Google Kick Start Global Online Coding Competition

Are you a coder willing to compete on the global stage at Google? If yes, the Google Kickstart Global Online competition is the right platform for you.

Kick Start Global Online Coding competition is an online competition that gives participants the opportunity to test and grow their coding abilities while getting a sample of the programming skills needed for a technical career at Google.

In this article, you’ll find all the necessary details on how to apply. Ready to get started?

About Google Kickstart Global Online Coding Competition

Google Kick Start is a global online coding competition that consists of three-hour rounds of a variety of algorithmic challenges designed by Google engineers. Here, participants can compete in one or all online rounds held throughout the year, and will have the opportunity to develop and grow their programming skills while getting technical knowledge needed for a career in Google.

Who is Eligible for Google Kickstart?

See Section 1 (Eligibility) of the Coding Competitions Terms for complete eligibility criteria.

Host Organisation

This competition is hosted by Google.

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How do I register for Google Kickstart?

Before participating in Kick Start, please read the Coding Competitions Terms to ensure that you are eligible to compete. If eligible, you must first have or create a profile. After registration opens, and before the end of the last Contest Round, you can register for Kick Start at You can tell whether registration is open by checking the Kick Start schedule.

Step by Step process

Profile Creation and Content Registration

  • To enter a contest, you must first create a profile here. Once your contest profile has been created you will be able to enter for contests.
  • You can access each of your contest registration on contest websites or through your contest profile.
  • You must register for each contest before you can participate in it. For instance, if you register for Code Jam and want to participate in the Hash Code contest, you still need to register for the Hash Code contest.
  • You can only register for contests using one profile.
  • All profiles created during the registration process must be complete, correct, and provided in English.

Application Deadline

This application closes on November 14, 2024.


This coding competition is for coders who are passionate about coding and willing to compete at a global level while adding to their knowledge base. Apply now!

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