Saint Elizabeth University Acceptance Rate, Admission, Programs, Tuition, Ranking, Scholarships

There is more to just being a student. The extent to which your study location transforms you go a long way to contributing its quota to your career growth. To make this a dream come true, Saint Elizabeth University has put a lot in place. Things range from tuition, admission, acceptance rate, scholarships, and lots more.

Read through to see for yourself why you can make SEU your study destination.

The table of contents below will further help in breaking these topics down for you.

About Saint Elizabeth University

Formerly known as College of Saint Elizabeth, SEU is a co-educational liberal art private university. It is located in Morris Township, New Jersey, in the US.

Established in 1899 by the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth, this institution of higher learning was among the first Catholic colleges to acknowledge women with degrees.

There are about 25 undergraduate majors, 16 master’s degree programs, and of course, two doctoral programs (Psy.D. and Ed.D.) that are accessible by the students.

Student Life at Saint Elizabeth University

There are extensive activities to keep you going at this institution. The extra-curricular activities go in tandem with the learning process and promote it.

Whatever life that you choose to get accustomed to within the confines of SEU, everything is systematic. Below is the list of the activities you can engage in.

  • Clubs & Organizations
  • Campus Activities Board
  • Student Engagement
  • SGA

Experiential Learning Center

  • SEU Promise
  • Student Employment
  • Career Services
  • Volunteerism and Service-Learning

Spirituality & Service

  • Campus Ministry

Student Support

  • Counselling Services
  • Accessibility Services

Wellness & Safety

  • Health Services
  • Campus Security

Saint Elizabeth University’s Address

This University’s location is at 2 Convent Road, Morristown, NJ 07960-6989.

The University’s Website

For more information about Saint Elizabeth University, kindly follow the link to visit the school’s website.

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SEU Ranking

According to the US News World & Report World Ranking for the 2024 edition of the Best Colleges, Saint Elizabeth University ranks #136.

However, rankings according to are represented below:

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  • #278 for the Safest College Campuses in America
  • For the best colleges locations in America, SEU ranks #443
  • #630 for Most Liberal Colleges in America
  • #770 for Most Diverse Colleges in America
  • For Best Value Colleges in America, Saint Elizabeth University also ranks #915

The Saint Elizabeth University’s Accreditation

Saint Elizabeth University is regionally accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education and is recognized by the Department of Education.

What is the Acceptance Rate at Saint Elizabeth University?

The acceptance rate of new intakes into Saint Elizabeth University is at 73%. The admission is less selective. The majority of the students who gain admission into the institution have SAT scores between 890 and 1096 and an ACT score of 16 and 19.

The other few applicants scored below the aforementioned ranges. Also, admission into the SEU is rolling.

Saint Elizabeth University’s Admission Requirements

The following are documents you should submit as an intending student to gain admission. Failure to submit them may ruin your chances of being considered for admission.

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  • An application letter
  • Average high school GPA of 2.9
  • Non-refundable application fee of $35
  • Official transcript
  • Personal statement
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Additional documents may be required depending on what program you’re applying for.

What is the Tuition Cost?

The total cost of tuition a student has to pay covers the tuition and fees, on-campus room and board, allowances for books, supplies, transportation, and some miscellaneous expenses.

Interestingly, the students do not bear the entire cost of their education. The tabular representation below is only a fraction of the annual cost each student has to pay.

Tuition $32,900 $32,900
Room and Board $12,744 N/A
Total $45,644 $32,900

Any student who undertakes more than one course of study will have to follow this table to pay for their tuition.

Traditional Undergraduate

Per academic year $32,900
Per semester $16,450
Course taken for credit $914 per credit

Adult Undergraduate – Continuing Studies

Course taken for credit $800 per credit
Course taken as auditor $266.67 per credit

Undergraduate – Nursing

Course taken for credit $925 per credit

Undergraduate – RN-BSN

Course taken for credit (no additional discounts) $462.50 per credit

Cost of Tuition for Graduate Programs

The following is what a student who registers for one or more courses at the graduate level will pay in the 2024/2024 academic session.

Graduate Degree Programs $1,001 per credit
Dietetic Internship Program $1,001 per credit
Health Administration and Nursing Programs $1,001 per credit
Physician Assistant Program (beginning Fall 2019) $1,001 per credit
M.A. in Educational Leadership Program $650 per credit
ACT I and ACT II Programs $2,000 per course

Saint Elizabeth University’s Programs

There is an array of programs offered here. Whether at the undergraduate or graduate level, the courses are enough to go round.

Let’s see their major concentrations.

