Best Civil Engineering Schools in Georgia

Georgia is among the amazing places you can make your study destination either as a national or international student especially if you want to pursue a civil engineering degree. This is because there is more top-notch or better still best Civil Engineering Schools in Georgia that are quite affordable in terms of tuition fees. Note, these Georgia civil engineering schools programs are accredited programs that can help you build an exceptional career as a civil engineer. T

Studying in Georgia won’t only equip you with the necessary skills and knowledge, once you graduate and decides to work there, you are sure of receiving high pay. This is because the record has it that the amount earned by civil engineering professionals is increasing in Georgia.

According to, Civil engineering professionals earned a yearly mean salary of $49,907 in 2006. They earned a yearly mean salary of $53,830 in 2010.

Another advantage that I know that you will love not to miss is the possibility of you graduating on time. the number of students graduating from the accredited civil engineering schools in Georgia is increasing. records that, there were 337 graduates in 2006. And there were 373 graduates from civil engineering courses in 2010 in Georgia.

This article will show you the best schools where you can study civil engineering in Georgia.

You can quickly navigate through the table of contents below to get an overview of all that this post entails.

What Is Civil Engineering?

Civil Engineering can be said to be an occupational role that deals with designing and construction of things like roads, bridges, railways, schools, offices, hospitals, water, and power supply, and so on.

Moreso, it encompasses all areas of constructions dealing with the planning, design, budgeting, testing, construction management, and testing, as well as engineering services that help integrate all of these factors.

In short, when you talk about everything you see that’s been built around us, you talk about Civil Engineering. That means civil engineering is one aspect of engineering that is so important and impossible to do without in the world today.

This leads us to answer the question ‘who is a civil Engineer and what is his role?’

Who Is A Civil Engineer?

civil engineer is simply someone that works as civil engineering. That means he plans, designs, constructs, and maintains roads, bridges, railways, schools, offices, hospitals, water, and power supply, and so on.

In recent years, civil engineers have focused on addressing a number of current environmental concerns, helping to solve the problem of pollution and water scarcity, while considering sustainable energy within the industry.

As a civil engineer, you will deal on getting the perfect design for any of the constructions.

What Are The Roles Of A Civil Engineer?

Generally, Civil Engineering is one field of engineering with diversity of functions. As a civil engineer, you have a broad range of different job roles.

Your major role deas with the building of highways and buildings to dams, tunnels, bridges, and other smaller facilities. Aside from that, there are other roles you will have to play which depends on the type or area of civil engineering you specialize on.

You might have heard that as a civil engineer either you specialize in becoming a consulting engineer or you go for contracting engineers.

Yea, it’s true. As a consultant, you design work of projects and work predominantly in an office while as a contractor, you focus on implementing the design of a consultant. That means you work on-site.

However, your other roles which will largely depend on the type of civil engineering specialization includes the following;

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  • Going for technical and feasibility studies including site investigations.
  • Developing designs using computer software
  • Perform complex engineering calculations.
  • Work with clients and a variety of professionals including architects and subcontractors.
  • Bring solutions to design and construction problems.
  • Handling and managing budgets and resources for the projects.
  • making sure the project complies with legal requirements, especially health and safety
  • Assessing the sustainability and environmental impact of projects
  • Ensuring projects run smoothly and structures are completed within budget and on time.

Why Should I Study Civil Engineering In Schools In Georgia?

Georgia is one of the top states in the United States of America has top-notch schools that run engineering programs in different fields, especially, civil engineering.

And Civil engineering in Georgia on its own has been a rewarding, creative, and fun job that its high demand in the state and beyond has been on the increasing rate.

What is that telling you?

Your chances of getting employed into a job that you won’t for a day feel boredom is 100% guaranteed. So if you are still thinking and asking yourself why among all the states and places in the world to study civil engineering ‘ Why Georgia’, that is enough reason for you to quickly lookup for the available top schools and click the apply button right now.

Aside from the wider job opportunities available there are other reason advantages you will stand to gain once you choose Georgia as your study destination as a civil engineering student.

