15 Online Colleges In Massachusetts For International Students

Suppose you are finding it daunting to make out time for onsite classroom lectures; you can apply for admission to an online college in Massachusetts as an international student and build your study around your schedule.

According to Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System statistics, Massachusetts has 186 online programs that serve roughly 36,000 distant learners.

Many of these students prefer the convenience of an online program to accommodate the responsibilities of employment or caregiving. Others may study online to gain the skills and information needed to pursue a new professional interest or abandon an area where work is dwindling.

This article will look at the top 15 online colleges in Massachusetts. Carefully read through.

Why Choose Massachusetts for Online Higher Education?

According to the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System report, 186 fully online programs in Massachusetts serve about 36,000 online learners.

Most of these students prefer online programs because of their flexibility to fix coursework around their work and routine demands.

Some others study online to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to pursue a new professional interest or leave the industry with declining employment.

Here’s data from the report:

  • Number of Programs Offered Online in Massachusetts: 186
  • Undergraduate Students Registered Online in Massachusetts: 11,008
  • Number of Graduate Students Studying Exclusively Online in Massachusetts: 23,379
  • Total Number of International Students Enrolled Exclusively Online in Massachusetts: 1,439

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15 Online Colleges In Massachusetts For International Students

Here’s a list of the best 15 online colleges in Massachusetts for international students:

  1. University of Massachusetts-Lowell
  2. Northeastern University
  3. University of Massachusetts Amherst
  4. Boston University
  5. Havard University
  6. University of Massachusetts Boston
  7. Simmons College
  8. Framingham State University
  9. Bay Path University
  10. Bristol Community College
  11. Northern Essex Community College
  12. Fitchburg State University
  13. Assumption College
  14. Lesley University
  15. Fisher College

1. University of Massachusetts-Lowell

The University of Massachusetts-Lowell offers over 40 online degree and certificate programs, as well as a large number of individual online courses. They offer associate degrees in information technology and management. You can also enrol for bachelor’s degrees in information technology, business administration, criminal justice, psychology, English, and liberal arts.

You can also take up their online master’s degree program in areas like information technology, business administration, finance, accounting, curriculum and instruction, criminal justice, security studies, and lots more.


2. Northeastern University

Through Blackboard, the university’s global network Northeastern University offers online degrees and certificates. Northeastern University, located in Boston, enrols approximately 25,000 students each year.

Northeastern University, one of the best online institutions in Massachusetts, gives students access to 80+ programs offered either 100 per cent online or mostly online with an in-class component.

Northeastern University offers ten online bachelor’s degree programs in health administration, computer technology, liberal arts, political science, and professional communication. Students can also earn online bachelor of science in finance and accounting management.


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3. University of Massachusetts Amherst

Next on our list of online schools in Massachusetts for international students is the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Their online degree programs are for working professionals, adults and high school students looking to expand their horizons by experiencing high-quality educational learning at your time.

They offer programs and classes in a variety of subject areas.  Whether you are interested in business, nursing, engineering or sustainable agriculture, UMW has what you are looking for.

This institution is a leading university in the US. According to the U.S. News, their online bachelor’s degree program is ranked nationally.


4. Boston University

Boston University provides online bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate programs. The online bachelor’s degree in interdisciplinary studies program at the University is designed for learners who have completed 52-64 transferrable courses.

There are eight online master’s degrees available, not counting specializations. Art education, criminal justice, music education, computer information systems, health communication, management, social work, and taxes are all master’s degrees.

Online doctoral degrees in music education and occupational therapy are available.

Boston University is one of the top online colleges in Massachusetts.


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5. Havard University

Havard University is one of the best online colleges in Massachusetts for international students that offers online courses in various subjects through the Havard Extension School.

Their online courses connect learners from all over the world to a point where they engage with instructors, participate in peer discussions, and receive personal support from the teaching staff.

Individual online courses are available in business and management, computer science, arts and design, economics and finance, education and organizational development, government, law, politics, and history.

A bachelor’s degree in liberal arts, a combination undergraduate/graduate degree program, and graduate degree programs in 28 fields are available online through the Harvard Extension School.


6. University of Massachusetts Boston

The University of Massachusetts-Boston provides online bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate degrees and several individual online courses. A B.A. in Global Affairs and an R.N. to B.S. program are two online bachelor’s degree programs.

UMB provides learners with digital access to the same high-quality courses and programs they offer on campus, delivered by the same academic departments, at one of the lowest online tuition rates.


7. Simmons College

Simmons College offers the best high-quality online degrees in Massachusetts.

Online students are essential to Simmons College’s close-knit community of lifelong learners. They’ve mastered the delivery of high-quality online education that brings people together — and propels them ahead — after years of study and research.

Their rigorous accredited online programs are complemented by dedicated support teams and a strong community. Throughout the learning experience, online students work with advisors, faculty, tech specialists, fellow students, and the alum network.


