Accredited Physician Assistant PA Schools in Indiana

Becoming a Physician assistant is quite an interesting profession, however, studying in the right school avails you more job opportunities.

One basic criterion in choosing a PA school is ascertaining its accreditation status. And, there are accredited physician assistants schools in Indiana that offers the best PA programs.

Basically, physician assistants offer to help physicians when they take care of their patients. As long as there are physicians in Indiana, then, there will always be physician assistants.

It is definitely, an interesting task to watch sick patients heal. More adoring it is to help them heal from all sorts of ailments. While this may be the responsibility of physicians, PA’s can also assist. However, individuals who do not have the basic requirements to enroll in a PHYSICIAN program can easily settle for a PA program.

In Indiana, there are PA schools that are fully accredited and offer the best PA programs in the state. This article will furnish you with locations of accredited PA schools in Indiana, how much it may cost to earn this certificate, and how long you may spend to earn it.

For an overview of other vital details in this article, take a quick glance at the table of contents below.

What is Physician Assistant School?

Basically, Physician assistants are charged with the role of practicing medicine under the direction and supervision of a licensed physician. Even though their job role is to assist, they their basic nitty-gritty of medicine they must understand.

So, a physician assistant school is usually an educational platform for individuals to acquire the basic training needed to become a physician assistant. It is just like medical schools where students go to earn an MD degree. However, it doesn’t award an MD to graduates.

In summary, Physician Assistants Schools in Indiana refer to schools or medical colleges offering accredited programs that award a degree that enables students to practice as Physician assistants upon graduation.

Florida also has good schools offering PA programs. See the best accredited PA Schools in Florida on this link.

What is the Easiest PA School to get Into?

There is absolutely no easy PA school to get into. This is because, just as in medical school, admission is quite competitive. However, there are still some schools that require a lesser GPA to get admitted.

These schools can be tagged as the easiest PA schools to get into. In Indiana, admission into PA schools is very competitive. Majorly the fact that graduates have to deal with human life upon graduation keeps the admission team on their toes.

They must give admission to the best students who are willing to be committed to their long-term goals as Physician assistants. So, in selecting the best students, a whole lot might be considered.

This, in turn, makes it very difficult for students to get a place. However, considering GPA requirements, the easiest medical school to get into in the USA is Marquette university, with a GPA acceptance rate as low as 3.0.

Read also: What is the Easiest PA School to get Into?

What are the Requirements for a PA School in Indiana?

Generally, what is important for a PA program is, usually, left to the school’s discretion. However, there are basic requirements that cut across PA schools in Indiana. These requirements comprise educational requirements, GPA requirements, and basic skills.

  • 3.0 GPA
  • Prerequisites courses in Biochemistry, human anatomy, human physiology, introduction to psychology, and microbiology or a bachelor’s degree in any related field.
  • Letters of recommendation
  • GRE scores in the 50th percentile or higher
  • Official transcripts
  • Basic skills like Time management, curiosity, compassion, and humility.

How Long is Physician Assistant School in Indiana?

Schools have the jurisdiction to determine how long their PA programs may last. In some schools in Indiana, the curriculum may take as long as three to four years to complete, while others last for just 24 months.

How long a PA program lasts in Indiana is usually an apt time for students to cover all the requirements they would need to earn state licensure and practice without fear or favor as qualified Physician Assistants in Indiana.

For instance, PA programs at Butler University which is one of the best accredited PA schools in Indiana, last for just 24 months. On the other hand, the PA program at Franklin College is 25 months long.

In summary, the degree program may also greatly influence how long you spend in a PA school. Master’s degree programs may require you to spend fewer years than a doctoral-level program in PA Schools in Indiana.

Wish to become a Physician? See how long you may spend in Medical School.

How Do I Become a Physician Assistant in Indiana?

Becoming a physician assistant in Indiana requires students to complete a series of steps. After which, they proceed to obtain state licensure, which allows them to practice.

In Indiana, PAs are very important as they play an essential role in educating their patients on preventive measures they can take to avoid many maladies. Aside from determination and curiosity, individuals who intend to practice as PAs in Indiana can take the following steps:

Basically, the only way to become a certified PA is by enrolling ad completing a PA program from an accredited PA school in Indiana. So, students must research and confirm PA programs in Indian PA schools that are fully accredited. (

The next thing to do is to consider the admission requirements alongside tuition fee. Confirm if you meet up with the Graduate record examination requirements, clinical experience, and prerequisite classes.

In substitute for prerequisite classes, students may earn a bachelor’s degree in any of the field of studies below:

  • Nursing
  • Medical Assistant
  • Biology
  • Psychology
  • Public Health

Upon graduation or within three months before graduation, students can register to take the Physician Assistant National Certifying Exam (PANCE).

The registration fee for this exam is about $475 and you will be required to answer 300 questions in five hours. This exam is sponsored by the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA) and passage is required for licensure in Indiana.

