12 Free Online Courses With Certificates in China

Despite the pandemic crisis that tried to cripple China’s economic system, they never stopped giving attention to education. They went ahead in employing measures and means through which undergraduate and even graduate students can get advanced knowledge in various fields.

Interestingly, they achieve this by making free Online Courses With Certificates in China available through some online platforms.

So, if you are interested in studying for free in China and you think that the shutdown caused by Covid-19 will make that plan futile, don’t panic at all, you can go for any of the free online courses.

According to Statistics taken from Purdue University & The National Center for Education Statistics, More than 6 million students are in online courses as part of their higher education program.

Also, almost half of all students enrolled in online courses are educated exclusively through distance education.

That means, taking that step today to enroll in any Chinese online certificate courses is not what you have to delay or expect a soothsayer to tell you that NOW is the right time.

This is what you should do right now, Carefully read this post word to word without skimming because in this post we have compiled a list of Free Online Courses With Certificates in China that you can quickly enroll for this 2024.

Most importantly, ensure you enroll immediately because the program’s start dates are fast approaching, and I bet you won’t want to miss out.

Meanwhile, you can scroll the table of contents right below to get an overview of all we have wrapped up for you in this post.

What Are Online Courses?

An online course is the delivery of a series of lessons on a web browser or mobile device, which can be accessed anytime and anyplace.

It is designed as an online environment for convenient learning asynchronously.

Moreso, an online course can also be a way one can learn new skills or gain new knowledge from the comfort of your own home. You can pay for the courses or take the courses free of charge.

According to idea.org, Online courses are revolutionizing formal education and have opened a new genre of outreach on cultural and scientific topics. These courses deliver a series of lessons to a web browser or mobile device to be conveniently accessed anytime, anyplace.

Note, some are offered in educational institutions, while others are produced by their employers. The most important thing about an online system is that it is attractive and provides precise results.

See 15 Free Online Courses in Japan with Certificates

Online Classes

Online classes are conducted online. In general, they are implemented through a learning management system, in which students can see their curriculum and academic progress, as well as interact with students and their teachers.

However, Online courses are all-encompassing and allow greater flexibility to complete education. Some examples of online tutorials are MOOCs, or massive open online courses, developed by organizations like edX or Coursera.

Many traditional universities offer online courses, including Purdue University, through the Kaplan website.

How Do Free Online Courses in China Work?

There are different types of online courses available in China that are free. And these courses are offered at different basic levels. When it comes to how these China online courses work, they all have a similar way when compared with other countries, especially, in the teaching format. They teach the knowledge or skills of the person taking them.

Also, an online course in China can be delivered through the website and can be viewed on a mobile device, tablet, or web browser (Chrome, Explorers). This allows you as a student to access them from anywhere and at any time even if you are not in China.

Coming back to the formats, they can take many forms, including educational videos, audio files, images, books, or other documents. Most Free online courses in China have discussion sessions, community groups, or messaging options, allowing you to communicate with each other or with the teacher.

Furthermore, the online learning process varies by quality. Although some are packaged in such a way that they can give you what you really want in times of quality, some don’t. This is why it’s essential you do your research very well before making a choice.

Well, that is why World Scholarship Forum is here

Note, some of these free online courses are offered at the most prestigious universities in China.

Having understood how these Online Courses in China work, I think having a basic knowledge of what makes an online Course good will help you make the right choice.

How Do you know a good Quality Free Online Course?

You know, its one thing for an online course to be free of charge and another thing for it to be of high quality. Though most people have this belief that once an online course is offered for free, it must be an irrelevant or low-quality course.

But I tell you, that is just a misconception.

There are free online courses in some top countries like the USA, Canada, and China that are great and can help boost your resume. They can even give you a head-start when it comes to getting a job.

So, don’t think you are wasting your time on this post.

Basically, there are some factors that make up a great online course. These factors show that the system is of high quality and getting a certificate on it won’t be a waste of time.

An excellent course is one where the student feels invested in the learning process and has a sense of community with fellow students and the teacher(s).  For a course to be successful, it should have an interactive component that helps bring the learning alive.

Content is good

More than anything, education must contain high-quality content and deliver on its promise. Without this, you can choose not to receive online tutorials without influencing whether you have acquired the knowledge and skills you expected. Or it may seem boring and uninteresting without an actual idea.

