Free Online Courses With Certificates in Italy

Looking for what to do with your spare time that will contribute to your career and personal development? We have curated a list of free online courses in Italy that you can take.

Just like the conventional classroom courses we take, online courses in a very huge fashion contribute to both your professional development and your personal development.

Taking an online course for free helps to widen your knowledge in your chosen career path and at no cost too.

Interestingly, as you may want to know, some free online courses come with printable certificates and qualifications that can enhance your CV for high profitable career opportunities in your chosen field.

So, in this article, you’ll discover some profitable online courses offered by Italian universities you can take from the comfort of your home. The interesting part is that you’ll get a certificate to show for them after acquiring them.

Meanwhile for an overview of what we’ll discuss in this article, see the table of contents below:

What are Free Online Courses?

Online courses are educational instructions and activities that are delivered online. Usually, there are no face-to-face sessions required in online classes as the lessons.

In online class sessions, lecture notes, instructional materials, and exams via the Internet. They get to interact with their instructors online via e-mail, chat rooms, and threaded discussions.

Online sessions are the new way of learning especially in this time that the COVID-19 is ravaging the whole world. They are fast-paced and allows anyone from anywhere to learn from their immediate locations.

Online courses also are known as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Basically, they provide an affordable and flexible way to learn new skills, advance your career, and deliver quality educational experiences at scale.

Currently, millions of people around the world use MOOCs to learn for a variety of reasons. This includes career development, college preparations, supplemental learning, lifelong learning, corporate eLearning & training, and more.

Why learn Online for free?

There are so many benefits you get when you choose to study courses online. One of the first things you gain is the flexibility it offers you.

Generally, online courses give you a chance to learn from experts from various spheres of influence at your own pace and convenience without spending a dime. 

Furthermore, you wouldn’t underestimate the value certificates gotten from courses taken online can add to you. Sincerely, completing any free online course has a way of making you stand out.

Now let’s consider why you should seek a free online course from an Italian university.

Italy is one of the countries of the world that has a top-notch education system. It has been ranked as one of the best places to get a formal tertiary education at a very affordable cost.

In a very concise manner, let us examine some of the notable benefits you’ll get when you get to take any of the free online courses that will be listed here in the following lines.

Benefits of Taking Free Online Courses

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  • The courses are taken right from the comfort of your room; effortlessly and without any stress.
  • You’ll have a certificate to show your efforts
  • Taking an online course will be a huge boost to your CV as it will have a way of making you relevant in your chosen career path.
  • Learning online will provide you with a variety of programs and courses to choose from. No matter your qualification, you can choose to enroll in any course.
  • You spend nothing or less for taking the courses

What Are The Requirements You Need To Enroll For A Free Online Course In Italy?

You would really not require so much to take any of these free online courses. Basically, you really require is the desire to grow and the determination and discipline to really settle down to complete all the modules.

But in addition, you will also need a few more things to make the most of these free online courses. Find below some of the very important things that are required.

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  • A working computer; desktop or laptop or a mobile device
  • Wifi or any other good source of internet connection
  • Reliable power supply
  • Important software like Adobe reader

How Long Does It Take To Complete A Free Online Course In Italy?

On a general note, there is no particular time it takes to complete a course. What time it will take you to complete a certain course largely depends on what value of the time you invest into it.

However, if you invest a good time into it and really stick to it, you should be able to complete the courses within the shortest period.

Some courses demand a time commitment as little as 3 to 4 hours while some demand as much to 3 to 6 weeks. This largely depends on the depth of the course.

Also, the duration of time to complete an online course also on the learning platforms that offer them. They are the ones who create these courses and schedule them as you will take them.

So, the duration of time to complete a course depends on the level of commitment, depth of the course, and learning platform offering the course.

What are the Free Online Courses with Certificates In Italy?

There are several free online courses with certificates offered by universities and organizations in Italy on different online platforms. However, for the purpose of this article, emphasis will be led on 10 of them.

So, here is a list of free online courses with certificates in Italy you can take:

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  • A Scientific Approach to Innovation Management
  • Food & Beverage Management
  • Challenges of Agribusiness Management
  • Management of Fashion and Luxury Companies
  • English for Career Development
  • Fundamentals of financial and management accounting
  • Fundamentals of Organization
  • Data Science for Business Innovation
  • Arts and Heritage Management
  • Archaeoastronomy

Let us look at the courses more closely here.

#1. Scientific Approach to Innovation Management

Created By: Universita Bocconi

Platform: Cousera

Duration: 5 Weeks

This is one of the free online courses in Italy offered by the University of Bocconi. It is a 5 weeks course that is aimed at helping organizations lay out a systematic process to make strategic decisions about innovative products or services that will help entrepreneurs, managers, and innovators to avoid common pitfalls.

The course is aimed at teaching students to assess the feasibility of an innovative idea through problem-framing techniques and rigorous data analysis labeled ‘a scientific approach.

The course is delivered fully online. It takes an approximate time of about 14 hours to complete. If you speak and hear English, then you can take this course.

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#2. Food & Beverage Management

Created By: University of Bocconi

Platform: Cousera

Duration: 3 weeks

Time Commitment: 4 hours weekly

This is one of the free online courses in Italy that you can take. The course is offered by the University of Bocconi, Italy, and is delivered fully online by Coursera.

This course is aimed at addressing contemporary challenges that managers and entrepreneurs in food and beverage businesses should face.

Also, the course has models and tools designed to implement appropriate courses of action to satisfy customers and build an advantage over the competition.

The course is made up of four modules and an introduction, each exploring one dilemma that food and beverage companies face. You will be presented with a set of video lectures and guest speakers.

If you want to advance your career in food production, take the course here now.

