Do Medical Schools Accept AP Credit in 2024? Best Answers

Getting AP Credit is one of the best ways to earn college credit. Although some schools require you to add your AP Credit in your admission application for any programs they offer, the question is; Do Medical Schools Accept AP Credit? If they Do, Why? If they don’t, sure, there must be a reason too. Reading this post gives a clearer understanding of AP Exams and the answers that you seek.

So, don’t be in a hurry to close this tab because you need this as a medical student.

Advanced Placement (AP) courses and exams can help you quickly get a college degree. This is because it allows you to get college credit while still in high school.

Moreso, it can help to strengthen your college applications. The AP exam can help you gain experience and save time and cost as a medical student.


Just Read on!

This post provides all you need to know about AP exams, classes, and credits, including what some medical schools think.

Ensure you read this post word for word without skimming, and you will be glad you did. You can also navigate the table of contents below to get an overview of all this post entails.

What is AP (Advance Placement)

Advanced Placement is a program offered by the School Board (SAT program) that allows you to have unique high school courses that can earn college credit and qualify you for other advanced classes when you start college.

These programs are designed to give you a college experience while you are still in high school. Additionally, you can earn college credit for classes by passing the AP exam.

AP classes were created in the mid-1950s due to the widening gap between high school and college. The pilot program in 1952 consisted of 11 courses, but the AP was not publicly available until the 1956 school year when the College Board assumed its name as College Station Administrator.

The program expanded rapidly over the years. Approximately 2.8 million students take AP exams each year with 38 subjects in these months. It is also common for students to take more AP classes than in their high school careers.

Knowing what AP means and how it came about, let’s briefly look at the AP exams and how they can be taken.

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AP Exam

After going through all the AP classes and courses, a test or exam known as the AP exam is conducted. Your passing this test proves that you have attended the AP classes and learned a lot.

Also, you will typically earn college credit if you pass the exam at the year’s end in May. (AP tests are scored between 1 and 5, with anything above 3 considered passing.)

Most elementary and high school students accept the AP certification for the requirement, but only if their four-year college degree recommends it for the AP course and their certificate of university studies.

Why AP Classes

Although attending AP Classes is not mandatory for students who want to attend college or go to a medical school, it is still essential.

So, don’t see it as a waste of time or resources because it will go a long way in helping you get admitted into the school or college of your choice.

Some of the why you should go for AP Classes and credit includes the following;

  • It sets you up for college.
  • Strengthen your text translation.
  • It allows you to learn what you want
  • Increase your opportunities of getting admission
  • Start college requirements (save some money)
  • AP equips you with academic skills
  • Get a college degree
  • It gives you a learning experience.
  • You will have more flexibility in college.

#1. It sets you up for college

Although AP courses can be tricky, once you scale through, know that you are set for college. This is because AP Classes and courses cover much more than regular classes and require independent services such as quizzes and tests. Getting an early college education can make your transition from high school to the first year.

#2. Strengthen your text translation

Most high schools offer AP credits when calculating your GPA. Getting an AP class and getting a B is generally the best option over getting an A on a regular schedule.

#3. It allows you to learn what you want

There are 38 AP courses ranging from computer science to Japanese language and Japanese culture, although your high school may provide some of these. If you are a science genius, AP Biology or AP Chemistry may give you another challenge.

#4. Increase your opportunities of getting admission

Attending AP classes and courses will help increase your academic performance, giving you a head-start over other students if you apply for college.
Besides, if a student is doing well in AP classes, it signals to admissions counselors that she is ready for the stress of college studies.

#5. AP equips you with academic skills

AP courses teach students the ability to write, teach them to think critically, and improve their ability to solve problems. Learn AP courses as you navigate the academic course they will find at the university.

#6. Get a college degree

AP exams are scored from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest). If a student has earned three or more credits, they can earn a bachelor’s, master’s, or two until college. AP courses vary from school to school, but most universities in the US USA (as well as colleges and universities in 40 other countries) offer credit and application for AP exams.

