George Washington University PA Program: Admission, Cost, Scholarships, Duration

George Washington University offers one of the best PA programs in the world. The institution has been able to graduate students who are competent and effective Physician Assistants. This article is a compilation of the admission requirements of George Washington PA programs.

One of the best ways to launch a career is usually to attend the best schools offering that program. For students who intend to launch a career as Physician assistants, earning a master of science degree from a Good school as George Washington University is a great start.

Once you find a good school for your PA program, it is important you further research on the admission requirements and cost alongside scholarship opportunities available for you.

To relieve you of the stress, this article brings to your doorstep, vital information on all you need to know about the PA program at George Washington.

A glance at the table of contents below will give an overview of all that is discussed in detail in this article.

GWU PA Program Overview

Accreditation: Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools

No Of Programs: 2 (PA/ PA and MPH

PANCE Rate: 96%

George Washington offers a 24 or 36 month Physician assistant degree on a full time basis. The program is divided into academic and a clinical phases. The first phase of the program is for a period of 12 months.

The joint master’s degree PA program at GWU insists that students must spend an extra year of academic coursework specific to public health. Students participate in the care of patients under the supervision of a licensed health care provider.

In addition, the clinical phase consists of a series of rotations in a variety of inpatient and outpatient settings. And, required experiences include inpatient medicine, surgery, pediatrics, emergency medicine, behavioral medicine, and an elective rotation.

Program Curriculum

The GWU PA programs considers very necessary for all graduates to become physician assitants that can function in any clinical situation.

So, its curriculum is designed to allow student master a common body of basic and clinical science knowledge. In addition to this, students must also understand clinical science knowledge and master the principles, knowledge and procedure of clinical clerkships.

These principles knowledge and procedure include the following:

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  • Internal medicine
  • Surgery
  • Emergency medicine
  • Pediatrics
  • Obstetrics and gynecology
  • Psychiatry, and
  • Primary (ambulatory) care medicine

The PA program is one of the most best-accredited PA programs in Washington dc. Mainly because of its program competency, which reflects Medical Knowledge, Interpersonal and Communication Skills, Patient Care, Professionalism, Practice-Based Learning and Improvement, and Systems-Based Practice.

Why PA Program at George Washington University?

George Washington University is a private research university in Washington D.C. In 1821, it was chartered by an act of the United States Congress. Over the years, this institution has maintained a progressive growth since inception.

It ranks 70 in the 2020 US News rankings for best National Universities and makes it to the list of top 500 universities in the world. Through the Department of Physician Assistant Studies, the school offers two PA programs.

One of these is a two year PA program that was established in 1972 and a joint Master of Science in Health sciences and Master of Public Health that was launched in 1986. The joint degree program is a three year program that has continuous national accreditation with a PaNCE pass rate of 96%. percent.

From the following statistics, it is a clear fact that studying at George University is one of the best decisions a student could make.

Aside from, having one of the best educational facilities, its PA program incorporates clinical experiences. This in turn help student has first-hand experience in the profession before they earn state licensure.

See recent updates and information on George Washington University here.

What is George Washington University’s PA Program Prerequisites?

One of the ways George Washington is able to graduate the best is to basically to ensure that admitted students have completed prerequisite courses.

This makes it very easy for students to adapt to the very rigorous training received and successfully adapt to courses that prepares students to become Physician assistants.

In summary, students applying to GWU PA program must complete the following prerequisites:

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  • Applicants must complete a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution.
  • Applicants must have a minimum of science and cumulative GPA of 3.0
  • The following 6 prerequisites courses must be completed by applicants:
  • Anatomy & Physiology: one semester of Anatomy and one semester of Physiology are required. This requirement may be met by taking two semesters of a combined Anatomy & Physiology course.
  • Chemistry: two semesters of Chemistry for science majors. One semester must be either Organic Chemistry or Biochemistry.
  • Psychology: one semester of Psychology. Abnormal Psychology or Developmental Psychology is strongly recommended.
  • Statistics: one semester of Statistics. Business Statistics do not fulfill this requirement and will not be accepted.
  • All prerequisite courses must be passed with grade B and must be at least three semester credit hours or 5 quarter credit hours.
  •  1,000 hours of direct patient care experience must be completed by applicants.
  • All applicants must be in good academic standing

GWU also offers a variety of career development fellowships. PA Program students may apply here.

What is George Washington PA Program Acceptance Rate?

