7 Easy Ways To Pass FUPRE Post UTME

After Jamb, the only prerequisite to gain admission into the Federal University of Petroleum Effurun(FUPRE) is Post-Utme.

Frankly, there are easy ways to pass the screening test and get admitted to study the course of your choice without stress.

According to jambadmission.com, aspirants that revise and study FUPRE Post Utme past questions and answers do score high in their screening test with instant admission into this wonderful institution.

This, however, serves as the strongest and easy way to pass FUPRE post-Utme among tips that you will discover in this article as you read on. It will give you an insight into the nature of the questions you should expect. You can get a copy of the past questions and answers HERE.

Other facts about the school’s screening exercise that you need to know are the cut-off marks, how to register for the exams, and many others. The table of contents below will help you navigate the available options.

Why Do FUPRE conduct Post UTME?

Post-UTME is a recognized admission screening exam that the Federal University of Petroleum conducts for students who apply for admission in the school. Below are a few reasons why FUPRE conducts Post UTME screening.

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  • Post-UTME test has a correlation with the generally good performance at the undergraduate level.
  • FUPRE Post UTME carries a large percentage in the admission process, a good performance will help you gain admission even with your low Jamb score.
  • FUPRE Post UTME enables the school to screen out students who engaged in malpractices during their Jamb exams.

What is FUPRE Post-UTME Cut-off Mark?

Post-UTME cut-off mark is the least point you are is expected to score if you want to gain admission into the Federal University of Technology Effurun.

The official jamb cut off Mark for FUPRE 2024 Post Utme admission screening exercise is 180 for all courses 

If you want to get admitted into FUPRE without stress, aim to score very high in post-utme. This will increase your chances of getting admission.

When Will FUPRE 2024 Post-UTME Screening Exercise Commence?

The screening date for the 2024 FUPRE post UTME is not yet out. While you are waiting for the school to announce the schedules for the screening exercise, you can CLICK HERE and purchase the Past Questions and Answers and study ahead of your exams.

Also if you would like us to inform you about the screening schedule, you can join the WhatsApp group available to answer questions regarding the Post UTME exam date, venue, timing, and direction. You will see more details about this WhatsApp group in the later section of this publication.

How Can I Apply For FUPRE Post-UTME?

Before you begin your application process, you have to follow the guidelines below.

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  • visit www.fupre.edu.ng 
  • Click on the link “2024 Post-UTME Admission Screening Application”.
  • Follow the registration instructions on the website.

The application procedure for the screening exercise is as follows;

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  • Scan and upload your recent colored Passport size Photographs (taken on red background) of not more than 50KB in JPEG format in the space provided on the online registration form.
  • Any entry form without a passport photograph as (described in 1. above) uploaded on it, will not be accepted. The uploaded Passport Photograph will be the only valid I.D for all admitted candidates throughout their studentship in the University.
  • Ensure that the online forms are carefully filled, following ALL necessary instructions, as purported Mistakes (s) may lead to disqualification. Note also that deliberate disregard of instructions or failure to comply with the instructions may disqualify a candidate.
  • Ensure that you use a password that you can remember to enable you to access your result and confirm your admission status subsequently.
  • Kindly use functional e-mail addresses and Mobile Phone Numbers to enable the University to contact you in the course of the Admission Exercise, whenever the need arises.
  • Preview your online completed form and confirm that all information is correct. Thereafter, click the ‘SUBMIT’ button and print your confirmation page. Corrections are not allowed after submission.

After completing the above process, next is the payment option.

How Much Is FUPRE 2024 Post-UTME Screening Form?

The Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun, FUPRE Post UTME application form is a non-refundable fee of two thousand Naira (N2,000) only. You will pay the fee through the university’s official payment Portal only.

When you are through with your online registrations, ensure you keep all your data, documents, and print-out safe so that you don’t have to look for them on the screening day.

The next step you should take is to make enquiries about the nature of the screening exercise and also purchase materials that will guide you in preparations for the exams. One of such materials is the FUPRE Post-UTME Past Questions and Answers.

You can obtain it HERE. It will not only give you a clue on the type of questions you should expect but also expose you to the school’s Post-UTME marking scheme.

What is the Nature of FUPRE Post-UTME Screening?

Screening exercise at FUPRE is conducted using the Computer Based Test (CBT) mode. However, your subject combinations will depend on the course you registered for which is the same as your JAMB subjects combinations.

The following points will guide you on how to Calculate FUPRE cut off mark 2024

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  • Engineering courses – 200 and above in jamb and 60% in post UTME
  • Basic medical sciences courses 180 and above in jamb and 50% and above in post UTME
  • Professional and highly competitive courses – Law, medicine and surgeon, pharmacy 240 and above in jamb and 85% and above in post UTME
  • Agricultural and educational courses are 120 – 180 in some institution and 20% and above in post UTME
  • All courses in other faculties like Art, commercial, physical, and natural sciences are 180 and above in JAMB and 40% in post UTME.

You can get FUPRE Screening Past Question and Answer HERE to get more insight into what you should expect in the post Utme exams.

The following documents are required for the screening.

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  • Remita printout indicating payment of Two Thousand Naira (N2,000) only as Screening Fee.
  • A copy of your online registration form printed in color and three (3) photocopies
  • Three (3) copies of your JAMB UTME notification of results
  • Four (4) colored passport size photographs (red background) with their names at the back of the passport. The passport photograph must be the same as the one used for online registration as a photo ID.

