Best Universities In Istanbul Turkey Ranking 2024

Are you interested in one of the most popular study destinations known for its high-quality education as an international student? Studying in Istanbul, Turkey, should be one of your best options.

Generally, there are best universities in Istanbul, Turkey, for international students passionate about achieving academic excellence in one educational field or the other.

Thus, these best Universities in Istanbul, Turkey, are established and owned by the Turkish government or individuals, making them public, state or private universities.

Interestingly, Non-English speaking students who attend traditional programs will also find many opportunities to learn the English language as they complete their primary studies.

That means……

There are many opportunities, and you can make the best choice if you carefully read this post without skimming because in this post, we have compiled a list of the Best Universities in Istanbul, Turkey, for international students with the application information.

To make things easier, we answer some questions about Turkey that we think you should consider now. This is to help you make the best decision.

Note you can quickly scroll the table of content below to get an overview of what to expect.

Why Study in Istanbul Turkey?

Students seeking a degree in any academic discipline will find a safe, welcoming, and rewarding multicultural environment that will bridge western and eastern cultures. Turkish higher education institutions are known for their high quality compared to low lessons, and many programs are taught in English. Non-native English students attending traditional programs will also find many opportunities to learn English at the end of their initial studies.

About the Universities in Turkey

Programs at state universities are generally taught in Turkish, although some programs are taught in English, German or French. Students not proficient in Turkish who enter Turkish programs can take one year of language training before pursuing their studies. Most international programs are taught at private universities, where the language of instruction is mostly English. Private universities are also known as foundation universities.

There are currently about 30,000 international students enrolled in education programs in the country; however, Turkey aims to increase this number to 150,000. Although most of the academic specialties are available, the popular programs for international students are international relations, studies of the Eastern Mediterranean, studies of multicultural affairs, engineering, business administration, and hospitality.

What is the Tuition fee and Program Duration like in Istanbul, Turkey?

Tuition per semester at state universities where instruction is in Turkish is about $100-$200 (US) for Turkish nationals and students from Azerbaijan, Bashkortostan, Bosnia, and Herzegovina, Dagestan, Karachay-Cherkessia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Mongolia, Moldova, Nakhchivan, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Tartarstan, Turkmenistan, and Ukraine. International student tuition per semester at state universities where instruction is in Turkish is about $300-$600 (US). Tuition is about 1.5 to 2 times higher at state institutions where instruction is in English.

Annual tuition at foundation universities is typical $6,000 (US) to $20,000 (US); however, foundation universities also provide many students with scholarships that cover 30 to 40 percent of their tuition.

Most master’s degrees take two years to complete, but this varies by program and institution.

To help defray costs, international students may find employment with a university as a researcher; however, international students do not have a right to work in other organizations within the public or private sector.

READ ALSO: Study in Turkey: Tuition Fees, Admission, and Cost of Living

Private Universities in Istanbul

Istanbul is a very important destination in the world. People come to Istanbul for many purposes, such as tourism, investments, medical treatments, studies, etc. Therefore, many students come to Istanbul for their studies, and most of them try to rent apartments near their universities. This plays an important role for investors, so they should consider the locations of major universities in Istanbul.

For this reason, we would like to share with you the list of private universities in Istanbul:

