Top 10 Dental Hygiene Schools In California in 2024

Dental Hygiene is a very much in-demand career, especially in California. So finding yourself to study Dental Hygiene in one of the best schools in Southern or Northern California will pay you very well. Is it surprising? Well, don’t be at all because you’re actually taking the first important steps to becoming a qualified professional Dental Hygienist.

Just so you know, over 60 Dental Hygiene Schools in California and across the US give an excellent educational background in Dental Hygiene. Most of them got accreditation nationally by the American Dental Association’s Commission on Dental Accreditation. And they are ready to prepare you for the National Boarddental Hygiene Exam (NBDHE).

For this reason, the World Scholarship Forum has deemed it so necessary to rank the Best and Top 10 Dental Hygiene Schools in Southern and Northern California. Where you can study and become a professional Dental Hygienist. We are certain that these schools will gratify you where ever you want to find a job in the future as a Dental Hygienist.

How Do I Become a Dental Hygienist in California?

Dental hygienists in California may be responsible for applying prevention materials, oral health education, and advice on the treatment of patients. As well as the identification of pathologies and oral lesions and the management of dental hygiene practices.

Know More About How Much Schooling Do You Need To Be a Dental Hygienist?

To work as a dental hygienist in California, you must have a license from the California Dental Hygiene Committee (DHCC), which requires the following steps:

Step 1. Graduate from an Accredited Dental Hygiene Program

The first step in becoming a registered dental hygienist in California is to complete a Dental Health License or Associate Program approved by the Dental Competency Certification Commission (CODA).

A dental hygienist program accredited by CODA, whether associated or with a bachelor’s degree, includes advanced studies in general sciences, dental hygienists, and dental. Most programs result in a clinical rotation during which students can apply their knowledge in a real context.

There are currently 27 CODA-accredited dental hygienist programs in California.

To become an alternative practice dental hygienist (RDHAP) in California, you must complete 120 hours of college courses. Or graduate from the Bachelor of Science program in Dental Hygiene. Therefore, it is often advantageous for dental hygienists in California to obtain a bachelor’s degree, as this could open up new career opportunities.

Step 2. Pass the National Board Written Examination

A dental hygienist program accredited by CODA in California will prepare you for the review of the National Board of Dental Hygiene (NBDHE). Through the Joint Commission of National Dental Exams (JCNDE).

If you did not graduate from a dental hygienist program accredited by CODA in California, you must verify that the following courses have been validated. By the California Council before you can take the National Council exam.

You must provide the DHCC office with certificates of completion of the courses mentioned above at least 30 days before the exam date.

NCDHE is administered through the Pearson VUE test centers in the United States. The cost of taking the NBDHE is $400.

Step 3. Pass the California Clinical Dental Hygienist Examination

After passing the National Board Hygienist exam, you must take and pass the California Clinical Hygienist exam. Which includes a patient exam and a complete root plan in one or two quadrants.

DHCC must receive your original scorecard stating that the National Council exam passed at least 30 days before your clinical exam.

Step 4. Pass the Dental Hygiene Committee of California Law and Ethics Written Examination

Once you have completed the clinical exam and DHCC has determined that you are authorized to write the written California Law and Ethics exam. You will be notified to the Test Administrator. And they will send you a planning notice with instructions to request the exam.

The cost of the exam is $28.

Step 5. Apply for Licensure as a Registered Dental Hygienist in California

Once you have passed the clinical exam and the written law and ethics exam, you can expect to receive a request from DHCC.

If you have a license in another state for at least 5 years, you can apply for a license by title. Hence, you must complete the Dental Hygiene Practice Request form by license by title.

Step 6. Maintain Your Dental Hygienist License in California

Your dental hygienist license in California must be renewed every 2 years on the last day of the month of your birthday. The DHCC renews all dental hygienist licenses in California. You can expect to receive a notice about 60 days before your license expires.

The two-year renewal fee for a dental hygienist license in California is $160. Continuing education is not required for your first renewal period.

However, at the beginning of your first renewal period, you must complete at least 25 continuing education units every 2 years.

How Long Does it Take to Become a Dental Hygienist in California?

Candidates for dental hygienists in California usually take about 2 years to complete the necessary Associate Degree programs. From there, they must obtain a license before practicing in the field. Advanced training programs are also available in advanced areas related to dental hygiene.

