10 Best Grants for Nonprofits in  | Apply Now

Nonprofits play a critical role in addressing various social and environmental issues, but they often operate on tight budgets and face significant funding challenges. One way to secure the necessary resources is by applying for grants. This article will highlight 10 of the best grants for nonprofits available in 2024.

From government funding to private foundations, these grants can provide the financial support your organization needs to achieve its mission and make a meaningful impact in your community.

Grants for NonProfits

As a nonprofit organization, you may be looking for free funding for your nonprofit’s program and projects. If yes, then this article is precisely what you need. 

Grants are so rewarding. They have a valuable funding source for nonprofits of all types. A total grant pipeline increases your chances of securing funding for your project, equipment, and projects.

Grants can also help your nonprofit organization to achieve its goals and complete its mission. The fact remains that grants can be quite frustrating to get, especially for a new nonprofit organization that is just starting. This is why this article was written, to help you get started with finding grants for your nonprofits.

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What Types of Grants are Available for Nonprofits?

There are many different types of grants available for nonprofits, including:

  1. Federal grants: These grants are awarded by the government and can be used for various purposes, such as research, education, and social services.
  2.  State grants are awarded by state governments and can be used for specific projects or programs within a state.
  3.  Foundation grants: These grants are awarded by private foundations and can be used for various purposes, such as education, the arts, and social services.
  4.  Corporate grants are awarded by corporations and can be used for specific projects or programs that align with the company’s philanthropic goals.
  5.  Community grants: These grants are awarded by local organizations and can be used for specific projects or programs within a community.
  6.  Crowdfunding: This is a method of raising money through the collective effort of friends, family, customers, and individual investors.
  7.  Sponsorships: This is a type of funding in which a business or organization pays to be associated with a specific event, project, or program.
  8.  Membership and subscriptions: This is a type of funding in which individuals or organizations pay to be members of a nonprofit organization or pay to subscribe to the nonprofit’s services or publications.

It’s essential to research the different types of available grants and tailor your application to the specific requirements of the grantmaker.

Requirements to Apply for Grants for Nonprofit

The requirements to apply for grants for nonprofits can vary depending on the grantmaker, but some standard requirements include the following:

  1. Proof of nonprofit status: Most grant makers require that organizations applying for funding be recognized as a nonprofit by the government.
  2.  Detailed project or program proposal: Grantmakers will usually require a detailed proposal outlining the goals, objectives, budget, and expected outcomes of the project or program for which funding is being sought.
  3.  Organizational budget: Grantmakers typically require a copy of the organization’s current budget and financial statements.
  4.  Board of Directors and staff information: Grantmakers may require information about the organization’s board of directors and staff, including their qualifications, experience, and roles.
  5.  Evaluation plan: Grantmakers may require an evaluation plan demonstrating the organization’s ability to measure the project’s success or program for which funding is being sought.
  6.  Compliance with laws and regulations: Organizations must comply with all relevant laws and regulations, and some grantmakers may require proof of compliance as part of the application process.
  7.  Letters of support: Some grantmakers may require letters of support from partners, collaborators, or other organizations.

It’s essential to thoroughly review the application guidelines and follow all the grantmaker’s instructions to increase the chances of your application being accepted.

What to Know Before Applying for Grants for Nonprofits

There are a few key things to keep in mind before applying for grants for nonprofits:

  1. Research: It’s essential to research the available grants and find the ones that align with your organization’s mission and goals.
  2.  Eligibility: Make sure your organization is eligible for the grant you’re applying for and that you understand the specific requirements and guidelines of the grantmaker.
  3.  Budget: Prepare a detailed budget for the project or program you’re seeking funding, including all projected expenses and revenue.
  4.  Proposal: Prepare a clear and compelling proposal that outlines the goals, objectives, and expected outcomes of the project or program and demonstrates how the funding will be used.
  5.  Evaluation: Develop a plan to evaluate the project or program’s success, including specific metrics and methods for measuring outcomes.
  6.  Compliance: Make sure your organization complies with all relevant laws and regulations, and be prepared to provide proof of compliance as part of the application process.
  7.  Follow the guidelines: Make sure to follow the application guidelines and requirements provided by the grantmaker, and submit all required documentation by the deadline.
  8.  Be prepared for rejection: Not all grants will be awarded, and it’s essential to have a backup plan in case your application is not accepted.

By keeping these things in mind, you can increase the chances of your organization’s grant application being accepted and secure the funding you need to achieve your mission and positively impact your community.

