FUAM Post UTME Past Questions and Answers

Passing the UTME exam for admission into the Federal University of Agriculture Makurdi (FUAM) is one hurdle crossed. Passing the FUAM Post UTME is another. To be fully admitted into FUAM, you must pass its post UTME exam, and the best way to pass is by practicing your past questions and answers. Get a copy of the FUAM Post UTME Past Questions and Answers HERE.

The Federal University of Agriculture, Markurdi post UTME past questions and answers will not only expose you to the kind of questions to expect in the exam hall but also boost your confidence for the exam.

As you must already know by choosing FUAM as one of your chosen universities, it is one of the best universities for Agriculture in Nigeria. Benue state is the food basket of the Nation, so you should expect the university of agriculture located in the state to be no jokes.

One thing you may not know about FUAM though is that gaining admission into the school is difficult. You have to pass their post UTME exam and pass it well to be admitted.

So, it is best you get your FUAM Post UTME Past Questions and Answers PDF now and start practicing. Here’s how to get your copy:

How to Get your Past Questions and Answers for FUAM

Pay the sum of one thousand Naira into this bank detail to get a copy of the FUAM Post-UTME Past Questions and Answers immediately.
Account Name: Silicon Africa Tech Limited
Account Number: 0546392167
Bank Name: GT BANK
CONTACT DETAILS: 07012040283
EMAIL: info@worldscholarshipforum.com
It is really important, however, that you read this article to the end to get other vital information.

For more information on the FUAM post UME past questions and answers 2024, this post contains the following: post contains:

What is the Nature of the FUAM Post UTME?

The Federal University of Agriculture has 10 Colleges including Agronomy, Animal Science, Management Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine. So basically, you don’t expect the same set of questions for all these colleges as their subjects differ.

But FUAM questions, from observation, are grouped almost by the subject combinations you took in UTME or JAMB. So, you would be meeting questions that you are used to.

As to the number of questions you’ll likely be seeing in the exam hall that day, it varies. But expect to see between a total of 50 to 100 questions of your subject combinations for the FUAM Post UTME.

We’ve got you covered with our comprehensive post UTME Past Questions and Answers for FUAM. All you need do is get your copy and start practicing right away.

It is very important that you know the 7 Easy Ways to Pass FUAM Post Utme In 2024

Why Should I get the FUAM Past Questions and Answers?

The major reason why you need the FUAM Post UTME Past Questions and Answers is to guarantee your admission into the university.

We’ll state it boldly here: Admission into FUAM is not by bribing your way in; it is by merit!

You need to practice really hard for the post UTME screening exercise at FUAM and the past question and answers in PDF is your only guide right now.

The greatest benefit of this FUAM Post UME past question is that (as you’ll find out by yourself) the questions are sometimes repeated. Where they are not repeated, you’ll be able to see the recurring topics where questions come out from and practice the better.

At the end of the day, you will save yourself from reading every topic in your notes of test books. The FUAM post UTME Past Questions and Answers will guide you on the topics to focus on for the screening exercise in 2024.

As a bonus to purchasing the FUAM post UTME past questions, you’ll also be added to the FUAM WhatsApp group.

The WhatsApp group is a group of fellow FUAM applicants created for the purpose of providing credible information about the Post UTME screening exercise to fully equip you with every knowledge you need to not only pass the Post UTME but to become a student.

What else do you want but information on how to get your copy?

How Can I get the FUAM Past Questions and Answers?

Getting a copy of the FUAM Post UTME Past Questions and Answers is easy. The Past Question is a PDF document and it costs one thousand nairas only (₦1,000).

To get yours, follow the steps below:

STEP 1: Select Your Subject Combination

You will write the same subject combination you wrote in UTME for the FUAM Post-UTME. So, we have compiled the subject combination you wrote in UTME based on the course you applied for in FUAM.

Therefore, all you need do is specify the course you applied for in the description of your payment.

STEP 2: Select Your Payment Method

There are three methods of purchasing our original FUAM Post UTME past questions and answer, namely:

1. Debit Card
2. Bank Transfer
3. Direct Bank Deposit

For any of the payment methods above, you’ll be paying into the account details below:

Account Name: Silicon Africa Tech Limited
Account Number: 0546392167
Bank Name: GT BANK

STEP 3: Confirmation of Payment

If you choose the Debit Card option, you’ll input your card details and email address. Upon payment, you will get an e-mail message containing the Post UTME Past question you had selected in Step One.

If you choose Bank transfer, type in the description of payment: “The Type of FUAM Post-UTME Past Question you’re purchasing.” e.g “FUAM Agribusiness Past Question.” Then contact the number below or email address with evidence of payment and you will get your Past Question instantly.

If you choose Direct Bank deposit, make payment to the account details above, then send the following information to the phone number or email below:

1. Depositors Name
2. Teller Number
3. Amount Paid

CONTACT DETAILS: 07012040283

EMAIL: info@worldscholarshipforum.com

Free FUAM Past Questions and Answers Download

Here are free questions you can practice with. The answers are in Bold.

1. An economic analysis aimed at explaining what a phenomenon should become under the
(a) positive approach
(b) social approach
(c) normative approach
(d) logical approach

2. The problem of how goods shall be produced in a society implies theories between
(a) necessities and luxuries
(b) food and cash crops
(c) capital and consumer goods
(d) labor and capital-intensive methods

3. The prices of goods and services in a capitalist economy are determined by
(a) the consumers
(b) the producers
(c) the consumer and producers
(d) the forces of demand and supply

4. Which of the following is a measure of central tendency?
(a) medium
(b) graph
(c) percentage
(d) varieties

5. At the point where total utility begins to decline, MU is
(a) negative
(b) decreasing
(c) zero
(d) increasing

6. If x values inversely as y and x = 2/3 and y = when x = ¾
(a) 2/9
(b) 1/18
(c) 3/9
(d) 8

7. Persons that remain his skill buy move to a different industry is involved in
(a) vertical mobility
(b) horizontal mobility
(c) geographical mobility
(d) occupational mobility

8. If the average cost and average revenue of a product are N80.00 and N96.00 respectively and 240 units were produced. What is the profit made
(a) N3,840.00
(b) N16.00
(c) N38.40
(d) N38,400.00

9. When a dealer sells a bicycle for N81,000 he makes a profit 8%. How much did he buy a bicycle?
(a) N73,000.00
(b) N74,520.00
(c) N75,000.00
(d) N75,520.00

10. The 29th term sequence, 3, 8, 13, 18 ………. Is
(a) 133
(b) 135
(c) 138
(d) 143

If you also need past questions for your second choice institution, click here

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