Truck driving school might be the solution if you’ve been looking for a brand-new, fulfilling work opportunity. People who want to get their class A license or take the CDL test can do so by attending trucking schools. Students can complete a trucking school curriculum, pass their CDL test, and possibly start a new profession in only a few short weeks.
Unfortunately, there are many false impressions of what truck driving school is like out there. Many people have inaccurate knowledge of what truck driving school education entails, where to find one, how much it costs, and what career options might result from enrolling.
we’re busting some of the best truck driving schools in Fontana in this post. Discover the Best Truck Driving Schools and educate yourself on the fantastic opportunity that these colleges provide today.
What is a truck driving school?
Let’s start by defining truck driving school. A truck driving school in Fontana, ca is a course that trains students to drive commercial trucks and gets them ready to pass the commercial driver’s license (CDL) test. Driving a big commercial vehicle requires passing the CDL test.
The written portion of the CDL test as well as the elements of the road test are both covered in an affordable, immersive program at a truck driving school like Truck Driver Institute. The instructors are skilled truck drivers who can adequately respond to students’ inquiries and offer constructive criticism as the program progresses.
Additionally, several truck driving schools support their grads even after they have graduated. Graduates of TDI are assisted in locating employment in the transportation sector. In actuality, they presently have a placement rate for their graduating students of over 80%! You may learn all about what to anticipate after you complete the program from the knowledgeable consultants at TDI.
In addition to “Good teachers” and “Hands-on training,” respondents also highlighted “Positive environment” and “Flexible class hours” as noteworthy advantages of attending Truck Driving School in Fontana. With over 25 reviews, a rating of 8.50 out of 10 was calculated for Truck Driving Schools in Fontana.
See also:Top 15 Driving Schools in Fontana | 2024 Review
Is there any truck driving school in Fontana?
Yes, There are truck driving schools in Fontana, California that provide both in-person and online instruction. The most popular certifications offered by truck driving schools in Fontana are the Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) Class A, Manual, Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) Class A, and Commercial Driver’s License (CDL). Depending on the degree you want to obtain, it can take anything from 2 hours to 3 months to complete this education course; the average amount of time is 1 month.
How much do Truck Driving Schools cost in Fontana?
In Fontana, California, the cost of attending a truck driving school ranges from $2,000 to $7,000 depending on the prerequisites, with a median cost of $3,000. Most reviewers said they paid for their training when asked how they paid for it.
How long are truck driving schools in Fontana, California
Our trucking school only needs 2 hours to 3 months to complete this education course as said previously in this article; the average amount of time is four weeks of your undivided focus and a small payment, which you could be eligible to receive reimbursement for once you graduate. In addition, anyone who fulfills specific prerequisites and passes their CDL exam can obtain a license.
What are truck driving schools that accept financial aid in Fontana?
The company that accepts financial aid in Fontana, California is;
Roadmaster Drivers School of Fontana, California
10251 Calabash Avenue.
Toll-free: (800) 831-130 Local: (909) 202-4270
CA Truck Driving School in Fontana
After nearly a month of taking CDL training sessions, Roadmaster Fontana instructs pupils on how to operate a truck. Every step of the way, from the moment you walk through the door to the moment we introduce you to potential employers, our truck driving trainers are there for you. As of right now, Roadmaster Fontana may provide VA Education benefits. We’ve had the pleasure of instructing thousands of pupils in truck driving throughout the years.
The thorough CDL Training Program offered by Roadmaster equips students with the abilities needed to start truck driving for pay. To operate a truck correctly and safely and acquire your Class A CDL license, you must receive both hands-on training and classroom instruction from our qualified truck driving school teachers. Many of the students in our Career Services program get jobs before they even graduate.
How to become a truck driver(Step-by-step guide).
Before thinking about the procedures for becoming a truck driver, Be aware of the age minimum. You must be older than 21 to lawfully operate commercial motor vehicles.