#7. It gives you a learning experience

Attending AP courses provides a learning experience that can help you in college. Also, it gives you grades that can help you qualify for education. According to The College Board, 31% of colleges and universities consider the AP experience when making educational decisions.

#8. Start college requirements (save some money)

Taking AP classes is excellent preparation for taking the standard AP exams. Starting in May, AP tests are available from 1 to 5. If your college awards AP honors, a score of 4 or higher may allow you to earn college credit without a college degree.

Some students may spend the first year of that university, reducing all their college credits by one term.

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#9. You will have more flexibility in college

With so many classes in short supply, you may want to add a second or less, more options, or study abroad and still graduate in four years.

If you have a lot of credit, AP credit may make it better to include one or two books on your reading list. Part of college fun is exploring classes that aren’t what you need.

AP funding will also allow you to receive another scholarship, helping you avoid getting too close.

If you can afford it, it’s wise to take the opportunity to study AP in high school. If you want to save money, graduate in four years or less, earn a college degree, get the help you need, and be flexible in college, AP classes will be necessary to help you achieve all those goals.

How to get AP Credit (Advanced Placement Credit)

You can enroll in AP classes through the typical high school enrollment process. Please note that some schools have the education you must complete before applying for AP classes. Contact your advisor if you have any questions.

‘Ll register for your school’s AP exams, which will have a designated AP coordinator (usually a counselor) to help with this process. If you are moving or want to take a class test for a school that does not offer it, please contact your local AP school resource officer.

AP tests cost $ 94 each. Some schools provide funds, and the University Committee has financial assistance through a $ 32 discount.

How are the AP exams scored?

Each AP exam has two stages: many options and a free answer. The first is a control computer; the second is consulting AP teachers and professors.

The combination generates a compound line. Also, scores are interpreted as the final score using a statistical method that compares with previous scores.

The last one is at level five. The highest possible results a student can obtain are 5 (well-graded); the minimum is 1 (no recommendation).

How to Study and Prepare for AP Exams

It is essential that before you sit for AP Exam, you prepare very well. Aside from attending classes and courses, other tips can help you get a high score after taking the exam.

First, you have to get accurate information about the exams, when and where it will take place. For instance, AP exams are held in May of each year.

Also, you can take AP courses and exams on various subjects, including AB and BC calculus, biology, and world history. Even if you cannot read some AP courses, you can study independently for AP exams to prove your degree in college.

Preparing for one or more AP exams is not easy; It takes a high level of organization, a lot of planning time, and some good study techniques to prepare for the experiment.

Check these tips out!

  • Read Old Materials
  • Think of new things and AP tests in mind
  • Don’t depend on your high school
  • Read the AP preparation paper
  • Talk to Your Tutors

#1. Read Old Materials

Start by reviewing what you have read in class. Spend 15 minutes or more each night reviewing past work. Always remembering your memories is the best way to learn good things.

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#2. Think of new things and AP tests in mind

Don’t forget this once you have finished reading it! AP exams will be at the end of the year. As you discover new things, take a few minutes to write your coursework for the AP exams.

Emphasize the main points of each lesson while it is still fresh in your mind, and note where you have struggled.

#3. Don’t depend on your high school

Your teacher’s job is to ensure everything in the sentence is organized, not to help you study. There is not enough time in the classroom to teach this material and research thoroughly before May. The AP Cram six-hour course is an inexpensive way to support you.

#4. Read the AP preparation paper

An excellent test prep book will help you assess important content, introduce you to the assessment process and question form, and help you plan your big day.

AP preparation papers are a great way to study for your advanced placement exam. These guides provide test papers, study plans, practice questions, and more to help you prepare for the exam.

#5. Talk to Your Tutors

Your AP class teachers have excellent knowledge of courses, practice tests, and rotating counseling because they tutor many AP students each year. So, they have answers to many questions relating to AP Exams and courses.