Dental hygienists generally require a bachelor’s or master’s degree to conduct research, public health, or teaching. Students with the required undergraduate education can take a master’s program of four (4) years, either part-time or full-time study.

How Much Does it Cost to Become a Dental Hygienist in California?

For dental hygiene, tuition fees depend on the level and type of program you are considering. According to the American Association of Dental Hygienists, the estimated total average cost of tuition and fees for an associate’s degree is $22,692. A bachelor’s degree costs $36,382.

The Dental Hygiene program is ADA accredited. Most of the 20,329 students in the school attend two-year programs. State tuition fees are approximately $1,298 per year. Tuition costs for students outside the state of California are $7,038.

Don’t be Confused About Dental Hygienist and Dental Assistant. You Can Read This 10 Differences You Don’t Know About Dental Hygienist vs Dental Assistant.

Can a Dental Hygienist Work Without a Dentist in California?

The American Association of Dental Hygienists (ADHA) defines direct access as the ability of a dental hygienist to initiate treatment based on its assessment of the patient’s needs without the express permission of a dentist.

Dental Hygienists can treat a patient without the presence of a dentist and maintain a provider-patient relationship (ADHA Policy Manual, 13-15).

Affiliated Practice Agreement

California dental hygienists who have signed an affiliation contract can perform dental hygiene services in specific settings outside the private dental office. The written agreement must be submitted to the State Board of Dental Examiners.

However, the affiliated practice’s dental hygienist should consult the affiliated practice’s dentist before initiating additional treatment for patients. Who has not been seen by a dentist within 12 months after the initial dental hygiene treatment?


Dental hygienists must have an active license for at least 5 years. And actively participate in the practice of dental hygiene for at least 500 hours in each of the two years immediately prior to the affiliated practice relationship.

A dental hygienist with a degree in dental hygiene, at least 3 years and an active practice of dental hygiene for at least 500 hours. Each of the 2 years before the affiliated practice relationship can also be eligible for affiliate practice.

In addition, a dental hygienist must be successful 12 hours of work specified continuing education that has a current certificate in basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Service Providers

The agreement must define the parameters of the practice and the services provided. The full scope of dental hygiene is allowed with the exception of root brushing, nitrous oxide, and local anesthesia, except in specific circumstances.

After completing an accredited course and exam, the dental hygienist will also be able to: place, restore, and complete restorations. As well as prefabricated cement crowns and place temporary therapeutic restorations.

List of Top 10 Dental Hygiene Schools in Southern and Northern California

The great state of California offers opportunities like a Bachelor’s and Masters’s program for prospectives Dental Hygienists.

According to the California Employment Development, there were approximately 22,000 Dental hygienists in Southern and Northern California in 2012. Specifically, the department expects an increase of 23.4%, by the end of 2024.

Hence, this results in an average of 1,060 annual openings for California residents.

All dental hygiene programs cover basic sciences such as anatomy, physiology, biology, and pharmacology.

However, some programs offer specialized courses in areas such as dental materials, dental pharmacology and pain relief. Similarly, while all programs teach basic hygiene techniques.

Such as the removal of dental plaque and tartar from the teeth, only a handful of them can offer training laboratories in anesthesia techniques and x-ray.

Research ahead and choose carefully among the dental hygiene schools in the state of California to find the one that offers what you want.

  • University of Southern California, Los Angeles
  • University of the Pacific, San Francisco
  • West Coast University – Orange County, Anaheim
  • San Joaquin Valley College, Ontario & Visalia
  • Foothill College, Los Altos Hills
  • Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill
  • Santa Rosa Junior College, Santa Rosa
  • Taft College, Taft
  • Concorde Career College, San Bernardino, Garden Grove & San Diego
  • Southwestern College, Chula Vista
  • Carrington College, Sacramento & San Jose
  • Sacramento City College, Sacramento
  • Cabrillo College, Aptos
  • Chabot College, Hayward
  • Fresno City College, Fres

University of Southern California, Los Angeles

Tuition: $88,127

Number of Programs: 7 Programs

Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry established a dental hygiene program over 80 years ago. Ostrow is dedicated to advancing the dental hygiene profession and serving the community. They offer students comprehensive and complete dental hygiene training, available only here at USC.

Also, their program offers dental hygiene students exceptional opportunities to learn from our prestigious dental school and work alongside our talented students.