  • Koç University Istanbul
  • Bilkent University Ankara
  • Istanbul Bilgi University Istanbul
  • Baskent University Ankara
  • Sabanci University Istanbul
  • Yeditepe University Istanbul
  • Bahçesehir University Istanbul
  • Kadir Has University Istanbul
  • Cankaya University Ankara
  • Istanbul Kültür University Istanbul
  • Istanbul Aydin University Istanbul
  • Beykent University Istanbul
  • Yasar University Izmir
  • Özyegin University Istanbul
  • Izmir University of Economics Izmir
  • TOBB University of Economics and Technology Ankara
  • Atilim University Ankara
  • Isik University Istanbul
  • Ted University Ankara
  • Maltepe University Istanbul
  • Dogus University Istanbul
  • Istanbul Sehir University Istanbul
  • Üsküdar University Istanbul
  • Istanbul Medipol University Istanbul
  • Okan University Istanbul
  • Istanbul Gelisim University Istanbul
  • Haliç University Istanbul
  • Istanbul Commerce University Istanbul
  • Altinbas University Istanbul
  • Istanbul Arel University Istanbul
  • Nisantasi University Istanbul
  • Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University Istanbul
  • Acibadem University Istanbul
  • Hasan Kalyoncu University Gaziantep
  • Ufuk University Ankara
  • KTO Karatay University Karatay
  • Çag University Yenice
  • Mef University Istanbul
  • Biruni University Istanbul
  • Beykoz University Istanbul
  • Piri Reis University Istanbul
  • Bezmiâlem Vakif University Istanbul
  • Istinye University Istanbul
  • Istanbul Gedik University Istanbul
  • Turkish Aeronautical Association University Ankara
  • Avrasya University Trabzon
  • Antalya Science University Antalya
  • Istanbul New Century University Istanbul
  • Demiroglu Science University Istanbul
  • Istanbul Ayvansaray University Istanbul
  • The Istanbul Esenyurt University Istanbul
  • Istanbul 29 May University Istanbul
  • Ibn Haldun University Istanbul
  • Toros University Yenisehir
  • Konya Food and Agriculture University Konya
  • Nuh Naci Yazgan University Kayseri
  • Istanbul Kent University Istanbul
  • Alanya Hamdullah Emin Pasa University Alanya
  • Sanko University Gaziantep
  • Istanbul Rumeli University Istanbul
  • Fenerbahce University Istanbul
  • High Specialization University Ankara
  • Antalya Akev University Antalya
  • Anka University of Technology Ankara

Public Universities in Istanbul

Every year, more and more students flock to Turkey to study. This is due to the excellent quality of education Turkish Universities provide that Turkey contains the most reputable and recognized universities in the world. Also, Turkey offers students an affordable alternative for education compared to most countries in Europe, albeit with the same quality and accreditations.

However, below are the list of Public Universities in Istanbul:

  • University of Anatolia Eskisehir
  • University of Bogazici Istanbul
  • Istanbul University Istanbul
  • Ankara Middle Eastern Technical University
  • University of Ankara, Ankara
  • Istanbul Technical University of Istanbul
  • Ataturk Erzurum University
  • Hasitip University of Ankara
  • University of Dokuz, Ellis Izmir
  • Marmara University Istanbul
  • Izmir Izmir University
  • Gazi University of Ankara
  • Sakarya University
  • Yildiz Technical University of Istanbul
  • University of Mays 19 Samsun
  • University of Eskisehir Osmangazi
  • Selcuk University
  • Akdeniz University of Antalya
  • University of Kocaeli
  • Erciyes Kayseri University
  • Adana Chukurova University
  • Uludag University of Bursa
  • Pamuk Denizli University
  • Canakkale Unsekiz Mart University
  • University of Furat Alazij
  • Karadeniz Technical University Trabzon
  • Solomon Demirel University
  • Izmir Institute of Technology Izmir
  • University of Manisa Jalal Bayar Manisa
  • Harran Sanliurfa University
  • University of Inonu, Malatya
  • Afyon Kokateb University
  • Karabük University Karabük …
  • Gaziantep University, Gaziantep
  • Trakya University of Edirne
  • Balikesir University
  • Kahraman Maras Sotko University
  • Sivas Cumhuriyet University Sivas
  • Polo University Abant Izzat Bisal
  • Mugla City University Kugman Mugla
  • Bulent-Assefeit Zonguldak University
  • Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University of Ankara
  • Yuzonoko Yale Van University
  • Mersin Yenisehir University
  • Najm al-Din Erbakan, Konya
  • Kerikale Kirikale University
  • Gebze Technical University
  • Negdi Omar Halsimir, Everniversitesi Negdi
  • Hatay University, Mustafa Kemal Antakya
  • Aydin University of Adnan Menderes
  • Galatasaray University Istanbul
  • Duzce Duzce University
  • Diyarbakir University
  • Mimar Sinan University of Fine Arts, Istanbul
  • Kfkas Kars University
  • Biennial of the Erzincan Yildirim University
  • Tokat Gaziosmanpasa Tokat University
  • Burdur Muhammad Akif University of Ersoy Burdur
  • Usak University
  • Aksaray Aksaray University
  • Tekirdag Namik Kemal University
  • Hitite Corum University
  • Kirklareli University
  • Belsik-Sy-Adbali University
  • Bartin University, Bartin
  • University of Ahi Evran Kırşehir
  • Recep Tayyip Erdogan University
  • Nevsehir Hasi Bektas Veli University of Nevsehir
  • Kastamonu University Kastamonu
  • Gerson University
  • University of Bingol
  • Yalova University Yalova
  • University of Karamanoglu, Mehmet Kerman
  • Adiyaman University, Adiyaman
  • Jomoshan University
  • Cankiri University Karate Kankiri
  • Yuzgat Buzuk University
  • Artvin Koure University
  • Istanbul University in Istanbul
  • Mus Alparslan University
  • Batman University
  • University of Siirt
  • University of Amasya Amasya
  • Ottoman universities, Korkut Atta
  • Abdullah Gul Kayseri University
  • University of Mardin Artico Mardin
  • employee of Izmir University Selby Izmir
  • University of Sinop, Sinop
  • Peaport University
  • Keelis December 7 Keelis University
  • Agricultural University of Ibrahim Chechnya
  • University of Ordu
  • Sirnak University
  • Technical University of Bursa, Bursa
  • University of Igdir, Igdir
  • Kutahya University Dollobinar Kutahya
  • Erzurum Technical University Erzurum
  • University of Bandırma Onyi Eil El Balikesir
  • Ardahan University
  • Iskenderun Technical University Iskenderun
  • Hakkari University Hakkari
  • Adana Paraslan Turks Adana University of Science and Technology
  • University of Beatles Eren
  • Istanbul University of Health Sciences
  • University of Alanya Aladdin Kikubat Alanya
  • German Turkish University Istanbul
  • Munzer Tongli University
  • University of Social Sciences of Ankara, Ankara
  • Bakersay University of Izmir
  • Democratic University of Izmir

