Daniel Fund Scholarship Program

Daniels Fund is pleased to announce its exciting and challenging scholarship program. The 2024 Daniel Scholarship Program application is available to citizens or permanent residents of the United States.

Going for the Daniel Fund Grant Application helps to provide resources, encouragement, and inspiration that go far beyond the financial support required for a college degree.

The challenging scholarship program offers the students the opportunity to earn a four-year university education at a recognized charitable university or university in the United States.

About the Sponsor: Daniel Fund

The Daniels Fund is a philanthropic organization based in Denver, Colorado. It was founded by Bill Daniels, a decorated fighter pilot in World War II, who went on to become one of the pioneers in the cable television industry.

The Daniels Fund was created by the generous inheritance of Bill Daniels. It offers Daniel Fund Grant to support non-profit organizations in our four-state region as well as some programs with a national impact.

How Much Is The Daniel Scholarship 2024 Worth?

The Daniels Scholarship is a comprehensive college scholarship that pays toward the costs of:

  • Tuition and fees
  • Room and board
  • Books and supplies
  • Miscellaneous educational expense

How Many Persons Can Win The Daniels Fund Scholarship? | Number of Awards

The number of awards offered varies annually. However, in prior years, there were 239 scholarships awarded.

Who Can Apply? | Eligibility For Daniel Fund Grant Application

To participate in the Daniels Scholarship Program, students must meet the following requirements at the time of application:

  • Citizen or permanent resident of the United States
  • Residents of Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, or Wyoming
  • Be a student from Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, or Wyoming
  • Earn ACT scores of at least 17 in each category (math, English, reading, science). or an SAT math score of at least 400 and a critical reading score of at least 440. Write ratings are not required.
  • All test results must come from a single test and must be submitted by the application deadline.

Applicant must also demonstrate:

  • Character
  • Leadership
  • Service to others
  • Financial need

Daniel Scholarship 2024 covers undergraduate study.

The Daniel Scholarship 2024 is offered by Daniel Fund and is to be taken In the USAIf you are an international student and you desire to study in the United States, Check out the best scholarships obtainable for study in the United State

The Daniel Scholarship Program is available for the United State of American citizens.

Aside from the Daniel Scholarship Program, there are other scholarships available to international students to study abroad.

You can check our scholarship by country to access all scholarships available.

How to Apply for Daniel Scholarship Program

To apply for the challenging scholarship program, candidates must register themselves via the link below:


Accompanying Documents:

Also, applicants are to submit the following documents along with their application:

  • Documents used to verify your eligibility, such as official ACT / SAT scores, citizenship and residence documents, and financial documents.
  • A recommendation from a representative of your high school (principals, teachers, counselors, coaches, etc.).

Daniel Scholarship 2024 Application Deadline 

Daniels Fund Grant Application runs from October through November each year.

For more information, click on the link below:


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