Above all, their faculty includes recognized experts in patient education, advanced non-periodontal therapy, clinical research, and community communication.

Approximately 70% of dental hygienists work in private dental offices, 20% in local public and school health programs. And the rest in federal and regional health, industry, research, and teaching positions.

Currently, in Heman Ostrow School of Dentistry they have 1 Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene, and 2 Masters program in Dental Hygiene. As well as one Certificate program and 3 Doctor of Dentistry program you can study.

In addition, they have Online Dental Programs that offer Masters and Certificate programs.

Dental Hygiene Programs vary based on courses. That’s the more reason you should choose to study in one of these Top Dental Hygiene Schools in Southern & Northern California.

Programs Available

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  • Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS)
  • Dental Hygiene (BS)
  • Advanced Standing Program for International Dentists (DDS)
  • Postgraduate Education Certificate Programs
  • Master of Science in Biomaterials and Digital Dentistry
  • Master of Science in Biomedical Implants and Tissue Engineering (BITE)
  • Craniofacial Biology PhD Program
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Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene

The USC Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene program is now internationally recognized for its excellence in clinical and preventive dental hygiene.

Basically, their graduates have become clinical experts, educators, researchers, health advocates and public health professionals.

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Master of Science in Dental Hygiene

MS in Dental Hygiene provides dental professionals with a thorough knowledge in dental material properties, characterization, biological interactions of dental adhesive systems, composite resins, ceramics, implants, 3D printing, digital scanning, Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM).

Specifically, in Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry have two Masters of Science in Dental Hygiene. They include:

The Master of Science in Biomaterials and Digital Dentistry is designed to be completed in two years of full-time study. Only available to current advanced specialty residents of Ostrow. The units required to obtain the master’s degree in biomaterials and digital dentistry is basically 24units.

The Master in Biomedical Implants and Tissue Engineering (BITE) is an intense academic program available only to current periodontal residents. Above all, the BITE MS program consists of six terms (24 months). The program is a purely academic program, and this program has no component related to the clinical care of patients.

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Doctor of Dental Surgery

For more than 100 years, the USC Herman Ostrow Dental School has trained oral health professionals who have changed the face of the dental profession. Through innovative new techniques, innovative research and extraordinary leadership, their graduates continue to shape what they think. as well as what is taught and what is practiced in the oral health professions.

In 2001, Ostrow Dental School became one of the first schools in the country to adopt a totally student-centered pedagogy for its dental doctoral program.

Currrently, in Heman Ostrow School of Dentistry they have 3 Doctor of Dentistry program that they offer for your study. They are the Best Dental Hygiene Schools in California, United States.

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Online Programs

Their online programs are designed specifically for practicing professionals so they can learn while maintaining their practice. Currently, they offer online master’s and certificate programs in a variety of specialties to provide physicians with the knowledge and understanding they need to provide adequate care to their patients.

Basically, USC is an intensive research university with a long tradition of clinical excellence. Each program is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), followed by the USC Academic Review Committee (UCAR) and led by professors with recognized experience in their respective fields.

They Include:

Certificate in Orofacial Pain
Master in Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine
Master in Pain Medicine
Certificate in Pain Medicine
Master in Geriatric Dentistry
Certificate in Community Oral Health
Master in Community Oral Health
Certificate in Geriatric Dentistry
Certificate in Oral Pathology and Radiology

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University of the Pacific, San Francisco

Address: 155 Fifth Street, San Francisco, CA 94103

Tuition: $114,720

Number of Programs: One (1)

The University of the Pacific offers an accelerated Bachelor of Science Degree in Dental Hygiene to qualified students. In addition to clinical practice, the Bachelor of Dental Hygiene degree provides access to many positions in education, research, administration.

As well as public health, the private sector and other areas of hygiene practice. The degree also serves as a powerful catalyst for applications in graduate programs.

The clinical part of the dental hygiene program is held on the campus of the University of the Pacific in San Francisco. Which houses other dental programs offered at the Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry.

Meanwhile, the mission of the Dental Hygiene Program is to educate people who, at the end of the program, will be professionally competent to provide quality dental care in a changing profession. Their program also offers experimental learning opportunities within the community.

A career in dental hygiene offers multiple opportunities in different contexts. About 70% of dental hygienists practice in private dental offices.

