FIFA Research Scholarships for International Students 

You may find it interesting to know that FIFA sponsor scholarships in addition to regulating the football sports game.

As an international student interested in research in a number of disciplines, you can apply for and win the FIFA Research Scholarships in 2024.

The FIFA Scholarship seeks application from Students in one of the following areas of study: Law, Economics, Sociology, Ethics, Geography, History, and Medicine.

This scholarship by FIFA is in line with their commitment to support and promote football-related academic research.

About the FIFA Research Scholarships Award: 

The scholarship was set up by former FIFA President, Mr. Joseph S. Blatter, in honor of his predecessor President, Dr. João Havelange, who stepped down from his role in 1998.

The FIFA Scholarship 2020 also known as the João Havelange Scholarship is been managed by The International Center for Sports Studies.CIES on behalf of the Football Governing Body FIFA.

The Constitutes a Selection Committee made up of Academic specialists in the field related to the Research Scholarships.

The scholarship is open to researchers who have completed their studies and have been awarded a university diploma, bachelor’s degree, state examination, doctorate, or an equivalent degree.

The research shall be conducted in an academic environment (i.e. supervised by a professor, lecturer, or academic).

Also, under the supervision of the International Centre for Sports Studies (CIES) at Neuchâtel University

Eligible Countries: 

Candidates from all countries are eligible to apply for this awesome scholarship.

Host Nationality:

The FIFA Research Scholarships will take place at the International Centre for Sports Studies (CIES) at Neuchâtel University, Switzerland.

Fields of Research: 

Law, Economics, Sociology, Ethics, Geography, History, and Medicine.


To be eligible for the FIFA Research Scholarships,  

  • Applications may be made as a group; In such cases, the group of researchers shall designate one person to act as the project leader before the Selection Committee. This person shall assume the responsibility for all the obligations stipulated in these regulations.
  • Only one application per person per year may be submitted to the committee.
  • Multiple applications per applicant will not be accepted.
  • Applicants may apply for the João Havelange Research Scholarship repeatedly; however, applications with identical research topics (which have been refused in the previous year) will not be accepted.

Number of Awards: 

The total number of awards under this scholarship is not specified.

Value of Award: 

The maximum possible amount for one of the FIFA Research Scholarships award is USD 30,000.

Duration of Program: 

You will receive a notification on the new adjustments made by CIES and FIFA concerning the Fifa Scholarships 2024 on or before the end of July 2024

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Application Process:

The applicant(s) for the FIFA Research Scholarships shall fill in the form and return it, duly completed to CIES with the following documents (in this order, please do not fold or staple the sheets):

  • Research plan (maximum 7 pages)
  • List of prior publications and research work
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Copy of passport
  • Detailed budget in US Dollars (maximum USD 30’000.-)
  • Certified copies of academic qualifications (diploma, degree, doctorate, etc.)
  • Recommendation letters from two professors
  • Certification of language proficiency (e.g. copies of language course diplomas) if mother tongue is not one of the official FIFA languages (English, French, Spanish or German)

Application Deadline: 

The João Havelange Scholarship Deadline is on the 15th of October 2024. The FIFA Scholarship Winners will be notified through mail on or before the 15th of January 2024. The 2024 application will probably begin around June 2024, so ensure to revisit this page by June.

Note: The regulations for this award are currently under review by the association and will be revealed soon.

Visit the Program Webpage for Details:

Award Providers: 

Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA)


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