Creative and highly professional writers are on demand everywhere. Big and small companies, entire corporations, art and craft workshops, educational institutions and individuals who want to promote their products, services, and ideas need to make them known to their target audiences.
That is why they hire creative writers to make the most prominent advertisements ever. Essay writing services also hire essay writers where students find opportunity to buy essay safe.
If you are a creative essay writer, your prospects are great. Though, you need to complete your university studies first. And you have to pay for them. Scholarships for students and for writers can assist you in dealing with your payments for education. You will not have to repay this money, as in the case of student loans.
Scholarships for Creative Writing
If you are creative enough and feel that you can say your word in some fields of studies or life making it understandable to many people, consider participation in the programs highlighted here.
1. Michael Steinberg Fellowship for Creative Non-Fiction
If you are a beginning nonfiction writer, you can apply for this fellowship. The scholarship committee usually decides on admission to the program at the end of November. During this time, you will receive a notice from them about the admission. Then, you will need to apply within the winter residency – spring semester.
Winners will obtain a $1,000 stipend. So, if you have started the Creative Writing Program at the Solstice Low-Residency MFA, you will be able to pay for the first semester from these costs. The award is given to the recipient based on their writing sample quality.
2. Helen McCloy Mystery Writers of America Scholarship
All the genres of mystery writing, such as screenwriting, playwriting, nonfiction, or fiction, are acceptable for this scholarship. It is available exclusively for US citizens who have demonstrated their talent in mystery writing. If you are a permanent resident, you can also apply for it.
The amount of the scholarship is $3,000. It will be used to pay for a writing class, seminar, or workshop this organization holds.
3. Barbara Odom-Wesley Spirit of Achievement Scholarship
You can receive an award of $3,000 if you are a two-year or four-year student of any college or university apart from Trade, Cosmetology, or Technical schools.
The preference will also be given to African-American females who are high school seniors. They need to live in Arlington and Tarrant County and claim certain financial needs for the writing class enrollment.
The bare minimum of an applicant’s GPA will also be scrutinized, and it may be 2.5 and above.

4. Student Art Scholarship
To get this scholarship, you must be a US citizen or permanent resident of such areas as Sherburne, Benton, Wright County, or Stearns at the moment of application. You also need to attend some full-time university courses in an art subject in the future.
The amount of the scholarship is $1,500. You will be able to use it for certain education expenditures, such as course payment, books, housing and tuition. A student can win no more than four scholarships in life.
The grant is available for students from any college or university as long as they are residents of Region 7W who want to pursue their undergraduate degree in Arts for the first time.
5. Hope College Creative Writing Award
If you are in your senior year at high school and want to enroll at Hope College in autumn, you are eligible for this award. It is a Distinguished Artist Award.It can be received if you enroll in one creative writing class per academic year. You will also need a minimum 3.0 GPA.
6. Norman Ross Walter Scholarship
If you are a female Nebraska high school graduate who wants to major in English at one of the approved universities, you can apply for this scholarship. You can do a creative writing course with it. In your sample work, you need to reveal your originality, freshness of ideas and approaches, and academic prospects. You can win first place with the award of $2,500, second place with $1,759, and third place with $1,250.
The scholarship has the name of Norman Ross Walter. He was a WWII Navy Wave, a professional journalist, and a newspaper editor in California.
7. Bobette Bibo Gugliotta memorial Scholarship for Creative Writing
If you are a creative writing enthusiast, this scholarship is for you. You need to live in San Mateo or Santa Clara counties and be a senior graduate or graduate of a high school, either a public or private one. Then, you need to be in the process of enrolling or a full-time student to one of four-year colleges or universities. The amount is $1,000. To apply for this scholarship, you should submit two of your creative writings.
The scholarship is named after Mrs. Gugliotta, who wrote a story about Mickey Mouse in 1930. She was only eleven years old at that time.
If you want to create something unique, and you are a US citizen, an AB 40 student, or a legal US resident, and love Mickey Mouse, you have all the chances to obtain this grant.
