7 Easy Ways to Pass CRUTECH Post Utme

Getting admission into CRUTECH is getting more challenging each year, mainly because the school has implemented the Post-Utme. This is an exam written by candidates before admission into Cross River State University, Calabar.

According to a reliable source, the University prefers to admits students who score higher in their Post UTME to a student who scored high in JAMB.

Therefore as an aspirant, you need to learn the easy ways to pass CRUTECH post-Utme even with a low Jamb score.

The greatest success tip for CRUTECH Post-Utme screening is knowing the nature of the exams. Apparently, you can only have an idea of what the exams look like if you have the Past Question.

You can get it HERE. It contains basically the CRUTECH test format and that will give you an understanding of what you should expect in the Post-Utme exams.

In addition to the past questions and answers, you need to know other requirements needed for the screening including Cut-off Mark, application fee and many others.

The table of contents will guide you to navigate the options.

Why Do CRUTECH conduct Post UTME?

Post-UTME is a recognized admission screening exam that Cross River State University conducts for students who apply for admission in the school. Below are a few reasons why CRUTECH conducts Post UTME screening.

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  • Post-UTME test has a correlation with the generally good performance at the undergraduate level.
  • CRUTECH Post UTME carries a large percentage in the admission process, a good performance will help you gain admission even with your low Jamb score.
  • CRUTECH Post UTME enables the school to screen out students who engaged in malpractices during their Jamb exams.

What Is CRUTECH Post-UTME Cut-off Mark?

Cross River State University cut off mark is the least score that will qualify a candidate to be admitted in any course of the institution. For instance, If the overall score is 100 and the school sets its cut-off mark at 50, if you score 45 and below, you are not qualified for admission.

However, as an applicant of CRUTECH, you must have a minimum of 50% in your post Utme exams, except for those courses for which higher cut-off marks as been indicated.

If you want to get admitted into Cross River State University without stress, aim to score very high in post-utme. To be eligible for the post-utme screening exercise, you must score at least 160 in your JAMB. This score will contribute to 50% of your assessment.

When Will CRUTECH 2024/2024 Post-UTME Screening Exercise Commence?

The screening date for the 2024/2024 CRUTECH Post-UTME is not yet out. While you are waiting for the school to announce the schedules for the screening exercise, you can CLICK HERE and purchase the Past Questions and Answers, and study ahead of your exams.

How Can I Apply For CRUTECH Post-UTME?

To apply successfully for CRUTECH post Utme, you must meet some requirements.

The following are the criteria you have to meet to be eligible for CRUTECH post-Utme screening.

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  • Choose Cross River University of Technology (CRUTECH) their first choice and scored 160 and above.
  • If you did not choose CRUTECH at all but you are interested in Cross River University of Technology and score 160 and above in the 2024 UTME Examination, you are required to go to JAMB website and change to CRUTECH as your First Choice Institution.

If you meet the above criteria, it means you are qualified to obtain the screening form.

How Much Is CRUTECH 2024/2024 Post-UTME Screening Form?

To access the Online Application Form, you are required to pay two thousand (N2,000.00) naira Screening Fee.

It is payable online with either Master/Visa/Verve ATM Card or in any commercial bank through Remita via the online application Portal.

The following procedures will guide you on how to register successfully for CRUTECH post-Utme.

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  • Log on to crutech.edu.ng and click on the PostUTME link.
  • Follow the instructions on the Online Application Portal to complete the form.
  • Print out the Application Slip after a successful registration.

What is the Nature of CRUTECH University Post-UTME Screening?

Cross River State University screening exercise is conducted online. You are therefore expected to scan and upload the following documents during registration: 

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  • 2024 UTME Result Slip
  • O’level Result(s)
  • WAEC/NECO/NABTEB Scratch Card(s) details as applicable
  • Birth Certificate
  • Certificate of origin

You are not required to appear physically for the screening and therefore not expected to travel to Calabar.

Check out CRUTECH Post-Utme Past questions HERE and see the marking scheme so that you will have an idea of how to approach the exams.

