National Intelligence University: Admission, Courses, Fees, Ranking

Most students find it challenging to choose a study destination because thousands of institutions are scattered everywhere. And even when they finally make a pick, they tend to face a bigger challenge: getting detailed and accurate information about the institution.

Having detailed information like the admission process, tuition fees, and acceptance rate about the institution you have chosen is expedient. With that, you can be appropriately guided on whether it is worth going for.

That is why for students like you who want to study at National Intelligence University, knowing about the university’s Admission process, Tuition fees, and the courses they offer is what you shouldn’t fail to do.

On this note, we have revealed National Intelligence University Admission, the Courses they offer, and Tuition fees.

The table below clearly displays all you’ll learn in this article.

Before we keep start, let’s talk about the university.

About National Intelligence University

The National Intelligence University is a federally chartered research university in Bethesda, Maryland.
The university is formerly known as National Defense Intelligence College, and the Joint Military Intelligence College has over 80,000 military and civilian students.

The University is the only accredited, federal graduation institution of the Intelligence Community. The main campus is in Bethesda, MD, and the Academic Centres are around the country.

The faculty of NIU are subject matter professionals from all over the intelligence community who carry a wealth of expertise and professional experience and academic credentials to the classroom.

The NIU is a rare and technologically innovative university that focuses on the career of intelligence. It is the only higher education institution in the country that requires its students to study and complete studies in the Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmentalized Knowledge (TS/SCI) arena.

The University is committed to providing and continuing to maintain an in-depth program tailored to improve the theoretical capabilities and competencies of intelligence analysis to include strategic thought, coordination, involvement, and leadership.

Note: the Commission accredits the university of Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.

Why Study at National Intelligence University?

There are many reasons why choosing NIU as your study destination is the best decision you can make.

First, the university offers you wide course options by making available various degree programs such as undergraduate, and graduate degrees, graduate certificates, and prestigious research fellowships.

These programs emphasize education through scholarly and applied research designed to help U.S. intelligence officers better understand the diverse range of geopolitical, strategic, and technological threats and opportunities affecting intelligence and national security.

And also, with the degree programs, you can be prepared and equipped to handle senior positions in the IC and the broader national security enterprise.


National Intelligence University’s Schools and Accreditations

National Intelligence University has two schools:

  • College of Strategic Intelligence
  • Anthony G. Oettinger School of Science and Technology Intelligence

College of Strategic Intelligence

The College of Strategic Intelligence (CSI) helps to build students’ global and cultural awareness of military and civilian intelligence.

It also provides them with frameworks and tools for critical analysis, instills in-depth knowledge of the Intelligence Community, and lots more.

In this school, students can earn a Master of Science in Strategic Intelligence, a Bachelor of Science in Intelligence degree, or a Certificate of Intelligence Studies (CIS). 

Anthony G. Oettinger School of Science and Technology Intelligence

This school helps students build a lasting career around science and technology intelligence. This is achieved through the Master of Science and Technology Intelligence degree program. 

The National Intelligence University is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE), an agency recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.

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What are the Academic Programs Available for me at NIU?

Once you make NIU your study destination, you’ll have three academic programs. They’re

  • Bachelor of Science in Intelligence (BSI)
  • Master of Science in Strategic Intelligence (MSSI)
  • Master of Science and Technology Intelligence (MSTI)

#1. Bachelor of Science in Intelligence (BSI)

BSI degree focuses on essential intelligence principles, problems, and approaches. This four-year program can help you become a true expert on national security and customer topics.

Its curriculum comprises 11 core courses and 6 electives, including the capstone project, for 57 quarter credit hours.

The BSI core curriculum provides an overview of globalization and the intelligence landscape.

Note: the program is full-time at the Main Campus, lasting for 11 months, beginning in August and concluding in July.

#2. Master of Science in Strategic Intelligence

The Master of Science in Strategic Intelligence includes the entire U.S. Intelligence Community and Culture of Knowledge. The program reflects on the intelligence needed to sustain the National Security Policy and the Component Strategy.

Through this program, NIU brings together students from diverse intelligence cultures via its curriculum, which includes global issues, international studies, intelligence activities, and skills.

Also, it educates students on the components and other parts of the Intelligence Community comprising the environment and the nature of the threats facing the United States.

Furthermore, It helps students comprehend the nature of the intelligence needed to support the strategies for national security, intelligence, and defense of the United States.

#3. Master of Science and Technology Intelligence (MSTI)

Before enrolling in the Master of Science and Technology Intelligence degree program, you must have full engineering and technology knowledge. This is because the degree program is taught in that context.

The program focuses on thesis research, concentrating on five areas which include:

  • Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD),
  • Information Operations and Cyber
  • Emerging and Disruptive Technologies
  • Geostrategic Resources and the Environment
  • Foreign Denial and Deception.

This program gives students better opportunities for effective science-based research, focused education, and interagency outreach within a science-based educational paradigm.

What is National Intelligence University Admission Process Like?

To get into any institution, there is a process. Even with the complete requirements, if you don’t take the right process, you won’t get in.

