Fulbright Foreign Student Program for French Candidates 

French candidates can make the most of this fully-funded scholarship opportunity. The Fulbright Foreign Student Program for French Candidates receives applications yearly and awards $ 6,000 to $ 45,000, depending on the partner foundations and the cumulations you are eligible for.

Hence, this article prepares you with all the necessary information to become a beneficiary. Basically, this article addresses who is eligible to apply, how to apply and what you stand to gain in detail.

Quickly glance at the table below to glimpse the information you’re about to garner.

The Fulbright Foreign Student Program for French Candidates

Founded in 1948 and funded by the French and US governments, the Franco-American Fulbright Commission allows its laureates to carry out their projects in the United States or France and be fully involved in the dialogue between the two people.

Fulbright is a Foreign Student Program that enables graduate students, young professionals, and artists from abroad to study and conduct research in the United States at U.S. universities or other academic institutions.

It was designed to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries.

The Fullbright foreign student program selects participants based on their academic merit and leadership potential – with the opportunity to study, teach and conduct research, exchange ideas and contribute to finding solutions to shared international concerns. 

The Fulbright Program is important to the United States bilateral relationships with countries worldwide. U.S. and foreign governments jointly set priorities for the exchanges.

Scholarship Benefits:

  • Scholarship awards range from $ 6,000 to $ 45,000 depending on the partner foundations and your eligible cumulations.
  1. A fixed travel allowance (1200 €)
  2. Free visa fees and the facilitation of procedures for obtaining it
  3. Orientation session in Paris organized by the Franco-American Fulbright Commission (end of June – the beginning of July)
  4. Health insurance offered by the US State Department (we recommend that applicants provide the cost of complementary health insurance)
  5. Support programs, seminars, outings, volunteer opportunities, etc. offered on the spot in the United States by our partner agency IIE

The Fulbright Foreign Student Program

Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for a scholarship from our Student Fulbright Program, the candidate must meet the following conditions:


  • To be of French nationality. Applicants are eligible for the Fulbright program through the Bilateral Commission of their home country (find Fulbright programs in your home country on the US State Department website ).
  • Have validated at least three years of higher education at the application’s submission date.
  • Have a very good knowledge of English. (As an indication, you will require a 92 minimum for the TOEFL iBT)
  • Be admitted to a US university for a Master’s or PhD degree program that spans at least 9 months.
  • (Generally, bursary and admission applications are made in parallel: applicants must indicate in the file the universities they are applying to and send letters of admission as and when they are awarded.) Fellowships are awarded subject to definitive admission to the institutions included in the application file.

Additonal Eligibility Requirements on the Fulbright Foreign Student Program

Students with dual French and American citizenship are ineligible for Fulbright scholarships (see ” Immigration Regulations Applicable to Fulbright Prize Winners” ). They may, however, be candidates for grants from the French-American Commission’s partner foundations.

Students already following a course of study at an American university are not eligible for scholarships from the Franco-American Commission. Similarly, candidates already in the United States cannot apply.

Fulbright and Partner Scholarships are non-renewable. You can apply to the scholarship in the first year of a program of study, even if your program spans several years.

English Language Requirements: If all the universities you apply for do not provide or require TOEFL results, you do not need to submit one to the Commission. In place of the test results in your file, insert them in a pdf document attesting to this exemption.

If you have already taken the TOEFL, IELTS, GRE or GMAT, please indicate the examination date and your results. You must upload your score reports in the “Transcripts and additional documents” section.

If you have already taken the test but have not yet received your results, please indicate the date you took the exam and forward us your results as soon as they are available.

If you will be taking one of these tests in the near future, please put the date you plan to do so and then forward us your results as soon as they are available.

Level / Field of Study:

Scholarships are available to pursue Masters and PhD programs. You’ll find these these scholarships awarded in all fields of study.

Host Nationality.

You can only take the scholarship in the USA at American Universities.

This is for you if you are an international student and wish to study in the UK. Complete Guide to Getting A UK Tier 4 Student Visa For International Students.

Eligible Nationality:

Scholarships are available for French students. 

Do you wish to study outside your home country? Here are Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying for and Winning a Scholarship.

How to Apply For The Fulbright Foreign Student Program for French Candidates

To apply for this student’s program, you must access the application form through the online portal. Click on the button below to apply. However, note that the 2024-2024 academic year applications have ended.

Application portals will re-open soon. So, do frequently visit this space for the latest updates.

When is the Application Deadline for The Fulbright Foreign Student Program for French Candidates?

Applications for the next academic session usually end on the first of December. By implication, applications for the 2024-2024 academic session will end on 31 December 2024.

So, if you wish to attend the 2024-2024 academic session with this Fulbright program, applications will end on 31 December 2024.

Hence, you must always check in to know when the application portal will re-open.

Application Link


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