boxers) race, more than 15,000 students from the state of Arizona use bras and underwear on the Tempe campus to celebrate the end of the lesson.

Besides the race, there is a lot of music and entertainment. Once the students have given up their clothes, they can donate them to Goodwill Arizona.

#31. Carleton College: Red leaf

The Carleton College Read Leaf Tradition is an annual program that kicks start in the spring semester since 1967.

Rotblatt is an annual softball game in which students play around each year when Carleton College exists. Since the university is 148 years old, students have played 148 rounds this year. One of the rules for Rotblatt is that you always have to have a drink in your hand.

#32. Purdue University: Purdue Grand Prix 

Purdue Grand Prix is a prestigious Tradition at the University of Purdue. The Program is scheduled every April yearly since 1958.

The Purdue Grand Prix is ​​an exciting kart race at Purdue University. Each student can participate in the race. A race of alumni takes place every five years to allow former students to regain their glory. There is also a classic race where only pedal karts built before 1986 can compete. Before this event, there is a whole week of celebrations.

#33. Rice University: Beer Bike

Rice University Organizes a Beer Bike College Tradition every March yearly. The program started in 1957. At the Beer Bike relay race in Rice, there are three teams in each dormitory.

One person in each team drinks beer or water (depending on age) and, as soon as they are finished, a team rider can complete a number of laps on the track. The last game of the team begins on their last lap. After the race, there is a huge water balloon battle.


“There is no work with Fun”. These College Traditions have made students enjoy the social Life in Schools and Colleges especially in the United State. Some of these Traditions are already been copied and duplicated in some schools around the world.

Let’s say your school needs a Social life in history, any of these College Traditions can play that role. Read through and make that change in your School.

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