9 Best Calculators for SAT in 2024 [IMAGES]

If you’re preparing for SAT, know that the math section isn’t a child’s play and requires speed. It will be nice if you go to the exam venue with your calculator and prepared.

The math section of the SAT can be a piece of cake if you have the best calculator for the tasks. It will not only give you speed but aid you to achieve high results.

However, with a plethora of calculators approved for use on the SAT, finding and purchasing the best calculators that will meet and surpass your demands on the SAT math portion might be difficult.

Asides from giving you optimum results for the exam, these sets of calculators actually work for any college math you encounter. Either way, it’s a win-win situation.

How do I use a Calculator for SAT?

Just so you know, they do not give SAT candidates permission to loiter around the hall in search of a calculator or even engage in an exchange of calculators. So, obey your instincts if it tells you to pocket a calculator.

Make use of the calculator ahead of time. When learning equations for the SAT exam, use the same calculator so you’re comfortable with how it works. This way, you’ll be able to make full use of the calculator during the exam.

If your calculator uses rechargeable batteries, be sure they are fully charged before taking the SAT. If the device isn’t rechargeable, ensure sure the batteries are fresh. It’s important to keep in mind that you might not charge your calculator at the testing center.

Bring an extra calculator if possible in case of an emergency. Also, don’t forget to pack extra batteries.

When you can answer a question without the use of a calculator, don’t waste time checking everything with the calculator.

Instead, try the question without a calculator and then check the answer with the calculator if you have time in the end. Also, make sure there are no typos on the calculator’s entry line.

Which Calculators are Acceptable for SAT?

Basically, there are several calculators with their unique functions. So, in your quest to know the best calculators for SAT, intimate yourself with calculators acceptable for the exam.

That way, it tells you’re armed to the teeth. Below is a list of calculators acceptable for SAT.

  • Graphing calculators
  • Scientific calculators
  • Four function calculators. These lack many functions, so keeping them in use when answering technical inquiries will be practically useless.
  • Calculators that run on batteries and don’t have any kind of power cord

What does the ‘No calculation’ Section on the SAT Really Mean?

On the SAT, a calculator is not permitted in the ‘No Calculator’ section. If you are detected using your calculator, it will be taken away from you, and they will cancel your exam scores.

9 Best Calculators for SAT [IMAGES]

#1. Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus CE Graphics Calculator

So far, the TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator still is the king for the best calculators you can use for the SAT exam. Best part? It is highly recommended for both ACT and SAT.

It allows students to perform some statistical and algebraic functions. However, its advanced features will allow you to graph and work with limited functions.

Due to the sophisticated function keys it has, complex solutions are not far-fetched and while it serves candidates the purpose of conversion from decimal to fraction, it also saves time on the SAT.

But, you must note that you can’t get all the colors at the same rate. The price varies by color. Click the button below to see how much they sell it on Amazon.

#2. Casio Prizm FX-CG50 Graphing Calculator

If you’re looking a SAT recommended calculator on budget, this is it! It displays text and equations with textbook clarity on the color LCD panel.

Also, it allows students to generate graphs over real-world scenarios and then study the functions from the graph itself, rather than the traditional way of adding material to create graphs.

It might interest you to know that the Casio PRIZM FX-CG50 color graphing calculator was made bearing both teachers and students in mind.

The Casio PRIZM FX-CG50 has a sleek design that makes it easy to use with both hands. It may be conveniently carried in the front pocket because of its small weight and stylish design.

However, for the lack of rechargeable batteries, it is usually a good idea to have extra batteries on hand, depending on your usage pattern.

#3. TI-Nspire CX CAS Graphing Calculator

This sleek and trendy design, backed by the legendary Texas instruments is something you can get on a budget while still falling deeply in love with the sleek nature. It is, in fact, their tinniest model yet.

The TI-Nspire CX CAS has a complete recharging capability. That means it won’t go down in the middle of an exam, and you won’t have to deal with inconvenient battery changes. With just one charge.

However, one disadvantage of this calculator is that it cannot be utilized for the ACT, which isn’t a major issue for those who are solely focused on the SAT.

#4. Casio FX-9750GII Graphing Calculator

If you’ve been using Texas Instruments calculators for a while, you’ll notice a difference, but it won’t be enough to satisfy you. As one of the best calculators for SAT, it may answer most SAT questions with seven rows and 21 characters displayed at a time.

The language and key combinations are simple, and you can access them quickly through a mini-menu. It will take some time for non-Casio users to become used to the abbreviations.

Interestingly, four AAA batteries power it, and there is no option for a rechargeable battery.

#5. TI-89 Titanium Graphing Calculator

For you who is a SAT candidate, the TI-89 graphing calculator is one of the most reliable and well-known graphing calculators. It features all the functions you’ll need to solve the SAT’s math section, just like the other calculators in the list.

The bright side? It’s more long-lasting and simpler to use. It contains CAS functionality, which makes performing algebraic and statistical operations easy for the user.

This calculator has a lot of features that make it easy to use. Unlike other SAT-approved calculators, the TI-89’s advanced operations can be accomplished with a single click.

To accomplish complex functions, you will not need to learn precise combinations and processes. It has USB technology, so you can quickly connect it to your computer.

#6. TI-34 Multiview Scientific Calculator

Although the Scientific Calculator TI-34 MultiView is not as complex as some other calculators on this list of the best calculators for SAT, it is a significant improvement over the standard scientific calculator.

It contains a four-line display that allows you to enter many calculations at once. This calculator contains a MathPrint feature, which means the numbers and expressions are printed in the same way they are in textbooks.

It contains a small solar panel that automatically recharges the battery, which means you won’t have to replace it as frequently.

It has all the essential functions you’ll need to take the SAT for a significantly lesser price.

#7. Casio fx-115ES PLUS

In the list of best calculators for SAT, the fx-115ES is distinct because of its ease of use and large variety of functions and it does not have a graphing function.

Another outstanding feature of this SAT calculator is the Virtually Perfect Algebraic Method and just like the MathPrint, it allows you to view expressions and values as they appear in textbooks.

Also, it contains a table and simultaneous equations function, just like other SAT allowed calculators. It can also examine statistical data and has a multi-replay feature that allows you to move back and forth between steps in your solution.

The Casio fx-115ES PLUS is a trustworthy calculator for taking the SAT reasonably priced.

#8. Casio fx-9860GII

Casio fx-9860GII is another preferred calculator for the SAT test. This calculator includes everything you’ll need to answer problems on the SAT Math section. You can learn the fundamentals of a graphing calculator at a relatively minimal cost.

This calculator’s user interface is like the one you see on Casio scientific calculators. It’s simple to use, and the graph-drawing process moves rapidly.

An LCD panel with a backlighting option is also included. You can use the back light to improve visibility, especially in low-light situations.

If you wish to upgrade from the fx-115ES Plus, this model is a good option. You’ll have to pay a little more for this one, but having both calculators will be useful.

#9. TI-73 Explorer Graphing Calculator

The last calculator for SAT on our list is the TI-73 Explorer. It is one of the oldest calculators but has been dependable over time.

While it is not as advanced as its counterparts, you can find most of the features that modern graphic calculators have.

However, it doesn’t have as much RAM as other calculators but will get the job done. The TI-73 Explorer is on our list mostly because of its low pricing. You won’t have to break the bank with its price.


That’s pretty much there is to the best calculators for SAT. However, having any of the above calculators doesn’t guarantee a high score in your exams but mastering how to use will go a long way in helping you.




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