Top 15 Best College Snapchat Accounts |  Ranking

Snapchat has over 300 million monthly active users and 100 million daily active users. who participate in the sharing of 1 million photos and videos every day.

In this article, we’ll list the 15 best college Snapchat accounts you need to follow for informative content. Carefully read through!

Do College Students Use Snapchat?

According to recent data, 77% of college students use Snapchat, with 50% of college students utilizing Snapchat to interact daily. In 2017, it was reported that Snapchat is the most popular social media network for teenagers in the United States.

The study further shows only 2% of students use Snapchat to send sexts. Mostly both sexes send selfies back and forth. The study also found that Friday and Saturday are the most popular evenings to swap disappearing photos and that more than half the time, both sexes send selfies.

The social media app in addition to traditional techniques like email and a learning management system, which is a new approach to engaging with students.

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What Are The Benefits Of Snapchat For College Students

Snapchat is a mobile-friendly (iPhone or Android) app that is used to interact with friends via photo, video, and caption. “Snaps” are the messages sent within the application.

Snapchat has a  “Stories” feature, where users can create a rolling collection of “snaps” from the last 24 hours for all friends to see.

Let’s take a look at the benefits of Snapchat for college students.

1. Illustrate real-life accounting examples

Snapchat can be used to highlight examples of real-life events while teaching. The idea is to take pictures of everyday life and put accounting-related captions on the snaps.

For example, assume that you’re teaching an introductory financial accounting course and recently taught the different forms of business organization in class. While running an errand at the local Pier 1 store, you can take a picture of the store and use the caption “Pier 1 is a corporation, meaning that its owners (stockholders) aren’t individually liable for its debts, unlike sole proprietorships and partnerships where the owners are personally liable.”

This strategy can also be used to share content for management accounting classes. For example, when baking cookies, you can snap a picture of the ingredients and comment that these are raw materials inventory for a cookie company. A subsequent snap of the baker will be viewed as work-in-process inventory, and the baked cookies are finished goods.

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2. Reinforce key concepts

Snapchat can also be used to reiterate critical concepts during teaching. For example, early in the Digital Marketing course, Tom does several snaps called “digital marketing tip of the day.”

On one of these, he might snap an exciting background and then simply write “How to market your product on Facebook.” Another digital marketing tip might be “best ways to leverage TikTok to promote your brand”

3. Remind students about due dates

Another benefit of Snapchat for college students is that it can remind them about due dates and other course-related information.

You can take a snap of the computerized homework system and circle a due date for an upcoming homework assignment. Or you can take a snap of a calculator to remind them of the forthcoming exam.

Snaps are also useful for reinforcing administrative information. For example, Wendy may wish to inform students that particular study aids are not available during tests, so she will photograph those study aids in the computerized accounting program, circle them, and caption the photograph, “These aids aren’t available on the exam.” 

SEE ALSO: How To Get Snapchat Notifications On Apple Watch

4. Interact with students

One of the most profitable ways to use Snapchat is to build a community for your students. Although you usually talk with students before and after class, a snap will often lead to a response from a student in real-time, outside of regular class times and days.

For instance, Jennifer took a snap while watching the Super Bowl and asked students for the journal entry the NFL will need to record now that the game has aired—and she received over 50 responses from students during the game!

Snapchat also really helps to encourage interaction more often with online students or students who meet only once a week.

5. Field student questions

Students can also use Snapchat for questions simply by capturing a photo or the question and uploading it on Snapchat with a caption. This way, it becomes to see and reply to the question.

Sometimes, the Q&A session can lead to a more elaborate discussion about a class topic or career-related issues. 

6. Share professional activities

Snapchat enables teachers to share their professional activities with students and to model professional behavior.

For instance, Kent State University holds a “Meet the Accountants Night” where junior and senior students meet with representatives from prospective internship firms.

