Ways To Become Google Certified Educator – Google Certified Trainer

We cannot overemphasize the technological skill of becoming a Google Certified Educator / Trainer. It helps instructors or tutors comprehend the many technological devices, gadgets, and apps, even software offered through Google for classes.

For anyone certified as an educator, especially a Google Educator.

You’ll find out that they have a high confidence level regarding handling technology and more so assists the students in handling the same technological gadgets or tools with a far greater slide of originality, which also better gives the class a livelier and a more efficient setting, with an enhanced digital awareness that allows for a better growth professionally amongst the tutors.

Online courses, especially Tech-related courses, have made it much easier for people to become Google Certified Educators.

They advise tutors, especially in higher institutions, to take courses online related to handling Tech tools as it’d greatly improve their knowledge.

With digital innovative skill and certification that lets them impart on their student’s digital capabilities, efficient use of the Tech tools, and its wide range of benefits.

Who Is A Google Certified Educator?

Google Certified Educators go the extra mile using Google tools like Google Analytics, Google Data Studio, Google Search Console, Google My Business, Google Keyword Planner, etc to solve various problems, most times concerning technical data worldwide.

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Is Being A Google Certified Educator Worth It?

They confronted the world with many challenges, especially regarding imparting knowledge, and using some digital tools will help ease the stringent measures in trying to curb most of the challenges.

It’s the 21st century, and Google for Education, which is an online platform that Google has built, is to enable educators to create a standard, 21st-century class space at zero cost.

It is worth it because by becoming a Google Certified Educator, you can do the following using the various Google tools:

  1. Create a Web address representing your institution.
  2. Create engaging and interactive quizzes.
  3. Automate Evaluation with grade book and Check Plagiarism
  4. Create paperless classroom
  5. Create an Ebook of your subject
  6. Share learning resources using a Mobile app
  7. Create a virtual tour
  8. Have schedules for appointments, and don’t make private calendars.
  9. Create question-and-answer forums
  10. Create a YouTube channel and Playlist.

Why Become A Google Certified Educator?

Some reasons can encourage you to become a Google-certified educator. They include:

1. It provides a greater level of confidence in handling technological tools

It’s safe to say that the world has moved from running it the analog way to running it the digital way. We’ve had a lot of technological innovations and advancements.

As a teacher, tutor, or instructor, you should be all about trends and trying to know what’s in vogue to better widen your scope of knowledge, especially in the digital world.

Google, out of being devoted to sharing educational tools, which are of course, technological, provides these teachers with tools that will help them solve technological problems, thereby imparting their students and making them innovative.

Using these various tools boosts one’s confidence level in handling technological tools.

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2. It makes the classroom efficient

Time, like they say, is of huge essence. We consider time management a tremendous skill in any setting. One problem technology came to solve was the lateness in the delivery of things.

Using technological tools for learning makes the classroom more efficient, and teachers can deliver this knowledge without wasting time.

3. It brings about professional growth

Learning is a continuous process in life, and every teacher strives to learn even more. To gain more ground in education and learning. Although, while they seek more knowledge, time is a hindering factor.

Becoming a Google Certified Educator becomes a lot more difficult. However, online courses have become an option to earn certification. You can always balance things up.

What Does A Google Certified Educator-Trainer Do?

A Google Certified Trainer and Innovator does a tremendous job of helping teachers make greater use of Google tools; a Certified Trainer, through various platforms convenient for him or her, can regularly share well-constructed practical ideas that can help teachers use Google APPS or Software to improve digital learning in their classrooms. 

How Much Does A Google Certified Trainer Make?

Talking about how much he or she earns, it will surprise you as to the whooping sum of money a Google Certified Trainer makes looking at the statistical result of earnings. 

As of July 12, 2024, the usual annual pay for a Google Trainer in the United States is $68,745 a year.

This means, for every hour, a Certified Trainer of Google is approximately made $33.05, which is $1,322 per week and $5,729/month.

Someone who works as a Google Certified Trainer in Nigeria makes the same amount of money. You can do your research and get the same result.

