Best Georgia Tech Graduate Programs | Online & Offline

Over the years, Georgia Tech Graduate school has provided immense opportunities for individuals seeking higher career pursuit and professional training. The school features an effective environment for students who seek to deepen their knowledge in the science and technology field.

If you’re considering enrolling in a graduate at Georgia Tech, it’s advisable to have a firm view of the programs available before applying.

To help create a smooth process for you, we have highlighted the various graduate programs, admission requirements, tuition, scholarships, and all the information you need about Georgia Tech Graduate school.

About Georgia Tech Gradute school

Georgia Tech is a public research university and institute of technology in Atlanta, Georgia. The school is committed to improving the human condition through advanced science and technology.

Georgia Tech is a well reputable institution- ranks eighth among U.S. public universities by U.S. News & World Report and with all of the graduate engineering programs ranked among the top ten in the nation.

Georgia Tech attracts top faculty, researchers, and students to develop the next big ideas in areas such as enterprise-level artificial intelligence, advanced manufacturing, quantum systems, and hypersonic technologies.

Georgia Tech’s graduate programs are divided into six colleges. Collaboration among the colleges is frequent, as mandated by a number of interdisciplinary degree programs and research centers.

The Institute does not offer Masters of Arts degrees, only Master of Science degrees, and is committed to strengthening its graduate offerings in less technical fields.

Georgia Tech’s honors program is highly selective and designed to cater to the most intellectually curious undergraduates from all six colleges.

Graduate Programs Admission Requirements

To gain admission into the Georgia Tech Graduate school, you must meet the general and specific program requirements.

The minimum requirements for graduate school are as follows.

  • Applicants must High school diploma from a fully accredited university in the US or a recognized foreign institution before the semester for which they are admitted.
  • Hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution and be able to demonstrate academic excellence.
  • Students should also be able to demonstrate experience with their selected field of graduate studies such as an undergraduate degree in the field of work experience in a related job.
  • The minimum GPA requirement is 3.3 on a 4.0-grade scale for College of Computing and College of Engineering applicants. The minimum GPA requirement is 3.0 on a 4.0-grade scale for College of Design, College of Sciences, Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts, and Scheller College of Business applicants.
  • English Proficiency for International Students
  • Graduate Record Exam (GRE)
  • For domestic applicants, the graduate school requires applications to be submitted no later than one month before the start of the semester in which the applicant wishes to begin their thesis.

Application Process

A user name and password are required to access the application. These are set up on the Create Account tab on the right. You don’t have to fill out the application all at once. You can return as many times as you want to continue or revise.

The registration fee must be paid by credit card at the time of submission. You can only submit your application once.

Before you begin, we recommend that you review the security information and system requirements.

After logging in, we recommend all applicants to start and continue with the “Application Type” page by saving each page with “Save” and then clicking “Save and Continue”.

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Georgia Tech Graduate Programs Accreditation

The Georgia Institute of Technology is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award baccalaureate, master’s, and doctoral degrees.

How much does it cost to enroll in Georgia Tech Graduate school?

The graduate fees and tuition in Georgia tech vary according to the type of program and length of study. The average tuition is 12,682 USD for Local tuition and 33,794 USD for Domestic tuition.

Georgia Tech Graduate Programs- Online and Offline

Georgia Tech offers a wide range of on-campus programs and online graduate programs leading to master’s and doctoral degrees. These programs are fully accredited and require a minimum of three calendar years to complete. The doctoral program consists of additional coursework, programs of individual study, and research culminating in the dissertation.

The Georgia Tech Professional Education has delivered online learning programs to career-focused adults across the globe. The online Master of Science degrees and three hybrid professional master’s degrees are designed to provide you the STEM and leadership capabilities to be competitive in your field. 

With a graduate degree from Georgia Tech, you can be employed in a top position in varieties of job settings. Students are admitted into the following disciplines.

#1. Business

  • Analytics (MS)
  • Analytics — Online Degree (OMS Analytics)
  • Business Administration (MBA)
  • Business Administration – Global Business (MBA)
  • Business Administration – Management of Technology (MBA)
  • Management (MS)
  • Manufacturing Leadership (MS)
  • Occupational Safety and Health (PMOSH)
  • Quantitative and Computational Finance (MS)
  • Sustainability Energy and Environmental Management (MSEEM)
  • Sustainability Energy and Environmental Management – Online (MSEEM Online)

Analytics (MS)

The one-year Master’s of Science in Analytics is an interdisciplinary degree program that leverages the strengths of Georgia Tech in statistics, operations research, computing, and business.

Graduates of this program will learn to integrate skills in a unique and interdisciplinary way that yields deep insights into analytics problems.

Analytics — Online Degree (OMS Analytics)

This is a fully online degree program that provides the same world-class instruction in statistics, operations research, computing, and business as is offered on campus.

Business Administration (MBA)

The business administration program focuses on providing professional management education to students of all educational backgrounds via an innovative and rigorous program with a technical and quantitative orientation.

Management Science

This is a specialized degree program designed primarily for students who are admitted to Georgia Tech in approved foreign education programs but may also be completed by students in the Ph.D. program who are unable to complete the full doctoral degree. 

