How Can I Get An Online Architecture Degree

Getting an online architecture degree is difficult and takes a maximum of four years to complete if enrolled on a full-time basis. Students must be prepared as architects design structures for human use and are wholly responsible for the durability of those structures.

So, this article on How Can I Get An Online Architecture Degree In 2024 will provide you with the necessary information you need to become one.

Architecture degrees are a highly prominent and competitive choice of course. It requires a particular set of skills which is being reasonable and creative.

It has to do with extensive knowledge of up-to-date technologies and trends in vogue. Architecture has little to do with reading and writing while the major part of the architectural work is fundamentally done with hands.

Therefore, this article was written to help you in your pursuit of a career in architecture. Here, you will get the necessary details you need to help you get an online degree; whether Bachelor’s, Masters or Doctorate.

What Is An Online Architecture Degree Program?

An online architecture degree program studies the full cycle of a design process which includes creative, technical, and professional topics.

Some of these topics help you learn how to use CAD software while others show you how to transform the drawing into a building.

Types of Online Architecture Degree Program

While there are online architecture degree at all levels, only bachelor’s and Master’s degrees count as professional degrees. This is vital if you want to get an architect license to practice most especially in the U.S.

Bachelor of Architecture (BArch)

This studio-centric program covers design and sustainable construction. Students also learn to use modern high-tech architecture software. As a first professional degree, it may prep students to pursue an architecture license.

Master of Architecture (MArch)

In this program, the aim is to learn the pros and cons of the profession. This so you qualify for NCARB certification. Students explore design solutions, global traditions, and programming.

Doctor of Architecture (DArch)

A research degree, this program may suit students who want to teach, consult or conduct research. Some classes help students understand architectural skills. Others cover regional architecture issues specific to the Asia-Pacific areas.

Furthermore, you may get into urban and ecological issues. So, you may learn how to adapt the design to a setting.

What Is The Benefit Of A Degree In Architecture?

It is easy to define Architecture, but the word has a far deep meaning than it implies.

Studying Architecture gives you the opportunity to study various fields of human endeavor, including Art, History, Material Science, Physics, Engineering. In fact, anything that can help improve the living environment of human beings.

To most people, it is the most diverse subject you can find. And yet, this field attracts the most creative minds in the world.

Here are a few reasons to convince you to take up Architecture as a profession:

Architecture breeds a creative mind

An Architect is one who goes around designing new buildings. This makes architecture a very satisfying profession.

Also, you will get an awesome sense of fulfillment after your blueprints transform into real buildings. You’ll know the joy of creation in this field of Architecture.

A course in Architecture

A course in Architecture gives you the freedom to make use of the right side of your brain which is also referred to as the creative part.

You are open to a lot of opportunities to exhibit your creativity while designing structures.

Architecture is a very high paying field

Once you get through the course and pass out with good grades, you will be pursued by large firms in search of fresh talent and productive minds. Unlike other fields, Architects make a lot more money.

Architecture may sound like a 9 to 5 job, but it is not

There’s more to Architecture than being a 9 to 5 job. If you like to hit the road every now and then, you’re in for some luck.

In fact, in this profession, you get to travel a lot. You have to put your feet on the ground, and visit construction sites.

Architecture is one of the most challenging yet Adventurous and Fun-filled Professions in the world.

Every building is different. There is absolutely no monotony in life. The excitement and the challenge of architectural works are quite stimulating, to say the least. If you’re the kind of person who likes to work with his or her hands, then Architecture is the right profession for you

In the Architecture study course, you get to work with your hands. It’s not just about reading and writing all the time, but you must have a hands-on approach on many assignments. Building scale models, making surveys, talking to people. It’s a very active field to consider.

Are There Online Architecture Bachelor’s Degree?

Yes, there are online schools offering Bachelor’s degrees in architecture. The Bachelor of Architecture is considered a first professional program and prepares students for authorization.

The Majority of online architecture degrees at the bachelor’s level combine theory with a hands-on application; although a bachelor’s degree does not directly qualify candidates for careers as a professional architect, it’s a great advancement.

With an online bachelor’s degree in architecture, students can prepare for a wide variety of design and planning careers.

In addition, they may work as assistants to architects or they can further their education to earn a master’s degree in architecture in order to qualify for authorization. 

How Long Does It Take To Get An Online Architecture Bachelor’s Degree?

Your online Bachelor of Architecture (BArch) program will take about five years to complete if you wish to become a licensed architect.

Basically, to get an online bachelor’s degree in Architecture; it pertinent that you find an online program that suits your immediate need and daily engagements. Then, send in an application after considering a number of factors like accreditation, tuition, and flexibility of the program. Most coursework is submitted online while attendance is required so as to blend the program.

Online Architecture Master’s Degree

Architecture master’s degree is a professional graduate degree that teaches students the theory and practice of designing structures.

The duration of the degree differs, dependent on the applicant’s skills. Those who are non-architecture bachelor’s degree holders usually need to complete a three-year program, while those who are professional or non-professional architecture bachelor’s degree holders can complete a one- to two-year master’s degree.

How Can I Get an Online Architecture Master’s Degree?

The online Master of Architecture program requires a Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies or its equivalent. If your degree counted as a pre-professional degree in architecture, it is acceptable for application to this program.

