Free Online Courses With Certificates in Denmark

In recent times, distance education has been one of the most popular higher learning alternatives. Whether you choose to study it as a hobby, enhance your knowledge in some specific areas or acquire a new skill, it’s often possible to find free online courses in Denmark.

According to the Entrepreneur, online courses are much cheaper in comparison to tuition fees of educational institutions. The interesting part is that while driving flexibility online courses also maintain the same quality as well.

In this article, we’ll look at 15 Free Online Courses in Denmark with Certificates, their entry points, and navigation. The table below clearly outlines all you’ll learn in this content.

Why Choose Free Online Courses?

Online or Distant learning is a mode of study that allows students to study most or all of a course without attending a campus-based institution.

It is a type of education that provides access to learning when the teacher and the learners are separated by time and distance or both.

During this type of education, students communicate with the faculty and other students via e-mail, electronic forums, videoconferencing, social media chat rooms, and other forms of computer-based interaction.

The programs often include an online training system and tools to produce a virtual classroom. The tuition fees for distance learning vary from institution to program to country.

Below are some of the reasons why online courses are very necessary

  • First, online learning provides you with time and space to go deep and master a new skill.
  • The online program provides a variety of programs and courses: As a student, you can also earn every academic degree online, from a career certificate to a doctorate.
  • Online education proves a more affordable option than traditional schools; There are no commuting costs, and sometimes required course materials, such as textbooks, are available online at no cost.
  • Students can take online courses and even complete entire degrees while working, while in-between jobs; This helps improve career advancement.

Do you know that you’ll be making a great decision if you choose Denmark as an appealing option for your online study location? I say this because it is obvious that Denmark is one of the world’s most educated countries in the world. In fact, over half of its residents have university degrees.

Denmark offers an interesting variety of college models: college and university graduates are highly valued on the job market, and graduates of schools in Denmark have been able to find great jobs in any field they’re interested in.

When weighing the pros and cons of online classes, you can conclude that online learning delivers solid education.

What are the Pro and Cons of Online Classes?

Online education is becoming very popular among students in Denmark and around the world. It is as dynamic and interactive as on-campus learning.

Although a lot of people consider online programs a lesser form of education, they would be surprised at the realization that advancement in technology has made remote learning a greater part of a standard academic curriculum.

Study shows that over 6 million students in the United States are doing at least one online program. Over 2 million students are studying for a fully online degree. There are similar statistics in the UK, Ireland, New Zealand, and Australia.

The following are advantages of Online Courses With Certificates In Denmark

  • The biggest advantage of online certification is that you obtain it in the comfort of your home.
  • You spend less when obtaining online certification compare to on-campus learning.
  • Obtaining the certificate that comes with the course after completion could be a good consolation to you if you are yet to travel to Denmark.
  • You can leverage online certifications and improve your CV.
  • Online education will expose you to New Learning Technologies

Below are Disadvantages of Online learning

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  • Many firms and institutions do not value online education.
  • Online studies lack social interaction which is a big disadvantage.
  • Online education cannot take care of courses that require hands-on experiences, such as Medicine and engineering.
  • Students enrolled in online programs are more likely to drop out of school due to a lack of self-motivation
  • Online Courses are Less Structured therefore you need a high amount of Self-Discipline to scale through
  • A laptop crash, modem malfunction, and many other Technology issues will arise during your online study.

From the above points, you can see clearly that the pros of online education outweigh the cons, so, if you consider taking an online course, you need to learn how it works.

How Do Online College Classes Work?

Basically, online education uses the Learning Management System LMS method which includes the use of Blackboard, Canvas, and Moodle, which provides an accessible exchange of information between Lecturers and students.

During online classes, your study materials, lectures, and assignments are sent to you via email or some kind of file transfer system. You submit course assignments through LMS by posting on discussion forums and submitting tasks through applicable links.

Another option for online classes involves the use of an online proctoring service. This helps to monitor students as they work.

It also permits degree candidates to take assessments away from campus and also provides schools with confidence that students honestly earned their grades. If you exhibit any form of cheating or malpractice, the service may alert the school.

How Can I Find Schools that Offer Online Degrees?

Finding schools that offer free online courses with certificates in Denmark can be very challenging.

This is due to the fact that most programs are often geared toward on-campus students. Nonetheless, there are some helpful tips below that will help you secure free online certification courses.

  • Utilize google search and social media sites including Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin.
  •  Discuss with people who are already taking free online certification courses.

How do I Apply For Online Courses?

