How Long Does It Take To Prepare For The GMAT Exam?

Planning is essential for success, and excellent preparation begins with a laid-out study plan. As for knowing how long it takes to prepare for the GMAT exam, you’ll find out in this article.

Remember that study timetables might differ depending on several factors that will be discussed in the later part of this article.

What is the GMAT Exam?

The GMAT exam is a test that assesses the skills you’ll need in business school. It’s required for admission to the top-ranked business schools.

A high GMAT score can help you stand out from the crowd in the admissions process because it predicts your chances of academic and professional success.

Is the GMAT Exam Important?

Of course, it is very important. Asides from its significance in your admission into the business school, it is a test you take if you’re intentional about pursuing a graduate management education.

Like everything else, more study time and practice help you become better in the exam.

What’s on the GMAT Exam?

The GMAT exam is divided into four components and they are:

  • Analytical Writing Evaluation assesses your ability to analyze a written argument.
  • The Integrated Reasoning (IR) component of the test evaluates your ability to synthesize and interpret data.
  • Quantitative Reasoning is a portion of the test that assesses your data sufficiency and problem-solving abilities.
  • The Verbal Reasoning part assesses your reading comprehension, critical reasoning, and sentence repair abilities.

Factors that Affect how long it takes to Prepare for the GMAT Exam?

One cannot say how much it takes to prepare for the GMAT as the comprehension level of some individuals differs. While some may take 3 months to prepare, others may take less or more.

However, there are various factors that determine how long it takes to prepare for the GMAT exam. They are:

Your Current GMAT Preparation Level

How long it takes to get to your target score depends on where you are. So, you can also assess your current level of GMAT readiness.

If this is your first time taking the GMAT, you can estimate your current level of preparation using one of the following methods:

  • Official GMAT Guide Test your knowledge with this quiz.
  • Mock exams for the GMAT

The accuracy of your present estimate will have a big impact on how long you take to prepare for the GMAT.

As a result, based on the resources accessible to you, make sure you use an efficient and dependable strategy.

What Resources You’re Using to Prepare for the GMAT Exam

The amount of time you need to prepare for the GMAT depends on whether you use books, video tutorials, or instructor-led classroom tutoring.

Most students who approach their GMAT preparation with devotion, consistency, and a data-driven online course require lesser time to get through with preparation.

However, if you’re studying for the GMAT with books, you’ll need more time.

How Long Does It Take To Prepare For The GMAT Exam?

It’s important to remember that studying for the GMAT takes time. Plan on spending two to three months and 100–120 hours reviewing and practicing content regularly.

On average, top GMAT scorers spend 120+ hours studying for Test Day over time. The length of each study session will differ depending on your circumstances; most students aim for sessions that last between one and three hours.

When you split the average 120 hours of study time for a top scorer by the average ten weeks of study time, you get around 12 hours per week. This includes time spent in GMAT prep classes and tutoring sessions.

It’s ideal to spread those hours out evenly. It’s better to work two to three hours every day, six days a week, and take one day off per week if you split those hours out evenly.

Now that you know how much time you’ll need, you can schedule your study and track your progress at regular intervals. This ensures that on exam day, you will achieve your target score.

How to Make a GMAT Preparation Study Plan

If the exam date is fast approaching and you feel you haven’t studied enough, developing a personal study plan can help you cut your preparation time.

Besides that, it will serve as a strategy to steadily improve your ability and endurance. Because the GMAT assesses your analytical and critical thinking abilities, you must be able to think flexibly and coherently about the material.

Knowledge of the patterns in the GMAT content is required for these analytical and critical thinking skills. As a result, it’s better to add this level of depth and flexibility.

Next, remember to plan ahead of time for your studies. Make appointments with your GMAT books and practice exams on your calendar and stick to them!

When the deadline is weeks away, it’s easy to procrastinate, so set a date reminder and/or enlist the help of someone to keep you on track.


Basically, how long it takes to prepare for the exam is determined by several factors just as they’ve been listed above. If you have specific answers to those factors, you can answer the question; ‘how long does it take to prepare for the GMAT exam?



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