While some government-controlled pilot programs and military programs allow younger drivers to work, you can get a learner’s permit as early as age 18. These are the following step-by-step guide to becoming a truck driver:
- Pass the mandatory driver’s license test in your state
Before obtaining a CDL, you must be in good driving standing in your state. You could even be able to start your profession driving delivery trucks while you’re getting your CDL with just a regular driver’s license.
- Pass the GED exam or finish high school.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), most long-distance employers require applicants to have at least a high school diploma to be hired.
- Begin Your Professional Education
You can enroll in truck driver training programs that make you eligible to take the CDL exam at community colleges, private truck driving schools, and trucking firms. It Is important to familiarize yourself with your state’s BMV or DMV requirements as some states have their audits and accreditation procedures.
Students in truck driving programs may be eligible for financial aid from community colleges. Some might even provide a one-year degree in commercial freight management or truck driving. Although it’s not required, getting a college degree can be a wonderful alternative if you want to start driving.
Corporate-sponsored courses typically run four to six weeks and cost $6,000 or less. Most companies give graduates who stick around for certain time discounts, financing choices, and occasionally full reimbursement.
- Obtain a CDL and any other necessary endorsements
You must possess a CDL at the very least. Depending on the size and weight of your vehicle, CDLs are divided into three categories (A, B, and C). The most adaptable license for drivers of heavy freight is the CDL-A.
Additionally, your license may require an endorsement code. Endorsements are crucial for specialized vehicles like school buses and tankers since they specify what you are legally permitted to transport. To understand the various classes and endorsement codes, consult the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). You should still speak with your state’s BMV or DMV as well.
In many states’ BMV or DMV systems, your CDL application, test, and license will cost money. The license fee, which can cost anywhere from $20 and $120, will be the most expensive expense.
- Locate Job Placement Support
Some schools for truck drivers provide career counseling and job boards. Members can connect with companies and mentors for their careers through truck driving associations. Among these organizations are the ATA, Women in Trucking, and others.
- Complete Your Employer’s Finishing Program
Newly licensed personnel are typically required to complete an internal training program by their employers. You are introduced to the cars, supplies, and equipment pertinent to the organization during these training sessions, often known as driver finishing programs. The course itself could take three to four weeks and include some supervised driving time.
10 Best Truck Driving Schools in Fontana, CA
The 10 Best Truck Driving Schools in Fontana could be classified into 4 main groups, namely;
- Accredited/Licensed Truck Driving Schools
- Free Truck Driving Schools
- Paid truck driving school
- Class B Truck Driving Schools
Accredited/Licensed truck driving schools
A school that is completely licensed by the state and inspected by a third-party organization to make sure the truck driving school satisfies a specific standard is known as an Accredited/Licensed truck driving school. Only those students who complete the US DOT standards for the trucking sector at an accredited truck driving school are allowed to graduate. A school that adheres to the rules and guidelines established by the nation’s Department of Education is also considered to be accredited. They are listed below;
1. Pilot Trucking School
One of the best truck driving schools in Fontana, Pilot Trucking School is dedicated to giving students an unmatched education in truck driving. They make sure that graduates are certified and successful truck drivers, in addition to being professional, safe, and capable.
Students learn to drive and hone their skills at Pilot Trucking School. Every student is given the encouragement and resources they need to develop their future objectives.
2. Truck drivers Academy
Our focus on education, practical training, and job placement has earned Truck Driver Academy a reputation as one of the best trucking schools in California. In addition to being proud of our accomplished students, we take great pride in our effective teaching strategies.
No matter what lies ahead, we thoroughly prepare our students for the road through our comprehensive CDL school. If you’re looking for the top trucking schools in California, you’ve come to the right place. We can help you start a new career in as little as 4 weeks, with assistance with the written test, on-the-job training, and job placement.
Free Truck Driving Schools
Being aware that not everyone has the resources to pay for their own CDL training/truck driving school in Fontana. Free CDL training also seems like a terrific offer to the majority of individuals. The issue is that there are many restrictions attached to these “free” CDL training programs, some of which may put you in a difficult financial situation. Many people are unaware of these difficulties, but they are crucial.
