Ekiti State University Post Utme Past Questions

There’s just one secret to secure admission into the Ekiti State University (EKSU) – pass the EKSU Post UTME screening exam with a high score. Students who gain admission into EKSU alsways prepare for the EKSU Post UTME exam with the EKSU Past Questions and Answers booklet. Download the updated EKSU Post UTME Past Question and Answers PDF HERE and begin studying for the Post UTME screening.

For a school like Ekiti State University, you need to prepare strategically for their exams. Quite a large number of students send in applications each year. If your UTME 2024 score must be relevant, then, you must prepare with all the right materials to get the best score.

Undergraduates and EKSU alumni propose that ninety percent of their success at EKSU post-UTME can be attributed to their nights of persistent study with past questions and answers. If this must be your story follow the prompt beneath.

Pay the sum of one thousand Naira into this bank detail to get a copy of EKSU Post-UTME Past Questions and Answers immediately.
Account Name: Silicon Africa Tech Limited
Account Number: 0546392167
Bank Name: GT BANK
CONTACT DETAILS: 07012040283
EMAIL: info@worldscholarshipforum.com
It is really important, however, that you read this article to the end to get other vital information.

Aside from getting a copy of the post UTME past questions and answers, you will find vital information on the list below. This is only if you read this article to the end.

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  • EKSU Portal
  • EKSU Post-UTME past questions
  • EKSU Post-UTME cut off mark
  • Ekiti State University Post UTME result 2024
  • How to download EKSU post Utme past questions and answers PDF

What is the nature of EKSU Post-UTME?

The basic preparation for any exam is the research stage. It is more vital than studying in any case. This is basically because only when a man understands the nature of his problem, then, he will be able to find the best solutions.

If you read through, you will get a sketch of what to expect alongside what you should do once you are certain you want to attend EKSU. This will help you know what to do when to do it and also help you appreciate what works and what does not work.

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  • Once the EKSU admission portal opens, log in and follow the instructions that pop up at each stage to fill out your online EKSU post-UTME form.
  • These instructions might require you to give some vital information about yourself, do that accurately and upload all relevant documents alongside paying the registration fee.
  • Remember you must score at least 180 and above to be eligible to apply.
  • Once your application is successful, print out a copy of your registration slip.
  • Patiently await further directives from Ekiti State University. They will through the contact provided during registration communicate your exam hall, date, time, and sitting arrangement.
  • You must arrive at your venue on time. At least 30 mins to 1 hour earlier than the scheduled time. This will allow you to warm up to the environment.
  • You will answer your questions on a desktop computer. By implication, EKSU post-Utme is now a computer-based test against the paper-based test that was obtainable.
  • Remember to bring along the registration slip and a pen to sign your attendance sheet.
  • To stand a chance you must get 50% of the questions correctly.
  • Log on to the EKSU Post UTME result portal to check your Esku post-Utme result 2024.

See the Post Utme Past questions for other schools here. Get one and start practicing immediately.

What is Ekiti State University JAMB Cut Off Mark?

Just like other state-owned universities, the general stipulated cut-off mark for EKSU is 180 and above. Yes, “an above attached to the previous statement that indicates that it is relative.

I mean 180 and even 300 in UTME 2024 are both great scores. However, the fate of the candidate with 180 will wholly depend on his Post UTME score alongside how many students the department wants and more importantly how many students scored 181 to 400 in UTME 2024. Unfortunately, the higher the number, the lower the chances of the student with 180.

But there is something you can do if you have 180 in your JAMB, simply get a copy of EKSU Post-UTME Past Questions and Answers, study it radially and get a higher score in your post utme.

This will work because EKSU will judge you based on your aggregate score. And, your aggregate score is a culmination of both your UTME 2024 and post UTME 2024. However, to qualify for the aggregate grading, you must reach the departmental cut-off mark and get at least 40 percent in EKSU Post-UTME.


Ekiti State University is a highly competitive university. Only a little portion of the total number of students who apply to the university gains admission. The secret to the selection of a successful student is the Past Questions.

We have discovered that over the years, Ekiti State University (EKSU) repeat their past questions. If you get this Past question, you will be better equipped to pass the EKSU Post-UTME in one sitting and be among those selected for admission.