Major Concentrations

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  • Allied Health Science (BS)
  • American Studies (BA)
  • Art (BA)
  • Biochemistry (BS)
  • Biology (BA/BS)
  • Business Administration (BS)
  • Chemistry (BA/BS)
  • Clinical Laboratory Science (BS)
  • Communication (BA)
  • Computer Software Engineering (BS)
  • criminal Justice (BA)
  • Education (BA)
  • English (BA)
  • Food and Nutrition (BS)
  • Global Studies (BA)
  • History (BA)
  • Mathematics (BA)
  • Medical Imaging Science (BS)
  • Nursing (BSN)
  • Psychology (BA)
  • Religious Studies (BA)
  • Social Work (BSW)
  • Sociology (BA)
  • Sport Management and Marketing (BS)

Minor Programs

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  • Accounting
  • Allied Health Sciences
  • American Studies
  • Biology
  • Business Administration
  • Chemistry
  • communication
  • Computer Science
  • criminal Justice
  • Dance
  • Engish
  • Ethics
    Ethics Studies
  • Foods and Nutrition
  • Foods, Nutrition & Community Education
  • Forensic Science
  • Global Studies
  • Graphic Design
  • History
  • Leadership
  • Literary Studies
  • Mathematics
  • Medical Nutrition Therapy for Health Professionals
  • Music
  • Nutritional Science
  • Philosophy
  • Religious Studies
  • Secondary Education
  • Sociology
  • Spanish
  • Sport Management and MArketing
  • Studio Art
  • Victim Services
  • Women’s Studies
  • Writing Studies

Graduate Programs of Study

The graduate programs are at the master’s, doctoral levels including teaching and professional certificates. Also, let’s see the available courses.

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  • M.S. Data Analytics
  • M.A. Digital Media Design and Marketing
  • M.A. Education
  • M.A. Educational Leadership
  • M.A. Justice Administration and Public Service (online)
  • M.S. ManagementSpecialization in Human Resources Management
  • Specialization in Organizational Change
  • M.S. Nursing
    Track in Nursing Education
    Track in Nursing Leadership
  • Bridge to M.S. in Nursing for RN with Non-Nursing Bachelor’s Degree
  • M.S. Nutrition (online)
    .Concentration in Entrepreneurial Nutrition Practice
    .Concentration in Community Nutrition and Wellness
  • M.S. in Nutrition/Dietetic Internship*
  • Master of Public Health (MPH)
  • M.S. Physician Assistant
  • M.A. Theology
    .Catholic Studies
    .Pastoral Care
    .Theological Studies
  • M.A. Applied Behavior Analysis (online)
  • M.A. Counseling Psychology
    Specialization in Counseling Psychology
    .Specialization in Mental Health .Counselling
    .Specialization in School Counseling

Doctorate Programs

  • Ed.D Educational Leadership
    .Pre-K to 12th Grade Track
    .Higher Education Track
  • Psy.D. Counselling Psychology

Professional Certificates

  • Applied Behavior Analysis
  • Assistive Technology
  • Catholic Studies
  • Counter-Terrorism
  • Cyber Security Investigation
  • Holocaust and Genocide Education
  • Leadership in Community Policing
  • Online Teaching in the 21st Century
  • Pastoral Care
  • Spirituality
  • Sports Nutrition and Wellness

Teaching Certifications

  • Advanced Certification for Teaching (ACT 1) K-6, K-12
  • Advanced Certification for Teaching (ACT 2) Teacher of Students with Disabilities
  • ESL
  • Middle School Science
  • Supervisor

It is important to note that international students do not qualify to register for any of the online programs, professional certificates, or teaching certificates.

Scholarships at Saint Elizabeth University

Every burden is made light as Saint Elizabeth University has carved out a way to help students who are excellent in their academic work and commit themselves to service and moral values but have little glitches in their finances.

A student can have access to more than one scholarship but if such student qualifies for two, the Director of Financial Aid has to sort it and grant the ideal scholarship to the student.

Below is a compilation of the types of scholarship and their worths available to students.

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  • Presidential Scholarship – Full Tuition
  • Elizabethan Scholarship – $21,000
  • Seton Scholarship – $16,500
  • Founders Scholarship – $15,500
  • Xavier Award – Up to $7,000
  • Housing Award – Up to $4,000
  • Catholic High School Graduate Scholarship – Up to $2,500
  • Niece/Nephew of a Sister of Charity Scholarship – Up to $2,500
  • Alumni Scholarship – Up to $5,000
  • Vincentian Scholarship – $5,000 to $15,000
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Notable Alumni

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  • Rita Lenihan
  • Blessed Miriam Teresa Demjanovich
  • Shirley Tolentino
  • Louise Currie Wilmot
  • Sister Carmela Marie Cristiano
  • David Clowney


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