Actually, applying for a free online certification course is just like applying for on-campus learning. There is no much difference. You will follow the same steps and provide similar documents. Check out the enrollment steps and considerations outlined below.

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Select the school and Programs you want to apply to

The first step you need to take is to make a choice of school and program, thereafter you obtain a form and complete the registration process.

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Complete the online application

During the registration process, you’ll be required to set up an account that includes some personal information.

This will also involve uploading the electronic versions of your Passport photograph, Curriculum Vitae, Personal Statement, and any other relevant documents.

Next will be to remit payment of all tuition and fees. However, If it is tuition-free, it will be indicated.

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Most online courses with Certificates in Denmark may require an interview, which can be conducted over the phone or online, zom or on Skype.

An interview on Skype is just like the traditional interview. In this case, ensure your computer camera works well and you have a good internet connection. Also, ensure you dress formally just like you would for an offline interview.

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Start Lectures

Once you’ve completed the online registration and interview, you will be granted access to select your degree level and course of study then you can start enrolling in any classes.

What Is The Duration For Online Courses?

The length of online classes vary. Some can be completed in as little as five weeks, while others don’t have to be finished within a year’s time.

A typical online program lasts 8 weeks, some may take up to 10 weeks depending on the type of program.

However, some schools that specialize in online certification programs have developed courses that can be completed in only five weeks.

You have to understand that the duration of your online courses lies in your power. For instance, most instructors post assignments at the beginning of the program, so, if a course is said to last eight to nine weeks, you can complete the work and submit as you choose.

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How Much Does It Cost To Take Online Courses?

Many online courses in Denmark are available for free, but certificates may be paid features. This means you can access the video lectures, discussion forums, and course readings for free.

The cost of Individual courses and Specializations varies. The prices usually appear when you click on the Enroll button on the left of the course information page.

Many online courses with certificates in Denmark run on a subscription basis costing between $39-79 per month. Most offer a 7-day free trial, after which you will be billed. If you cancel within the free trial time, you will not be charged.

List of Free Online Courses

We have compiled the list of 15 free online courses with certificates in Denmark. Our selection criteria are focused on the duration and nature of the coursework offered.

We also considered the quality of education, average earnings of graduates, accreditation, and several other relevant factors.

As you read further, you will get detailed information on the various programs offered by the free online schools listed below.

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  • Whole-genome sequencing of bacterial genomes – tools and applications (Coursera)
  • Algorithms and Data Structures Capstone (edX)
  • Ecology: from cells to Gaia (Coursera)
  • Environmental Challenges: Hierarchy in Property Rights (FutureLearn)
  • Effective Fundraising and Leadership in Arts and Culture (FutureLearn)
  • Management and Leadership: Planning Your Personal Development (FutureLearn)
  • Linux Server Management and Security (Coursera)
  • Planning, Auditing and Maintaining Enterprise Systems (Coursera)
  • Capstone: Creating A Sustainability Proposal (Coursera)
  • Homeland Security & Cybersecurity Connection – It’s Not About the Terrorists (Coursera)
  • Cybersecurity Policy for Aviation and Internet Infrastructures (Coursera)
  • Cryptography (Coursera)
  • Cybersecurity and the X-Factor (Coursera)
  • Cyber Security Economics (edX)
  • TCP/IP and Advanced Topics (Coursera)

1. Whole-genome sequencing of bacterial genomes – tools and applications (Coursera)

This online course was created by the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). And this is one of the best free online courses in Denmark in 2024.

This course will cover the topic of Whole genome sequencing (WGS) of bacterial genomes which is becoming more and more relevant for the medical sector.

WGS technology and applications are high on the international political agenda, as the classical methods are being replaced by WGS technology and therefore bioinformatic tools are extremely important for allowing the people working in this sector to analyze the data and obtain results that can be interpreted and used for different purposes.

The course will also give learners a basis to understand and be acquainted with WGS applications in the surveillance of bacteria including species identification, typing, and characterization of antimicrobial resistance and virulence traits as well as plasmid characterization.

It will also give the opportunity to learners to learn about online tools and what they can be used for through demonstrations on how to use some of these tools and exercises to be solved by learners with the use of freely available WGS analysis tools.

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2. Algorithms and Data Structures Capstone (edX)

Synthesize your knowledge of algorithms and biology to build your own software for solving a biological challenge.

Building a fully-fledged algorithm to assemble genomes from DNA fragments on a real dataset is an enormous challenge with major demand in the multi-billion dollar biotech industry.

In this capstone project, this course helps with a better knowledge that allows you to design your own optimized software program for genome sequencing.

This big data challenge will cover the entire MicroMasters program. After a brief introduction to the steps required to build a genome assembler.