How to Apply for Grants for Nonprofits

The process of applying for grants for nonprofits can vary depending on the grantmaker, but in general, it involves the following steps:

  1. Review the guidelines: Carefully review the policies and requirements for the grant you’re interested in, and ensure your organization is eligible and able to meet the criteria.
  2.  Prepare the application: Gather all required documentation, including your organization’s budget, project or program proposal, evaluation plan, and proof of compliance with laws and regulations.
  3.  Apply: Submit the completed application, including all required documentation, by the deadline provided by the grantmaker.
  4.  Follow up: After applying, it’s a good idea to follow up with the grantmaker to ensure that your application was received and to answer any questions they may have.
  5.  Wait for a decision: The grantmaker will review all applications and decide which organizations will receive funding. The decision process can take several weeks or even months.
  6.  Accept or decline the grant: If your organization is selected to receive funding, you will need to accept the grant and comply with any additional requirements or restrictions imposed by the grantmaker.
  7.  Report back: Some grants require organizations to provide regular updates and information on the progress of the project or program and to submit a final report at the end of the funding period.

It’s also important to remember that applying for grants is time-consuming, so it’s a good idea to start early and plan. And rely on more than just grants. Diversify your funding sources as much as possible.

Grants for Nonprofits

Here are our top picks on the best grants for nonprofits in 2024:

  1. The Michael & Susan Foundation Grants:
  2.  Climate Change Strategy Grant by the Oak Foundation:
  3.  The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation:
  4.  Applied Materials Foundation:
  5.  Cascades Donations and Sponsorships by Cascade Inc
  6.  Elevation 1 for 1 Matching Fund by Elevation:
  7.  Het X-Y Actiefonds (The X-Y Action Fund) Funding by Het X-Y Actiefonds(The X-Y Action Fund)
  8.  KK Grants by KKR:
  9.  JDC Europe Community Initiative Fund
  10.  Prevent Child Sexual Abuse Grant by The Oak Foundation:

1. The Michael & Susan Foundation Grants: 

The Micheal and Susan dell foundation has approved grants ranging from $500 to $8,800,000. The foundation will not fund more than 25% of a project budget or more than 10% of an organization’s total annual operating expenses. 

The Micheal & Susan dell foundation accepts proposals from particular areas within family economic stability, education, and childhood health sectors in countries where they are based, like India, South Africa, and the United States.

Their work includes poverty alleviation services, family services, education (preschool and early learning), child health and pediatrics, college success, and persistence. 

They provide funding for various purposes: Education / Outreach, General Operating Expenses, and Projects / Programs.

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2. Climate Change Strategy Grant by the Oak Foundation:  

The oak foundation has approved grants greater than $25,000. Their work includes renewable/ sustainable energy, climate change resilience, green infrastructure, environmental justice & advocacy, pedestrian & bike friendly, infrastructure public transportation, and mass transit systems.

They cater to nonprofit organizations and provide funding for research, general operating expenses, projects/program, and training/capacity building. They are located in the following countries are in Europe, Brazil, Canada, China and India, and the United States.

The oak foundation operates through an invitation-only application process. They do not provide funds to religious organizations or election campaigns, individuals, scholarships, or tuition assistance for undergraduate and postgraduate studies and do not provide program grants under $25,000.

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3. The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

Located in Europe, Brazil, China, India, and Indonesia, the Hewlett foundation focuses on sustainability energy forestry land and habitat conservation. They provide funding for education/ outreach, research, and general operating expenses.

They offer to fund nonprofits, colleges, and universities. Their grant-making targets developed countries with high energy demand and developing countries with fast-growing demand or high deforestation rates. The foundation doesn’t provide for IRS-defined lobbying activities. 

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4. Applied Materials Foundation: 

The applied materials foundation location of the project is in Canada, China, Germany, India, and France. They are based in the United States. Their field of work environment education, higher education academic success & enrichment teacher development, culture show & training art education. 

They offer grants to nonprofits. They provide funding for education, outreach, projects, and programs. 

Also, they do not provide funding to capital campaigns like bricks/mortar equipment, home building, physical structures, research, sporting events for schools or civic teams, missing children organization, individuals, fraternities, religious or political organizations, commencements, PTAs, alum groups, health-related programs or sponsorships, fundraisers such as walk a thons, runs, a team in training. 

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5. Cascades Donations and Sponsorships by Cascade Inc

They offer grants for Non- profit organizations and For-profit Businesses and provide funding for Education, Outreach projects, or programs.

The location of the project could be anywhere in the world. They reside in Canada, France, Alabama, and Arizona.

Cascades gives recognition to projects or programs that;

  • Benefits and promote the use of its products 
  •  Create awareness of their activities to the public.
  •  Innovations and Environmental Efforts 

Their work focuses on sustainability, Entrepreneurship, Sports & Athletics, Wellness & Healthy Living Education – Higher Education Physical Fitness.

However, Cascades can only interest-specific groups as they believe their projects have a valid reason. They do not support the following organizations; Groups in regions where Cascades do not work, Religious Groups, Professional Sports teams, and Groups that go with y Cascades policies and values.

