University of Alberta Acceptance Rate in 

Having knowledge of the University of Alberta’s acceptance rate will guide you to know your chances of getting admitted into the school.

Meanwhile, for an overview of what to expect in this article, kindly click the table of content below.

The University of Alberta is one of the best universities in Canada. As one of the renowned tertiary institutions in Canada, competition is very high and this makes entry into the school slightly difficult.

In this article, you’ll learn about the University of Alberta acceptance rate for various programs, admission requirements for various departments and programs too.

Kindly read through to the end to learn more.

University of Alberta Acceptance Rate

The University of Alberta’s acceptance rate is slightly over 50%. This means that while the school may be competitive, it is still not very difficult for people to be admitted.

However, different departments have their own various acceptance rates for their programs.

Read the next section to learn the University of Alberta undergraduate acceptance rate and admission requirements.

University of Alberta Acceptance Rate For Undergraduate

The University of Alberta offers over 350 undergraduate programs and therefore offers a huge amount of choice in what you could study.

So for someone who wants to pursue an undergraduate program at the University of Alberta, a number of factors and requirements would need to be met.

In this section, you will find the various admission requirements you would need to meet to be accepted to pursue a program in the school.

Admission is based on your complete academic history and achievement in three main areas: your grades, your English proficiency, and the completion of required subjects.

Admission requirements for undergraduates at U of A

Below are some of the admission and acceptance requirements:

Completion of Five Compulsory Academic Subjects

Students applying for admission from high school must show that they have successfully completed five compulsory academic subjects.

The academic subjects you need to present will vary by program and Faculty.

For instance, someone who is applying to a science-based program will need to have at least five credits in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology.

Your English Language Proficiency

Another thing that is usually considered is the applicant’s English Language proficiency.

This is usually done to certify that the applicant has a good knowledge of English Language.

There are a few ways to show you meet UAlberta’s English Language Requirement. That is by:

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  • Completing a test of English Language Proficiency and earn the minimum score required by UAlberta;
  • Completing certain courses that have been approved by UAlberta and achieving a certain minimum grade in that course;
    Having a previous Education in English as recognized by the University of Alberta;
  • Completing UAlberta’s Bridging Program

Please note that if you select a program related to Health Sciences or Education, you will be required to meet the Spoken English Language Proficiency Requirement.

Applicant’s Grades

The minimum admission average to be accepted to UAlberta varies depending on the Faculty and program of your choice. The averages change each year.

Every applicant is unique and every enrolment cycle is unique. That’s why applications are assessed on an ongoing basis.

It creates an opportunity to adjust what is considered ‘a competitive application’ throughout the admissions period (October 1 – August 31) based on a variety of factors, including:

  • The number of qualified applicants to a particular program,
  • The averages presented by applicants that year, and
  • Program capacity.

To be considered for admission, applicants need to:

  • Have the required courses for their program
  • Meet the minimum requirements for their program
  • Fill out a complete application for admission with an application fee

It might interest you to know that when an applicant is not accepted into their first-choice program will be assessed for their second-choice program if listed.

Alright! below is a table that shows the grade requirements for certain professional programs:

 Program Competitive Requirements (previous year)
Law (JD)
Average GPA: 3.8Average LSAT Score: 161
Medicine (MD)
Minimum competitive GPA to apply: 3.30Competitive mean MCAT score: 128
Medical Laboratory Science
Minimum GPA in prerequisites to apply: 2.7Competitive overall GPA: 3.0
Dentistry (DDS)
Minimum Overall GPA to apply: 3.0Competitive Overall GPA: 3.85Average DAT Score: 68 out of 90
(including Reading & Comprehension,
Perceptual Ability, and Manual
Dental Hygiene
Minimum Overall GPA to apply: 2.7Competitive Overall GPA: 3.43
DieteticsMinimum GPA to apply: 2.7Competitive GPA: 3.0
Radiation Therapy
Average GPA: 3.2Per-MMI GPA: 3.4
Pharmacy (PharmD)
Average GPA: 3.5 for Alberta Applicants and 3.7 for Out-of-Province Applicants

University of Alberta graduate Acceptance Rate

International students make up the major part of the UAlberta graduate student community.

They make up more than 36 percent of the graduate student population—2,600+ students from more than 170 different countries.

Interestingly, students and scholars from around the world are attracted to UAlberta for its reputation as a center of research and innovation.

I will show you how you can apply for your graduate programs at U of A in this section. Just keep following.

Application Procedure for University of Alberta Graduate Admission

If you wish to apply for a graduate program at U of A, the steps that are given below are what you require to successfully apply and be considered for the admission.

Usually, the application fee is 75 USD. Carefully read all the details below:

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  • Apply at the official website by choosing a program of choice.
  • Check program-specific requirements and deadlines carefully as they vary for different courses.
  • Submit the essential documents which include transcripts, degree certificates, English Language Proficiency scores, and others.
  • Additional requirements that might have to be submitted include a CV, statement of intent, writing samples, GRE/GMAT, References et al.
  • Deposit the nonrefundable application fee and submit the completed application.
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In the next section, I will carefully and elaborately explain the admission requirements for both graduate and international students.

Keep reading to discover more.

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University of Alberta Acceptance Rate For International Students

The Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (FGSR) sets a minimum academic standard for admission for both Canadian and international students.

Please carefully take your time to find the minimum academic requirements for both Masters and Doctoral student admissions.

Please be advised that some departments may have their own additional or higher admission qualifications.

Always endeavor to visit the program or department website or contact the department directly for program-specific admission requirements.