A few CDL training facilities, for instance, might offer “Free CDL Training” or “Company Sponsored CDL Training.” You are told that they will pay for all of your training. Simply agree to work with the company for at least a year after graduating by signing a contract. Great, isn’t that right? Wait a minute. Before signing any contract, not even one that offers free tuition, you must read the fine print carefully. Schools that offer free Truck Driving education are listed below;
3. First choice trucking school
The location of First Choice Trucking School is in Fontana, California. This school, being one of the best truck driving schools, offers three programs that prepare students for two licenses: the Class B and Class A commercial driver’s licenses issued by the state of California. This educational course will take one week to complete. Most reviewers who were asked how they paid for their instruction said, “I paid for it myself.”
Flexible class schedules and affordability are two of the most frequently noted advantages of attending First Choice Trucking School, but respondents also highlighted “Good teachers” and “Hands-on training” as noteworthy advantages. With 15 reviews and an average rating of 4.73 out of 5, First Choice Trucking School has received the unanimous endorsement of all reviewers.
Advanced school of driving
One of the best truck driving schools, Advance School of Driving equips students with the knowledge and abilities needed to pass the DMV Commercial Driver License Test and qualify for entry-level positions in the commercial truck driving the industry. They offer truck driver education services with a focus on responsibility and safety. The towns that require commercial driving services are served by our graduates.
Additionally, they offer Professional Truck Driving certificate sessions that cover the fundamental concepts and abilities to operate commercial trucks. 80 hours of driving, lab, and classroom training are spread out over two weeks. Students enrolled in the Professional Truck Driving course receive preparation for the Class “A” Commercial Driving License test. Students gain knowledge about professionalism, responsibility, honesty, and safety throughout the course. After graduation, graduates who want to become entry-level over-the-road or in-town truck drivers must pass a CDL Test given by the Department of Motor Vehicles. For the DMV California State Licensing Road Exam, the use of the Advance School of Training truck is covered.
What companies offer truck driving schools in Fontana?
The companies that offer truck driving schools in Fontana are;
Norton Transport
Calvin Norton founded Norton Transport in 1999 after realizing there was a chance to assist regional dealers and manufacturers by improving the effectiveness and affordability of car transport. They have heard about the same issues from friends and family who work in the trucking and auto driveaway businesses. It was time to try something fresh.
Norton Transport is currently a market leader. They handle every transport carefully and respectfully. To guarantee a secure and timely delivery, we personalize every aspect. They go above and above to deliver superior customer service and complete peace of mind.
Their priority is making sure drivers and cars arrive safely and on time. This is accomplished through improved communication, prompt action, and creative problem-solving.
Paid truck driving schools
This is a category of truck driving school that is sponsored by a firm. Many trucking companies will refund you for your tuition in full if you are hired as a truck driver, even though some do not provide free tuition upfront.
The majority of truck driving schools demand that you work for them for a year to pay back your tuition, with a certain amount taken out of your income each week until the complete amount is paid. Some of the paid truck driving schools in Fontana include;
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AIT Truck Driving School
AIT is a private school with more than 25 years of experience training drivers. It is one of the best truck driving schools and one of the paid truck driving schools. It has graduated over 10,000 students and blends in-class instruction with on-the-job training.
What Courses Does AIT Have to Offer?
Truck Driver Training Course – The AIT Truck Driver program is created to give students a fundamental understanding of over-the-road driving as well as hands-on training in driving techniques. Every course module is purposefully designed to help students develop the abilities needed to obtain a commercial driver’s license.
Training for Professional Truck Drivers – AIT’s Professional Truck Driver program starts with a thorough introduction to long-haul driving and a history of the trucking industry, gradually creating a solid knowledge and skill base that goes far beyond the prerequisites for the CDL test.
