Western Oklahoma State College : Acceptance rate, Admission, Programs, Tuition, Ranking, Scholarships

Western Oklahoma State College is one of the long-existing community colleges in the city of Oklahoma that provides great educational opportunities to its students. Know more about the acceptance rate, admission, programs, tuition, ranking, and scholarships.

Read with keen attention as you may be getting a piece of information that will be helpful to you or anyone you know.

Go through the table of contents below for more highlights.

About Western Oklahoma State College

Previously established as Altus Junior College in 1926, Western Oklahoma State College is the oldest two-year college still standing in the entire Oklahoma province.

Located in a small town in Southwestern Oklahoma, it welcomes students who are residents in Oklahoma and those beyond the shores of Oklahoma like Jackson, Greer, Harmon, Kiowa, and Tillman.

The body responsible for its accreditation is the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools- Commission on Institutions of Higher education.

Where is Western Oklahoma State College Located?

The WOSC’s location is 2801 N Main Street, Altus, OK 73521, United States.

Oklahoma State College

Western Oklahoma State College Ranking

The Western Oklahoma State College ranking according to the Niche 2024 shows that the College ranks

#3 for Best Community College in Oklahoma.

#248 for Best Community College in America.

Palm Beach State College Reviews | Admissions, Tuition, Ranking, And Scholarships

The WOSC Accreditation

Accreditation assures the intending students that this institution of higher learning meets the criteria to qualify as a standard place of learning.

Therefore, Western Oklahoma State College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

What is the Acceptance Rate at the Western Oklahoma State College?

Operating an open admission policy which provides easy access to educational opportunity, the admission rate for the Western Oklahoma State College is 100%.

It goes to show that you shouldn’t overlook the place of studying hard to be fit for an admission space into the institution. Also, while they require you to sit for the ACT/ Compass test, no minimum score is required for admission.

What are the Admission Requirements?

For admission application into the WOSC, submit the following as part of the requirements.

  • Non-refundable application fee of $15
  • Average high school GPA of 3.22
  • Transcripts

How Much is the Tuition Cost?

We break the cost of tuition at this college down into:

In-state $2,804
In-district $2,804

Out-of-state $7,625
Books and Supplies $1,300
Room and Board $5,480

The total cost of what you have to pay on campus is $14,405.

WOSC Programs

This State College offers several programs at the associate and bachelor’s level. Go through the table below to inspect and select which fits you.

Associate Degree

Below are the courses you can get at the associate level.

  • Agriculture

Business, Management, Marketing, And Related Support Services

  • Accounting Technology and Bookkeeping
  • Administrative Assistant And Secretarial Science
  • Business Administration and Management

Computer And Information Sciences

  • Computer/Information Technology Services


  • Early Childhood Education

Family And Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences

  • Child Development

Health Professions And Related Clinical Sciences

  • Medical Radiologic Technology
  • Registered Nursing

Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies, and Humanities

  • Liberal Studies

Mathematics and Statistics

  • Mathematics

Mechanic and Repair Technologies

  • Mechanics and Repair

Security and Protective Services

  • Criminal Justice/Police Science
  • Fire Protection
  • Fire Science/ Firefighting

Transportation and Materials Moving

  • Aviation/ airway management

Visual and Performing Arts

  • Music

Scholarships at Western Oklahoma State College

There are several scholarships that fit into every student’s level at the college. To know your eligibility status, requirements, and how to apply.

Follow the link below.

Notable Alumni

  • Andrelton Simmons
  • Juan Perez
  • Casey Sadler
  • Angel Castro
  • Danny Almonte
  • Jahmar Thorpe
  • Randolph Oduber
  • Kevin Kelly



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