7 Easy Ways on How to Pass UNIJOS Post UTME in 

Ninety percent of the total number of students who pass exceedingly well in any examination had prepared with the right materials. With these easy ways to pass UNIJOS Post UTME, you are sure of your excellent scores.

if am in your shoe as a student I won’t fail to prepare for the school Post Utme exam by sourcing Unijos post Utme Past questions and even other Ways on How I can come out in flying colors. This is because with a high score you stand a better chance of getting admitted.

With a highly competitive university like Unijos where each year, a minimum of 50,000 students seek admission into UNIJOS, just a few gains admission.

Scaling the UNIJOS post UTME is the only limiting factor between you and your dream school. We have bridged that gap.

The right material for the University of Jos Post Utme is UNIJOS POST UTME Past Questions and Answers. All you need to do is just click the link below and purchase at just N1,000 only. So, get your copy immediately.

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Don’t think of letting this opportunity pass you.

Aside from getting the Past questions, we also advise you to carefully read this post word to word, because we have a lot wrapped you here that will be beneficial to you.

Here are the highlights of what to expect in the post.

Why do UNIJOS Conduct Post UTME Exam?

UNIJOS conducts the Post Utme exam in order to scrutinize and select the best students from those that pass or even exceeded JAMB cut off marks as it won’t be possible to admit all the students that applied for admission into the university.

According to Sunday Saanu, Post UTME exercise is one exercise that must remain if universities will not become breeding grounds for ill-baked, sophomoric and dilettantish graduates.

That means Universities not only UNIJOS carry out Post Utme Exam in order to increase the level of well-baked graduates they produce every year.

This tells you that passing JAMB is not all your need. There are just no two ways about this. If you don’t pass the UNIJOS post Utme exam, there will be no admission.

And I know you will seem to be Down in the dumps if you hit a high score in Jamb and Post Utme messes you up.

That is why it is important you study and prepare for this exam very well, get all the necessary materials like UNIJOS Post UTME past questions from HERE and even get some tips on how you can pass to avoid having your heart sink.


What is UNIJOS Post UTME Cut off Mark Like?

If you chose the University of Jos (UNIJOS) as your choice of Institution, then you have to note that UNIJOS Cut-off Mark for the 2024 Session is Not yet out. As soon as it comes out, we will update this page. 

As an aspirant, an insight into what the cut-off may likely be can be of help to you. If we should judge with the previous year which is 2024, the minimum cut-off mark was 180 although some departments’ cut-off mark was higher.

UNIJOS Departmental Cut off Marks

The table below shows the 2024 Unijos post-UTME cut off mark for each department.

1.Faculty of Agriculture
a.         Agricultural Science
2.Faculty of Arts
a.         All Programmes
3.Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences
a.         Biochemistry
4.Faculty of Clinical Sciences
a.         Medicine and Surgery
5.Faculty of Dental Sciences
a.         Dentistry
6.Faculty of Education
a.         All Programmes
7.Faculty of Engineering
a.         Civil Engineering
b.         Electrical Electronics Engineering
c.         Mechanical Engineering
d.         Mining Engineering
8.Faculty of Environmental Sciences
a.         Architectureb.        
All other Programmes

9.Faculty of Health Science and Technology
a.         Nursing Sciences
b.         Medical Laboratory Science

10.Faculty of Law
a.         Law
11.Faculty of Management Sciences
a.         Accounting
b.         Business Administration
c.         All other Programmes

12.Faculty of Natural Sciences
a.         Computer Science
b.         All other Programmes

13.Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
a.         Pharmacy
14.Faculty of Social Sciences
a.         Psychology
b.         Economics
c.         Criminology
d.         All other Programmes
15.Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
a.         Veterinary Medicine

When is the UNIJOS Post Utme Starting?

The University of Jos Post UTME exercise has not commenced yet. Don’t say because the university has not posed any update on when 2024 post UTME is starting, you have all the time to relax and attend to other thongs before preparing.

Start preparing right Now to avoid heartbreaking stories.

The university can release their form anytime from now. In order not to be taken unaware, it’s expedient you start preparing now, you can start you the current past questions which you can purchase here for just N1,000.

How Much is the UNIJOS Post UTME Form?

Each candidate is expected to pay a non-refundable fee of Two Thousand Naira (N2,000.00), only (excluding Bank charges) for the screening which includes getting the form.

After that, they are to visit the University of Jos Portal https://portal.unijos.edu.ng/ to get the registration procedure.