So, to get an online master’s degree in architecture, simply find an accredited online school. Choose a master’s degree program that suits your budget and complements other daily engagements of yours. Judiciously, attend your online classes and finish up your coursework. Then, you can earn a master’s degree in architecture.

Wondering where to get An Architecture Degree? See 17 best Schools for Architecture in the World.

How Much Does An Architect Earn?

There are a lot of ways an architect can earn an income. This can be through owning his or her own firm, as an employee, as a freelancer, or some combination.

To that effect, as of May 2016, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, architects earn a median annual wage of $76,930 per year ($36.99 per hour).

What Jobs Can You Get With a Degree in Architecture?

Starting off a role as a fully qualified architect is likely to be challenging and fascinating; putting you at the forefront of new technology to improve people’s lives while exercising your creativity.

As an architect, you’ll work closely with clients and users to design new buildings or complete extensions or alterations to existing ones, ensuring that they are safe, cost-effective, and functional.

Architecture careers are more diverse than you might think.

Typical responsibilities of architects include supervising the construction process, resolving any planning issues, managing the environmental impact of projects, consulting other design professionals, and sticking to financial budgets.

To come to light as a fast-rising architect, you’ll typically need to have completed a degree accredited by a statutory body such as the UK’s Architects Registration Board (ARB). Having prior experience in an architectural design or construction environment is very appealing to employers, and you should try to keep up with the latest trends in architecture and design.

Below are jobs you can get with a degree in Architecture.

Architectural technologist

In this architecture career, you’ll use your science and engineering skills and knowledge to create sustainable constructions and renovations. Using both computer-aided design (CAD) and traditional drawing techniques, you’ll also prepare and present design proposals and advise clients on technical matters.
Again, work experience is paramount when applying for jobs in this area. This will enable you to widen your horizon on how architecture projects are handled.

Interior and spatial designer

Interior and spatial designers design or renovate internal spaces, fixtures, and fittings, using their architectural, creative design and project management skills to ensure that spaces are both attractive and efficient (although some designers will focus exclusively on the appearance rather than the structure of interior spaces).

You might work in a variety of commercial, domestic, or leisure settings. It simply entails understanding the needs of your client while obtaining materials and products and keeping to budgets.

Building surveyor

Building surveyors are also often involved with taking precautionary measures to keep buildings in good condition, as well as to make them more sustainable.

Again, pre-entry work experience is highly recommended, giving you insight into how ideas are adopted in the real world, and perhaps even leading to paid jobs through the contacts you’d make.

Town planner

Graduates with an interest in development, regeneration, and sustainability might be interested in a career as a town planner.

Working on behalf of everyone in the area and alongside other professionals such as architects, you will aim to balance the conflicting needs of the local environment, population and economy and think of innovative, sustainable solutions for developments.

To become a town planner, you’ll need strong multitasking skills, commercial awareness, attention to detail, and be confidence in listening to and negotiating with a diverse range of people.

Production designer

Continuing our look at what you can do with an architecture degree, a role as a production designer on the set of films, television programs, and theater shows would be ideal for graduates with an interest in the entertainment industry.

As a production designer, you’ll work closely with the producer and director and use your creative flair to develop a complete visual outline for the products they’re working on.

Some production designers are entirely focused on theater and stage design, or there could be an overlap between media forms.

Historic buildings Inspector

Historic building inspectors promote the preservation of the historic environment and help to protect and enhance buildings with historical, architectural, or cultural significance.

In this role, you’ll visit historic sites to inspect and survey them, advise on the best preservation methods, and take part in regeneration projects to benefit the community, economy, or environment.

Structural engineer

Structural Engineers are creative innovators, making use of maths and science to design and oversee structures that will withstand human pressures of wear and tear.

In fact, as a structural engineer, you’ll work in partnership with other engineers and architects to design aesthetic and safe structures.

You might also be involved in examining existing buildings to ensure that they are structurally secure and up to standard. 

How Much Does an Architecture Degree Cost?

The total cost will depend on whether the architectural degree is offered by a public or private institution and whether the student is attending in-state or out-of-state. Basically, the annual cost of a bachelor’s degree in architecture ranges from $15,000 to more than $60,000 a year. This includes tuition fees and books.

Best Schools to Obtain Online Architecture Degrees

Academy of Art University:

This academy offers a rigorous curriculum in design and construction. The well-structured coursework is guaranteed to give students a solid foundation in modern architecture.

The percentage rating is as follows: Acceptance rate: 100%, retention rate: 71%, graduation rate: 33%.

University of Arizona:

The university’s curriculum provides the opportunity to solve real-world issues within the field of architecture so that students can carry the knowledge into positions that will provide incredible opportunities.

Their acceptance rate is: 76%, retention rate: 80%, graduation rate: 60%.

East Carolina University:

This school’s curriculum is a degree-completion program that requires students to have completed a qualifying Associate’s degree.

The coursework emphasizes leadership in the industry, as well as the most modern software, technologies, and development. Acceptance rate: 69%, retention rate: 83%, graduation rate: 59%.

FAQs on How to get An Online Architecture Degree?

There are a lot of ways an architect can earn an income. This can be through owning his or her own firm, as an employee, as a freelancer, or some combination.

The National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB)

The four common Architecture classes include:
1. Architectural Design
2. Site Design & Mapping
3. Graphics for Architects
4. History of Architecture

It may take 5 years full time to earn a BArch degree online but master’s programs usually take from 2 to 3 years. The quicker programs often let you e

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