The PANCE covers the major organ systems of the human body and their associated problems and is administered in a multiple-choice format. Students who pass this exam earn the Physician Assistant-Certified (PA-C) credential.

In addition, their test scores are sent directly to the Physician Assistant Committee of the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency as part of an application packet.

Students who earn the Physician Assistant-Certified (PA-C) credential should quickly apply for licensure in Indiana to the Physician Assistant Committee. To apply, submit the following to the committee:

  • $100 application fee
  • Application form
  • Fingerprinting and a criminal background check (CBC)
  • Official transcripts and a diploma from the student’s PA degree program
  • NCCPA certificate (PA-C)
  • Although not required for a license, PAs must also submit a supervising agreement with a physician and a prescriptive authority list before they can begin practicing and write prescriptions, respectively

Generally, the PA state Licensure you obtained is valid for 24 months, expiring July 1st of even-numbered years. It is important you renew licenses online for a fee of $50.

Only PA’s who continuously renew their licenses are qualified to keep practicing as PAs in Indiana. In addition, students must accumulate 100 credits of CME every two years. as well as passing the Physician Assistant National Recertifying Exam (PANRE) in each tenth year.

How Much Does It cost To go to a PA School in Indiana?

The cost of attending a PA is, to a great extent, determined by the PA School you have chosen. Also, a lot of factors may influence how high or low you spend in a PA School.

For Instance, Indiana state university tuition fee for PA programs is $76,539. This fee is for non-residents and the cheapest for PA schools in Indiana. It is important to note that private school tuition is usually way higher.

To curb financial expenses, students can apply for student loans or the numerous scholarship opportunities available for all levels of study.

You can also source financial help by applying to any of these scholarships for Physician Assistants.

Can I get into an Indian PA School without GRE?

Most schools in Indiana require GRE scores for PA programs. However, Franklin College in Indiana allows students to earn a Master of Science degree without requiring GRE scores.

How Much Do PA’S in Indiana Make?

A lot of factors may influence the take-home pay of a Physician Assistant in Indiana. The hospital you work for, years of experience, and dedication to service are some of them.

However, posits that the average salary of a Physician Assistant is about $99,646 per year.

What are the Best Accredited PA Schools In Indiana?

Well, anyone can be a Physician Assistant with certificates earned from unrecognized schools. This will, however, affect students during the job hunt. What is worth doing is worth being excellent at.

So, earning your PA credentials from accredited schools is very important. In fact, this should be your top priority.

What this article does is aid in limiting your search for the best school to attend. In this article, students will trust to choose any of our schools as they are all fully accredited.

In selecting these best PA schools in Indiana, the world scholarship forum put into consideration the following:


This is very important and tops our consideration list. The relevant bodies and authorities duly accredit all schools in our list of best accredited PA schools in Indiana.

Exam Rate:

Students should also consider attending schools that have a good exam rate. They must consider how well students in the school pass their state licensure exams. Schools in this article have a reasonable exam rate, making it one of Indiana’s best accredited PA schools.

This article, in selecting our schools, puts into consideration the number of PA programs a school offers. The more research areas a PA school has, the more options it offers its students.

1. Butler University‘s Physician Assistant Program

Accreditation: (ARC-PA).

Research Areas: Masters

Exam rate: 98.6%

The oldest PA program in Indiana is a 24-month curriculum program that prepares students to take the national certification exam. Students who complete this master’s program at Butler University move further to apply for state licensure, which allows them to provide patient care in various medical settings.

The school’s PA program is known for its above-national-average board passing rates with low attrition. In addition, students who complete this PA program get a job placement within six months of graduation.

In fact, Butler University PA program is one of the premier PA programs in the country and also the best accredited PA school in Indiana, fully accredited by the accredited through the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant.

Program Link

Read Also: Accredited Physician Assistants Schools in Illinois

2. Indiana State University’s Physician Assistant Program

Accreditation:  (ARC-PA)

Research Areas: Masters Program

Exam rate: 95%

Indiana State University offers a Physician Assistant program to accommodate caring, compassionate individuals who want to serve their communities as primary care providers.

It has a continued accreditation status due for review in September 2024. The Indiana State University PA program is designed with evidence-based medicine and culturally sensitive care provision as guiding principles.

The PA program has a 95% graduation rate and just a 5% deceleration rate. In addition, over 100% of its students get job placement upon graduation. The PA program is a 93 credits hour, and 7 semesters PA school is limited to only 30 students annually.

Program Link

See other accredited PA Schools In Minnesota here.

3. University of Saint Francis Physician Assistant Program

Accreditation: (ARC-PA)

Research Areas: Masters

Exam rate:98%

The PA program at the University of Saint Francis allows students to launch careers as Physician Assitant in slightly more than 2 years.

The PA program in Indiana can be completed full-time in at least 27 months. The program is designed to give in-depth knowledge and clinical experience to make students competent and compassionate practitioners.