The same goes for getting to NIU. NIU has an admission process that varies by program. For a Bachelor’s or Master of Science in Intelligence degree, there are different admission procedures.

Let’s take them one at a time…

#1. Bachelor’s Degree Application/Admission Process

First, to apply for BSI Degree Program, you must meet up the requirements, which include:

Application Requirements that makes you eligible for BSI

  • Academic credits at another regionally accredited college or university.
  • A cumulative undergraduate GPA of 2.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale
  • Must have completed a minimum of 80 undergraduate semester hours.
  • Have Transfer credit coursework requirements which include:
  • 20 upper-division (300-400) level hours
  • 9 hours in Communications, 6 of which must be earned in English composition
  • 12 hours in Mathematics and Science, 3 of which must be earned in Mathematics
  • 15 hours in Humanities, Social Sciences, or Fine Arts
  • 15 hours in Humanities, Social Sciences, or Fine Arts

Application procedures

Here are the application procedures required:

  • Get and complete the NIU Degree-Seeking Application form online at the official website.
  • Get nominated by your agency training branch manager.
  • Write a statement of Purpose of not less than 500 words unclassified essay. In the essay, state your reason for pursuing the program, your professional goals and objectives, and; the educational achievements that will help you successfully complete a BSI degree.
  • Attach your Transcript or Transcripts (Email them to Office Admissions or to
  • Attach test scores like CLEP exams, DSST exams, Excelsior College exams, and Defense Language Proficiency Tests (DLPT).


After submitting your application, you will get admission updates six to eight weeks after the deadline.

Note: NIU Bachelor’s degree academic year starts in August and ends the following July. So, that means the application must be before the starting month.

#2. Master of Science of Strategic Intelligence (MSSI) Application/Admission Process

Master of Science in Strategic Intelligence, which has a 43-credit curriculum, focuses on three main themes: Globalization, Future-focused Intelligence, and Intelligence for National Security.

Application Requirements that makes you eligible for MSSI

And to apply, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a U.S. citizen
  • Hold an active TS/SCI clearance. Note: an eligible or interim clearance is not permitted.
  • Be either a member of the U.S. Armed Forces or a federal government employee.
  • Have a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution
  • Have a cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale.

Application procedures:

Here are the application procedures required:

  • Get and complete the NIU Degree-Seeking Application form online at the official website.
  • Get nominated by your agency training branch manager.
  • Write a statement of Purpose of not less than 500 words unclassified essay. In the essay, state your reason for pursuing the program, your professional goals and objectives, and; the educational achievements that will help you complete a BSI degree.
  • Attach your Bachelor’s degree Transcript. (Email them to Office Admissions or Note, Unofficial transcripts may be provided with the application, but official transcripts are required for admission.   
  • Submit any master’s or other post-baccalaureate degrees. 
  • Attach test scores like CLEP exams, DSST exams, Excelsior College exams, and Defense Language Proficiency Tests (DLPT).

#3. Master of Science and Technology Intelligence (MSTI) Application/Admission Process

The Master of Science and Technology Intelligence program helps students learn how to recognize the impact of technological change on national security and intelligence.

It comes in four formats which include: Full time, Evening, Monthly Executives, and Reserves. Each has its starting and closing date.

And to apply, you must meet the following requirements:

  • All the Master of Science of Strategic Intelligence admission requirements.
  • In addition, they have academic exposure to science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM) coursework during their undergraduate years.
  • Note a science or engineering degree will help you prepare well, although it’s not among the prerequisites.

The application procedures are the same as the Master of Science of Strategic Intelligence application process.

#4. Graduate Certificate and Continuing Education

  • Have a baccalaureate degree from a regionally-accredited institution
  • Note: You cannot apply for more than two classes to the MSSI/MSTI program as a continuing education student.

Admission Deadlines

Spring 2024 (classes begin March 2024)
NIU is now processing applications for the spring term that were received by the 13 November deadline. Applicants should begin receiving information about the status of applications beginning in mid-January 2024.  

Fall 2024

Full-Time MSSI and MSTI DegreesFebruary 2024
Full-Time BSI DegreeFebruary
Part-Time MSSI and MSTI Degrees (All formats)May
Certificates and Continuing EducationMay

What are the available courses at National Intelligence University?

Each of the programs has courses available.

For Bachelor of Science in Intelligence

The courses include:

