5 Popular Online Bachelors & Masters Degrees You Can Study

Technological advancement makes it possible for you to earn a degree without attending a traditional university. Online Bachelor’s degrees are efficient and effective in career pursuit and personal development.

This article compiles 5 popular online bachelor’s degrees you can earn anywhere in the world and from the comfort of your home.

Studying online allows you to interact virtually with professors and classmates; hence, you can manage your busy schedule-work, family, and other personal commitments.

At the end of an accredited program, your certificate can aid you to switch careers, secure a better job or increase your knowledge. This means you can take the next step in your career without having to necessarily pause your daily engagements.

Irrespective of your current job, the table of contents below reveals a number of popular online bachelor’s degrees you can get from the comfort of your home

Before we discuss these popular online bachelor’s degrees, below are some important facts about enrolling for a bachelor’s degree online.

Why Get an Online Bachelor’s Degree?

Getting a bachelor’s degree online comes with its challenges-having access to good internet, and being able to finish your coursework as at when due although most online degree programs are asynchronous.

You should get an online bachelor’s degree for the following reasons:

#1. Flexibility

Online degree programs allow you to learn at your own pace. Unlike on-campus programs, you can schedule your lectures to align with your daily commitment.

The flexibility of online programs allows you to achieve more.

#2. Affordability

Earning a bachelor’s degree online will aid you to save costs. Aside from tuition fees, you can save money on housing, transportation, and other miscellaneous expenses.

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#3. Convenience

Online bachelor’s degree programs accommodate working professionals and busy students. The online bachelor’s degree program is curricula that put into consideration the busy schedule of its students. Hence, it is quite convenient.

#4. Online Resources

Although you are not visiting the campus every day to earn a degree, online schools and colleges provide support for their students. Access to online resources like; tutoring services, academic advising, and career counselling are given to online bachelor degree students.

#5. Accessibility

This is vital because earning a bachelor’s degree online allows you to attend a program without relocating or pausing your life for four years.

What are Online Undergraduate Degrees Requirements?

To enrol in an undergraduate degree program, you must have earned a high school diploma. Depending on the online program, admission requirements may include standardized test scores, minimum GPA, and letters of recommendation.

Most online bachelor’s program demand applicants to submit the following:

  • High school diploma or its equivalent
  • High school transcripts
  • Standardized test scores-ACT or SAT scores
  • Personal statements
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Resume
  • Previous college credits and transcripts -for transfer students

What is the Fastest Way to Get a Bachelor’s Degree Online?

The fastest way to get a bachelor’s degree online is by enrolling on a fast-track program.

A fast-track program allows you to accelerate your learning pace. In fact, some programs allow you to earn three credits in eight weeks or less.

Enrolling in a fast-track program allows you to decide when to graduate from your online program.

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Due to numerous job opportunities in some fields, many individuals opt for an online bachelor’s degree in these fields.

Most popular online undergraduate degrees include:

#1. Online Engineering Degrees

The Engineering field is very popular. Hence, a number of universities included online Engineering programs, available mostly for Bachelors, Masters, and Ph.D. levels.

Individuals attaining degrees in engineering have the opportunity to select from a substantial number of speciality areas including civil, electrical, industrial, chemical, and general construction fields.

Engineers solve technical problems, create effective and functional designs and devices and adhere to safe environmental and economic practices which benefit the employers for whom they work and the communities where their work is utilized.

Moreover, engineers are generally highly paid professionals with substantial opportunities for advancement with experience and additional education.

Online engineering courses are mainly dedicated to students who are already working in the field and want to enrich their knowledge, specialize in a certain sub-field and prepare for creating projects in a real-world setting or directly apply what they learned at work.

An engineering degree also enables you to stay in touch with the latest advancement and innovations in the field.

With a great focus on project-based learning, during an online engineering program, you will always have access to technical and academic support, including learning materials and resources.

Examples of universities offering online engineering degrees:

#2. Online BBAs and MBAs

Although at first, you could only find online MBA programs, today many Bachelor’s degrees in business administration (BBA) are available as well.