By providing direct clinical care, the hygienist plays a vital role in the dental team by helping patients achieve and maintain optimal oral health.

Hygienists can also choose a career in dental hygiene in the areas of public health, research. As well as management, care of patients with special needs, education, and administration.

The University of the Pacific is accredited by the Commission for Accreditation of Universities and Universities of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).

Dental Hygiene Programs vary. That’s the more reason you should choose to study in one of these Top Dental Hygiene Schools in Southern & Northern California.

Programs Available

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Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene

The first year of admission to the dental hygiene program is competitive and based on merit. A student can apply as a freshman in an important discipline in dental hygiene, by completing the prerequisite courses listed below in Pacific. A high school grade point average (GPA) of 2.7 is required, as well as courses in biology, chemistry and other college preparatory courses.

To have direct access to the main courses of the senior division of the Dugoni School of Dentistry in San Francisco, students must complete the required prerequisite courses with a minimum value of 3.0 GPA.

Dental hygiene seniors with an MBM of less than 3.0 can enroll in the dental division course of the higher division since registration is not automatic and they will also benefit from an interview.

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Online Programs

The University of the Pacific seeks to guarantee the academic integrity of all courses, whether they are taught on campus, online or in a combined approach.

To ensure academic integrity online, all Dental Hygienist students taking online courses should review their current policies.

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West Coast University – Orange County, Anaheim

Tuition: $127,106 for 7 Semesters

Number of Programs: 1 Programs

West Coast University offers a different approach to graduation: with a dental hygienist program, you can continue in less than 34 months. It is a learning method designed to help you reach your goals and maximize your potential.

The objective of the BSDH program is to prepare students to acquire knowledge, skills, and values ​​of dental hygiene. While building on education in liberal arts and sciences that broadens their vision of health and wellness.

This program focuses on the development of dental hygienists as lifelong learners, able to think critically and with a commitment to professional leadership.

Upon completion of the program and reviewed by the National Dental Hygiene Council, the graduate will be eligible to perform regional and national accreditation exams to become a registered dental hygienist.

Dental Hygiene Programs vary based on courses. That’s the more reason you should choose to study in one of these Top Dental Hygiene Schools in Southern & Northern California.

Programs Available

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Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene

Their Bachelor of Science program in Dental Hygiene is accredited by the Dental Accreditation Commission (CODA) of the American Dental Association. And they are out to basically help you prepare to become a dental hygienist in just 34 months.

Above all, their dental hygienist program offers students exceptional opportunities to learn from a prestigious group of dental hygiene teachers. The members of their faculty are affiliated with international, national, national and local professional organizations.

They provide advanced training for the practice of dental hygienists and other health professionals at conferences. And continuing education events at the international, national, and local levels.

Several faculty members have conducted original research and regularly contribute as authors to influential dental hygiene journals.

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San Joaquin Valley College, Ontario & Visalia

Tuition: $29,575 (Ontario & Visalia)

Number of Programs: 1 Program

The SJVC Ontario and Visalia campuses offer the Dental Hygiene Program. Each campus houses a fully equipped clinic for dental hygienist students. This provides them with practical instructions to work with real patients and gain practical experience when completing their studies.

All services provided at the dental hygiene clinic are provided by dental hygiene students under the direct supervision of dental hygienists and/or supervising dentists.

Above all, their Dental Hygiene students can obtain a science associate degree in approximately 16 months. Graduates are also eligible to write the National Council Written Exam and a State and / or Regional Council Exam to obtain a license to practice as a registered dental hygienist.

The dental hygiene program got its accreditation by the Dental Accreditation Commission (CODA) of the American Dental Association. And has the status of “approval without reporting requirements.” The Commission is a specialized accreditation body recognized by the United States Department of Education.

Dental Hygiene Programs vary based on courses. That’s the more reason you should choose to study in one of these Top Dental Hygiene Schools in Southern & Northern California.

Programs Available

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Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene

Basically, their Dental Hygiene Bachelors Degree education prepares graduates to work in private dental offices with high salaries, flexible hours and a professional work environment. Other career opportunities include work in public health agencies, clinics and shelters, and clinical education.

Also, their dental hygiene program has a very selective application process in which only the most qualified candidates are chosen to fill 30 seats available per cohort start. Candidates are classified according to several criteria. Including cumulative grade point average, work experience, admission assessments and a personal interview with the admission team.