Hence, High-quality content makes learning what you want to do, while low content makes it useful and makes it difficult to keep track of what you want to study.

Note, the best online courses will contain content that will be endorsed by an expert in the field, whether taught online or in person.

Use multimedia

With the use of technology, there are many effective and engaging ways to deliver information to students. Online educational courses must interact with things like videos, podcasts, web pages, and apps to truly engage students. That makes learning more fun than reading a long book.

One thing that is certain is that everyone learns a little differently. Some people have facial expressions, while others want to hear information to retain it. Therefore, including a variety of strategies will ensure that each student has some form of learning that works for them.

Correct the correction

The online curriculum must be redesigned so students do not feel overwhelmed or overwhelmed.

This information should be disseminated with a reasonable degree of precision. If there are assignments, there will be enough time to complete them to avoid bullying or harassing students. Small jobs should have a reason to do anything, not just to assign students to practice.

Easy to Access

The best tramp in the world is not good if it is challenging to navigate. Students do not need to contact technical support to find out how to access their information. It should be easy to start and score.

Also, there will be no question about what a student will do next, and any related equipment or information will be easily accessible.

Sometimes the tutorials can be overly tested or use the latest technology, which means that students can subscribe to an external service, download a bunch of plugins, or other things that can compromise the user experience. Make your process as universal and reliable as possible.

Guide yourself

The online education system works best when it gives some students the freedom to make decisions for themselves and to hold them accountable for their education.

Finally, try to give your students space and not overdo it, but in the meantime, it’s a good idea to use the email system at point of monitoring and getting feedback on how the students are doing.

See Also Free Online Courses With Certificates In Brazil

What Platforms offer Free Online Courses With Certificates in China?

There are so many platforms that offer free online courses in China. These platforms offer quality and top-notch online programs and courses with good learning formats.

Here are some of the Free online courses options in China you can get;

Higher Institutions

Some higher institutions like Colleges and universities offer some of their courses online. This allows students to earn credentials as long as they still work full-time. Or it could be a supplement to regular school attendance.

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) is a free online courses available for anyone to enroll. Basically, MOOC offers a variety of great and fun ways to learn new languages, optimize your work, and provide learning about it and its broader context.

Also, they provide advanced online learning courses designed for unlimited access to online courses.

This online program can be educational, developed by university professionals, and accompany traditional university programs. Some schools have applied for semesters of free online courses.

You can choose this type of program to learn things like video editing or photos that you want to know, but you don’t necessarily want to go back to school, or maybe if you are interested in learning basic information in a specific area. Together but you can’t go to college.

Furthermore, they can provide you with a way to learn in such an environment as classes are online, but they are not well-funded. They can be accessed without paying tuition or participating in academic programs.

Customer Training Manual

Many companies are now using online training programs to get new jobs quickly, but instead, have the resources available to educate them. Industry companies will provide companies with the same copy of other documents.

However, this program can cover job security, customer service, boating, sexual harassment training, and other things employees need to study before starting a new job.

E-learning site

These websites focus on providing a wide variety of online courses taught by different teachers. Some, like the Khan Academy, offer free courses on many academic subjects such as geometry, chemistry, chemistry, world history, and more. You can even prepare it for exams like the SAT.

Others, like Coursera, link you to an online educational system offered by an educational institution for a fee.

Many e-learning sites focus on one topic. For example, w3schools.com offers free courses on websites and computer programming topics, such as learning javascript, CSS, and other programming languages.

Others, like Udemy, where they buy courses and events, are open to everyone to create their path and sell it.

Private brands

Some people provide online personal training through their website or courses like Teachable or Kajabi. YouTuber famous may have a book on his website that teaches you how to make amazing YouTube videos.

The digital market may have an online strategy to create successful Facebook ads. Even Gordon Ramsay has his master’s degree, and you can learn how to cook food online through video tutorials.

What are the Resources for taking Free Online Courses in China?

In taking free online courses, there are resources or materials that you will need to get either before starting the course or during the course. Some of these materials are offered for free, while some will require you to make a little payment.

Note the materials you receive for online learning will depend on the platform you are taking the courses from and also the type of online programs.

