How to Effortlessly Get Online Masters Programs Without GRE 

For many years, GRE has been the standard test for students seeking admission into graduate school, and many consider it a big hurdle. 

These days, you wouldn’t have to go through the daunting experience that comes with preparing for a GRE test. You can effortlessly get an online masters program without the GRE but how do you get started?

The process of getting a master’s program with no GRE is simple. We will give you a step-by-step guide. Ensure you read carefully to avoid missing out on the important points.

Various academic institutions employ unique ways to screen their applicants instead of assessing them through their GRE test scores.

We will link you with the top 10 in this article, but, before we dive into that, it is important you learn what GRE stands for and also discover reasons why students take up a no-GRE program.

What Is GRE?

GRE is an abbreviation for Graduate Record Examinations. It is a standardized test administered by test maker Educational Testing Service (ETS) to provide graduate schools with common measures for comparing applicants’ qualifications and preparedness for graduate-level academic work.

GRE was established in 1936 by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. It is a multiple-choice, computer-based, standardized exam. A candidate is evaluated on his analytical writing, quantitative ability, and verbal reasoning skills through GRE.

The GRE is developed, and graduate and business school admissions committees look at your GRE score, academic record, and supporting materials to assess your readiness for graduate academic study.

Although there are latest developments revolving around the GRE, many students still prefer grad programs without the GRE due to the stress and challenges involved in preparing for the test.

Why Get Online Masters Programs Without GRE?

There are many reasons students choose an online grad program without GRE. Preparing for GRE can be very challenging, especially with your professional and personal responsibilities.

Most online graduate programs are designed to expand specific professional skills, making work experience more salient than test scores. 

Furthermore, working class individuals with established carers may have less patience and time to prepare for a test. Therefore, not requiring the GRE can make these programs much more attractive to professional applicants.

Additionally, online programs can afford to take more students. Getting a master’s degree online doesn’t take many resources.

How Do I Qualify For GRE Waiver

Many schools offer GRE waivers for all master’s degrees or specific programs. However, the requirements for every school are different, so it’s important to check with a number of graduate programs to find ones that best suit your demands.

Below are some of the ways you can get a GRE waiver.

Undergraduate GPA

The most common way for schools to provide a GRE waiver is if you have a high undergraduate GPA. Most schools usually a 3.0 GPA and above.

Other Graduate Degree

You can also qualify for a GRE waiver if you possess another advanced degree, which may include a graduate certificate. This can be especially helpful if you have taken a GRE test before applying to your first master’s or graduate program.

Professional Experience

Sometimes, master’s degree programs offer students with a certain number of years of professional experience a GRE waiver. Many schools s usually consider a Professional experience as part of the admissions requirements.

Best Online Master’s Programs that Don’t Require GRE

There are several online grad schools without the GRE requirement. Most of these institutions offer a wide variety of graduate programs, but no all are worth it.

For this reason why we have carefully selected the best no GRE online graduate programs based on the quality and range of courses provided, as well as school awards, rankings, and reputation.

We got our data from reliable sources, testimonials, interviews, and contacting individual schools. Below is the list of the schools, you will have to read further to get information on the various programs offered, tuition info, and program options.

  • Northcentral University
  • Purdue University 
  • Arizona State University
  • Rutgers University
  • University of Central Florida
  • Georgia State University
  • Western Governors University
  • Thomas Edison State University
  • Drexel University

1. Northcentral University

When you’re looking for no GRE masters programs online, Northcentral University(NU) is one of the schools that you should consider.

Nu is a regionally accredited online university. You can take online courses that allow them to work independently.

The online programs allow you to study various degree options, but it does not require a GRE to get into the school. Some of the noGRE programs available at Northcentral University include. 

  • Master of Science in Information Technology
  • Master of Science in Computer Science
  • MS in Organizational Leadership – Nonprofit Management

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2. Purdue University 

Purdue University is a top-ranked school that awards online master’s programs. The school offers flexible programs that enable individuals to achieve a high-quality education from anywhere in the world.

The online degrees at Purdue do not require GRE, but students have to submit their transcripts and work with an enrollment advisor to match a perfect master’s degree for them.

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3. Arizona State University

Arizona State University(ASU) is accredited and recognized as one of the country’s most innovative schools.

 ASU awards more than 60 online master’s degrees of which many do not require you to take the GRE. However, many of these online programs require you to earn a 3.0 undergraduate GPA and submit official transcripts.