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8. Framingham State University

Framingham State University is one of the top online colleges in Massachusetts.

Framingham State University provides online courses in 18 different topic areas and graduate degree programs. Dedicated professors, high-quality course design, and strong administrative support will be available.

Their online degree programs are interactive, challenging, and collaborative.


9. Bay Path University

Bay Path University is home to the American Women’s College (AWC) Online, which bills itself as the country’s first online degree program developed solely for women.

AWC Online offers over 20-degree programs that are online. Students can begin the programs at six different times throughout the year, with classes held in accelerated six-week intervals.

AWC allows students to transfer up to 90 credits, accepts unearned credits, and gives credit for military or volunteer service and job experience via a prior learning assessment process.


10. Bristol Community College

Bristol Community College was recently named in Washington Monthly’s annual College Guide as one of the top 100 finest two-year colleges for adult learners.

It is ranked higher than 1,000 other community colleges in the United States. Bristol provides a variety of transfer and career associate degrees entirely online. Computer information systems and general management are two career degree alternatives. Communication, humanities, and behavioural and social sciences are online transfer programs.


11. Northern Essex Community College

Northern Essex Community College makes it easier for students to transfer to four-year institutions by providing some of the most frequent transfer degrees online. These include a business transfer degree and a liberal arts associate degree in most situations. The remainder of NECC’s online degrees and certificates are 80 per cent online.

Northern Essex Community college is a member of the MassTransfer Pathway program, which ensures that all general education credits will transfer smoothly to another state school.


12. Fitchburg State University

Fitchburg State, one of the best online universities in Massachusetts, offers an online RN-to-BSN program for active nurses with a diploma or associate degree. This 32-credit degree completion program is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education and includes classes in social justice and advocacy, health and physical assessment, and evidence-based nursing practice. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 and an unencumbered RN licensure.

They also offer online master’s programs in different areas like history, education, accounting, forensic nursing and many more.


13. Assumption College

Assumption University, a Catholic university in Worcester, Massachusetts, aspires to produce graduates distinguished for their critical thinking, conscientious citizenship, and compassionate service.

Online students can pursue two- and four-year social science and humanities studies. They also provide a bachelor’s degree in business administration.

In addition, Assumption offers a fully online bachelor of business administration degree. This 120-credit program focuses on digital marketing, human resource management, and project management. Participants can also design their concentration with the assistance of a faculty adviser. Students pursuing a BBA degree must take a self-directed transdisciplinary capstone course.


14. Lesley University

Lesley University is an online college in Massachusetts. At Lesley, creativity is the hallmark of their online programs. Their product is structured to meet the needs of students.

Their online program allows you to choose how you want to study, what to study and where you want to study. They have flexible and affordable online bachelor’s degree and graduate degree programs.


15. Fisher College

Fisher College provides a diverse choice of online classes to international students seeking undergraduate, graduate, and credential degrees.

If you are looking for an online college in Massachusetts for international students that matches your social life and professional ambition, Fisher College has a full plate for you.

Their online program has small class numbers, a wide range of course choices, and scheduling flexibility, enabling students to tailor their education to their needs.


What Is The Cost of Attending An Online College in Massachusetts?

Residents of Massachusetts can enjoy significant reductions when attending school in the state. For example, in-state students at the University of Massachusetts – Boston pay $563 for each undergraduate credit, whereas out-of-state students pay $1,361 per credit.

The institution charges the exact cost whether you study online or in person, while distance learners may be exempt from specific campus-related fees.

Some public colleges charge online students fixed tuition regardless of domicile. For instance, online undergraduate courses at the University of Massachusetts – Lowell cost $380 per credit, while traditional undergraduate courses cost about $340 per credit. Check with your institution to determine the tuition prices for online classes.

Students pursuing a degree at an online college in Massachusetts often pay more tuition than the national average, though this varies by school.

Many Massachusetts colleges charge the same fee per credit whether students study online or on campus.

Distance learners may be charged a technology fee but save money on bed and board. Consider completing an associate degree before moving to a four-year university to lower the expense of your education further.

FAQs On Online Colleges In Massachusetts

What technology skills do I need to take an online course?

Although knowing how to use Canvas is unnecessary, you should have basic computer skills.

What is the most accessible online college to get into?

Antioch University in Culver City, California, provides an online Liberal Arts degree program. It is undoubtedly the most straightforward online college.

Does UMass offer online degrees?

Yes, the University of Massachusetts offers online bachelor’s and master’s programs in business and education.

Are online colleges in Massachusetts accredited?

The leading online colleges in Massachusetts hold regional accreditation. Prospective students should always do additional study to ensure that they receive their credentials from programs approved by the appropriate authorities.


Regarding online degrees, Massachusetts is the land of milk and honey. As an international student, you have a plethora of affordable colleges to choose from.


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