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Foothill College, Los Altos Hills

Tuition: $31 per unit

Number of Programs: 1 Program

The Foothill College Dental Hygiene Program now offers a Bachelor of Science degree and prepares you to take the National Dental Hygiene Council exam and qualify for the Dental State or Regional Dental Hygiene License Exam.

The schools give admission to students for the program quarterly (fall, winter, and spring). All courses in the program are available online. Students in the program have the option of choosing the number of courses (between 1 and 3) that complete each quarter based on their work schedule.

Above all, their AS to BS-DH program provides an in-depth program that includes, among other things, the development of a synthesis project. As well as the acquisition of skills in critical thinking, writing, communication, cultural sensitivity, research, and reporting.

Furthermore, the program will be prepared to help dental hygienists interact effectively with other health professionals in a competent, collaborative and ethical manner.

Foothill College grants previous apprenticeship credits of 24 first-quarter units for BSDH graduation.

Dental Hygiene Programs vary based on courses. That’s the more reason you should choose to study in one of these Top Dental Hygiene Schools in Southern & Northern California.

Programs Available

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Associate Degree in Dental Hygiene

The dental hygiene program is a Bachelor of Science program organized under the SB 850 pilot program, authorized by the Chancellor of State.

Basically, the program is highly academic and focuses on evidence-based practice and clinical skills to prepare students to assess the medical / dental status of patients. As well as to develop a dental hygiene plan and implement appropriate Dental hygiene care and evaluate the results.

Also, the program will expand your educational experiences if you are a licensed dental hygienist (RDH or RDHAP). Especially to those who graduated from a two-year accredited dental hygiene program at a community college.

Furthermore, the AS to BS-DH program will expand professional opportunities beyond private dental practices and promote professional advancement in the areas of management, education, public health and research.

The BS-DH degree will require completing at least 189 quarterly units (125 semester units), including general education work aligned with general CSU or IGETC type training.

Dental Accreditation Commission Accreditated Dental Hygiene Program at Foothill College.

Above all, Graduates are eligible for the National Dental Hygiene Council exam and the state or regional accredited exam.

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Online Programs

There are 8 online courses that students must follow. See the “BS-DH degree courses” below for more information about the courses.

Above all, Graduates are eligible for the National Dental Hygiene Council exam and the state or regional accredited exam.

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Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill

Tuition: $46/$275 per unit (Resident & Non-Residents)

Number of Programs: 1 Program

Diablo Valley College is one of the most respected and affordable dental hygiene programs in the Bay Area. This two-year program includes courses and practical experience in their Community Dental Clinic.

Above all, the program is very competitive since only 20 students, chosen by lottery, are admitted every school year. Students must complete their course work in two years, which includes two summer sessions.

Furthermore, students who complete the dental hygiene program will be fully prepared to take the required clinical and written exams. Meanwhile, DVC is proud to have achieved a 100% approval rate on national and regional dental hygiene exams.

Basically, their dental program offers an associate degree in dental hygiene.

The DVC Dental Hygiene Program is accredited by the US Dental Association Commission. This program has also been approved by the California Dental Hygiene Committee.

Dental Hygiene Programs vary based on courses. That’s the more reason you should choose to study in one of these Top Dental Hygiene Schools in Southern & Northern California.

The application period for this program is from January 1 to February 15 at 5:00 p.m.

Programs Available

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Associate Degree in Dental Hygiene

Diablo Valley College is one of the most respected and affordable dental hygiene programs in the Bay Area. This two-year program includes courses and practical practical experience in our Community Dental Clinic.

Above all, this program is very competitive since only 20 students, chosen by lottery, are admitted every school year. Students must complete their course work in two years, which includes two summer sessions.

Furthermore, students who complete the dental hygiene program will be fully prepared to take the required clinical and written exams. DVC is proud to have achieved a 100% approval rate on national and regional dental hygiene exams.

The school dental hygiene program offers an associate degree in dental hygiene.

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Santa Rosa Junior College, Santa Rosa

Tuition: $18,500

Number of Programs: 1 Program

A licensed dental hygienist is a health professional who is authorized to provide preventive, educational and therapeutic care that contributes to general health by promoting optimal oral health.

The dental hygiene program creates an environment conducive to student learning. Dental hygiene students develop critical and ethical thinking; Decision-making and problem-solving skills based on evidence.