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15 Best College Snapchat Accounts

Here’s a list of the 15 best college Snapchat accounts:

1. General Electric (@generalelectric)

General Electric, an international organization, uses Snapchat to showcase its brand personality and encourage science interest. One of the best ways GE uses the platform is to share its discoveries from its emoji science curriculum, developed by GE and the National Science Foundation.

The company uses snaps to encourage science among the student community by posting content about aviation, healthcare, renewable energy, etc. The company also encourages Snapchat fans to engage directly: “Just add ‘generalelectric’ to Snapchat, send us an emoji, and we’ll send you a science,” wrote GE on its Tumblr.

2. Warby Parker (@warbyparker)

The second best college Snapchat account on our list is @warbyparker. Warby Parker uses Snapchat for various topics, ranging from product displays to giving users a chance to hear from company founder Neil Blumenthal as he talks about various stirring issues bordering on how to run a business.

Parker has various Snapchat series, including “Desk Job.” In one recent Snapchat story, Warby Parker included one of its creative managers for his highlights.

Students who wish to pursue a career in entrepreneurship will find Warby Parker useful and informative. They give the inside workings and functioning of the company out in small amounts through unconventional stories.

3. The New York Times (@thenytimes)

One of the most infamous media brands in the world, the New York Times, uses Snapchat as a medium to post their stories, feature raw, behind-the-scenes actions of their most famous writers, and also the weird and fun things that go on at their offices.

Their snaps also include serious news and short talks about the most important topics worldwide. Their best Snapchat stories are those that tell a narrative in a personal, visual way that pulls in and keeps the viewer.

4. The Washington Post (@washingtonpost)

The Washington Post utilizes Snapchat to keep up with breaking news. Beginning this year, the newspaper will begin covering the greatest Snapchat news.

The Washington Post covers political news and other newsworthy stories. Sharing Snapchat broadcasts provides its viewers with a behind-the-scenes look at what’s going on in Washington even before an article is written and published.

The Washington Post Snapchat is ideal for college students as it shares important news as soon as possible.

5. Salliasnap (@salliasnap)

This college Snapchat account is dedicated to science and art, making it very popular among young students and artists. It shares beautiful painted art and also science video lessons.

Sallia Goldstein, aka @Salliasnap, has turned her attention to being a role model for young girls interested in STEM. An engineer during the day and an influencer of Snapchat at night, she performs weekly SalliasScience features, in which she conducts videos and science lessons.

Sallia transforms anything boring into viewers’ choice. In 2015, Pstrong invited Sallia to their studio, where he took pictures and pasted them with dinosaur pictures to produce The Good Dinosaur.

6. Hubspot (@hubspot)

HubSpot is an American developer and marketer of software products for inbound marketing, sales, and customer service. While there are various B2C products that do cool things with Snapchat, Hubspot stands tall as one of the go-to centers for information around marketing, sales, and customer service.

Hubspot Snapchat is suited for college students who find informative content helpful. As a company, it serves as a marketing and hiring channel where it can showcase its unique culture and benefits and wonderful staff, and incoming philosophy. The goal here is to inform, educate, and appeal.

7. Msuster (@msuster)

Mark Suster is a very popular American entrepreneur and venture capitalist.  Mark is the founder of two companies and one of the world’s most successful businessmen. In his Snapchat account, Mark talks about everything about business and entrepreneurship. Every college student on Snapchat needs to follow this account.

Mark Suster posts Snaps about business, marketing, business, and investment. For college students who want an MBA-level education without paying thousands of tuition fees, this Snapchat account provides real-world, practical advice from someone who has made millions.

8. Whitehouse (@whitehouse)

Next on our list of best college Snapchat accounts is the official Snapchat account of The Whitehouse, the official residence of the president of the United States.

The account shows the day-to-day life and activities of all the top officials of the U.S. It shows fun moments in the government house while keeping its followers up to date on the political happenings of the country. @whitehouse is one of the best Snapchat accounts for college students who wish to pursue a career in politics.

9. Bustle (@bustledotcom)

Bustle posts a lot of informative lists of content and incorporates instructional videos and lists in a step-by-step format on Snapchat.