Medical Universities in Istanbul

For many students, studying medicine remains a dream. For many students, it is impossible, or there are very difficult requirements to study medicine in their country.

Therefore, many students abandon their dream of studying medicine. Do not give up! Studying medicine brings new hope to students!

The best universities for clinical medicine have ALSO shown strength in producing research related to various medical and biomedical topics. These include anesthesia, cardiology, general and internal medicine, gastroenterology, obstetrics, ophthalmology, radiology, and surgery. These are the top universities in Turkey for clinical medicine, based on their reputation and research in the field.

Below is the list of the Medical Universities in Istanbul:

  • Hacettepe University
  • Istanbul University
  • Ankara University
  • Ege University
  • Marmara University
  • Dokuz Eylul University
  • Koc University – Turk
  • Gazi University
  • Akdeniz University
  • Erciyes University

Universities in Istanbul that teach in English

Istanbul, one of the oldest cities in the world and the most important city in Turkey in terms of social, political, economic, and cultural aspects, also offers the best opportunities for academic education in the field of education.

In Istanbul, which hosts the most established and ranked Turkish universities in the world rankings, the number of universities offering English language instruction is very large. The courses are offered in English in the study departments of state universities and constituents. 30% or 100% of the courses are intensive English. The universities that provide English education in Istanbul are the following:

  • Ankara University
  • Cyprus International University
  • Eastern Mediterranean University
  • Lefke European University
  • Koç University
  • Middle East Technical University
  • Istanbul Technical University
  • Near East University
  • Kafkas University
  • Anadolu University
  • Gazi University
  • Firat University
  • Gebze Technical University
  • Atilim University
  • Bilkent University

Universities in Istanbul for international students

Turkey is an excellent destination for students if they want to experience a new culture and be close to the East and West. In addition to the perfect combination of European and Eastern influence, Turkey has a growing academic reputation with new and old universities that provide international students with competitive education.

