15 Colleges For Financial Planning

Financial planning is vital in the planning of any project. To get the right projections, you need to be highly quantitative and possess advanced mathematical skills.

There are a lot of colleges that teach financial planning, however, they’re a few of them that stand out.

Generally, degrees in disciplines related to finance have evolved considerably in the last 25 years. More and more universities offer courses outside the traditional programs based on the theory offered by a typical degree in economics or finance.

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Before we look at these colleges, it will be best we have an understanding of the Financial Planning Degree Program.

What Is Financial Planning?

A finance degree though similar to an Economic degree is quite beyond Economics. While degrees in economics can be highly quantitative (requiring advanced levels in mathematics), economics is, ultimately, a social science focused on human behavior. However, unlike sociology and psychology, economics tries to analyze strictly quantifiable aspects of human behavior.

A degree in economics will teach you to understand not only markets but also the relationships of market forces with individuals, society, and governments. The economy provides a solid basis on how taxes, government regulations, and expenditures affect the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, as well as the behavior of individuals in the market.

On the contrary, the degree in finance, which is more focused on the practical applications of economics, has a more professional theoretical direction that prepares students to work in real estate, investment companies, or company financing. These programs focus more on the financial problems of individuals and companies than on governments.

Diplomas and certificates of financial planning are similar to finance programs, but with a reduced focus of the person: investment planning, taxes, estate and succession, risk management, insurance and other areas of financial planning apply to individual investors.

Financial planning is about how a company can achieve its strategic goals and objectives. In general, a company creates a financial plan immediately after the vision and objectives have been defined. The financial plan describes each of the activities, resources, equipment, and materials necessary to achieve these objectives, as well as the deadlines.

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15 Colleges For Financial Planning Degree

Future financial planners can find relevant undergraduate and/or graduate programs in this area. Programs are usually offered in business administration and in closely related areas. The colleges include:

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  • The College of Financial Planning
  • California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks
  • California State University, Fullerton
  • The University of Georgia in Athens
  • Boston University
  • San Diego State University in CA
  • Florida State University in Tallahassee, FL
  • Texas Tech University
  • Iowa State University
  • Ohio State University
  • Minnesota State University, Mankato
  • Bentley University
  • California State University, Northridge
  • Colorado State University
  • University Of Wisconsin – Madison

The College For Financial Planning

The origin of Certified Financial Planning is in the College for Financial Planning, created in 1972 by a group of advisors who dreamed that financial planning was recognized as an independent and universally recognized profession.

The CFP Certification Professional Education Program is a training program that prepares consultants to become a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER  or CFP certification. Also, the CFP certification is the country’s leading benchmark for financial planning.

In addition to the undergraduate and certification programs, the university also offers a Master of Science in Finance, Financial Analysis, and Personal Financial Planning.

The focus on preparing students for practical and practical situations has paid off: graduates can boast an average success rate of 75% on the notoriously difficult CFP exams.

CFP® certification training covers all aspects of personal financial planning, followed by a comprehensive examination and the signing of an ethics statement. The certification is currently managed and delivered by the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc., which has more than 78,000 active professionals and 300 CFP Board-Registered Programs across the country.



California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks

This is one of the colleges for financial planning. The university is home to the California Institute of Finance, where students can pursue a Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Financial Planning. A graduate certificate program in the same field of study is also available.

Students at the institute can join national financial planning organizations or network with financial planning companies.

Also, CLU offers an accelerated online program option.

CFP Board-registered programs: M.B.A. in financial planning; M.S. in financial planning

Enrollment: 86

Tuition: $820 per credit unit

Clubs: N/A



California State UniversityFullerton

This is one of the universities that offer financial planning degrees. The program is located in the Finance Department of Mihaylo College of Business, the largest business school accredited by AACSB on the West Coast.

Extra-mural funding provided students with the opportunity to attend financial planning conferences and to learn from thought leaders who came to the campus to give lectures, said Program Manager David Nanigian.

CFP Board-registered programs: B.A. in business administration with a concentration in finance and a financial planning emphasis

Tuition: $2,871 per semester for residents of California; $8,811 for non-residents. Nevertheless, students are eligible for scholarships from the Mihaylo College of Businesses Insurance Studies Center.

Clubs: FPA student chapter

Enrollment: Approximately 50



The University of Georgia in Athens

This is one of the colleges for financial planning. Since this higher public university incorporated a specialization in undergraduate financial planning almost a decade ago, enrollment in the program has increased. This is due to several unique aspects of the program that offer unprecedented practical experience for future financial planners.