8. Beyonce Formation Scholars Scholarship Program
The program involves four scholarships available for entering, current or graduating students who major in literature, music, creative arts, or African-American studies. You should be a student or plan to become a student of Berklee College of Music, Spelman College, Howard University, Parson School of Design, and some others.
Beyonce Knowles-Carter founded the Program for young women to celebrate the one-year anniversary of her album ‘Lemonade’.
9. The Horror Writers Association (HWA) Scholarship
The Association sets up this scholarship to promote talented horror writers at the beginning of their careers. The scholarship is available for every applicant without any restrictions. You are not required to be a member of HWA. Though, you must submit a tale of the horror genre in the process of application.
The award’s amount is $2,500. You will be able to use this money for an authorized writing program within two years after you receive it.

Poetry Scholarships
You need to be a talented, conscious, confident, and promising beginner poet who has much to tell the world to apply for these scholarships.
1. HWA Dark Poetry Scholarship
This grant has been awarded every year since 2015. The purpose of it is to help Dark Fantasy and Horror poetry writers to develop in their professional career. The HWA Board appoints the subcommittee to make a public decision on this award which is changed every year.
The award consists of $1,250.You will be able to use it to receive the authorized writing training during the following two years after you receive the prize.
2. Lycoming College Creative Writing Scholarship
You can receive a scholarship of up to $3,000 if you intend to enroll in ENGL 240 for the freshman year with a minimum grade of A-. You also need to participate in creative writing workshops and keep up with the minimum grade of A- during the first year to apply for the scholarship renewal after this period.
During the application process, you should submit a short narrative of about 10 pages and five poems of your own.
3. William Morgan Poetry Award
If you are an undergraduate student majoring in English, you can receive this award set up by William Morgan in 2003. The scholarship is awarded yearly to those students who do well in both poetry writing and critical analysis. The academic study of poetry may also include poetry pedagogy.
The candidate should be about to receive a Master’s or Ph.D. degree in English. If there are no applications at the undergraduate or graduate levels that deserve attention, the award is not provided.
Scholarships in Journalism
The most talented and conscious beginning journalists can be awarded with these prizes if they apply for them by showing their commitment and maturity in the field.
1. Richard G. Zimmerman Scholarship
Richard G. Zimmerman was a National Press Club member who died in 2008. The scholarship is awarded to those high school senior students who want to major in communications, English, or journalism. Their creative writing skills will be fully applied in these niches. It will allow them to become prospective creative writers in the future.
The scholarship of $5,000 is awarded every year, but it is non-renewable. The requirements for the candidates include having a minimum GPA of 3.0, revealing sufficient financial help, and being enrolled in the authorized US universities.
You will have to provide three letters of recommendation, a FAFSA form, three work samples as well as a transcript from your high school, the evidence of your being enrolled to university, and three copies of your application.
2. Journalism Education Association’s Journalist of the Year Award
There are four awards in this competition – $3,000 for first place and $1,000 each for three others. The contest starts at the level of states. Then the portfolios that are approved by the Journalist of the Year committee are sent to the national level. The winners are named and announced at the JEA/NSPA Convention every spring. The awards are sent to college or university accounts of the winning participants.
3. Against the Grain Artistic Scholarship
This program is meant for Asian-American university students majoring in visual arts, public communications, performing arts, and journalism. The recipients of the scholarship will have to attend Fashion of Passion. It is the annual charity festival which is held in autumn in Dallas, Texas.
You need to have at least 50% Pacific Islander or Asian ancestry to apply for this scholarship. Of course, you should be a US citizen, native, or legalized permanent resident. You need to be enrolled in one of the US junior or vocational colleges or become a student at a four-year university or college course.
Or you may be a high school senior student who wants to be enrolled in these institutions. It means that at the beginning of the next academic year, you are planning to become a full-time student who majors in visual or performing arts.
The US creative writing scholarships for college and university students are a great way to enhance their interest in creative work, help them develop their talents, and create all the conditions for the students’ successful studies and continuous advance.
Since some university courses can be rather costly, these grants lessen the financial pressure and burden on those students who need to take loans or part-time jobs to pay for their education. The scholarships are also meant to draw students’ attention to creative work and self-development. They can help them be successful in their future career in writing, performing arts, and journalism.
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