How you can Register for UNIJOS Post Utme Exam 2022

Once you get the form, you are expected to follow the steps below to complete your registration.

All candidates are to do the following:

  • Visit portal.unijos.edu.ng 
  • Click on PROGRAMME
  • Enter their JAMB registration number
  • Click Get Started

a.  The Candidate will be prompted to select and confirm an easy to remember password. Thereafter, a confirmation link will be sent to their email

b.The Candidate should accordingly login into their email and click the confirmation link

c. The candidate is taken to the login page and continue his/her Screening registration

The candidate is taken to their personalized dashboard

  • Click on Pay Screening Charge
  • Select the payment option (a card, Bank Branch, Internet Banking) then click proceed
  • Enter the details requested and follow the prompt

Upon Successful payment, the user is returned to their dashboard

  • Enter five relevant O level subjects and their grades
  • Click Finish
  • Print the Screening Registration Slip
  • Log out and await further communication from the University

How many Questions in UNIJOS post UTME Exam?

When writing the UNIJOS Post Utme exam, you will be faced with up to 50 questions with the same format as your Jamb subject combinations. You will have four subjects which are selected based on the subjects you wrote in JAMB.

For instance, you are writing for UNIJOS Post UTME for Computer Science, you will be required to write four subjects which include;

  • Use of English
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Mathematics.

Note, UNIJOS Post UTME/admission screening examination is computer-based so you must know how to operate a computer.

Easy Ways to Pass UNIJOS Post UTME

The University of Jos is one of the top prestigious universities in the Northern part of Nigeria that most students strive to study in. Be it undergraduates, masters, PhD and even doctorate degree programs, they are good.

It is also recognized all over the country and beyond. Imagine you get the chance of studying at this university and you just allow the chance to slip away.

It can be very bad.

Don’t be scared because of the school system of admission which is assumed to be highly competitive. Once you fill the university as your first choice, all you need to do is follow the Easy hacks we have listed down here for you and I assure you, you will glad you did.

These sure Easy Ways to Pass UNIJOS Post UTME we have pinpointed here have been applied by many scholars and it worked. So don’t say, this is one of those articles people write just to get Traffic because it will really be of help to you.

Check this out!

#1. Purchase UNIJOS Post UTME exams past Questions

I tell you there is no better hack of scaling through the Unijos Post Utme exam without studying with the past questions. Basically, The nature of the UNIJOS Post Utme Exam is shrouded in mystery and it’s only with the past questions that you can gain insight through what you are likely to see on that day.

This because the University repeats questions each year. like 30% of the questions will be what was in the previous years’ exams.

Moreso, preparing with the past questions and answers will give you the confidence needed to tackle the examination and gain admission into your dream university.

Furthermore, it will help to increase your speed, increase your effective management of Time because you’ll be able to answer more questions faster and correctly.

I tell you, having UNIJOS past questions and answers by your side as a studying tool when preparing for the UNIJOS Post Utme exam is so important and its importance can never be overemphasized.

If you really want to pass, then you must get Current UNIJOS past questions.

Now, to get the UNIJOS Post UTME past questions, you don’t need to search elsewhere for it, you can get it here for #1000 which is cheaper than the normal price (N2,000 Naira) it been sold.

If you purchase a copy of this Post-UTME, you will get access to our team of experts. They will amongst other things, connect you to other candidates and create a basic platform for you all to exchange ideas.

This team of experts will also share information on where to get a scholarship as an undergraduate or even study abroad options you may benefit from.

Hurry now and click the link below to purchase your material because the available copies are limited.

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#2. Spend less time on Social Media

Nowadays, the highest level of distractions students face is from social media. You will be able to focus more on your studies if you don’t give priority to social media like Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, twitter and so on.

#3. Don’t be Late for the Exam

This is one mistake most candidates make. Because they are coming from a far distance and exam invigilators will still give them question paper even when they come an hour late, they see it as a yardstick not to work with the time given.

What they don’t know is that coming for the exam late can destabilize them and can create anxiety even though they have prepared very well.

So, it is of utmost importance that you are at the venue 2 hours earlier than the time. This will enable you to relax and concentrate more.

That you are coming from a far distance is not an excuse. You can Come before the day, lodge in a hotel or if possible stay with a friend that lives close. Now you have seen why joining a WhatsApp page is important.

The WhatsApp page can connect you with people coming for the same exam and even students already in the school. Through this you can get someone to stay with that day you decide to come.