To participate in the screening exercise, you must meet the required criteria.

Who Is Eligible For FUPRE Post UTME?

Before you can make moves to purchase the form or think of how to passFUPRE Post UTME, ensure you meet the following criteria.

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  • Candidates who made the Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun their Choice in the 2024 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME), and had a total score of 180 and above are eligible to take part in the FUPRE Post UTME Screening Exercise.
  • Candidates who have five (5) O’ Level credits at one or two sittings (including English Language and Mathematics) or are awaiting results that shall be released before the completion of the admission exercise are eligible to apply.

Meeting the basic requirements for the screening exercise is not a guarantee for gaining admission into FUPRE, you also have to pass the Post-UTME test.

How Can I Pass FUPRE Post-UTME?

There is actually no magic to passing the FUPRE screening exercise, all you need is just a few secrets which we are going to show you right here. These secrets are 7 Easy ways to pass FUPRE Post UTME in 2022. Check out!

 #1 Ignore Your Jamb Score

We had to put up this tip especially for those who scored 250 and above in JAMB. As stated earlier, a high score in JAMB is not a guarantee of gaining admission that is why there is Post-UTME.

Your Jamb score would probably form only fifty percent of your aggregate score. what I mean is, divide your Jamb score by 8; this would be added to half of what you score in post-UTME.

For those who scored low in JAMB, there is still hope for you. You can gain admission into FUPRE if you score high in post-UTME.

#2 PAST Questions And Answers

The secret of FUPRE post UTME exam success lies in full preparation and for you to be fully prepared, you need to start studying the Past questions and answers early.

Below are the reasons why you need their post Utme past questions and answers.

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  • FUPRE repeats 90% of their questions every year. We have revealed this secret to you, get one today, and see for yourself.
  • You will be trained on how to answer difficult exam technical questions
  • You will have an idea of how the school set their questions and the approach to answering them
  • It will boost your confidence without needing external support

You don’t have to worry about where to get the FUPRE past answers, just click on the button below.

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The following is what you are expected to do after purchasing your past questions and answers

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  • Read all the syllabus for your four basic subjects.
  • Make sure that you solved every year’s Past questions.
  • Try as much as possible, to evaluate your examination performance and noted topics you would usually fail in the Past Questions
  • Then make it a point to go back and read those topics again very well.

#3 Work on your speed and accuracy

You are going to be graded base on the number of questions you are able to answer, this means you must be fast and accurate.

Thousands of people registered for FUPRE Post-UTME screening, so, you need to work your way out so as to be among those that will be shortlisted.

This is why we keep emphasizing on your getting the PAST QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS on time. It will help you to familiarize yourself with the possible questions you may encounter in your exams.

During your course of studying FUPRE Post-UTME Past Questions and Answers, if you encounter any difficulty answering a particular question, you can refer to a textbook for a better understanding. Once you are able to understand it, it has become part of you.

#5 Be Punctual To The Exam Venue

Arriving late to the exam venue is one of the reasons why most candidates don’t pass Post UTME. Ensure you get to your venue the latest one hour before the test commence.

#6 Familiarize yourself with computers

The 2024 FUPRE Post-Utme screening is Computer-based. If you Get the Past Questions and Answers HERE and practice with a computer, it will help you improve on speed and accuracy.

#7 Obey The Rules And Regulations

FUPRE has rules and regulations that guide how their screening exercise is conducted. So, you need to adhere to these rules and also follow the instructions to avoid disqualification.

Reading rules, tips, and secrets to success in FUPRE Post-UTME alone won’t help you. Act on them! This will prove how serious and eager you are to excel in your exams.

In addition to the 7 enlisted secrets, we have created a WhatsApp group for you. There, you will meet and interact with other candidates preparing to write the 2024 FUPRE Screening Test.

We ensured that we added only the candidates who have demonstrated some level of seriousness for effective communications in the group; that is, only those who have purchased the materials that will aid them in preparations for the exams. So, don’t be left out! GET YOUR MATERIALS NOW!

What Are The Benefits of FUPRE Post-UTME Whatsapp Group?

The major aim of this WhatsApp group is to help you prepare better for the FUPRE screening exercise and be a step ahead of other applicants.

You’ll get the following benefits when you join the FUPRE Post-UTME WhatsApp group.

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  • Answers to questions regarding FUPRE Post UTME exam date, venue, timing, and direction.
  • Real-time answers to questions regarding the school, your prospective faculty, department, and their code of conduct.
  • Accommodation assistance from members of the group and students of the school a day before the post-UTME.
  • Essential hacks on scoring high in the Post UTME.
  • Discover and make friends with applicants studying your course.
  • Meet-up and interact face-to-face with friends you made from the group.
  • Full guide on the next step after getting admission.

Once you CLICK HERE to purchase the FUPRE Past Question and Answers, you will get the invite to join the exclusive WhatsApp group.


Gaining admission into FUPRE is not difficult if you know the strategy. Simply follow the tips on how to pass FUPRE Post UTME we’ve highlighted in this article and also study the past questions and answers carefully.

So, by doing this, you will stand a better chance of securing admission into the Federal University of Technology Effurun.

You can also check out our recommended pages below for Post-UTME success tips of other Institutions in Nigeria.

We Also Recommend

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