Harvard vs Von Neumann University: Best Comparisons | Differences & Similarities

All universities perform the core function of guiding a student through a pathway to become a professional in any area of study they choose. Although the goal remains the same, universities adopt diverse strategies to achieve this goal.

A look at Harvard University – presumably the best university in the world – will expose you to world-class research centres, learning, and campus environment. In the same vein, Von Neumann University maintains its own high standard of excellence. But how would they fare in a Harvard vs Von Neumann University contest?

This is what we will completely address in this article, taking into consideration different parts of the universities, their systems, research capacity, and rankings. Let’s look at the table of contents to see an overview of how this Harvard vs Von Neumann University contest will play out.

About Harvard University

Established in 1636, Harvard University is a private Ivy League research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Following the name of former clergyman John Harvard, Harvard is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States and arguably the best academic institution for higher learning in the world.

The university has ten prestigious academic faculties, including the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study. You can study a wide range of academic disciplines for undergraduates and for graduates in Arts and Sciences, while the other faculties offer only graduate degrees, mostly professional.

Harvard’s endowment is valued at $41.9 billion, making it the largest of any academic institution. Through endowment income, the undergraduate college easily admits students regardless of financial need as they consequently provide generous financial aid with no loans.

As a research university and nonprofit institution, Harvard is focused on creating educational opportunities for people from many lived experiences.

About Von Neumann University

Established in 2016, Neumann János Egyetem (John von Neumann University) is a non-profit public higher education institution situated in the urban setting of the small city of Kecskemét Bacs-Kiskun.

Officially recognized by the Magyar Felsooktatási Akkreditációs Bizottság (Hungarian Accreditation Committee), this outstanding institute is a small co-educational Hungarian higher education institution.

Neumann János Egyetem (NJE) offers courses and programs through which you can access officially recognized higher education degrees such as pre-bachelor degrees (i.e. certificates, diplomas, associate or foundation), bachelor degrees, master degrees in several areas of study.

NJE also grants several academic and non-academic facilities and services to students including a library, housing, sports facilities, study abroad and exchange programs, as well as administrative services.

Harvard vs Von Neumann University – Differences

Harvard and Von Neumann are educational institutes, however, they differ in so many ways. In differentiating them, we sectioned them into different paths – it’s all well stated below. Some major differences between these institutes include:

Harvard vs Von Neumann University – Programs

Harvard University consists of the undergraduate Harvard College, 11 graduate and professional schools, and the Harvard Radcliffe Institute. Under these schools, you can pursue bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate degrees. Its eleven professional schools include:

  • Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
  • Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
  • Harvard Extension School
  • Harvard Business School
  • Harvard School of Dental Medicine
  • Harvard Graduate School of Design
  • Harvard Divinity School
  • Harvard Graduate School of Education
  • Harvard Kennedy School
  • Harvard Law School
  • Harvard Medical School
  • Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

On the other hand, Neumann University is blossoming with intellectual strength and in-depth creativity. All educators in this institution challenge the students to build their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Some of their undergraduate majors include:

  • Arts and Sciences
  • Education and Human Services
  • Business
  • Nursing and Health Sciences

Harvard vs Von Neumann University – Faculty

Harvard students have incredible access to some world’s greatest scholars. Nobel laureates lead introductory courses. Pulitzer Prize-winning authors teach General Education courses. National Book Award winners give Freshman Seminars.

From First-Year Faculty Dinners to intensive seminars, Harvard students engage and work closely with faculty in many different contexts. Professors have a serious interest in students’ success and share a deep commitment to undergraduate education.

In the same vein, John Nuemann university operates three faculties which include:

Faculty of Economics and Business

The goal of the recently launched Faculty of Economics and Business seeks to help students with state-of-the-art knowledge and adaptability to allow them to get a marketable university degree. The Faculty considers it a priority to seize and utilize the opportunities arising from the relations of a dynamically developing city and its business environment.

GAMF Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science

GAMF holds a deep commitment to high-level training of engineering and computer science professionals; facilitates broad cooperation with economic actors, while drawing on knowledge and innovation; and cultivates an environment for students that enhances learning, inspires the gifted, and helps those who are falling behind.

Faculty of Horticulture and Rural Development

The Faculty is reputed for training agricultural engineers and horticulturists who possess an entrepreneurial spirit and who can adapt flexibly, even in continuously shifting market conditions. The Faculty offers practice-oriented study programs, laboratories, practice farmland, display gardens, and hothouses to enhance the application of gained knowledge.

Harvard vs Von Neumann University – Campus

Harvard’s campus is full of history and discovery—from Harvard Yard to the research hospitals in Mission Hill, from the top of Harvard Stadium to the stacks below Widener Library. You can get the latest information and happenings on the Harvard campus through the broadcast media platforms.

With 28 outstanding libraries supporting your course of study with diverse research materials, 15 unique museums with outstanding renaissance paintings, and 42 athletic teams to keep you in shape, campus life at Harvard University is thrilling.

In Neumann University, the simplified campus environment, outstanding library, and sports facilities enable students to get access to the best support system for their educational ambitions.

Harvard vs Von Neumann University – Tuition

When it comes to tuition, these two schools pay some tuition for their education. Because of Harvard University’s position in the ranking of universities in the world, students in this institution pay at least $51,925 per year as tuition.

On the other hand, students at John Neumann University pay at least $32,960 per year. This tuition doesn’t necessarily cover accommodation costs.

Harvard vs Von Neumann University – Rankings

According to US News, Harvard University is ranked #2 in National Universities. This school is ranked based on its performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence.

  • 2 in National Universities
  • 12 in Best Undergraduate Teaching (tie)
  • 1 in Best Value Schools

On the other side, Neumann University is ranked #132 in Regional Universities North. This school is ranked based on its performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence.

  • 132 in Regional Universities North (tie)
  • 62 in Top Performers on Social Mobility (tie)

What are the Similarities Between Harvard University and Von Neumann University?

Harvard University and Neumann University share a lot of astounding similarities. The two institutions:

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  • Offer undergraduate and graduate programs
  • Have scholarship and funding scholarships
  • Admit international students
  • Have strong athletic teams


I would like to know which university won this Harvard vs Von Neumann University contest? Well, the data above reveals the winner by all standards. So, if you’re considering deciding between these two institutions, I’m sure this post has made your choice easier.


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