Graduates of the program will benefit from professional growth and career development through active participation and affiliation within the industry.

Once the dental hygiene program is completed, graduates are ready to apply their knowledge of scientific concepts to assess the patient’s needs, recognize problems, set oral health goals, provide appropriate dental services and evaluate the results.

Program costs are approximate and do not include exam and license fees for national boards or states/regions. Fees may vary based on costs related to books, health requirements, supplies, including instrument kits and student tuition. Recommended rates for professional students $50.0.

Dental Hygiene Programs vary based on courses. That’s the more reason you should choose to study in one of these Top Dental Hygiene Schools in Southern & Northern California.

Applications are available on October 2 and must be submitted before 5:00 p.m. on February 7.

Programs Available

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Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene

Since the launch of the dental hygiene program in 1999, 99% of our dental hygiene students have passed the National Council exam on their first attempt. The Dental Accreditation Commission has granted the status of “unrelated” program accreditation in 2016.

Through a rigorous and challenging program, students can earn a degree in Dental Hygiene Program Science. And they will be well prepared to take the National Dental Hygiene Exam, the California Dental Hygiene Board Exam and / or central regions or regional Dental Hygiene Exam

Alo, the dental hygiene program requires a course of 4 to 5 units in intermediate algebra or more, before admission to the dental hygiene program.

The Dental Accreditation Commission of the American Dental Association requires that all two-year colleges grant a Student Associate Diploma at the end of the program. SRJC Dental Hygiene Students must meet all the requirements of the SRJC Dental Associate Diploma, including prerequisite courses and general education.

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Taft College, Taft

Tuition: $61/$258 per unit (Resident & Non-Residents)

Number of Programs: 1 Program

The objective of the Taft College Dental Hygiene Program is to inspire and teach comprehensive dental hygiene care in its technical excellence and guidance to become aware of all the health needs of each patient.

The Dental Hygiene Program at Taft College provides students with the knowledge, experience and training requirements to take state exams and national councils.

As the world increasingly understands preventive and restorative oral health care, the need for oral health professionals is also growing. Graduates in dental hygiene at Taft College are in demand.

Taft College Dental Hygiene is accredited by the Dental Accreditation Commission. The next accreditation visit will take place in the spring of 2024.

In addition, the California Dental Hygiene Board also approves the program.

Dental Hygiene Programs vary based on courses. That’s the more reason you should choose to study in one of these Top Dental Hygiene Schools in Southern & Northern California.

The 2024 Dental Hygiene application will be available mid-January.

Programs Available

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Associate Degree in Dental Hygiene

Taft College Dental Hygiene program prepares students for employment. A complete training in dental hygiene is what they propose. The students earn an Associate in Science Degree at the end of the two-year program.

The program provides content that increases knowledge and skills for students to pass board exams and clinical advice and obtain a dental hygiene practice permit.

The dental hygiene program is designed so that each semester is based on the following in the didactic and clinical courses. Students must have passed the prerequisite courses before they can apply for the program. Students must successfully complete all courses to move on to the next semester.

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Concorde Career College, San Bernardino

Tuition: $75, 749

Number of Programs: 2 Programs

The Accredited Associate Dental Hygiene Program provides practical skills and knowledge in extraoral and intraoral exams, periodontal and dental exams, patient history analysis and dental hygiene assessment risks.

Their DH program is on three different campuses, Garden Grove, Aurora, Kansas City, and others.

The dental hygiene program is accredited by the Dental Accreditation Commission and has been granted the status of “approval without reporting requirements”.

Dental Hygiene Programs vary based on courses. That’s the more reason you should choose to study in one of these Top Dental Hygiene Schools in Southern & Northern California.

Programs Available

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Associate Degree in Dental Hygiene

In Concorde San Bernardino, career-oriented health care programs in the areas of dental hygiene, medical assistance, neurodiagnostic technology, respiratory therapy, professional nursing, etc. Diploma and Associate programs are designed to equip you with the skills you need to start a new career.

While, at the Concorde campus in San Diego, you will find health care programs focused on professional careers in areas such as dental care, dental hygiene, medical assistance, nursing and more.

Also, at the Concorde Garden Garden campus, you will find programs focused on your career in dental hygiene, medical assistance, nursing, physiotherapy, respiratory therapy and more. Our diplomas and degrees are designed to help you acquire the skills necessary to quickly prepare for a new career.

