Getty Images Climate Visuals Grant Program  for Photojournalists

Climate changes occur consistently. In fact, their rate of occurrence has increased lately raising concern among meteorologists. Hence, Getty Images and Climate Visuals have come together to present the Getty Images Climate Visuals Grant Program 2024.

According to the Washington Post, researchers said that a large percentage of climate changes are caused by humans.

In other words, humans are the biggest contributors to climate change.

For this reason, these two big companies have collaborated to sensitize individuals in better ways to reduce how they affect climate change.

So in this article, you’ll get to learn about the Getty Images Climate Visuals Grant Program 2024, its eligibility requirements, and more.

About the Getty Images Climate Visuals Grant Program 2024

This grant program is a project where social science and evidence act as yardsticks to measure the impact of climate change.

Furthermore, the organizers plan to launch a new grant that supports the creation of emotionally engaging imagery.

The totality of all their efforts is basically to highlight the work of photojournalists that want to tell stories.

As a result of telling these stories, individuals are enlightened and become agents of social change.

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Grant Benefits

Only two photojournalists win this award every time. Hence, the two successful applicants make up to $10,000.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for this grant, you must be telling a new or ongoing story bordered around climate change. However, you also need to fulfill other requirements such as;

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  • Presentation of project proposal summary (within 300-500 words)
  • Delivery of a well-detailed short biography
  • Present 20-25 images related to the project or express your ability to execute properly
  • Present Proposal in English Language
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Scholarship Level

This grant program is generally open to photojournalists from all countries of the world.

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Host Nationality

This scholarship is hosted by Getty Images in collaboration with Climate Visuals.

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Eligible Nationalities

Interested candidates from all over the world can apply for this grant program. In essence, individuals from any country can apply for this grant program.

Selection Process

Before the final candidates would be selected, a range of processes will be used to pick the most qualified ones.

Essentially, the whole process will;

  • Be based on the judges’ assessment of the applicant’s ability to execute the submitted project
  • Be based on the assessment of how the submitted project embodies the 7 Climate Visuals Principle for climate change communication
  • Align in accordance with Climate Visuals evidence based on effective climate imagery. In essence, applicants will need to emphasize how their projects will be a solution to problems in climate change
  • Give additional consideration to proposals that show sensitivity towards environmental impact

Application Process

The application process for the Getty Images Climate Visuals Grant Program 2024 is online. So, just click on the button below to begin.

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Application Deadline

The deadline for the Getty Images Climate Visuals Grant Program 2024 was January 28, 2024.

Therefore, applications have currently closed for this grant program


Considering a world population of 7 billion, the battle against human influence on climate change will not be easy.

However, this program comes as a beacon of light to inspire an awareness concerning human impact on the general environment.

This means that everyone should make an individual effort to build a better environment.

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