For instance, some online learning programs may require you to write a physical notebook in advance, but this is usually recommended for eBooks and only online delivery systems.

In general, when taking an online degree program, you might encounter resources like: 

  • EBooks;
  • Journals;
  • Videos;
  • Recorded lectures;
  • Quizzes;
  • Discussion forums
  • Live Q&A sessions; and
  • Interviews.

How Can I Evaluate Online Courses?

Students studying online or online learning programs at the same time will still be regularly assessed during their study to determine their understanding of the lesson.

For new online academics, this process can be intimidating. And there is no need to worry! The online services of the institutions are experienced professionals and will ensure that your research is accurate, fair and organized to help you achieve your learning experience.

Find out what kind of research you can find by doing an online lesson or lesson:


These are research methods that students will have more experience with. For each job, you get your subject, the deadline, and the number of your words. You will be asked to create a structured discussion within limits set by your study teachers.

The program

Face-to-face contact with friends and colleagues is something we all do every day. However, online education discussions require various learning methods and may not arise naturally when your online learning journey begins.

Don’t worry, you will receive the quote!

These activities will vary by course, but your instructor will begin to discuss any questions and topics or topics for discussion. Then, students will research the topic and submit their responses for work that reflects their knowledge and understanding. You will often combine ideas and ideas published by your classmates.

Written reports

Like discussion boards, textbooks are usually for online courses. The new entries are an updated update allowing you to reflect on what you learned during the investigation and how to apply what you learned.

Online education doesn’t take schools to the classroom; the journal is a simple way for school teachers to understand how well you are progressing if you have access to information. The right parts.

Unlike other projects, it is acceptable to use writing, self-reference, and presentation and call yourself a first person. Think: “Over the past week, I learned how to do it …” Newsletters are often required, but luckily, be real!


Although they can be very informative, evaluating is an important way to evaluate your learning.

Libraries may choose to allow students to complete their exams on their own computer, in the chosen location.

Because teachers have no way to take a test or quiz, they are generally open books. As an alternative approach, many companies will offer the option of completing a ‘or final’ lab exam.

Some companies may use the same software as a search engine or tool to monitor whether you visit a new website.

What Are The Free Online Courses With Certificates In China?

Several free online courses with certificates are offered by universities and organizations in Norway on different online platforms. However, for the purpose of this article, emphasis will be led on 15 of them.

So, here is a list of free online courses with certificates in China you can enroll for:

  • Chinese for Beginners
  • China Strategy
  • Mandarin Chinese 1: Chinese for Beginners
  • Mandarin Chinese 2: Chinese for Beginners
  • Chinese Language and Culture
  • Discrete Mathematics 
  • The Beauty of Kunqu Opera
  • Translation in Practice 
  • Introduction to Mobile Application Development using Android (edX)
  • Biological Evolution
  • Chinese for Beginners
  • Advanced Neurobiology II

Let’s Explore!

#1. Chinese for Beginners

Sponsor: Peking University via Coursera

Effort: 1-2 hours a week

Duration: 7 weeks long

This is another Free Online Courses With Certificates In China you can go for this 2020. Here’s a Chinese ABC study for beginners, including installing calls and daytime displays.

After completing this class, students can understand Mandarin Chinese and engage in basic conversations about everyday life, such as exchanging personal information, discussing daily and diet, asking about prices, introducing the community to weather, storytelling, etc.

Note, Xiaoyu Liu teaches this free online china course.

Enroll for Free
Start Date: 24 June

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#2. China Strategy

Sponsor: The Chinese University of Hong Kong via Coursera

Effort: 3 hours a week

4 weeks long

This study is designed to help you, as a developer of a foreign company, better understand how to develop your China plan.

Majorly, this program focus on identifying three key trends: who: leaders in China, how what kind of entry and where strategic planning of your Chinese business.

Moreso, this free online course in China will offer you new insights into the real experience of China’s development strategy.

Note, this course is taught by Prof. Xufei Ma.

Enroll for free
Starts June 19

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#3. Mandarin Chinese 1: Chinese for Beginners

Sponsor: Shanghai Jiao Tong University via Coursera

Effort: 3 hours/week

Duration: 5 Weeks

Next in our list of Free Online Courses With Certificates in China, you can go for this 2020 is Mandarin Chinese 1. This course is specifically for beginners who want to speak Chinese.