Basically, this program is for 21 month and at the end the students earns an Associate Degree in Dental Hygiene.

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Online Programs

Obtaining a bachelor’s degree through our online program will allow current dental hygienists to keep abreast of their field and can offer other opportunities such as administration, research, teaching, etc.

The Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene is a completely online degree completion program. Candidates who wish to enroll in the Bachelor of Science program in Dental Hygiene must have an associated dental hygiene diploma from a program approved by the Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) and a valid dental hygiene license.

In less than eight months, you can gain the skills, knowledge and abilities to begin your rewarding career in the health sector with Concordes online degree programs.

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Southwestern College, Chula Vista

Tuition: $46/$265 per unit (Resident & Non-Residents)

Number of Programs: 1 Programs

The dental hygiene program provides training and experience to prepare graduates for certification as dental hygienists. Accepted students will begin each fall semester and continue for two years.

Dental hygiene classes are taught at the National Center for Higher Education in the city. Transportation is the responsibility of each student. Students generally have classes five (5) days a week.

The goal of the dental hygiene program is to educate students that will affect the general health of the community by positively influencing people’s oral health status.

The Southwestern College Dental Hygiene Program is accredited by the Dental Accreditation Commission (CODA) and has the status of “Approval without reporting requirements” (July 2015).

Dental Hygiene Programs vary based on courses. That’s the more reason you should choose to study in one of these Top Dental Hygiene Schools in Southern & Northern California.

Programs Available

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Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene

Applicants for the dental hygiene program must master several areas. Prerequisites include courses in life sciences, reading, and composition, oral and oral communication, psychology, sociology and mathematics at the university level. Before applying to the program, students must have completed the prerequisite courses.

You must take the prerequisite courses to apply for and be accepted in this program. If you are not yet accepted into the program, you may want to follow the partners’ training plan to prepare for related health programs. This will allow you to obtain your AA degree in preparation for paramedical programs and meet the prerequisites for this specialization.

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Dental Hygiene Schools in California FAQs

Foothill College Dental Hygiene program has been accredited from the inception of the program in 1964. The Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) is nationally recognized by the United States Department of Education as the sole agency to accredit dental and dental-related education programs conducted at the post-secondary level.

The Dental Hygiene Program includes two years of dental hygiene coursework, with two short summer sessions. Prior to entering the Dental Hygiene program, completion of general education requirements and prerequisites are required to be accepted to the program.

Beginning with the class entering in 2016, we will be participating in a pilot program, approved by the State Chancellor’s Office, and award the Bachelor of Science Degree in Dental Hygiene upon successful completion of all courses and program requirements.

See application instructions and forms for the entry-level track to get started.

The first two years of preparation/prerequisite courses may be taken at Foothill College or another accredited college.

The Dental Hygiene program holds classes Monday through Friday. While the hours each day may vary from quarter to quarter, generally the courses run from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. There are some online/hybrid courses in the program. There are occasional evening activities.

Applications can be dropped off in person in the Health Sciences Administrative office located in the Race Building, room 4062, 3rd floor.

Acceptance letters will be emailed by approximately 6-8 weeks after the application deadline. Acceptance and status information will not be given out over the telephone. 

After program prerequisites are completed, the Dental Hygiene Program is completed in five semesters, including one summer session. Associate Degree requirements must be completed before completing the program. It is strongly suggested that these Associate Degree courses are completed before beginning the full-time Dental Hygiene program.

Upon completion of the program, you will receive an Associate Degree in Science with a major of Dental Hygiene. You will be eligible to take the Dental Hygiene National Boards and the Dental Hygiene Western Regional Examination Boards or Central Regional Dental Hygiene Boards.  After successful completion of the National Boards and the Western or Central Regional Boards you will be eligible to apply for licensure with the Dental Hygiene Committee of California.


Becoming a Dental Hygienist in California is one of the best things that can happen to you. Dental hygienists in California may be responsible for the application of prevention materials.

As well as oral health education, and advice on the treatment of patients. And also in the identification of pathologies and oral lesions, and the management of dental hygiene practices.

Dental Hygiene Programs vary based on courses. That’s the more reason you should choose to study in one of these Top Dental Hygiene Schools in Southern & Northern California.


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