#4. Make UNIJOS your first Choice

This step comes before every other step. In short, it should be your first step. before getting the past questions, avoiding social media, been punctual and the rest, you must have made Unijos your first choice when filling your JAMB form.

Every university especially Federal Universities frown at it when candidates choose them as the second choice. they all want to be a top priority.

When selecting students, UNIJOS just like every other Federal Universities considers candidates that chose them as there first choice first before others.

#5. Be Time Conscious

Time is very important. UNIJOS allots time to every examination including the post UTME Exams. Most times this time is not always enough when compared with the number of questions the student is expected to answer.

When writing your post UTME, you will be expected to submit at the exact time which is not always enough. Once you don’t click submit at that time, the system will log you out automatically, and all have done so far will be a waste because you didn’t submit.

What are you supposed to do to avoid that from happening?

Time Management; you have to use your time judiciously by starting with the questions you are sure of the answers first before looking at them once you are not sure.

Now, this is why is vital you purchase the UNIJOS Post UTME Past questions Here and study it back-to-back since the repeat questions often.

#6. Follow to Instruction

This has caused a lot of students their chances of getting admission. See, I am not trying to scare you or put fear in you but the truth be told, once you don’t take instruction, you have failed.

Don’t think you know better or you are too good to take the instructions given. I tell you, the first time of coming out from the exam hall with smiles is when you are sure you obeyed instructions and rules of the exam to the latter.

#7. Know the nature of the Examination

This is one thing you will benefit from getting our already compiled UNIJOS Post UTME Past Questions. Our UNIJOS Past questions will give you insight into what you are going to face.

It shows you the format, number of questions, and the question structure including the time. the only difference is that the questions will not appear verbatim as you will see it on that day of the exam.

Isn’t that amazing?

That means you can write your exam without stress and boost your chance of getting into this prestigious University.

Don’t let this one-time opportunity slip through your finger. It will be very bad for you to have a hack that can lead to your success and just let it go just like that.

Just Hurry, tap that link below and get your own copy of the UNIJOS Post UTME Past questions right now for just N1,000.

Don’t say you will get from a friend because your friend might have the full compilation.

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Join Our Exclusive Post-UTME WHATSAPP Group

To help you prepare better for the Post UTME exam for the University of Jos and be a step ahead of other applicants, we have created a WhatsApp group for students about to write the UNIJOS Post UTME.

Benefits of the Whatsapp Group

You’ll get the following benefits when you join the UNIJOS WhatsApp group:

.ugb-80c7fef li{font-size:17px !important;–icon-size:12px !important;margin-bottom:5px !important}.ugb-80c7fef li::before{width:12px !important;height:12px !important;background-image:url(‘’)}.ugb-80c7fef li ul{margin-bottom:5px !important}.ugb-80c7fef.ugb-icon-list ul{columns:1}
  • Answers to questions regarding the Post UTME exam date, venue, timing, and direction.
  • Real-time answers to questions regarding the school, your prospective faculty, department, and their code of conduct.
  • Accommodation assistance from members of the group and students of the school a day before the post-UTME.
  • Essential hacks on scoring high in the Post UTME.
  • Discover and make friends with applicants studying your course.
  • Meet-up and interact face-to-face with friends you made from the group.
  • Full guide on the next step after getting admission.

To Join: Purchase the UNIJOS past question NOW and get the invite to join the exclusive WhatsApp group.


UNIJOS Post UTME Examinations FAQs

UNIJOS Cut-off Mark for 2024 Session is Not yet out. As soon as it comes out, we will update this page. 

Each candidate is expected to pay a non-refundable fee of Two Thousand Naira (N2,000.00), only (excluding Bank charges) for the screening which includes getting the form.

Yes, there are easy ways you can pass UNIJOS Post UTME in Flying Colours. Here are 7 sure ways;

1. Buy UNIJOS Post UTME exams past Questions
2. Don’t spend much time on Social Media
3. Don’t fail to make UNIJOS your first Choice
4. Don’t be Late for the Exam
5. Know the nature of the Examination …….

In conclusion

When talking about preparing for any Post UTME Exam, it is necessary you don’t forget the place of preparing with the right material like the Post UTME Past Questions.

One basic truth about UNIJOS Admission is that it is highly competitive and it’s only when you prepare very well and hit the cut-off marks that you may be considered.

So, with everything you have grabbed from this post including the Post UTME Past questions you have purchased you cannot be taken unawares.

And if you are yet to click that download button to purchase your own copy, I advise you to do that right now.



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