Getting into the George Washington PA program is quite difficult but possible. First, you must satisfy all eligibility criteria. This will increase your chances of being accepted.

Also, you can send in letters of intent on intervals to assure them of how important it is to you to attend GWU PA program. In previous years, the GWU PA Program receives an average of 1,881 applications.

Sadly, only 116 gets accepted and approximately 68 out of these 116 students fulfill acceptance terms and conditions and subsequently, gets enrolled.

This brings George Washington University PA program acceptance rate to just 6%. Quite low it seems, but not entirely impossible. You can actually be one of the few that gets an enrollment, if you apply on time and submit all requirements.

George Washington Physician Assistant Program Admission Requirements.

Another very important factor students who intend to study at GWU must consider before applying to GWU PA program is its admission requirements.

Only students who are able to submit all in the list stand a chance of studying at GWU. These admission requirements are documents and vital information every applicant must submit on the application portal.

Students applying to GWU PA program must submit the following:

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  • Application fee and online application form
  • Statement of purpose
  • Resume
  • Letters of Recommendation
  • Professional licenses
  • Transcripts
  • Test scores
  • International students must submit academic IELTS with an overall score of 7.0 or TOEFL with600 on paper-based or 100 on Internet-based
  • They can also submit PTE Academic score of 68

Supporting documents not submitted online can be mailed to the address below:

Office of Admissions
Health Sciences Programs
The George Washington University
2100 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Suite 300
Washington, DC 20037

Contact for Questions: ~ (202) 994-8528
202 -994-0870 (fax)
9:00am – 5:00pm, Monday through Friday

Students can also apply for this program by clicking the button below. Application Portal

What is George Washington University PA Program Tuition?

PA program cost at George Washington university is determined by the exact program students enroll for. Basically, the joint degree program may likely cost much more than the single track PA program.

The table below shows the exact GWU PA Program Tuition

Summer 2020$16,160$45$16,205
Fall 2020$16,160$45$16,205
Spring 2024$16,160$45$16,205
Summer 2024$16,160$36$16,196
Fall 2024$16,160$45$16,205
Spring 2024$16,160$45$16,205
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Read also: Physician assistant Scholarships to assist Students in a PA program.

Read also: Physician assistant Scholarships to assist Students in a PA program.

Are There Scholarship Opportunities for PA Program Students at GWU?

Well, every good school recognizes the quality of education they offer. They also know that not every student can afford it. So, they make financial aid provisions for deserving students.

The Office of Student Financial Assistance together with PA Program administrators, determine who deserves a scholarship and who doesn’t. This decision is made in consideration of other factors with the financial aid budget in mind.

The George Washington PA program offers a limited number of merit-based scholarships. And these scholarships are renewable for students who maintain a 3.0 GPA.

The scholarship worth ranges from $3,500 – $7,000 per semester depending on applicants’ need. Once you get admitted, students can apply for financial assistance through the link below:

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Other PA Schools In Washington DC

Georgetown University is a private institution in Washington Dc, so cost of obtaining a master’s in PA may be on the high side for students.

If this is the case, then students can equally apply to Howard University PA program. The tuition fee at Howard is quite affordable when compared to the GWU PA program. This program cost as low as $22,683/yr.

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George Washington PA Program FAQs

Yes, it does. Georgetown University through its  Department of Physician Assistant Studies offers two PA Programs. One of which is a joint Master of Science in Health Sciences and Master of Public Health.

 A B.S. (bachelor of science) degree in a science major like biology, or chemistry is best for Physician Assistant program.

It is quite difficult to get into a PA school. According to the Physician Assistant Education Association (PAEA), in 2016/2017 academic year, over 26,768 applications were received across PA Schools. however, only 31% of these applicants were able to matriculate into a PA program.

GWU PA program acceptance rate is 6%.

GWU PA Program tuition is about $16,205 with an application fee of $45 inclusive. Average pay per year is about $45, 000.


With a bachelor of science degree in biology or chemistry, and a passion to walk patients through the healing journey, you can easily enroll for a PA program.

While there are numerous PA programs, it is important to note that your choice of university determines a whole lot about your career. For instance, earning a good GPA from an unaccredited PA program is as good as nothing.

Interestingly, Georgetown University offers one of the best PA programs in the Washington. Though there are basic requirements for students to meet up with, applicants are exposed to both academic and clinical experiences.

This is essential for students to graduate with the right attitude and preparation to practice with a high level of competency.

In this article, you will find all vital information pertaining to the PA program at Georgetown University at Washington DC.


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