A degree in Business Administration gives students and future graduates versatility in the workplace and they can find employment in many various fields of business.

Although a very competitive field, the main reason for the popularity of a business administration degree is the fact that it provides you with extensive knowledge of how to operate and manage a business, and what you learn can be applied to almost any career field.

Students enrolled in an online business administration course watch video lectures, participate in active assignments and have full access to digital learning resources.

Social interaction involves connecting with your peers, professors, and tutors through an online platform; this can sometimes mean Skype conferences or webinars.

In fact, an online course in business administration can have more benefits in terms of networking since you can establish useful current or future business contacts from all over the world, not just in your region or home country.

Examples of universities offering online business administration degrees:

Also, See: 20 Cheap Online Bachelor’s Degrees You Can Take.

#3. Online Courses in Computer Science

The popularity of studying for an online computer science degree is easy to understand; computing knowledge gives you a serious advantage in your career, regardless of the field you choose, salaries are pretty high and employers always seek ambitious software or hardware engineers.

While pursuing an online course in computer science, you can use multimedia content, discussion forums, blogs, and video conferencing and benefit from strong student support services.

Studying computer science means a lot of individual work and the impact of this work is easier to evaluate and measure compared to other fields.

For this reason, after you have studied the theories, you can instantly put them into practice and exercise as much as you want until you get it right.

In the wide area of computer science, you can specialize in subject areas like cybersecurity, information technology, cloud computing, video games, and more.

Examples of universities offering online computer science degrees:

#4. Online Healthcare Studies

All over the world, the need for knowledgeable healthcare professionals is on the rise, more specifically for healthcare administration and health management experts.

Although, have a different focus, most healthcare programs share a significant part of coursework. As a student, you will first learn the basics of medical science, and medical terminology and then you will receive relevant information on medical software, office management, and health information systems.

Because any online healthcare degree cannot be complete, without any practical work, students must either visit a campus or another medical centre or laboratory with which the university has a partnership.

Thus, you will notice that most healthcare degrees are blended, meaning they combine online study with either campus classes or lab/research practice.

The benefit of online health programs is the fact that you attend identical lessons and academic expectations are the same as for on-campus students, or they can sometimes be more rigorous as you will be required key skills like time management and effectiveness.

An online health degree will help you acquire the necessary abilities to work directly with patients, deal with medical devices and technology, manage patient files and records, and more.

Examples of universities offering online healthcare degrees:

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#5.Online Graphic Design Degrees

Having a high demand in the current job market, you can easily become a graphic designer by enrolling in an online program.

Students enrolled in a graphic design degree learn how to convey messages through various forms of visual communication; this means learning about app creation, web design, multimedia and more with the help of software programs and tools.

Graphic designers also take part in creating promotional displays, brochures, and logos –means of marketing and/or branding used by any company or organization.

Like computer science, graphic design also involves a lot of independent work, so attending virtual classes available by universities can be very convenient.

Through an online degree in graphic design, you will have access to extensive networking opportunities that can further become a serious advantage for future possible internships or career offers.

Featuring a student-oriented approach, graphic design online courses are usually interactive, as students log in and engage via online platforms and instantly receive feedback from instructors.

Examples of universities offering online graphic design degrees:

These are just a few examples of online Bachelor’s degrees and Online master’s Degrees that you can apply to, but in reality, you can study online in almost any field you’re interested in and earn a degree.

One aspect that you will have to be very careful about is checking if the university is accredited and if the diploma will be recognized and honoured by employers.

Online Bachelor’s Degree FAQs

What is the quickest online degree?

Business Administration is the quickest online bachelor’s degree. And, it opens up a variety of job opportunities.

What is the cheapest online bachelor’s degree?

Tennessee university offers the cheapest online bachelor’s degree program. Online degree tuition at Tennesse is as low as $4, 200 per annum.

What online degrees make the most money?

According to tradeschools.net, an online bachelor’s degree in Management information systems is the highest paying online degree.

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