We have gathered past questions and answers dating as far
back as the year 2010 and have discovered that most of the questions are

Purchasing our past questions give you access to quality and vital information from our team of experts. They will proffer educational counsel, like undergraduate scholarships you could apply to once you gain admission at EKSU. You may also get information on Study abroad options that you may have. So, you see, this is definitely so much value for so much less a course. (www.bottomlineequipment.com)

How to Get the EKSU POST-UTME Past Questions and Answers.

The EKSU Post UTME past question cost N1,000 for your subject combination and to get it, follow the steps below:

STEP 1: Select Your Subject Combination

You will write the same subject combination you wrote in
UTME for the EKSU Post-UTME. So, we have compiled the subject combination you
wrote in UTME based on the course you applied for in EKSU.

Therefore, all you need do is specify the course you applied
for in the description of your payment.

STEP 2: Select Your Payment Method

There are three methods of purchasing our original EKSU Post
UTME past questions and answer. They are:

1. Debit Card

2. Bank Transfer

3. Direct Bank Deposit

For any of the payment methods above, you’ll be paying into the account details below:

Account Name: Silicon Africa Tech Limited

Account Number: 0546392167

Bank Name: GT BANK

STEP 3: Confirmation of Payment

If you choose the Debit Card option, you’ll input your card
details and email address. Upon payment, you will get a mail of the past
question you had selected in Step One.

If you choose Bank transfer, type in the description of
payment: “The Type of EKSU Post UTME Past Question you’re
purchasing.” e.g “EKSU Optometry Past Question.” Then contact
the number below or email address with evidence of payment and you will get
your Past Question instantly.

If you choose Direct Bank deposit, make payment to the
account details above, then send the following information to the phone number
or email below:

1. Depositors Name

2. Teller Number

3. Amount Paid

CONTACT DETAILS: 07012040283

EMAIL: info@worldscholarshipforum.com



In the questions below, choose the word(s) or phrase which best fills the gap(s)

  1. Jubril found that thieves had entered his house in his absence. He went to the police to report the…

(A) break out
(B) break up
(C) break-in
(D) break into

2. After the accused was found guilty by the court, his counsel… before sentence was passed

(A) begged for mercy
(B) made a plea for mitigation
(C) made an ovation
(D) made a plea for litigation

3. Four persons accused of currency … are being held by the security agents.
(A) trafficking
(B) travicking
(C) traffication
(D) traffiking

Gone are the days when he… enjoy patronage.
(A) would
(B) will
(C) used to
(D) could

He did not attend the final burial…
(A) rite
(B) rights
(C) rites
(D) right


  1. The current life expectancy in Nigeria is

(A) 55
(B) 47
(C) 39
(D) 51
(E) 45

2. Yumu and Zabara are ethnic groups in

(A) Kebbi State
(B) Benue State
(C) Niger State
(D) Kano State
(E) Edo State

3. Mr Dele Giwa was killed through a letter bomb on

(A) October 19, 1986
(B) September 17, 1987
(C) October 19, 1986
(D) September 17, 1986
(E) October 19, 1987

4. The following are spices except

(A) Rye
(B) Saffron
(C) Ginger
(D) Cloves
(E) Nutmeg

5. Desmond Tutu was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in

(A) 1983
(B) 1987
(C) 2001
(D) 2000
(E) 1984


1. The muscle cell fluid of an athlete was tested immediately after a 100m race and was found to contain a high concentration of lactic acid. Explain what could have caused this. The

(A) athlete must have eaten food containing a lactic acid
(B) athlete must have injected lactic acid into his blood just before the race
(C) athlete must have carried out anaerobic respiration during the race
(D) athlete must have inhaled lactic acid from the environment during the race.

2. One of this is not a continuous variation

(A) height
(B) weight
(C) tongue rolling
(D) skin colour

3. One of the following is usually worm-like, cylindrical or flattened

(A) molluscs
(B) insects
(C) nematodes
(D) annelids

4. The roots hairs are

(A) strength and support
(B) conducting liquid
(C) absorption of water and salt
(D) penetration into the soil

5. The random way genes recombine during meiosis and fertilization leads to

(A) genetic variation
(B) phenotype
(C) genome
(D) genotype

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