Some of these benefits includes;

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  • Studying in Georgia will set you up to enter professional practice as an engineer.
  • You will be able to build teamwork spirit. As an Engineer, you will work closely with contractors, architects, and construction workers on various projects. This interaction brings forth a platform to share knowledge and ideas.
  • Another reason is that you will earn well. Civil Engineering in Georgia is an above-average line of work and thus comes with a hefty paycheck. The rewards are plenty in this line of work.
  • Also, with a study in Georgia, you are sure of getting skills that can help you to optimize the performance and efficiency of community systems. You are sure of becoming a central figure in community development.
  • In addition, Georgia schools will give you the mathematical background you need to become civil engineers. You will agree with me that Civil engineering requires many mathematical calculations.
  • Furthermore, you will learn to work in a multidisciplinary team and vastly improve your communication skills by writing a technical report and making presentations to industry leaders and potential employers.

How Do I Become A Civil Engineer In Georgia?

To become a Civil engineer in Georgia first thing you must note is that Background, gender and age are no barriers. The most important thing you, must do is have the right academic subjects and attitude.

Once you have that, you can then go for an undergraduate degree in civil engineering in any engineering school. Note, the degree you must go for must have been accredited by ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology).

However, an ABET-accredited civil engineering program is required to obtain a license to practice. This is one of the major requirements to work as a professional engineer (PE) in Georgia.

Civil engineering programs generally last four years in Georgia, unless you want to take advanced programs which might take you extra years.

And include courses in mathematics, statistics, mechanics, and systems engineering and fluid dynamics, among other courses, depending on the specialty. Classes include a mix of traditional classroom learning, laboratory work, and fieldwork.

If you need a doctoral level degrees, you must complete a large-scale original research project and undertake examinations.

Then you must complete an internship program. Almost all civil engineering programs expect you to go for at least one semester or summer-long internship to satisfy degree requirements.

With the experiences you get, you can apply theories they’ve studied in the classroom, learn practical skills, and gain insight on a particular area of the field they may be interested in pursuing.

What NEXT?

After that you choose a specialization or area you will want to major on. Civil engineering field includes myriad areas of work. You can choose construction engineering, structural engineering, land development and use, transportation engineering, or Geotechnical engineering. 

What Jobs Can You Get With A Civil Engineering Degree in Georgia?

Like I mentioned earlier, there is wider scope of job opportunities available to you once you have a degree in civil engineering. Interestingly, you must not wait until you get your doctoral degree before you can practise your career, with just an undergraduate degree, you are good to go.

Now if you will want to go higher or be at the management level, you can then go for a master’s degree and PhD education.

Additionally, many organizations require certification from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).

You may ask, What is the role of ASCE?

ASCE is an individual state body that governs the practice of civil engineering. This body provides support to civil engineers in training with a variety of test preparation assistance and information about testing centers.

Now, lets take a look at some of the jobs you are qualified for as a Civil engineer in Georgia or any other states.

See the list;

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  • Land Development Manager
  • Civil Highway Engineer
  • Civil Engineer
  • CIP Project Manager,
  • Structural Engineer & Sr. Structural Engineer
  • Senior Civil Engineer
  • Civil Engineer
  • Civil Engineer – Stormwater

How Much Does A Civil Engineer in Georgia Earn?

The median salary for a civil engineer in Florida is $66,589 as of June 28, 2024, but the range is generally between $60,962 and $75,171. Salary ranges can vary widely by city and many other important factors such as education, qualifications, additional skills, the number of years you have spent in your profession.

According to, the average Civil Engineer I salary in Atlanta, GA is $69,336 as of June 28, 2020, but the range typically falls between $63,477 and $78,271.

Salary ranges can vary widely depending on many important factors, including education, certifications, additional skills, the number of years you have spent in your profession.

Meanwhile, according to, The average salary for a civil engineer is $82,520 per year in Georgia. Based on Payscale, The average salary for a Civil Engineer in Atlanta, Georgia is $64,956.

What is the Admission Requirements to Study Civil Engineering In Georgia?

To Study Civil Engineering In any of the schools in Georgia, you will need to meet up with the school’s admission requirement. Of course, each school has its own requirements which vary.

Although the criteria differs by schools there are some basic requirements which almost all the schools expects.

Lets take a brief look at some of these requirements based on the degree you want to pursue.