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#3 Challenges of Agribusiness Management

Created By: University of Bocconi

Platform: Coursera

Duration: 4 weeks

Time Commitment: 6 hours weekly

This is an Italian Online course offered by the University of Bocconi and delivered by Coursera.

The course is a 4 weeks course aimed at helping students understand the challenges and opportunities of agribusiness nowadays.

Furthermore, it will help students to understand such complexity. The course was designed using Italy as a large, open-air lab in which all major phenomena and business dynamics influencing agribusiness worldwide coexist and clearly show their effects.

In our learning experience, students will benefit from the knowledge and experience of different Bocconi University Professors and several CEOs and top executives who are re-shaping agribusiness concepts.

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#4 Management of Fashion and Luxury Companies

Created By: University of Bocconi

Platform: Coursera

Duration: 3 weeks

Time Commitment: 4 hours weekly

Management of Fashion and Luxury Companies offers a free online course in Italy. Int his particular course, students will learn how fashion and luxury companies work and understand their brands, products, retail, and communication strategies.

They will get to travel through business models, international development, and product categories with industry influent experts.

Also, this online Italian course presents strategic brand management in luxury and fashion companies that help them to increase the brand value by nurturing the brand heritage and at the same time staying fresh, relevant, and contemporary in the global marketplace.

Topics such as the impact of new retail channels, new media channels, and new business declinations for the brand and emerging markets will be discussed in the course.

You can take the course in the link below.

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#5. English for Career Development

Created By: University of Bocconi

Platform: Coursera

Duration: 3 weeks

Time Commitment: 4 hours weekly

English for Career Development is a free Italian course offered by the University of Bocconi in collaboration with UPenn.

This course is designed for non-native English speakers who are interested in advancing their careers in the global marketplace.

This course will also give you the opportunity to explore your global career path while building your vocabulary and improving your language skills to achieve your professional goals.

Ultimately, the aim of the course is to make you a better English student; in speaking and in writing.

You can take the course here below.

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#6. Fundamentals of financial and management accounting

Created By: Politecnico di Milano

Platform: Coursera

Duration: 3 weeks

Time Commitment: 4 hours weekly

This is an online Italian course that is designed to introduce the basic accounting principles and accounting terminology to understand how a company keeps control of financial events and provides information on how it is performing.

These basic concepts will support the analysis of financial reports companies prepare. The course will also provide the basis of management accounting introducing some techniques to support managers in making short-term and long-term decisions.

At the end of the course, students will read, understand, and analyze financial documents and apply simple techniques to analyze costs and evaluate capital investment decisions.

You can take the course here.

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#7. Fundamentals of Organization

Created By: Politecnico di Milano

Platform: Coursera

Duration: 3 weeks

Time Commitment: 4 hours weekly

This is a free online course in Italy aimed at explaining the main concepts of organization, with a strong practical orientation.

The course explores the main theories behind the organizational design and also digs into the main areas of investigation.

You can explore all the courses here below.

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#8. Data Science for Business Innovation

Created By: Politecnico di Milano


Duration: 3 weeks

Time Commitment: 4 hours weekly

This is a seven hours free online course in Italy delivered by the Politecnico di Milano. It comprises introductory lectures spanning big data, machine learning, data valorization, and communication.

The course topics cover the essential concepts and intuitions on data needs, data analysis, machine learning methods, respective pros and cons, and practical applicability issues.

The course covers terminology and concepts, tools and methods, use cases, and success stories of data science applications. Also, it explains what is Data Science and why it is so hyped.

It discusses the value that Data Science can create, the main classes of problems that Data Science can solve, the difference is between descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analytics, and the roles of machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Take the course here in the link.

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#9. Arts and Heritage Management

Created By: Politecnico di Milano

Platform: Coursera

Duration: 4 weeks

Time Commitment: 4 hours weekly

This another free online course in Italy. This course will focus on some contemporary facets on what is means to manage a cultural institution and what cultural managers should expect and be able to face.

Also, it will provide models and tools to design and implement appropriate courses of action to satisfy customers (visitors and audiences) and build an advantage over the competition.

If you love art and want to make an impact in this unique and fantastic sector, this course will support you in understanding the peculiarities of this sector and how to leverage its tools to make a bigger impact.

Take the course here below.

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#10. Archaeoastronomy

Created By: Politecnico di Milano

Platform: Coursera

Duration: 2 weeks

Time Commitment: 4 hours weekly

The course basically provides the necessary background on Astronomy with the naked eye and a general introduction to the role of Astronomy in religion and in the management of power among ancient cultures.

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FAQs On Free Online Courses With Certificates In Italy

Why should I enroll fr a free online course in Italy?

Here are reasons why you should give studying online a try:
1. First, online learning provides its users with a variety of programs and courses to choose from.
2. Online courses provide you with time and space to go deep and master a new skill.
3. Online education is a more affordable option than traditional schools.
4. Also, they provide a comfortable learning environment
5. Online courses support career advancement.
6. Online learning creates room for convenience and flexibility.

What are the basic things an online student should have?

Below are the essentials any new online student should have:
1. A working computer or phone.
2. Useful software.
3. Web browsers.
4. Reliable internet access.

Which Italian universities offer free online courses with certificates?

Here is a list of some universities in Italy that offer free online courses with certificates:
1. University of Bocconi
2. Politecnico di Milano


Online courses give you the flexibility of doing whatever you want to be doing where ever you want to be doing it while also studying.

Getting a certificate of completion at the end of a free online course offered by an Italian institution helps you save cost as well as, enhance your CV.

I encourage you to seize this opportunity and enroll in any of the above-listed free online courses with certificates in Italy.

Good Luck and Success!!!


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