#2. Computing

  • Analytics (MS)
  • Analytics — Online Degree (OMS Analytics)
  • Bioengineering (MS)
  • Computational Science and Engineering (MS)
  • Computational Science and Engineering – Online Degree (MS)
  • Computer Science (MS)
  • Computer Science – Online Degree (OMSCS)
  • Cybersecurity (MS Cybersecurity)
  • Cybersecurity — Online Degree (OMS Cybersecurity)
  • Human-Computer Interaction (MSHCI)
  • Robotics (MS)

#3. Design

  • Architecture & City and Regional Planning – Dual Degree (M.Arch/MCRP)
  • Architecture (M.Arch)
  • Architecture (MS)
  • Building Construction and Facility Management (MS)
  • City and Regional Planning & Civil Engineering – Dual Degree (MCRP/MSCE)
  • City and Regional Planning & Law – Dual Degree (MCRP/JD)
  • City and Regional Planning & Public Policy – Dual Degree (MCRP/MSPP)
  • City and Regional Planning (MCRP)
  • Geographic Information Science and Technology (MS)
  • Human-Computer Interaction (MSHCI)
  • Industrial Design (M.ID)
  • Music Technology (MS)
  • Real Estate Development (MRED)
  • Sustainability Energy and Environmental Management (MSEEM)
  • Sustainability Energy and Environmental Management – Online (MSEEM Online)
  • Urban Design (MSUD)

#4. Engineering

  • Aerospace Engineering (MS)
  • Aerospace Engineering – Online Degree (MS)
  • Analytics (MS)
  • Analytics — Online Degree (OMS Analytics)
  • Applied Systems Engineering (PMASE)
  • Bioengineering (MS)
  • Biomedical Engineering (MS)
  • Biomedical Innovation and Development (MBID)
  • Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (BS/MS)
  • Chemical Engineering (MS)
  • Civil Engineering (MS)
  • Computational Science and Engineering (MS)
  • Cybersecurity (MS Cybersecurity)
  • Cybersecurity — Online Degree (OMS Cybersecurity)
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering (MS)
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering – Online Degree (MS)
  • Engineering Science and Mechanics (MS)
  • Environmental Engineering (MS)
  • Health Systems (MS)
  • Industrial Engineering (MS)
  • International Logistics (MS)
  • Manufacturing Leadership (MS)
  • Materials Science and Engineering (MS)
  • Mechanical Engineering (MS)
  • Mechanical Engineering — Online Degree (MS)
  • Medical Physics (MS)
  • Medical Physics – Online Degree (MS)
  • Nuclear Engineering (MS)
  • Occupational Safety and Health (PMOSH)
  • Operations Research (MS)
  • Operations Research – Online Degree (MS)
  • Quantitative and Computational Finance (MS)
  • Statistics (MS)
  • Supply Chain Engineering (MS)
  • Sustainability Energy and Environmental Management (MSEEM)
  • Sustainability Energy and Environmental Management – Online (MSEEM Online)
  • Sustainable Electrical Energy (PMSEE)

#5. Liberal Arts

  • Applied Languages and Intercultural Studies (MSALIS)
  • City and Regional Planning & Public Policy – Dual Degree (MCRP/MSPP)
  • Cybersecurity (MS Cybersecurity)
  • Cybersecurity — Online Degree (OMS Cybersecurity)
  • Digital Media (MSDM)
  • Economics (MS Economics)
  • Global Media and Cultures (MSGMC)
  • History and Sociology of Technology and Science (MSHSTS)
  • Human-Computer Interaction (MSHCI)
  • International Affairs (MS International Affairs)
  • International Security (MS)
  • Public Policy (MSPP)
  • Sustainability Energy and Environmental Management (MSEEM)
  • Sustainability Energy and Environmental Management – Online (MSEEM Online)

#6. Sciences

  • Bioinformatics (MS)
  • Biology (MS)
  • Biomedical Engineering (MS)
  • Chemistry (MS)
  • Computational Science and Engineering (MS)
  • Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (MS)
  • Human-Computer Interaction (MSHCI)
  • Mathematics (MS)
  • Physics (MS)
  • Psychology (MS)
  • Quantitative and Computational Finance (MS)
  • Statistics (MS)

Scholarships For Georgia Tech Graduate Programs

Funding graduate studies can be very challenging. Some of the most common methods for covering these costs include assistantships, fellowships, or loans.

Georgia Tech Graduate graduate school offers Assistantship employment to doctoral students. These assistantships provide a tuition waiver and a modest stipend and are awarded through students’ major departments.

The award process is usually in conjunction with the department’s initial offer of admission to their graduate program. The tuition responsibility for students on assistantships is $25.

To be hired as a GRA or GTA and receive the associated tuition waiver, you must be enrolled as a full-time student. Required enrollment for GRAs/GTAs is at least 12 hours. On average, most GRAs/GTAs require 13-20 hours per week of work. 


 Enrolling in Georgia Tech Graduate programs could be an opportunity to build foundational skills and gain the experience necessary to participate any industry confidently. 



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