So, it’s advisable you take steps on your own to start working with real data taken from a sequencing machine and see if you can design genome assembly software that can compete with popular software used in hundreds of sequencing labs around the world every day.

What you’ll learn

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  •  Graph algorithms
  • Algorithms for genome assembly
  • Algorithm optimization
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3. Ecology: from cells to Gaia (Coursera)

Major topics covered by the course include fundamental principles of ecology, and how organisms interact with each other and their environment.

Also, evolutionary processes, population dynamics, communities, energy flow and ecosystems, human influences on ecosystems, and the integration and scaling of ecological processes through systems ecology.

This course will also review major ecological concepts, identify the techniques used by ecologists, provide an overview of local and global environmental issues, and examine individual, group, and governmental activities important for protecting natural ecosystems.

The course has been designed to provide information, direct the student toward pertinent literature, identify problems and issues, utilize research methodology for the study of ecology and evolution, and consider appropriate solutions and analytical techniques. This is also one of the best free online courses in Denmark in 2024.

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4. Environmental Challenges: Hierarchy in Property Rights (FutureLearn)

This course explores three approaches to the hierarchy of property rights and applies these to environmental use and management around the world. It also includes advice on producing a policy brief for an environmental issue.

What topics will you cover?

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  • Recognize the difference between the perspectives of the ‘giving spirit of nature and ‘controlling ancestor’ in our perceptions of nature.
  • Understand the meaning of “reciprocity” as a way of reducing risk in uncertain environments.
  • Be introduced to Elinor Ostrom who developed a hierarchy of different types of property rights.
  • Recognize different types of property rights and how they affect access to, and withdrawal of, natural resources.
  • Appreciate the need for flexible property rights in areas with dynamic ecologies.
  • Be introduced to the contrasting arguments of Thomas Malthus and Ester Boserup on population and agricultural production.
  • Understand the concept of ‘more people, less erosion when higher population densities lead to better land management.
  • Recognize the links between property rights and the level of biodiversity in agriculture.
  • Understand how ‘historical institutionalism’ of past laws affects current legal rights to natural resources.
  • Appreciate the social asymmetries caused by the power to control access to natural resources.
  • Recognize the importance of language for describing local systems of natural resource management.
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5. Effective Fundraising and Leadership in Arts and Culture (FutureLearn)

The course Improves your chances of raising funds for arts and culture by developing your leadership and entrepreneurial skills. It also helps you learn how to help arts and cultural organizations thrive.

As the global funding landscape is changing rapidly, arts and cultural organizations are becoming increasingly concerned about what actions to take.

In this course, you’ll also learn about the importance of developing organizational resilience through effective leadership and management, and how to diversify income streams by becoming more entrepreneurial.

You’ll explore different leadership styles, change management, and entrepreneurship, so you’ll be in a better position to lead your organization’s fundraising strategy and offer better value to your audiences. This is also one of the best free online courses in Denmark in 2024.

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6. Management and Leadership: Planning Your Personal Development (FutureLearn)

The course is designed for new or aspiring managers or experienced managers with few or no formal qualifications.

It’ll enable you to show your continuous professional development and go on to achieve a CMI Level 5 Award as part of the management and Leadership, Personal Development program.

If you also complete and pass the Management and Leadership, Essentials program, you’ll earn another CMI Level 5 Award. Together, these two awards will give you a CMI Level 5 Certificate in Management and Leadership – the next step to Chartered Manager status.

What will you achieve?

  • Assess and plan for personal professional development
  • Produce and plan the resources required for personal professional development
  • Identify, implement, and evaluate a personal development plan.
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7. Linux Server Management and Security (Coursera)

This course is created by the University of Colorado System and delivered by Coursera. This course is for those who want to understand how Linux is used in an enterprise environment.

It is for those who plan on becoming a Linux system administrator and need to brush up on their skills.

This course is also for those who need to apply and assess system security and how it is used in a Linux environment. This is one of the best free online courses in Denmark.

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8. Planning, Auditing, and Maintaining Enterprise Systems (Coursera)

This course is for those who want to understand and implement strong policies that are not necessarily technical.

Also, this course will help those looking to design a disaster recovery plan or system assessment meet their criteria for auditing purposes.

First half of the course covers how to build security into the system management process and the organizational policies necessary for any enterprise to follow.

The latter half of the course focuses on auditing and maintenance of systems once they have been designed, and implemented.

By the end of the course, you should be able to design and construct organizational policies based on a set of requirements, audit a system based on those requirements, and make sure systems adhere technically to the set of requirements.