Furthermore, try to make your tutor have a special study session where you and your team can interact with a specialist. You can also stay home after the week to study with your teacher to help reduce your learning time.

What are the AP Credit Subject Requirements?

We will look at four significant subjects that are mandatory for medical schools.


Most medical schools require students to take two semesters of biology (with lab) in college. AP credit cannot be used to substitute for this requirement. However, students with AP credit may usually take more advanced biology electives (with lab) instead of introductory biology.

Hence, these programs require students to take a year of introductory biology, with lab, in college. Students may not substitute AP credit for more advanced biology courses. 


Most medical schools require two semesters of general chemistry, with lab, and two semesters of organic chemistry, with lab.

However, students with AP credit for introductory chemistry will satisfy most medical school admissions requirements by taking one year of organic chemistry (with lab) and one semester of biochemistry (with lab).

As a Pre-med student, regardless of major, with a score of 5 on the Chemistry AP exam, you will receive 3 credits at the level of an introductory one-semester course for non-majors.

These credits do not count toward a science major/minor or pre-med requirements.


Talking about Physics, the best way, which seems like the only option you have to meet the 2-semester physics requirement, is to score a 5 on the Physics B exam or a 4 or 5 on both of the Physics C exams.

However, most medical schools prefer that you take physics in college, and some have been known not to accept AP credit.

Moreover, Physics majors do not need to worry about using AP credit since they will take advanced courses.

But on the other hand, using your AP credit to skip over General Physics and go into a more advanced course is not advisable for non-science majors.

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Some medical schools require two semesters of mathematics to be taken in college and will not allow AP credit to substitute. Certain schools usually require two semesters of math to be taken in college.

However, courses in computer science, statistics, or other quantitative disciplines will generally substitute for one of the two required “math” semesters. The safest bet is to take MATH 120 and an additional quantitative course, e.g., computer science.

Do Medical Schools Accept AP Credit in 2024?

Not all medical Schools accept Advanced Placement (AP) Credit. Although some, in other to satisfy pre-med admissions requirements, do accept Advanced Placement credit while many do not.

On the other hand, if a particular medical or health professional school does accept AP credit, you will be a much stronger candidate for admission if you take your science courses in college.

Some medical schools might accept it if it appears on your college transcript. In this case, you must ensure that your undergraduate institution can put it on your transcript.  

Medical Schools that do not accept AP credit

As I mentioned earlier, although some medical schools accept AP credits as part of admission requirements, some do not.

The table below shows a list of medical schools that accept ap credit and those that Medical does not accept AP credit;

No” = AP credit is not accepted.

Yes” = Advanced Placement credit is accepted, but they ask for additional or advanced coursework
blank = AP credit is accepted, or courses are not required

Loma LindaNoNo  
UC RiversideNoNo  
The University of California DavisYesYes  
Ca NorthstateNoNoNoNo
University of ConnecticutYesYes  
Yale University yes  
Mercer UniversityYesYes  
Med College GA Yes  
University of KentuckyNo   
Louisiana State University New Orlean   No
Louisiana State University Shreveport No  
Harvard University   No
St. Louis UniversityYesYes  
University Nevada Las VegasNo  
Tenn Health Science CentreYesYes  
University of UtahNoNo  
University South Florida No  
Mt. Sinai No  
University of OklahomaYesYes  
Meharry University No  
University MinnesotaNoNo  

Best Answers Why Medical Schools Don’t Accept AP Credit

Although AP credit is excellent and essential, you shouldn’t use any AP credit when applying for medical school.

The reason is that first, it will make the medical school you are applying to feel that you want to take the easy cut. There are many reasons for this, but obviously in two ways.

Remember that a computer does not make admissions to medical school; Each application is explored using APs to purchase specific requirements and vulnerabilities.

Second, if you use AP credit for what your medical school needs, you will have to reduce the number of schools you want to apply to.

Remember, most medical schools will not accept AP fees. Therefore, you cannot apply to many medical schools if you do not have the required classes because you want to get AP credit.



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