10 Free Online Courses In Logistics and Supply Chain Management

You may have asked how important logistics and supply chain is that you have to run a course on them to become a guru. It is as important as the survival of your business. It is facilitated by a supply chain representing a link that delivers the services to the consumers. To know how this works, you should see the 10 free online courses in Logistics and Supply Chain Management and choose to engage in any that catches your fancy.

Just as every chain string is dependent on the other to function properly, so is business survival regardless of its nature on logistics and supply management. This also works in tandem with an excellent flow of communication and strong managerial skill. So, the more you are eager to learn, the more likely you will have a satisfying career.

Initially, it may seem an uphill task to maintain, but if you do not want to flop in doing this, I suggest you undertake these online courses. It is free to make things easier for you, so you don’t say you have no money!

Quickly glance through the table of contents to have an overview, as any free logistics and supply chain management courses could be the right turn in your career path.

Why Choose the Free Online Logistics and Supply Chain Management Course?

It is rewarding to want to study the free online logistics and supply management course because it is much easier to study from anywhere in the world at your own pace and with no form of distraction.

The study materials are also free and readily available. There is no form of time restrictions or deadlines. This means you can join the class at your leisure and still go about your normal life as if nothing happened.

What Are The Requirements For An Online Logistics and Supply Chain Management Course?

This isn’t like every other course where you’re asked to pay a certain amount at the registration level. Here, there are no entry requirements whatsoever. It takes minutes to get started and not a dime to pay for enrollment.

Isn’t that cool?

Which Universities Offer These Free Online Courses?

So many of the top universities in the world offer free online supply chain and logistics courses without having any form of recognition. So, while you’re keen on obtaining a course online, probe further to know the school’s accreditation stance.

That said, below is the list of accredited schools that offer these courses in a way that adds value to whatever qualification you may or already have. You can see what they offer and decide which class is just right for you.

  • State University of the Campinas
  • Chalmers University of Technology
  • St. Petersburg State the Polytechnic University
  • Delft University of Technology

List Of The Free Online Courses In Logistics and Supply Chain Management

With the aid of supply chain and logistics, our goods are promptly delivered to us as soon as we place an order. Therefore, the different but top 10 courses you should enroll in 2024 are outlined below.

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#1 Supply Chain Logistics

This is a beginner class specially designed for those who may not have prior knowledge about logistics and supply chain management. However, a basic understanding of business ideas gives a considerable edge and makes your learning process faster.

It is a four-week course starting on the 13th of April 2024. This is an added advantage because you have to join from scratch. Follow the link below to enroll and garner as much information as possible.

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#2 Basic Concepts of Logistics and Supply Chain

This free online course will hone your skill on how to proffer solutions to operational problems with its basic concepts such as transport, information, and stocks.

You must put in 2-5 hours of your time per week, and it may interest you to know that it will run for six weeks from the 27th of April, 2024. You, too, can be a part of this class with just a click on the link below.

#3 Sustainable Urban Freight Transport: A Global Perspective

This free online logistics and supply management course will put you through practical implications on what can be done to have an efficient and reliable freight transport system, especially in urban areas where everything from retail to services is solely dependent on the transport system.

However, this will run through 5 weeks and needs a weekly fraction of your time for about 4-6 hours. Need I tell you that this class will start on the 20th 0f April 2024? Take the bold step now and enroll.

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#4 Logistics of the Future

This online class avails you of the opportunity to explore topics that are related to the development of the industrial sector. Running for about 5 weeks long and 3-5 hours a week.

All the information you need to know about this free online course is at the snap of a finger using the link below.

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#5 System Design for Supply Chain Management and Logistics

Today, the business world thrives because there is a crucial factor that makes it competitive. This will spur you to learn how to design and re-design your system. Also, know what makes the leading systems competitive. 

This strategy will guide you even in your organization. The duration for this free online course is 7 weeks, and the greatest news is that it is self-paced. Meaning you choose when to start.

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#6 Production Strategies and Logistics Systems

This is a supply chain management course that highlights issues relating to management without overlooking the technological aspect.

It runs for 5 weeks long.

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#7 Logistics and Supply Chains – Fundamentals, Design, Operations

With regard to the constant pressure of companies to perform greatly and the increasing rate of customer demands, it is expedient to utilize the power of its working capital by cutting costs related to supply chain operations.

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#8 Simulation for Logistics: An Introduction

This free online certification course in logistics and supply chain management will teach you how current operations work within a business supply chain and will traverse affordable situations for further improvements.

Furthermore, you will explore logistics simulation’s benefits, limitations, and other modeling steps. You will also gain the opportunity to learn how to better deal with uncertainty and reduce future business risks.

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#9 Sustainability and Green Logistics

Here, you will be led to examine the environmental, financial, and social impacts of logistics and supply chain management with procurement operations at a local and global scale. Also, you will learn how they can be minimized.

Exploration of key policies and laws regulating supply chain functions will also be left out.

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#10 Career Preparation for Road Freight Transport

This free online logistics and supply management course will prepare you for a road freight transport career. Leading you through the pros and cons, it will run for 2 hours weekly.

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What Is The Benefit Of An Online Logistics and Supply Chain Management Certificate?

The benefits of an online supply chain logistics certificate can’t be overemphasized. Amongst others too numerous to mention is that it equips you to set up your own business and run it effectively.

FAQs on Logistics and Supply Chain Management

how much are free supply chain and logistics courses?

Each course is free and, as such, does not require you to pay anything before you can enroll.

How do I take a course online?

The best way to consider taking up a course is by taking the bold step of enrolling for a course.

Are online courses free?

Most often than not, you are required to pay a little token for the certificate.


I hope this information can change your mindset toward the positive path of why you should undertake a free online course in logistics and supply management.




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