Core Courses
.ugb-e0b7084 li{–icon-size:8px !important;margin-bottom:0px !important}.ugb-e0b7084 li::before{width:8px !important;height:8px !important;background-image:url(‘’)}.ugb-e0b7084 li ul{margin-bottom:0px !important}.ugb-e0b7084.ugb-icon-list ul{columns:1}
  • Globalization and the Intelligence Landscape
  • International Political Economy
  • Analytic Methods
  • Science, Technology, and Intelligence
  • Intelligence and National Security Strategy
  • Collection Assets and Capabilities
  • Intelligence Analysis
Regional Security and Intelligence Courses
.ugb-9975f45 li{–icon-size:8px !important;margin-bottom:2px !important}.ugb-9975f45 li::before{width:8px !important;height:8px !important;background-image:url(‘’)}.ugb-9975f45 li ul{margin-bottom:2px !important}.ugb-9975f45.ugb-icon-list ul{columns:1}
  • Africa: Intelligence Issues
  • South Asia: Intelligence Issues
  • East Asia: Intelligence Issues
  • Europe: Intelligence Issues
  • Latin America: Intelligence Issues
  • Middle East: Intelligence Issues
  • Culture and Identity in an Age of Globalization
Defense Intelligence Courses
.ugb-607dcb8 li{–icon-size:8px !important;margin-bottom:0px !important}.ugb-607dcb8 li::before{width:8px !important;height:8px !important;background-image:url(‘’)}.ugb-607dcb8 li ul{margin-bottom:0px !important}.ugb-607dcb8.ugb-icon-list ul{columns:1}
  • Intelligence: Building Stability and Peace
  • Intelligence and Special Operations
  • The Nature of Conflict and Conflict Capabilities
Capstone Courses / Collection, Analysis, and Counterintelligence Courses
.ugb-46e6ad0 li{–icon-size:8px !important;margin-bottom:2px !important}.ugb-46e6ad0 li::before{width:8px !important;height:8px !important;background-image:url(‘’)}.ugb-46e6ad0 li ul{margin-bottom:2px !important}.ugb-46e6ad0.ugb-icon-list ul{columns:1}
  • Capstone Research and Design
  • Capstone Completion
  • The Counterintelligence
Science and Technology Intelligence Courses
.ugb-eb91f24 li{–icon-size:8px !important;margin-bottom:0px !important}.ugb-eb91f24 li::before{width:8px !important;height:8px !important;background-image:url(‘’)}.ugb-eb91f24 li ul{margin-bottom:0px !important}.ugb-eb91f24.ugb-icon-list ul{columns:1}
  • The proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
  • Denial and Deception
  • Information Operations
  • Cyber Strategy
Transnational Intelligence Courses
.ugb-b80ff7e li{–icon-size:8px !important;margin-bottom:2px !important}.ugb-b80ff7e li::before{width:8px !important;height:8px !important;background-image:url(‘’)}.ugb-b80ff7e li ul{margin-bottom:2px !important}.ugb-b80ff7e.ugb-icon-list ul{columns:1}
  • Terrorism: Origins and Methodologies
  • Transnational Threats
  • Drug Intelligence
  • Homeland Security and Intelligence

For the Master of Science in Strategic Intelligence (MSSI)

Collection, Analysis, and Counterintelligence Department
.ugb-34491c1 li{–icon-size:8px !important;margin-bottom:0px !important}.ugb-34491c1 li::before{width:8px !important;height:8px !important;background-image:url(‘’)}.ugb-34491c1 li ul{margin-bottom:0px !important}.ugb-34491c1.ugb-icon-list ul{columns:1}
  • Advanced Methods of Intelligence Analysis
  • Applied Collection and Analysis for Strategic Warning
  • Signals Intelligence Resources, Methods, and Operations
  • Advancing Intelligence Collection
  • Geospatial Intelligence: A Strategic Introduction
  • Counterintelligence
  • History of Warning Intelligence
  • Current Cryptologic Issues
Defense Intelligence Department
.ugb-675336a li{–icon-size:8px !important;margin-bottom:2px !important}.ugb-675336a li::before{width:8px !important;height:8px !important;background-image:url(‘’)}.ugb-675336a li ul{margin-bottom:2px !important}.ugb-675336a.ugb-icon-list ul{columns:1}
  • National Strategy: Theory and Intelligence Considerations
  • Joint Campaign Planning and Intelligence
  • Strategic Crisis Exercise
  • Staff Ride
  • Asymmetric Warfare
  • Peacekeeping and Stability Operations
  • Operational Capabilities Analysis
  • Intelligence and U.S.-China Great Power Competitive Strategies
  • Intelligence and Special Operations

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What is National Intelligence University Tuition Cost?

The University does not charge tuition nor accept funding from any Department of Education grant or loan programs.

Also, students at the University do not receive any financial assistance through the Department of Education grant or loan programs.

Textbooks are provided on loan to students through the library and are to be returned at the end of each quarter.

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Does NIU have Faculty?

Yes, it has a total of 154 faculties with a student-to-faculty ratio of 4:1. These faculties come from the intelligence, military, government, and academic communities.

In these faculties, there are professional personals and expertise who handle all issues related to the Intelligence Community, from regional concerns to cyber security to the transfer of weapons of mass destruction.

These personals have at least one graduate degree, with 40% of the faculty hold terminal degrees. They are also proficient in strategic languages, including Arabic, Pashto, Russian, and Chinese.

National Intelligence University Official Website



How long does it take to gain admission into National Intelligence University?

Admission notices are sent approximately eight weeks following the application deadline.

Does National Intelligence University charge tuition?

NIU does not charge tuition.

What is the eligibility criteria to apply to National Intelligence University?

Applicants should review the eligibility criteria for their program of interest when applying to the university.

How long is a degree program at National Intelligence University?

The degree programs are offered in one and two-year formats. Click here for details.


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