The first 15 months will build your knowledge of biomedical science and aid you in developing clinical skills in USF’s Campus facilities. Students learn clinical rotations that are scheduled with a preceptor, full-time, and for just 11 different rotations.

The program equips you with the right skill to Take and pass the Physician Assistant National Certifying Exam (PANCE).

Program Link

4. Frankylin College’s Physician Assistant Program

Accreditation: Provisional Accreditation by (ARC-PA)

Research Areas: Master of Science

Exam rate:

Franklin College offers a 25-month curriculum PA program with provisional accreditation from ARC-PA. Basically, a provisional accreditation status is granted to a school with the plans and resource allocation. Even though it is yet enrolled students can meet the ARC-PA standards.

This PA program is one of the best accredited PA programs in Indiana that involves a 111-credit full-time course of study. The curriculum is divided into a 12-month didactic phase, a 12-month clinical phase, and a 1-month capstone phase.

New students begin classes every January, and the school records a 98% graduation rate.

Program Link

5. Trine University’s Physician Assistant Program


Research Areas: Masters of Science

Exam rate: 96%

Trine University offers a Master of Science Program for Physician Assistant aspirers. Basically, the program is known for its outstanding educational experience and its ability to produce graduates that are equipped enough to deliver safe, appropriate, effective, and cost-efficient medical care in a variety of clinical settings.

The PA program is a 7-semester program that is primarily campus-based. Students, however, may travel to clinical application obligations, including local inter-professional activities.

Trine university’s Pa program makes it to our list of best accredited PA schools in Indiana for its exceptional PA program competency.

This competency equips students with Knowledge Domain, Clinical Skills Domain, Clinical Reasoning and Problem Solving Abilities Domain, Technical Skills Domain, Interpersonal & Communication Skills Domain, and Professional Behaviors Domain.

Program Link

6.  University of Evansville Physician Assistant Program

Accreditation: ARC-PA Accreditation – Provisional

Research Areas: Master of Science

Exam rate: 100%

The University of Evansville is a state-of-the-art multi-institutional campus that provides unique inter-professional experiences among various health professional students, collaborative learning, and research opportunities.

Its Physician Assistant program has an accreditation provisional status from Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant.

According to the official page, the PA program seeks to select only qualified candidates and produce competent entry-level Physician Assistants while maintaining a graduation rate above the national average.

Evansville PA program is outstanding and makes it to our list of best accredited Indiana PA Schools because of its level of competency. In fact, this Indiana school for PAs offers quality Knowledge, Skills, and top-notch professionalism.

No wonder it has a 100 percent PANCE rate. To gain more information on this PA program, visit the program page.

Program Link

7.  Indiana University School of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences Physician Assistant Program

Accreditation: (ARC-PA)

Research Areas: Master of Physician Assistant

Exam rate: N/A

The PA masters program at Indiana University School of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences offers a great clinical experience. Basically, the PA program at IUPUI encompasses unique resources such as access to an anatomy cadaver lab, the medical library, and the Fairbanks Hall Simulation Center; five hospitals right on campus; and a newly renovated building with a classroom.

According to the official website, students are exposed to at least 12 months of clinical experience. This clinical experience encompasses nine clinical specialties: Emergency Family, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, General Surgery, and Behavioral Medicine.

This PA program makes it to our list of best accredited PA schools in Indiana because of its versatility. Students are trained to become generalists and then choose to practice any medical specialty.

Program Link

PA Schools In Indiana FAQs

DOes Indiana University offer masters in physician assistant studies?

Indiana University offers a Master’s degree program in physician assistant studies. This program is fully accredited by the (ARC-PA) and has a 95% graduation rate.

What are the requirements to attend a PA school?

Basically, students who intend to get into a PA school must have a bachelor of science in a related field or complete prerequisites in lab sections such as General or Organic Chemistry, Physiology, Anatomy, Microbiology, and Physics.

Can you apply to PA school with a psychology degree?

Yes, you can apply to a PA school with a bachelor of science in Psychology. However, some schools may require you to take extra prerequisite classes.

Does Indiana School of health offer msc for PAs?

Yes, Indiana school of health offers a master of science Program for Physician Assistants.

Wha is the accreditation

AccreditationProvisional is an accreditation status granted when the plans and resource allocation, if fully implemented as planned, of a proposed program that has not yet enrolled students appear to demonstrate the program’s ability to meet the ARC-PA Standards.


The best way to start a career is to get the best prerequisites. For Physician Assistants, better opportunities await you if you earn a master of science degree from an accredited institution.

While many schools offer PA programs in Indiana, you should research to avoid wasting four years in school and obtaining a certificate that is not recognized in other parts of the state.

This article compiles the best accredited PA schools in Indiana to lessen your burden and encourage you. It also explores each school’s PA program curriculum, accreditation status, and exam success rates.

So, all you have to do is read through this article, make comparisons, and select the best PA program in Indiana.



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