The Strategy Of Granularity For Students | How Best To Apply

The strategy of granularity is ideal for students for obvious reasons which this post seeks to expound. However, as a student, the goal is to get the point taught in class and come out with good grades, isn’t it? To that effect, the strategy of granularity for students is one to adopt, emulate, and imbibe.

Therefore, the purpose of this post is to inform you about the strategy of granularity for students and how best to apply them. Don’t go anywhere!

This post will explain in detail granularity as a concept and how best to apply it as a student. Enjoy your read.

See the table of contents below.

According to Lifehack, granularity is a remarkably useful strategy for students. The granular strategy is of the view that no one can just write a research paper. That paper can only be the result of numerous small-scale tasks.

This strategy is of the opinion that Instead of “writing a research paper,” one could take up certain tasks: go to the library to look up references; organize them by call number; read the first three related books and take notes; get an article from JSTOR; read remaining three related sources and take notes; organize notes on the computer; check bibliography format; ask a professor about endnote form; make a rough outline, and so on.

These component tasks make the writing of the research paper easier.

Furthermore, granularity is governed by the organizational context in which the learning objects are developed.

What Is Granularity?

The word “granularity” means working for or towards clarity. Granularity is an amazing tool for students.

This can be done by breaking down complex ideas into the smallest component unit for easier understanding and clarity.

Furthermore, it emphasizes the need to break down things for easier effectiveness and results.

Applying granularity in the face of academic activities or any other given task can be one way to overcome the baffling dread of getting started. It further helps to keep track of such tasks on paper and ticking them off one by one gives the satisfaction of making progress and getting closer to done.

Strategy of Granularity For Students Defined

As a strategy for students, granularity employs the idea of delineating tasks into components parts for easy understanding and efficiency.  

Thinking of student work in terms of granularity can be one way to overcome the arduous thought of getting started. Furthermore, when a particular assignment is broken into units and tasks assigned, keeping track of such tasks on paper and crossing them off one by one will be easier. This gives the satisfaction of making progress and getting closer to done.

A student might also apply the strategy of granularity to the work of writing itself. Other than writing a draft and “looking it over,” it’s much livelier to break down the work of writing and editing by thinking about one thing at a time. That is to say, developing a strong thesis statement as the first step and working out a sequence of paragraphs to develop that thesis as the second amongst others.

The strategy of Granularity can also be applied in reading projects. For instance, if you have eighty pages to read, finish twenty and take a short break; then repeat. If you’re reading Toni Morris or Alice Walker, a handful of pages might be all that you can achieve in one sitting, and sometimes you might need to chart your progress by the sentence. 

In a nutshell, granularity refers to the size of the components that make up a system.

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What Are The Benefits of Granularity To A Student

The strategy of granularity which means breaking down ideas and tasks into component sizes offers the following benefits;

  • When the strategy of granularity is employed in any and every given task, the student is able to have an easier understanding of the task and perform the task easily.
  • Granularity eases the initial tension attached to certain projects. For instance, when you’re faced with a seminar presentation, the ideal thing to do is to pick up the topic parts by parts. That is starting from the introduction to the final bus stop which is a conclusion.
  • The strategy of granularity enables you to track your performance rate.
  • With the strategy of granularity, the student is able to pick up individual ideas keenly and build a mountain out of the different ideas when joined together.
  • Granularity is used to achieve clarity of ideas.
  • The strategy of granularity makes a daunting project achievable.

How Can Students Apply The Strategy Of Granularity?

A student assigned any task ranging from reading to writing can effectively apply the strategy of granularity. In writing, the strategy of granularity can be applied by breaking down the work of writing and editing by thinking about one thing at a time.

Firstly, start with developing a strong thesis statement: that’s one task.

Secondly, work out a sequence of paragraphs to develop that thesis: another task.

Thirdly, figure out how to make a transition from one paragraph to another: another task.

Fourthly, start writing, and also, if you tend to have patterns of errors in your writing, look for each kind of error, one at a time.

Lastly, read the draft once through looking out for grammatical errors like irregular punctuation marks, wrong spellings, and other grammatical errors.

Having done that, you’ll find out that the work of writing and editing has been completed. Therefore, breaking things down will likely make it far easier to work more effectively and come out with a stronger piece of writing. You can also apply this strategy to all other academic-related tasks.

How Can Teachers Apply The Concept Of Granularity?

This concept can be applied to and used with students at a more basic level.

As stated above, the concept of granularity makes a subject matter or object as clear as possible; for teachers, this means shifting your thinking and the way in which you express yourself so that you individually gain clarity about your ideas and then communicate that clearly to those around you.

In order to activate the concept or strategy of granularity, you need to ask yourself “How can I be more granular?” However, the important thing to remember is that by explaining or discussing something in as much detail as you possibly can, make the idea clearer to you and those around you.

In the classroom, granularity can be used, when it comes to classroom routines and procedures. This is done by dividing a particular task into component parts for easier understanding.


Applying granularity in the face of academic activities or any other given task can be one way to overcome the baffling dread of getting started.

FAQs On The strategy Of Granularity For Students | How Best To Apply

The word “granularity” means working for or towards clarity.

When the strategy of granularity is employed in any and every given task, the student is able to have an easier understanding of the task and perform the task easily.

Students employ the strategy of granularity through delineating tasks into components parts for easy understanding and efficiency.  


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