For Undergraduate degree in Civil Engineering

You will need;

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  • A high school diploma or equivalent
  • Competitive high school GPA (e.g., >2.75)
  • Proof of strong grades in prerequisite classes such as physics, chemistry, calculus, trigonometry, algebra II, and others
  • Prepare a statement of purpose (500-600 words)
  • Get an official SAT or ACT scores
  • Geometry and route design

For Masters degree in Civil Engineering

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  • A B.S. in civil engineering or a relevant specialization from an accredited program
  • A statement of purpose
  • A cumulative undergraduate GPA of at least 3.0
  • Two or three letters of recommendation, speaking to one’s educational and professional potential
  • Graduate Record Exam (GRE) results

In general, for a college degree, students must wait approximately five years of study to graduate. The minimum GPA to complete is generally 2.0 to 2.5.

Note, Civil engineering programs will require the following courses in addition to the general education requirements.

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  • General chemistry
  • Geometry and calculation
  • Introduction to civil engineering.
  • Physics
  • Statistics
  • Thermodynamics
  • Computing methods in civil engineering.
  • Dynamics elements
  • Materials mechanics
  • Ground Mechanic
  • Technical drawing
  • Hydrodynamics and hydraulics
  • Transportation engineering
  • Water and wastewater treatment.
  • Geometry and route design

What Schools In Georgia Offer Civil Engineering Degrees

There are only 8 schools in Georgia that offer civil engineering degree programs. They include:

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  • Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus
  • University of Georgia
  • Savannah College of Art and Design
  • Savannah State University
  • Kennesaw State University
  • Georgia Southern University
  • Albany Technical College
  • Georgia Piedmont Technical College

Method of Ranking

In choosing our Best civil engineering schools in Georgia, we first put some factors into consideration. Note, these factors are based on what the schools have.

In ranking Best Civil Engineering Schools in Georgia, below are some of the factors we considered;

In our ranking, we first considered the number of civil engineering programs and degrees provided by this schools. Some school offer undergraduate, masters,and even doctoral degree programs while some offer only one or two.

This is a big advantage to the school that offers the highest because a wide range of choices is given to students.

We also considered what some other top-ranking sites think about each school. Lie, College,, and

This is another factor that is very important so we didn’t fail to consider it. We looked at the school’s total student enrollment. This is because the number of students in a school can help to ascertain how good the school can perform. Although it’s not all the time.

This criterion is very much important because a school can be considered good with great programs but yet do not have quality.

So, we consider the body of accreditation as well as certification for each of these schools before ranking them. Whether they fall in the category of regional or national accreditation.

This is one aspect that is considered important because the lower the acceptance rate the better the school. The acceptance rate of any universities in Michigan is a guide to show the quality of the university.

We also looked at the school student-teacher ratio. Although it was not the main factor we considered most in our ranking, we still compared it.

This is because student-teacher ratio can determine the performance of a student or students.

Let’s Explore!

#1. Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus

Address: North Ave NW, Atlanta, GA 30332, United States

Student teacher Ratio: 23 : 1

Number of Programs: 4

Total Enrollment: 25,034

The Georgia Institute of Technology is a public research university and institute of technology in Atlanta, Georgia.

This university has a high graduation rate of 85% which is very encouraging although its acceptance rate of 27% makes it highly competitive.

Taking about the school of engineering, this institute school of engineering department of civil engineering precisely can help equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to enter professional practice as an engineer.

With the skills, you can design and build our future society and improve the quality of life for people around the globe.

Also, the School of Engineering also offers a master’s and doctorate programs. With these programs, you can even go for advanced degrees in the field. You may also choose to concentrate on some aspects of the field, including environmental systems, geotechnical systems, infrastructure systems, and structural systems.

Other sites Rankings
  • ranked it #1
  • ranked the school #14 in the world
  • U.S. News National University Ranking- #36

These school civil engineering programs are accredited by the ABET Commission on Engineering Accreditation.

Now, considering all these factors and a good reputation, We the World Scholarship Forum is ranking the Georgia Institute of Technology as the #1 Best Civil Engineering Schools in Georgia.