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9. Capstone: Creating A Sustainability Proposal (Coursera)

This class is for anyone who wants to improve the sustainability aspects of the company or organization. This class assumes you know the material introduced in the previous three classes in the specialization.

The goal of this class is to have you practice the entire process from identifying a problem, finding a possible solution, doing analysis to determine the proposed change’s financial and sustainability impacts, figuring out who to present the proposal and what they need to see to say ‘Yes’ and develop a budget and implementation plan.

It is a big assignment, but if you’ve gone through the material in the first three classes you should be well-equipped for the challenge. This is one of the best courses for free online courses in Denmark.

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10. Homeland Security & Cybersecurity Connection – It’s Not About the Terrorists (Coursera)

This course was designed for learners who currently work in the cybersecurity career field, and are interested in working in the cybersecurity career field or are just curious about the topic.

While there are no specific prerequisites for this course, it does assume some common understanding of computers and the Internet.

Similarly, while this is mostly a non-technical course, it requires analytical and problem-solving skills by the learner.

This course also provides a general overview of cybersecurity as it relates to critical infrastructure protection and homeland security.

In addition to examining various cybersecurity policies as they apply to the water, electricity, aviation, and Internet infrastructures, this course relates those practices to the broader mission of critical infrastructure protection identifying “who’s who and what do they do”.

This course seeks to show the intimate relationship between homeland security and cybersecurity. If you’re ready to pry open that Pandora’s box, then this course is for you.

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11. Cybersecurity Policy for Aviation and Internet Infrastructures (Coursera)

This course was designed for learners who currently work in the cybersecurity career field, or are just curious about the topic. While there are no specific prerequisites for this course, it does assume some common understanding of computers and the Internet.

Similarly, while this is mostly a non-technical course, it requires analytical and problem-solving skills on the part of the learner.

This course provides a general overview of cybersecurity as it relates to critical infrastructure protection and homeland security.

In addition to examining various cybersecurity policies as they apply to the water, electricity, aviation, and Internet infrastructures, this course relates those practices to the broader mission of critical infrastructure protection identifying “who’s who and what do they do”.

This course seeks to show the intimate relationship between homeland security and cybersecurity. If you’re ready to pry open that Pandora’s box, then this course is for you.

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12. Cryptography (Coursera)

The Cybersecurity Specialization covers the fundamental concepts underlying the construction of secure systems, from the hardware to the software to the human-computer interface, with the use of cryptography to secure interactions.

These concepts are illustrated with examples drawn from modern practice and augmented with hands-on exercises involving relevant tools and techniques.

Successful participants will develop a way of thinking that is security-oriented, a better understanding of how to think about adversaries, and how to build systems that defend against them. This is also one of the best free online courses in Denmark in 2024.

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13. Cybersecurity and the X-Factor (Coursera)

This course will introduce you to the types of training available to reduce the impact of the X-Factor, evaluate its effectiveness, explore the Security Education, Training and Awareness (SETA) program, and learn why it may fail.

The course will also conclude with information designed to assist you with some critical components for your business security program. Activities focused on hacktivism, cyber insurance, and ransomware will round out your knowledge base.

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14. Cyber Security Economics (edX)

This economics course provides an introduction to the field of cybersecurity through the lens of economic principles.

Delivered by four leading research teams, it’ll provide you with the economic concepts, measurement approaches, and data analytics to make better security and IT decisions, as well as understand the forces that shape the security decisions of other actors in the ecosystem of information goods and services.

Systems often fail because the organizations that defend them do not bear the full costs of failure.

In order to solve the problems of growing vulnerability to computer hackers and increasing crime, solutions must coherently allocate responsibilities and liabilities so that the parties in a position to fix problems have an incentive to do so.

This requires a technical comprehension of security threats combined with an economic perspective to uncover the strategies employed by cyber hackers, attackers, and defenders.

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15. TCP/IP and Advanced Topics (Coursera)

This course gives an in-depth study of the TCP/IP protocols. The course examines the details of how IP enables communications across a collection of networks.

It also pays particular attention to the hierarchical structure of IP addresses and explains the role in ensuring the scalability of the Internet. The role of address prefixes and the uses of masks are explained in detail. This is one of the best free online courses in Denmark.

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Getting a full education online is possible. As a student, it is recommended that you enroll in any of these free online courses with certificates. These online courses not only work as a professional booster but also offer a great alternative for students with commitments.

If you’re getting an online education, I recommend that you choose among the 15 free online courses with certificates in Denmark that will give you the opportunity to learn in a way that benefits you.


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