Skyway truck driving schools
The California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education has permitted Skyway Truck Driving Schools, one of the best and most paid truck driving schools, to operate. The California Private Postsecondary Education Act of 2009 (as modified) and Division 7.5 of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations’ basic requirements are met by the school for it to receive BPPE (approval to operate) status.
C.R England’s premier truck driving school
Although it is based in Fontana, California, C.R. England Premier Truck Driving School also provides training online. There are 22 certifications available via this school, with Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) Class A, Manual, Commercial Driver’s License (CDL), and Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) Class A receiving the most reviews. Depending on the qualification, this education course might take anywhere between 2 weeks and 2.3 months to complete, with a 1-month median. Depending on eligibility, C.R. England Premier Truck Driving School tuition can cost between $800 and $10,000, with a median price of $6,000.
Class B Truck Driving Schools
This training course is intended to rapidly and efficiently prepare anyone who wishes to operate a vehicle in Fontana with a weight rating of 26001 pounds or great upper. You can operate a wide variety of vehicles with a class B commercial driver’s license.
You gain the skills and information needed to pass the permit test, get a class B CDL, and work as a professional in the business with the help of this program. Students will learn many other crucial driving skills to become safe drivers, including how to parallel park a vehicle at a 90-degree angle. The class B Truck Driving Schools in Fontana are listed below;
Swift transportation truck driving academy
The teachers at CTDA, which is based at the Swift facility in Fontana, California, are skilled and competent, with more than 55 years of combined expertise. Additionally, they are kind and can assist you in developing the skills necessary to drive safely and competently for Swift.
Additionally, you’ll make friends for life while enrolled in the CTDA program and have the opportunity to train on some of the best Swift fleet equipment available. A top-of-the-line fleet of automatic transmission trucks that are just five years old are used for all of the on-the-range and off-road training.
East valley college
Our truck driving school, which is among the best truck driving schools in Fontana, is created to help those who have little to no experience with commercial driving get a Commercial Driver’s License.
Students will be prepared for that exam if they do not already possess a valid Commercial Driver’s License or Learner’s Permit.
Before getting behind the wheel training, learn the fundamentals of the truck, the road, and the laws. To obtain your Class A License with us, complete your course and pass all the necessary exams.
At our trucking school in California, we provide the convenience of accommodating training schedules and attentive professional teachers.
We’ve built the contacts you need for the employment you want throughout our years in the industry. Some of the biggest trucking businesses have employment agreements with Truck Driver Academy.
We support you throughout the application and job placement process, whether you’re looking for a local delivery job or long-distance employment.
California Truck Driving Schools
Industry-leading professional truck driver training is offered by California Truck Driving Academy, and graduates receive help with job placement. We have BPPE certification and are undergoing FMCSA certification. We are one of the few training academies with a school portal system designed specifically for our student’s convenience.
The California Truck Driving Academy is dedicated to providing top-notch training programs with the most recent technical knowledge. Our main goal is to give Central Valley, Inland Empire, Orange County, and Los Angeles County students the professional truck driving abilities and ongoing equipment safety instruction they need to succeed in the workforce.
We take pride in providing seven top-notch professional truck driver training courses for jobs in local, over-the-road, and/or bus driving. Being the top truck driver school in Southern California is our aim.
- Do I need my CDL permit before I start training?
No. In actuality, very few Fontana students have any prior truck driving experience.
- In Fontana, can I get a license at age 18 without a permit?
All drivers in California are required to obtain a provisional or “learner’s” permit before applying for an official driver’s license.
- Is attending driving school a requirement to get my license?
Yes. A driver’s license must be obtained to drive. To obtain a driver’s license, you must enroll in a driving school. All LTO offices now require a Theoretical Driving Course (TDC) certificate before granting a driver’s license.
- Can you take driver’s ed online in Fontana?
Yes. The driver safety course can only be taken online. This enables you to complete your prerequisites before applying for your license at the DMV.
Fontana truck driving schools offer both in-person and online education. The Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) Class A is the most popular certification.
- – 10 best Truck Driving Schools in Fontana
- – paid truck driving schools
- – Truck Driving Schools.