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#2. Kennesaw State University

Address: 1000 Chastain Road Kennesaw, GA 30144

Student teacher Ratio: 27:1

Number of Programs: 4

Total Enrollment: 33,252

Next in our list is the Kennesaw State University School of Civil Engineering. Kennesaw State University was founded in 1963 as a public university in the U.S. state of Georgia. It has two primary campuses, one in Kennesaw and the other in Marietta.

This university has a high graduation rate of 41% which is very encouraging although its acceptance rate of 61%.

This university department of civil engineering offers accredited school programs in civil engineering and other related fields.

Making this school your study destination will provide you with the opportunity to access a broad-based curriculum combined with a hands-on experience that can help equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to become a civil, construction, environmental engineer, or land surveyor. 

The civil engineering undergraduate program is accredited by the ABET Commission on Engineering Accreditation.

For their ranking, ranked this school as the #4 Best Colleges for Civil Engineering in Georgia. The university itself was ranked #293-#381 by as the Best Colleges is National Universities.

These school civil engineering programs are accredited by the ABET Commission on Engineering Accreditation.

Also, this school offers a master’s in civil engineering which can help to propel your career to management-level. According to, the school is ranked #1 among 50 U.S universities as the Best Value for Masters in Engineering 2018.

Considering all these factors and unique qualities we the World Scholarship Forum is ranking the Kennesaw state university as the #2 Best Civil Engineering Schools in Georgia.

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#3. Georgia Southern University

Address: 1332 Southern Drive Statesboro, GA  30458 United States

Student teacher Ratio: 25:1

Number of Programs: 3

Total Enrollment: 20,459

Georgia Southern University / Program in Civil Engineering and Construction is located in Statesboro, GA, in a small setting.

This university has a high acceptance rate of 73% with 16 faculties.

This university department of civil engineering offers 3 degree programs including Accelerated Bachelor’s to the Master of Science in Civil Engineering (ABM-MSCE) degree program.

However, enrolling in its master’s program will help provide specialization in Construction Engineering, Environmental/Water Resources Engineering, Transportation-Pavement/Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Engineering, and Surveying-Geomatics.

Civil Engineering program at Georgia Southern University is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.

For their ranking, ranked this school as the #5 Best Colleges for Civil Engineering in Georgia.

For this reason, the World Scholarship Forum is ranking the Georgia Southern University as the #3 Best Civil Engineering Schools in Georgia.

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#4. University of Georgia

Address: 597 DW Brooks Drive Athens

Student teacher Ratio: 18:1

Number of Programs: 2

Total Enrollment: 36,130

The Department operates an undergraduate program leading to a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BSCE), which is accredited by the ABET Commission on Accreditation of Engineers.

Students pursuing the civil engineering program have the opportunity during their senior year to specialize in elective courses in geotechnics/transportation, structures/materials, or concentrations of water/environment.

Similarly, the department offers master’s and doctoral degrees (see below).

Meanwhile, the accelerated graduate program allows academically qualified students to complete a bachelor’s and graduate degree (usually a master’s degree) in an accelerated time frame, graduating earlier than traditional programs.

For their ranking, ranked this school as the #2 Best Colleges for Civil Engineering in Georgia. The university itself was ranked #293-#381 by as the Best Colleges is National Universities.

For this reason, the World Scholarship Forum is ranking the University of Georgia as the #3 Best Civil Engineering Schools in Georgia.


The USF Bachelor of Science program in Civil Engineering is accredited by the ABET Commission on Accreditation of Engineers.

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#5. Georgia Piedmont Technical College

Address: 495 North Indian Creek Drive Clarkston, GA 30021

Student teacher Ratio: 18:1

Number of Programs: 2

Total Enrollment: 3,908

Next in our list of the best civil engineering schools in Georgia is Georgia Piedmont Technical College of engineering.

This is a technical college in Atlanta that provides education for a four-county service area, mostly in the metro Atlanta area. 

Basically, this college offers 2 Civil Engineering Degree programs. You can also pursue an associate’s degree in engineering technology at the college.

One thing you must note about this college is that before you can get an Associate in Applied Science (AAS) Degree, a diploma, or Technical Certificate of Credit (TCC), you must complete the total credit hours required for their program of study, and must complete at least 25% of the coursework at Georgia Piedmont Tech.