Furthermore, the programs at ASU allow you to customize your learning experience by choosing a concentration to meet your academic and professional goals. Popular ASU master’s programs without GRE are;

  • Master of Science in Clinical Research Management
  • Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction – Early Childhood Education
  • MA in Criminal Justice
  • Master of Engineering in Quality and Reliability Engineering

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4. Rutgers University

Rutgers University(RU) is a  leading research university in New Jersey. RU awards several online master’s degrees that do not require a GRE score for admissions. However, some programs, such as the MBA, require standardized test scores.

The variety of programs helps students find a degree that fits their long-term plans for a career. Popular online masters programs at RU with no GRE include:

  • Master of Public Administration (MPA)
  • Master of Social Work (MSW)
  • MA in Liberal Studies
  • Master in Health Administration

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5. University of Central Florida

The University of Central Florida(UCF) is a research university and one of the largest universities in the U.S. At UCF. Students can offer online master’s degree programs without a GRE score.

The school waives the GRE standards for most online students. Some of the no GRE degree programs at UCF include;

  • Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) in Nursing Education
  • Master of Science in Nonprofit Management
  • MA in Instructional Technology / Media
  • Master of Social Work (MSW)

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6. Georgia State University

Georgia State University(GSU) is a public research institution with over 51,000 student enrollments. The school offers a GRE waiver for students taking the online master’s degree program. Popular GSU grad programs without GRE are;

  • Master of Education in Science Education
  • Masters in Social Work
  • MS in Instructional Design and Technology
  • MS in School Psychology

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7. Western Governors University

 Established in 1995. Western Governors University(WGU) offers a variety of master’s programs online that do not require a GRE for admissions. However, applicants are expected to participate in a meeting with an Enrollment Counselor as part of the process. 

WGU online masters programs with no GRE include;

  • Master of Education in Learning and Technology 
  • MA in Teaching
  • Master of Science in Curriculum and Instruction

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8. Thomas Edison State University

Founded in 1972. Thomas Edison State(TEU) University provides flexible, high-quality learning opportunities for self-directed adult learners.

TEU offers a no-GRE option for students in their master’s program who do not have a GRE test score. However, the MBA, MSN, and MA in Educational Leadership programs have additional requirements, such as a higher GPA or more recommendations. Some of the school programs are;

  • Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  • Master of Public Service Leadership
  • MA in Educational Technology and Online Learning
  • Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)

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9. Drexel University

 Drexel University is accredited and offers no-GRE Master’s degree programs that do not require test scores for admittance. However, students must provide transcripts, a Resume, two professional letters of recommendation, and a 3.0 GPA or higher. 

Some of Drexel’s grad programs without the GRE include the following;

  • Master of Science in Project Management
  • MS in Sport Management
  • Master of Legal Studies
  • Master of Health Administration (MHA)

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10. Franklin University

Franklin University is one of the largest private universities located in Ohio. The school offers several online masters with no GRE requirement. However, students must score above 2.75 GPA to qualify for the GRE waiver.

The grad programs without GRE at Franklin are;

  • Master of Science in Computer Science
  • MS in Accounting
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA)

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Can I Get A Job With An Online Master Degree Without GRE?

Any degree awarded by an accredited institution whether online or tradition school will be accepted by an employer. With your certification, you are sure to get a job in any industry or sector related to your degree.

Disadvantages of Online Masters Program Without GRE

The downside of online masters programs without GRE is that some employers consider the programs less legitimate than in-person programs. They value student-student and student-faculty interaction.

In-person programs also have the benefit of interacting easily with a professor to do research or projects, which is another thing that adds a lot of value to a degree.

Additionally, Degrees from for-profit institutions are typically not well-respected as many online programs are for-profit. This is one of the things to consider before enrolling in graduate school. And no matter what higher learning institution you choose, ensure that a legitimate body accredits it.

Nevertheless, many well-established schools and universities now offer legitimate, high-quality online programs in addition to their on-campus ones.


If you’re hoping to apply to graduate schools without GRE scores either because you don’t want to take the test or your scores were lower than expected, Take advantage of the best programs we’ve highlighted in this article, they will help you pursue a wide range of careers.

You can get a job in a variety of settings depending on your type of certification.

A bachelor’s degree with a good GPA is what will qualify you for a no-GRE master’s program.

The length varies according to your choice of program.


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