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6. Elevation 1 for 1 Matching Fund by Elevation:

They provide funds for Nonprofit organizations. Their field of work focuses on all aspects. The purpose of their funding is; Training and Capacity Building.

Their location of projects could be anywhere in the world, but their residence is in Europe and North America. 

Also, the grant program funds the following:

  • Website Designs and Redesign in WordPress 
  •  Copywriting 
  •  CRM Integration in Word press 
  •  Branding and Graphic Design 
  •  Marketing and Google Grants 
  •  Website Hosting 
  •  Ongoing WordPress support.

The Matching Fund works with all sectors, from religious to environmental, provided that their Aims are with their values and policies.

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7. Het X-Y Actiefonds (The X-Y Action Fund) Funding by Het X-Y Actiefonds(The X-Y Action Fund)

Their field of work focuses on; Environmental Justice & Advocacy, Civic Affairs, and Social Justice / Human Rights.

The project’s location could be anywhere around the world, as well as their residency location.

They support groups, organizations, or social movements and organizations that fight for an open course and ecologically sound society, support projects that aspire to mobilize individuals and groups, support projects or groups that go beyond individual or ethnic interest, and support projects with a total budget of less than £20,000.

Het X-Y Actiefonds prefers to support demonstrations, occupation, blockades, revolts, revolution, and other forms of confrontation action, chooses to support grassroots organizations, politically controversial projects that have been having difficulties finding financial aid somewhere else, projects that will result in political activity, prefers to fund projects that have a long term strategy.

However, Het X-Y Actiefonds does not fund structural costs like rental and wages. They don’t support seminars, conferences, debates, or meetings, except they aim to prepare for political actions, projects aiming for disability in children or adults, humanitarian or healthcare, emergency aid, and cultural or educational projects that aim to raise awareness.

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8. KK Grants by KKR:   

KKR’s Locations of projects and residences are in North America, Southeast Asia, Australia, and China, and they offer grants to strictly nonprofits. Their funding uses are for education/outreach and projects/programs. 

They focus on job creation, food security, supportive housing and shelters, affordable housing, epidemiology, and public health crisis intervention. To be eligible for this grant, you must be a non-charitable organization in good standing. Your proposed grant activities should effect a change within the countries to KKR. Which include Australia, North America, Europe, the United Kingdom, China, India, Japan, Southeast Asia, and other smaller

They do not fund governmental organizations, schools, academic institutions or universities, or religious organizations like churches and mosques.

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9. JDC Europe Community Initiative Fund

THE JDC EUROPE, COMMUNITY INITIATIVE FUND, provides education and programs with a grant amount of $5,000-20,000. Their field of work is in poverty alleviation services, volunteerism and philanthropy, Jewish culture, civic leadership development, community revitalization, and community service.

They cater to nonprofits. Grants are primarily geared towards promoting grassroots community initiatives while placing a particular value on programs that promote inclusive, pluralist, and resilient Jewish communities.

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10. Prevent Child Sexual Abuse Grant by The Oak Foundation:

Oak Foundation provides a grant amount of more than $25,000. They cater to organizations, and their funding uses are education/outreach, general operating expenses, and projects/programs.

Their field of work is child abuse & neglect, sexual abuse, and assault. They do not support or fund individuals, scholarships, or tuition assistance for undergraduates and postgraduates, religious organizations for religious purposes, not more than 50% cost of any project, and 20% cost of program budget organizations. 

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Where can I find local grant opportunities?

Save the grants.gov website as a favorite and use it to search for government opportunities. Government grant information is online for simple public access to deadlines and information. This website has a list of grant funding possibilities that may be found using a variety of categories, including area, category, and many more.

Where can I find NGO grants?

NGO grants can be found on government websites, grant-making foundations, and through philanthropic organizations.

Are there grants available for nonprofits?

The Michael & Susan Foundation Grants:
Climate Change Strategy Grant by the Oak Foundation:
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation:
Applied Materials Foundation:
Cascades Donations and Sponsorships by Cascade Inc
Elevation 1 for 1 Matching Fund by Elevation:
Het X-Y Actiefonds (The X-Y Action Fund) Funding by Het X-Y Actiefonds(The X-Y Action Fund)
KK Grants by KKR:
JDC Europe Community Initiative Fund
Prevent Child Sexual Abuse Grant by The Oak Foundation:


Various grants are available to nonprofits that can help support their mission and goals. The ten grants discussed in this article are some of the best options for nonprofits looking for funding. However, it is essential to note that each grant has its specific requirements and eligibility criteria, so it is crucial for nonprofits to research and understand the grant before applying. Additionally, it is always a good idea to seek the help of a grant writer to help with the application process. With the proper funding and support, nonprofits can continue to impact their communities positively and beyond.


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