In one Snapchat story, they create a Snapchat version of the Black History monthly book list. It echoes the composition of many of its blog-style styles. The summaries of topical issues are a good touch to elevate the viewer’s interest, too.

Merchants can easily create original or reposted content in this Snapchat format. Separate the latest blog posts, give fans advice, or simply record screenshots of how their organization performs the normal process. It’s unique, attractive, and doesn’t need a creative lifting tone behind it.

10. DJ Khaled (@djkhaled305)

The famous DJ Khaled shares daily lessons about life and musings on his Snapchat account. This is a must-follow for students who need the motivation to chase their dreams relentlessly.

11. Cyrene Quiamco (@cyreneq)

Earlier this year, the 26-year-old quit her full-time job as a web designer with Verizon; now, she pays the bills solely with her colorful doodled snaps, for which brands pay her thousands of dollars.

On her “celebrity selfies,” series, she draws herself beside stars like Bruno Mars and Ellen DeGeneres, which makes it fun to watch.

12. Arnold Schwarzenegger (@arnoldschnitzel)

Arnold Schwarzenegger has become a social-media savant with a serious understanding of what makes for good snaps. He shares his day-to-day life with some well-placed emojis, his world travels, a look behind the scenes of current projects, and, not surprisingly, a lot of gym selfies.

The former California governor also uses his account to promote his upcoming movies, like “Maggie,” now that his acting career is heating up again after a long break.

13. Kym Perfetto (@kymnonstop)

Kym Perfetto’s Snapchat account is your perfect companion for college students interested in sports and athletics.

Watch as she snaps between spin classes, the gym, and another spin class. Why pay for a SoulCycle membership when you can simply open Snapchat and pretend?

14. Dr. Sandra Lee (@drpimplepopper)

Dr. Sandra Lee is a known dermatologist that shares pictures and videos of her daily work-life. On her Snapchat account, she posts videos of skin defects and treatments carried out.

You’ll also find videos of her splicing and squeezing goop out of people’s skin. It’s incredibly disgusting and, yet, insanely thrilling. 

15. NASA (@nasa)

NASA publishes a series of fun illustrative videos on its Snapchat and makes them fun and easy to understand whether you are a space nut or a regular visitor. It uses Snapchat to cover space-related issues, explain complex concepts and interact with people.

For example, in one Snapchat story, NASA is reviewing the return of Astronaut Scott Kelly a year after the end of his one-year career.

It also highlighted a new study conducted by NASA based on DNA samples from Kelly and her twin to investigate the operation of long-distance human devices to Mars. This Snapchat account will greatly interest science-inclined college students.

FAQs On Best College Snapchat Accounts 

What is Snapchat?

Snapchat is a popular messaging app that lets users exchange pictures and videos (called snaps) that are meant to disappear after they’re viewed. It’s advertised as a “new type of camera” because the essential function is to take a picture or video, add filters, lenses, or other effects and share them with friends.

How does Snapchat work?

All you need to sign up is your name, an email address, and your birth date. On Snapchat, users go by a handle, and Snapchatters gravitate toward silly names. To add friends, you can upload your contacts or search for people you know. You can also automatically add someone by taking a picture of their “Snapcode,” a special QR code unique to each user.

Do messages really disappear on Snapchat?

It depends. If you set a time limit on a snap, it will disappear after it’s viewed. However, recipients can take a screenshot of an image using their phones or a third-party screen-capture app. 

What’s Snap Map?

Snap Map displays your location on a map in real-time. Only your Snapchat friends can see where you are.


Snapchat gives college students what they really want: a simple way to share everyday moments while simultaneously making them look awesome.


  • – College students explain why they love Snapchat so much
  • helptostudy,com – Best College Snapchat Accounts
  • – The Snapchat 101: The Best, Coolest, Smartest, Weirdest Accounts on the Hottest Social Network on Your Phone
  • – Use Snapchat To Engage Students

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