Admission Requirements for Master’s Degree Programs

What you will find below are some of the requirements you will need to meet if you wish to apply for a master’s program at the University of Alberta.

Usually, applicants are required to have completed a four-year baccalaureate degree, or its academic equivalent, from an academic institution. The institution must be accredited and recognized by the University of Alberta. 

Students will need to have an admission grade point average of 3 on most 4-point grading systems or B on most letter grading systems.

Doctoral Programs

What you will find below are some of the requirements you will need to meet if you wish to apply for a doctoral program at the University of Alberta.

Applicants are normally required to have completed a master’s degree, or its academic equivalent, from an academic institution, recognized by the University of Alberta.

Students will need to have an admission grade point average of 3 on most 4-point grading systems or B on most letter grading system.

Additional Requirements

Some departments have additional requirements that you must meet before you can really be offered admission. These requirements vary and differ from department to department.

Some departments may require the following:

  • Statement of research interests
  • Previous work experience in the field
  • Educational tests such as the Graduate Record Examination (GRE),
  • Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) or Miller Analogies Test

Kindly do well to contact the department directly to find out if there are any additional requirements aside from the ones listed up there.

Minimum Academic Requirements

Since degrees vary greatly from institution to institution and country to country, the University of Alberta will examine course content to establish equivalencies to a UAlberta baccalaureate degree.

For a list of minimum academic requirements by country, please click here.

Admission Application Procedure for International Students

If you are applying as an international student, the steps that are given below are what you require to successfully apply and be considered for the admission.

The first thing you must know is that you would need to pay an application fee of 94 USD.

After that, you will need to provide the under listed documents

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  • English language proficiency test scores like TOEFL, IELTS, or equivalent.
  • High school grades and transcripts, certificates, and diplomas.
  • Course descriptions for postsecondary courses completed outside of Canada.
  • Official English translation of documents not originally in English or French.
  • French language proficiency for applying to Campus Saint-Jean

English Language Proficiency Requirements For International Students At University of Alberta

The language of study at U of A in English. This reality makes it highly necessary for applicants seeking admission to provide proof of proficiency in English. Some of the test scores that can help you meet ELP requirements for admission at the university are as tabulated below:

Accepted TestsMinimum Score
TOEFL (iBT) (Institution Code: 0963; Department Code: 00)At least 90 with a minimum score of 21 points in each section
IELTS (Academic)At least 6.5 with no band less than 5.5
MELABAt least 85 with no band less than 80
PTE (Academic)At least 61 with no less than 60 in each communicative skill
6 full-time years of education in English in Canada or the equivalent in another country    With secondary education as the highest level completed or with a combination of secondary and post-secondary studies, education must include the Alberta Grade 12 (or equivalent)

Note: TOEFL (PBT) is no longer an accepted test for the university.

How to apply for Admission at the University of Alberta

International students applying to the University of Alberta can follow this step to step guide and apply for the admission.

  1. Register online after exploring the program options and other admission requirements.
  2. Submit the completed application with a nonrefundable fee and save the receipt of a successful submission for future use.
  3. Wait to Receive your UAlberta eMail, Computing ID and ID Number and use it to access your personal account for more admission-related updates.
  4. Submit your official transcripts and any remaining documents.
  5. Accept your offer of a place and deposit a nonrefundable tuition deposit of 750 USD to be credited towards the final tuition fee.
  6. Explore scholarship opportunities.
  7. Apply for a study permit.
  8. Remember to send all the official and complete documents by the recommended deadlines to the university’s Registrar’s Office.
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University of Alberta Ranking

UAlberta is a Top 5 Canadian university, home to more than 500 graduate programs, 200 undergraduate programs, and 450 active student groups.

According to Wikipedia, the University of Alberta has ranked in a number of post-secondary rankings. In the 2020 Academic Ranking of World Universities rankings, the university ranked 101–150 in the world and fifth in Canada. 

The 2024 QS World University Rankings ranked the university 126th in the world, and fifth in Canada. The 2024 Times Higher Education World University Rankings ranked the University of Alberta 131st in the world, and sixth in Canada.

In 2024 U.S. News & World Report ranked the U of A the 138th in the world, and fifth in Canada. Similarly, the Canadian-based magazine, Maclean, University of Alberta scored sixth in their 2024 Canadian Medical Doctoral University category.

In addition to academic and teaching rankings, the university has also been ranked by publications that evaluate the employment prospects of its graduates. In the Times Higher Education’s 2018 global employability ranking, the university ranked 134th in the world, and sixth in Canada. In QS’s 2019 graduate employability ranking, the university ranked 87th in the world, and fourth in Canada.

University of Alberta Acceptance Rate: FAQs

The University of Alberta is a big school and has a strong reputation in several areas, including its Engineering and Science Faculties. At U of A, international students are handled with utmost care.

The application fee is a non-refundable fee of $125 which is payable by credit card or Visa Debit only when applying online.
If you are applying for residence at the same time, you must also pay a non-refundable $25 residence application fee.

There are about 38, 830 students at the University of Alberta.

The University of Alberta and most of the other Canadian Universities focus on academics along with other extracurricular requirements.
In most of these institutes, GRE is either optional or not required. However, if you are an international student they recommend that you take GRE.


The University of Alberta is the school for creative and innovative minds.

At Uof A, students do not just engage in classroom activities alone but also in extra-curricular activities aimed at improving the professional experience. 

One of the secrets to landing your admission at the University of Alberta is to make your application stand out by writing a fascinating letter of reference and an incredibly captivating statement of purpose. 

Also, endeavor to send in all the essential documents in a good time to avoid any form of last-minute rush and complications.

Author’s Recommendation


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