At the university’s financial planning clinic, called Aspire, students have the opportunity to work under the supervision of professors to provide financial advice to clients in the community.

The required community service hours, where students can put their tax knowledge into practice while preparing tax returns for low-income families, provide the kind of practical experience that financial institutions ultimately seek in new hires.

CFP Board-registered programs: B.S. in financial planning, M.S. in financial planning (online or on-site), Ph.D. in financial planning

Enrollment: 128 undergraduate; 70 graduate; 12 doctoral

Tuition: $2,838 for up to 6 hours/$4,776 for 6 hours or more for undergraduate Georgia residents; $8,346 for up to 6 hours/$14,063 for 6 hours or more for undergraduate nonresidents; $365 per credit hour for 1-11 hours/$4,325 for 12 or more hours for graduate Georgia residents; $1,029 per credit hour for 1-11 hours/$12,346 for 12 or more hours for graduate nonresidents

Clubs: FPA student chapter



Boston University

Founded more than 25 years ago, this highly respected financial planning program is housed within the university’s Center for Professional Education. The high-level faculty, who provide the class with impressive professional experience, is perhaps the most important asset of this program.

The strengths of financial planning, wealth management, business development, law, investment, retirement planning, financial advisory services, and insurance are among the academic background.



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San Diego State University

This illustrious program has been working well since 1980 with the creation of a master’s program in financial planning. The program is offered at the master’s level within the university’s business school.

This environment continues to benefit financial planning programs, which now include:

  • a BS in Financial Services with a Certificate in Personal Financial Planning,
  • an MS in Business Administration with specialization in Financial and Tax Planning, and
  • Graduate Credits in an advanced financial planner certificate.

SDSU graduate students have a rich business degree program, with compulsory courses in statistics, business law, and economics.

CFP Board-registered programs: B.S.B.A. in financial services with a certificate in financial planning; M.S.B.A. with a concentration in financial planning

Enrollment: 140

Tuition: $5,940 per semester for undergraduate California residents; $9,684 per semester for undergraduate nonresidents; $7,701 per semester for graduate California residents; $12,396 for graduate nonresidents

Clubs: FPA student chapter; NextGen chapter; NAPFA affiliation; Finance and Investment Society



Florida State University in Tallahassee, FL

This is a school for financial planning. The Financial Planning Program Certificate at the FSU includes seven online courses, in which students become familiar with the field and study-specific aspects of financial planning, such as:

  • Insurance planning,
  • Investment planning,
  • Income tax planning,
  • Retirement planning, and
  • Estate planning.

At the end of the training, students will have met the training requirements to pass the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) certification exam. For 2017, FSU was ranked # 38 among public schools by the US News & World Report.



Texas Tech University

This public institution located in the heart of Texas has 11 CFP Board-registered programs, from undergraduate to doctoral level. The program benefits not only from a nearly million grant for postgraduate financial planning but also from a faculty whose in-depth practical experience prepares students to work in the field. (whereyouwatch.com)

CFP Board-registered programs: Undergraduate to Ph.D., including minors and dual graduate degrees in financial planning and business or law. An accelerated bachelor’s-to-master’s program allows students to earn both degrees in five years, and a hybrid M.S. degree program is taught on-site for working professionals.

Enrollment: 210 undergraduates; 148 graduate students; 50 doctoral students

Tuition: $11,046 per year for Texas undergraduate residents, $23,496 per year for undergraduate nonresidents; $8,770 per year for Texas graduate residents, $17,070 per year for graduate nonresidents based on 15 hours/semester for undergraduates and 10 hours/semester for students taking classes on campus.

Clubs: FPA student chapter



Iowa State University

The programs are in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies of the College of Humanities. The programs also focus on the human and technical aspects of financial planning, according to Jonathan Fox, a professor in the state of Iowa.

CFP Board-registered programs: B.S. in financial consulting and planning; M.S. in family and consumer science with a financial planning emphasis

Enrollment: 37 undergraduate; 32 graduate

Tuition: $3,870 per semester for undergraduate Iowa residents; $11,072 per semester for non-resident undergraduates; $11,850 per semester for international graduates; $580 per credit hour for graduate programs

Clubs: FPA student chapter



Ohio State University

The financial planning track, which is part of consumer and family financial services, focuses on family financial management. Subjects include:

  • general financial planning,
  • insurance,
  • credit,
  • savings,
  • investment instruments to achieve financial goals, and
  • retirement and estate planning.