Basically, in this course, you will learn the basics of oral Chinese. It will also help to understand the fundamental capability of oral Chinese in real-life situations.

Note, this will be done through a series of lectures, short plays, interactive exercises, and cultural tips.

To apply for this course, you must be proficient in the following: 150 words, 20 language points, and handling 5 real-life situations.

Furthermore, at the completion of this course, you will be awarded a certificate that has already been paid for.

Enroll for free
Starts June 23

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Check Out Free Online Courses With Certificates In Spain

#4. Mandarin Chinese 2: Chinese for Beginners

Sponsor: Shanghai Jiao Tong University via Coursera

Effort: 3 Hours

Duration: 5 Weeks

This Free Online Course with Certificates in China is a continuation of Mandarin Chinese 1.

Just like in Mandarin Chinese 1, the classes will be done through a series of lectures, short plays, interactive exercises, and cultural tips.

At the end of the 5-lesson course, you will reach the following proficiency: 300 words, 40 language points, and handling 10 real-life situations.

Note, the only prerequisite is that you must Complete “Mandarin Chinese 1 or attended Chinese courses of any type for at least 15 hours.

Enroll for free
Starts June 23

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#5. Chinese Language and Culture


Effort: 1 hour

4 weeks long

Next Chinese free online course you can go for that will really benefit you is a course on Chinese Language and Culture.

This online certification program brings you information about the many origins of Chinese culture. It will equip you with a deep understanding of Chinese written language, its history, and context.

Moreso, this is among the free Coursera courses online that can help you explore Chinese cuisine, traditional cuisine, and the symbolism of Chinese food and tea consumption.

Furthermore, you will become more familiar with the Chinese language and culture of how China has already made a difference in its status with our world at the completion of this online course.

Note, at the completion of this course, you will be awarded a certificate that has already been paid for.

Enroll Free
Start at Self Pace

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#6. Discrete Mathematics (Coursera)

Sponsor: Shanghai Jiao Tong University via (Coursera)

Effort: 3-5 hours/week

Duration: 11 Weeks

If you are an undergraduate student from Computer Science, Mathematics, and other related subjects this free online certification program in china is for you.

This is one of the best Free Online Courses in China that is suited for people with an interest in maths but without much prior formal education therein.

However, this course supports the mathematical foundations of computers and science. It will also help you know a lot about math, like structure, function, relationships, graphs, which are science.

Note, this free online Chinese course covers Mathematics, Discrete Mathematics, Math, Combinatorics Functions, Graph Theory, Network Flow, Enumerative Combinatorics, Binomial Coefficient, and Spanning Trees.

Interestingly, at the end of this online certification program, you will receive a Verified Certificate which has already been paid for.

Enroll Free
Started June 15th

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#7. The Beauty of Kunqu Opera

Sponsor: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Via Coursera

Effort: 5 Hours/Week

Duration: 7 Weeks

Next in our list of free online courses with certificates in china that once you enroll for, you will be glad that you did is The Beauty of Kunqu Opera a coursera online program.

This is among the free courses at Coursera that focuses on history and culture, literacy, music, and performance of Kunqu, a Chinese classical opera.

However, this online course in china will also help you gain a greater understanding and appreciation of painting, traditional literature, and cultural traditions.

Note, at the completion of this program, you will get a Verified Certificate for free which shows that you have completed the course.

Enroll Free
Started June 15th

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#8. Translation in Practice 

Sponsor: Nanjing University Via Coursera

Effort: 3-5 hours/week

Duration: 6 weeks

Are you an undergraduate or graduate student in English departments? this course is right for you. Translation in Practice is another Chinese course for free online that you can enroll for today.

This is one of the nice free online courses with certificates in china that equips you with the skills needed to become a good and exceptional translator.

So if you are interested in becoming a translator, this course is right for you. This online course offers you basic and valuable techniques used by a good translator in the translation between English and Chinese.

During this program classes, you will get to understand what it means to translate and who a good translator is including the qualities that make one exceptional when it comes to translating from English to Chinese.

Interestingly, at the end of this online certification program which is 6 weeks, you will receive a Verified Certificate that has already been paid for.