How Can I Pass CRUTECH Post-UTME?

In this section, we will discuss 7 tips that will make you pass your post Utme with less stress and gain admissions into CRUTECH.

These tips are secrets you should know about CRUTECH post Utme screening. They will give you the opportunity to study your desired course at the University. Let’s go!

#1 Know the exam mode of CRUTECH

The first thing that should you do during your preparations for CRUTECH Post-Utme is to find out about the nature of the screening exercise; find out if the screening is computer-based if the school repeat questions and many more.

Having this basic information at your fingertips will help you know how to best prepare for the exams.

#2 Source for CRUTECH Post-UTME Past Questions and Answers

This will give you a hint of how CRUTECH structures their Post-Utme questions. If you study carefully, you will know which questions occur frequently so that you master them.

While searching for CRUTECH past questions and answers, ensure you get a standard package; one that contains all the syllabus for your four basic Post-Utme subjects. You don’t have to stress yourself in search of that. Click the button below and get it.

Past Questions and Answers

Once you purchase the Past Questions and answers, read all the syllabus for each subject, solve every year’s Past questions, and evaluate your examination performance and noted topics you would usually fail in the Past Questions.

 #3 Arrive at the Screening venue on time

Arrive at the exam venue on time so that you can settle in before the invigilators arrive. Ensure you get to your venue the latest one hour before the exams commence.

#4 Speed and Accuracy

CRUTECH will grade you based on the number of questions you are able to answer. So, you must be fast and accurate.

This is why we keep emphasizing the need for the Past Questions and Answers because practicing with it on a computer will help you familiarize yourself with the keys and thus increase your speed.

#5 Don’t Depend on Your Jamb Score

It is important you know that a high JAMB score is not a guarantee of gaining admission into Cross River State University. However, your Jamb score forms only fifty percent of your aggregate score. what I mean is, divide your Jamb score by 8; this would be added to half of what you score in post-UTME.

For those who scored low in JAMB, there is still hope for you. You can still gain admission into CRUTECH if you follow the tips in this article.

#6 Do not Procrastinate

Actually, there is no much time given to applicants to prepare for CRUTECH Post-Utme, therefore, you have to acquire the relevant materials weeks before the exams if you want to perform excellently.

If you need to know what CRUTECH Post-Utme marking scheme is like, Click here to get a copy of the Past-Questions and Answers.

#7 Join A Social Media Platform

Joining CRUTECH social media platforms like WhatsApp will help you to meet and interact with other candidates preparing to write the Screening Test.

In other to help applicants, we have created a WhatsApp group for the 2020/2024 Post-Utme screening exercise.

We ensured that we added only the candidates who have demonstrated some level of competence for effective communications in the group; that is, only those who have relevant materials that will aid them in preparations for the exams.

This WhatsApp group has a lot of benefits so, don’t be left out. GET YOUR MATERIALS Here and join now!

What Are the Benefits of CRUTECH Post-UTME Whatsapp Group?

The major aim of this WhatsApp group is to help you prepare better for the Cross River State University screening exercise and be a step ahead of other applicants.

You’ll get the following benefits when you join the CRUTECH Post-UTME WhatsApp group.

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  • Answers to questions regarding the CRUTECH Post UTME exam date, venue, timing, and direction.
  • Real-time answers to questions regarding the school, your prospective faculty, department, and their code of conduct.
  • Accommodation assistance from members of the group and students of the school a day before the post-UTME.
  • Essential hacks on scoring high in the Post UTME.
  • Discover and make friends with applicants studying your course.
  • Meet up and interact face-to-face with friends you made from the group.
  • Full guide on the next step after getting admission.


The greatest criterion for success in Cross River State University post-Utme is having an insight into what the screening is all about. As an aspirant of CRUTECH, you have to avoid mistakes such as reading irrelevant materials, depending on your high JAMB score and procrastination.

In fact, your major focus should be on the Past Questions and Answers given that the CRUTECH repeats questions. This will contribute to greater success in your exams and you will stand a greater chance of gaining admission into the Institution without stress.

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