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Is Becoming Google Certified Educator Free?

First, becoming a Google Certified Educator costs little or nothing. You must think of any training as an investment in your future.

They do not restrict anyone from becoming a Google Certified Educator to only some people. It’s for any and everyone.

You can gain the skill and bag your certification by merely taking lessons online from the comfort of your home.

Each lesson unit comprises studying passages, listening to audio clips, and viewing video testimonials which puts you in a comfortable position of learning.

Investment in time is more than investment in resources when considering a Google for education training.

How Long Does It Take To Become A Google Certified Educator?

There are about four Google for Education certifications: 

  • Google Certified Educator (GCE) Level 1
  • Google Certified Educator (GCE) Level 2
  • Certified Trainer (Google)
  • Google Certified Innovator. 

The Online training for GCE Level 1 takes about 12 hours, while GCE Level 2 takes approximately 10 hours. So, it’s safe to say it takes a maximum of two days to complete.

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How Hard Is The Google Certified Educator Exam?

First, becoming a Google Certified Educator can be frightening and puzzling. Some would refer to it as having a lot of complexities – not so difficult; however, it can be extremely tiring.

One e exam intricacies, of course, includes the Google Education Certification exam. The thing to note is that preparation before any exam douses tension which could help you manage.

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How Can I Become A Google Certified Educator?

Knowing the importance – of mental value and, for most persons, the immense financial reward of becoming a Google Certified Educator, it is of greater value to know the steps to take to become a Certified Educator. 

Step 1. Becoming a Google Certified Educator is nothing short of being determined and committed.

You must hunger for learning and be ready to devote your time. The splendid news is that becoming a Google Certified Educator is possible.

Step 2. Google has ‘education-centered applications’, which, of course, you could get started with.

Having gotten familiar with these APPS, it’s safe to take the next step by taking up learning for certification on Google Educator Level 1, which aids solidity in acquiring skills handling Google tools like, Google Drive, Google Forms, Google Meet, and many more.

Step 3. In addition, after completing the GCE 1 course, you can now prepare for the Google Certified Educator Level 1 exam, which is an exam commonly composed to examine your ability to handle Google’s APPS and services in a logically digital format layout.

They can take the exam as often as required and don’t mandate candidates to complete a Google Educator Level 1 certification class.

Should you pass the exam, they will recognize you with the title “Google Certified Educator,” with some electronic evidence or documentation to go with it. However, your journey toward learning doesn’t have to end there.

Step 4. Upon completion and certification of GCE Level 1, you could progress to GCE Level 2. However, one thing to note is that after completion of Level 2 Certification, you won’t have a new title added as it will remain “Google Certified Educator,”.

Nonetheless, there’s other electronic evidence or documentation and emblem confirming a different professional certification.

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FAQs on Ways To Become Google Certified Educator

There are some questions people ask regarding Google Educator. They include:

Can I use external resources to become a Google Certified Educator?

Yes. There are no limits to the use of outside resources or materials. But then, you must meet up with time. You don’t have the luxury of time to research for answers.

Can I fail the exams?

A lot of educators fail both Educator Level exams on the first try. So there’s nothing wrong with that.

Are the exams difficult?

The exams are, of course, quite technical but usually easy. You can take the exam three (3) times in one calendar year

What does Google Magic do?

Google Magic scores your exams and will display them as soon as you submit them. You either see a Pass or Fail without getting a view of the questions gotten wrong and right.

How long are Certifications for Google Educator valid?

The Certifications for Google Educator Levels 1 and 2 are valid for 3 years. They usually show the date of expiration on your certification.

Can I write the exams?

You must still recertify by taking the level 1 or 2 exams to do this. The exam gets an upgrade regularly to reflect changes and closely follow the modification on G Suite.


Aside from Google Certifications being a resume amplifier, you should note that it’s become a huge continuing resource for building capacity and society, coherence, and enhancing professionalism.

They allow educators to study every aspect of Google innovation systematically.



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