Note, before the certificate will be awarded to you, you must pass an exam and do a final project which will be administered to you free of charge.

Enroll Free
Starts June 22 202

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#9. Introduction to Mobile Application Development using Android (edX)

Sponsor: HKUSTxThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Effort: 3-5 hours/week

Duration: Self paced

Do you have some prior programming experience? This free online certification program will help build your knowledge.

This is one of the free online courses in China that has helped a whole lot of students and am sure it will help you.

However, this Online course will introduce you to the basics of the Android platform, Android application components.

Then, you will learn how to use Android Studio, the integrated development environment (IDE) for Android apps.

Also, you will get in-depth knowledge about Activities and their lifecycle, UI design, Multimedia, 2D graphics, and networking support in Android.

Note, at completion of this program, you will get a Verified Certificate for free which show that you have completed the course.

Enroll Free
Starts at Self Pace

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#10. Biological Evolution

Sponsor: Peking University Via Coursera

Effort: 2-4 hours/weeks

Duration: 15 Weeks

Are you a Biology student and you want to learn more about theories? This free online course in coursera will be helpful to you.

This is one of the Free Online Courses With Certificates in China you can enroll for today. This program focuses on the main points of Darwin’s theory, and vice versa, to add and refine Darwin’s ideas from previous generations; The introduction of some key factors that promote biological evolution, such as genetic variation, natural selection, neutral selection, and genetics, etc.

In the same vein, you will be introduce to a variety of approaches and technologies in the study of biological change.

Moreso, this free online certificate course program will tell you many facts: biology is not just a theory, but a fact, it is happening around us.

Furthermore, it will enable you to understand the basic concepts and principles, and the latest technologies, research results, and events.

Enroll Free
Starts June 22

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#11. Chinese for HSK Level 1

Sponsor: Peking University Via Coursera

Effort: 4-6 hours/week

Duration: 7 Weeks

Want to learn more about Chinese? You won’t regret that you enrol for this course.

Chinese for HSK Level 1 is one of the Free Online Courses With Certificates in China is that has helped a lot of students understand the application of Chinese.

Basically, this free online Coursera course is the first step of the 6 levels and assesses test takers’ abilities in the application of everyday Chinese.

During this course, you will learn the four skills although only listening and reading are tested in HSK.

Moreso, you will be able to understand and use simple Chinese phrases, meet basic needs for communication, and possess the ability to further your Chinese language studies.

Interestingly, at the end of this online certification program which is 7 weeks, you will receive a Verified Certificate that has already been paid for.

Note, before the certificate will be awarded to you, you must pass an exam and do a final project which will be administered to you free of charge.

Enroll Free
Starts June 22

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#12. Advanced Neurobiology II

Sponsor: Peking University Via Coursera

Effort: Not specified

Duration: 8 weeks

Next in our list of Free Online Courses in China is Advanced Neurobiology II. This course covers topics like Neurobiology, Brain, Science, Nervous System, Biology, NeuronNeuroscience, and Neuroanatomy.

During this course, you’ll get to have a comprehensive understanding of basic neuroanatomy, electral signal transduction, movement and several diseases in the nervous system.

Interestingly, at the end of this online certification program which is 8 weeks, you will receive a Verified Certificate that has already been paid for.

Note, you won’t need to write any exam of carrying our final project before your certificate can be awarded to you. All you need to do is just to complete the program.

Enroll Free
Starts June 22

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What is an online course?

An online course is the delivery of a series of lessons on a web browser or mobile device, which can be accessed anytime and anyplace. It is designed as an online environment for convenient learning asynchronously.

What are the online degree program resources?

In general, when taking an online degree program you might encounter resources like: 

Recorded lectures;
Discussion forums
Live Q&A sessions; and

What are the examples of online tutorials?

However, Online courses are all-encompassing and allow greater flexibility to complete education. Some examples of online tutorials are MOOCs, or massive open online courses, developed by their organizations like edX or Coursera.

What are the best free online courses with certificates in China ?

So, here is a list of free online courses with certificates in China you can enroll for:

Chinese for Beginners
China Strategy
Mandarin Chinese 1: Chinese for Beginners
Mandarin Chinese 2: Chinese for Beginners……..




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