Civil engineering programs in this school are accredited by the ABET Commission on Accreditation of Engineers.

For their ranking, ranked the school #8 Best Civil Engineering Colleges in Georgia.

For this reason, the World Scholarship Forum is ranking the University of Georgia as the #4 Best Civil Engineering Schools in Georgia.

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#6. Savannah College of Art and Design

Address: 229 Martin Luther King Blvd. PO Box 3146 Savannah, GA 31402 United States

Student teacher Ratio: 22:1

Number of Programs: 1

Total Enrollment: 11,861

Next in our list according to ur ranking factor is Savannah College of Art and Design SCAD a private, nonprofit institution accredited.

This institution has different campus, some in Savannah, Atlanta, Hong Kong, and Lacoste, France. 

Though this school focuses on creating global awareness and creative excellence in design, it also offers 1 Civil Engineering Degree program. 

Civil engineering programs in this school are accredited by the ABET Commission on Accreditation of Engineers.

For their ranking, also ranked the school #3 Best Civil Engineering Colleges in Georgia.

For this reason, the World Scholarship Forum is ranking the Savannah College of Art and Design as the #6 Best Civil Engineering Schools in Georgia.

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#7. Albany Technical College

Address: 1704 S Slappey Blvd, Albany, GA 31701, United States

Student teacher Ratio: 21:1

Number of Programs: 2

Total Enrollment: 3,331

Albany Technical College is another prestigious school you should think of considering when talking about bbest schools for civil engineering programs.

This school is a public community college in Albany, and a part of the Technical College System of Georgia and offers students academic services for a seven-county service area in southwest Georgia.

Basically, this school of civil engineering offers 2 program in the civil engineering field that can help you as a civil engineering student get ready for immediate employment at the technical level in engineering design, drafting, surveying, and construction. 

Also, it offers an associate degree program in civil engineering. Interestingly, it is the only school in Georgia that offers associate degree programs in civil engineer. ranked this school #7 best civil engineering colleges in Georgia. The World Scholarship Forum is ranking the Albany Techincal College as the #7 Best Civil Engineering Schools in Georgia

Above all, this school civil engineering program is accredited by the Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET).

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#8. Savannah State University

Address: 3219 College St, Savannah, GA 31404, United States

Student teacher Ratio: 22:1

Number of Programs: 1

Total Enrollment: 4,800

Also in our list is Savannah State University. This is a public historically black university in Savannah, Georgia. It is the oldest historically black public university in the state. 

This university has a low graduation rate of 26% which is very encouraging although its acceptance rate of 56%.

Basically, this school offers 1 Civil Engineering Degree program which is a bachelor’s degree program.

To apply for this program, you are expected to complete 132 credit hours, which includes courses in highway and transportation engineering, surveying, civil engineering materials, fluid mechanics, and construction estimating.

Note, the school civil engineering program was accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.

For their ranking, ranked the school #6 Best Civil Engineering Colleges in Georgia.

For this reason, the World Scholarship Forum is ranking the Savannah State University as the #8 Best Civil Engineering Schools in Georgia.

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Civil engineering is the design and construction of public works, such as dams, bridges, and other large infrastructure projects.

Some of the roles include
Going for technical and feasibility studies including site investigations.
Developing designs using computer software
Perform complex engineering calculations.
Work with clients and a variety of professionals including architects and subcontractors.
Bring solutions to design and construction problems.
Handling and managing budgets and resources for the projects.
making sure the project complies with legal requirements, especially health and safety
Assessing the sustainability and environmental impact of projects

There are only 8 schools in Georgia that offer civil engineering degree programs. They include:

Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus
University of Georgia
Savannah College of Art and Design
Savannah State University
Kennesaw State University
Georgia Southern University
Albany Technical College
Georgia Piedmont Technical College

Civil engineers who want to work in Georgia must obtain a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering, which must be approved by ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology).

Some of the careers you can take up with a degree in civil engineering includes

Land Development Manager
Civil Highway Engineer
Civil Engineer
CIP Project Manager,
Structural Engineer & Sr. Structural Engineer
Senior Civil Engineer
Civil Engineer
Civil Engineer – Stormwater


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