Here is the list of the Universities in Istanbul for international students:

  • Mugla University
  • Mustafa Kemal University
  • Near East University (Cyprus)
  • Nigde University
  • Okan University
  • Dicle (Tirgris) University
  • Dogus University
  • Dokuz Eylül University
  • Dumlupinar University
  • Eastern Mediterranean University (Cyprus)
  • Erciyes University
  • European University of Lefke (Cyprus)
  • Fatih University Tuition Fees
  • Anadolu University
  • Ankara University
  • Atatürk University
  • Atilim University
  • Bahcesehir University
  • Balikesir University
  • Baskent University
  • Beykent University
  • Celal Bayar University
  • Cumhuriyet (Republik) University
  • Cyprus International University
  • Karadeniz Technical University
  • Kirikkale University
  • Koc University
  • Kocaeli University
  • Maltepe University
  • Marmara University Istanbul
  • Mersin University
  • Middle East Technical University
  • Firat (Euphrates) University
  • Galatasaray University
  • Gazi University Ankara
  • Gaziantep University
  • Gaziosmanpasa University
  • Gebze Institute of Technology
  • Girne American University
  • Hacettepe University
  • Halic University
  • Harran University
  • Inönü University
  • Isik University
  • Istanbul Bilgi University
  • Istanbul Kultur University
  • Istanbul Technical University
  • Istanbul University
  • Izmir Institute of Technology
  • Kadir Has University
  • Bilkent University
  • Bogazici University

Business Universities in Istanbul

Business Administration degrees teach students how to manage limited resources to turn a profit and grow a business. Business Administration studies, such as MBA degrees offered by international business schools, teach notions like production/planning, decision making, project management, as well as allocating human resources and finances in line with organizational goals, policies, and procedures.

Below is the list of business universities in Istanbul:

  • Kadir Has University
  • Sabanci University
  • IFA Paris
  • 41 North Business School
  • Bahcesehir University
  • Sabanci University

Universities in Istanbul for Engineering

These prestigious universities have proven their strength in producing research on various engineering topics. It includes aeronautical, mechanical, electrical, and civil engineering. All rely on the fundamental engineering concept of using mathematics and science to solve problems.

These are the best engineering universities in Turkey:

  • Istanbul Technical University
  • Boğaziçi University
  • Middle East Technical University
  • Yildiz Teknik University
  • Firat University
  • Bilkent University
  • Hacettepe University
  • Sabanci University
  • Gazi University
  • Karadeniz Teknik University
  • Dokuz Eylul University
  • Ege University
  • Sakarya University
  • Gaziantep University
  • Cukurova University

What are the best Universities in Istanbul, Turkey, 2024

We used the following factors to rank the best universities in Instanbul, Turkey, effectively.


For your degree to count, it’s of essence you attend an accredited college or university. In line with this, the accreditation of each Turkish university counts in making it one of the best or top schools you should attend.

Research Areas

This specifically means the number of schools, faculties or colleges in the school. The research areas consist of the various departments and programs offered in the school.

Here is the list of the best Universities in Istanbul, Turkey 2024:

  • Anatolian University
  • Bogazici University
  • Istanbul University
  • Middle East Technical University
  • Ankara university
  • Istanbul Technical University
  • Ataturk University
  • Hacettepe University
  • Dokuz Eylül University
  • Koç University

Anadolu University

Founded in 1982, Anadolu Üniversitesi (Anadolu University) is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the urban setting of the medium-sized city of Eskisehir (population range of 500,000-1,000,000 inhabitants).

Anadolu University also offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education degrees such as pre-bachelor degrees (i.e. certificates, diplomas, associate or foundation degrees), bachelor degrees, master degrees, doctorate degrees in several areas of study.


Higher Education Council.

Research Areas

  • Arts & Humanities 
  • Business & Social Sciences 
  • Language & Cultural 
  • Medicine & Health 
  • Engineering 
  • Science & Technology

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Bogazici University

Established in 1971, Bogaziçi Üniversitesi (Bogaziçi University) is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the urban setting of the metropolis of Istanbul (population range of over 5,000,000 inhabitants).

Bogazici University (BÜ) also offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education degrees such as bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, doctorate degrees in several areas of study.


Higher Education Council.

Research Areas

  • Arts & Humanities 
  • Business & Social Sciences 
  • Language & Cultural 
  • Medicine & Health 
  • Engineering 
  • Science & Technology

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Istanbul University

Founded in 1933, Istanbul Üniversitesi (Istanbul University) is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the metropolis of Istanbul (population range of over 5,000,000 inhabitants), Istanbul. 

Istanbul University offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education degrees, such as bachelor degrees in several areas of study.


Higher Education Council.