The courses are taught primarily by full-time faculty, according to the program’s president, Sherman Hanna.

CFP Board-registered programs: B.S. in financial planning

Enrollment: 90

Tuition: $10,726 per year for Ohio residents; $30,742 per year for non-residents

Clubs: FPA student chapter, Student Financial Planning Club



Minnesota State University, Mankato

The CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER certification is a highly recognized and respected professional certification among financial service professionals.

Minnesota State University Mankato offers different options for meeting the education requirement for CFP® certification. The program focuses on qualitative skills as well as technical concepts, process development, and technology.

CFP Board-registered programs: B.S. in finance with a concentration in financial planning, financial planning minor

Enrollment: 63 in the degree program; 13 minor

Tuition: $7,858 per year for Minnesota residents; $15,602 per year for non-residents

Clubs: Financial Planning Club



Bentley University

This is one of the colleges for financial planning. Bentley University offers 4 Financial Planning And Services Degree programs. The program is taught by professionals in a format that offers the opportunity to study online or in class.

CFP Board-registered programs: M.S. in financial planning, M.S. in taxation

Enrollment: M.S. Financial Planning: 30; M.S. Taxation: 140

Tuition: $4,620 per graduate program course

Clubs: Graduate Tax and Financial Planning Association



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California State UniversityNorthridge

This is a school for financial planning degrees. The program provides regular networking opportunities for campus volunteer income tax assistance students and partners, providing planning advice and tax preparation assistance to families and low-income earners.

CFP Board-registered programs: B.S. in finance with financial planning option

Enrollment: 110

Tuition: $3,291 per semester for California residents; $6,639 for non-residents

Clubs: FPA student chapter



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Colorado State University

This is one of the colleges for financial planning. The relatively small group of financial planning students benefit from the resources of a large traditional finance program from an accredited school.

CFP Board-registered programs: B.S.B.A. with financial planning concentration

Enrollment: 48

Tuition: $11,519 per year for Colorado residents; $29,027 per year for non-residents

Clubs: N/A




University Of Wisconsin – Madison

This is one of the colleges for financial planning. The program combines the latest research with practical and practical learning opportunities with industry leaders to provide students with specialized knowledge to prepare them for careers in wealth management and financial planning.

CFP Board-registered programs: B.B.A. in finance, investment, and banking with financial planning and wealth management track

Enrollment: 33

Tuition: Tuition varies based on residential status and credit hours

Clubs: Wealth Management Group



Online Colleges For Financial Planning

Online Financial Planning and Services degrees are available at a variety of different schools with as many as 3,153 degrees earned at the most popular school.

Below is a list of 15 Best Online Certified Financial Planning (CFP) Program. Click on each of the schools to know more.

  1. The College for Financial Planning
  2. Boston University–Metropolitan College
  3. Kansas State University
  4. University of California Los Angeles Extension
  5. University of California, Irvine
  6. DePaul University–Financial Planning Education Center
  7. California Lutheran University
  8. University of Florida
  9. University of Missouri
  10. Rice University
  11. Penn State World Campus
  12. Northeastern State University
  13. Florida State University
  14. University of Nebraska, Lincoln
  15. Eastern Illinois University

Colleges for Financial Planning FAQs

According to financial.com, Fort Hays State University, Hays, Kansas is one of the best universities for financial planning. Also, on the list is Franklin University Columbus, Ohio, and Gardner-Webb University, Boiling Springs, North Carolina

It is estimated that the CFP exam will cost you about $595. Also, you may spend a total amount of $400 to $1,400 depending on what you choose on review materials. this will enable you to excel in one of the most stressful exams.

A CFP is also called a personal financial advisor. He works with people and business owners. Basically, he guides them in making budgetary, savings and investment decisions. Also, they need to possess good communication and interpersonal skills to complement their financial knowledge.


If you want to pursue a degree in the growing field of financial planning, you’ll want to do careful research on the best programs currently available. While every program will prepare you to work as a certified financial planner, the courses of study vary enough that you’ll want to find what kind of curriculum best suits your goals. Do you want to study in a business school environment or online? Also, make inquiries about the schools, teachers, and student-teacher relationships by clicking on each college link.


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