Research Areas

  • Arts & Humanities 
  • Business & Social Sciences 
  • Language & Cultural 
  • Medicine & Health 
  • Engineering 
  • Science & Technology

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Middle East Technical University

Technical Middle East University, founded in 1956, is one of the best Universities in Istanbul, Turkey, in 2024. This is also a non-profit public educational institution located in the suburban environment of Ankara (with a population of more than 5,000,000 people). This institution also has university campuses in the following locations: North Cyprus Campus, Mersin-Erdemli.


Higher Education Council.

Research Areas

  • Arts & Humanities 
  • Business & Social Sciences 
  • Language & Cultural 
  • Medicine & Health 
  • Engineering 
  • Science & Technology

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Ankara University

Ankara University was founded in 1946 and is a public non-profit educational institution located in the urban environment of the city of Ankara (with a population of more than 5,000,000 people). This 73 years old higher-education institution has a selective admission policy based on entrance examinations. International applicants are eligible to apply for enrollment.


Higher Education Council.

Research Areas

  • Arts & Humanities 
  • Business & Social Sciences 
  • Language & Cultural 
  • Medicine & Health 
  • Engineering 
  • Science & Technology

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Istanbul Technical University

The Istanbul Technical University was founded in 1944 and is a non-profit public educational institution located in the urban environment of Istanbul (with a population of more than 5,000,000), Istanbul.

The University also offers courses and programs that lead to officially recognized degrees, such as undergraduate, masters, and doctorate degrees in various fields of study.


Higher Education Board.

Research Areas

  • Arts & Humanities 
  • Business & Social Sciences 
  • Language & Cultural 
  • Medicine & Health 
  • Engineering 
  • Science & Technology

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Ataturk University

Ataturk University, one of Turkey’s best universities, is also a non-profit public higher education institution located in the urban setting of the small city of Erzurum (population range of 250,000-499,999 inhabitants).  This institution has also branch campuses in the following location(s): Ispir, Oltu, Pasinler, Askale, Hýnýs, Tortum, Narman, Senkaya. 

This 62 years old higher-education institution has a selective admission policy based on entrance examinations and students past academic records and grades. 


Higher Education Board.

Research Areas

  1. Arts & Humanities 
  2. Business & Social Sciences 
  3. Language & Cultural 
  4. Medicine & Health 
  5. Engineering 
  6. Science & Technology

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Hacettepe University

Established in 1967, Hacettepe Üniversitesi (Hacettepe University) is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the urban setting of the metropolis of Ankara (population range of over 5,000,000 inhabitants). 


Higher Education Board.

Research Areas

  • Arts & Humanities 
  • Business & Social Sciences 
  • Language & Cultural 
  • Medicine & Health 
  • Engineering 
  • Science & Technology

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Dokuz Eylül University

Founded in 1982, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi (Dokuz Eylül University) is a non-profit public higher education institution in the large city of Izmir (population range of 1,000,000-5,000,000 inhabitants).  Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi (DEU) offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education degrees, such as bachelor’s degrees in several areas of study. 

This 37 years old higher-education institution also has a selective admission policy based on entrance examinations.


Higher Education Board.

Research Areas

  • Arts & Humanities 
  • Business & Social Sciences 
  • Language & Cultural 
  • Medicine & Health 
  • Engineering 
  • Science & Technology

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Koç University

Founded in 1992, Koç University is a non-profit private educational institution located in the suburban environment of Istanbul (with a population of more than 5,000,000 people), Istanbul. Koç Üniversity (KU) offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education degrees such as bachelor degrees, master’s degrees, doctorate degrees in several areas of study. 

This 27 years old higher-education institution has a selective admission policy based on entrance examinations and students past academic records and grades.

Koç University is also one of the best Universities in Turkey in 2024.


Higher Education Board.

Research Areas

  • Arts & Humanities 
  • Business & Social Sciences 
  • Language & Cultural 
  • Medicine & Health 
  • Engineering 
  • Science & Technology

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In recent times, Turkey has become one of the top choices of international students who want to study abroad. However, most of them find it difficult to decide which school to attend out of the numerous universities in Instabul, Turkey.

Therefore, to make it easier for international students, we have compiled the best universities in Instabul, Turkey with the necessary information to help them.

Conclusively, I hope the information above helps you in your decision-making process.

Good Luck And Success!!!


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