Griffith University Chancellor’s Scholarships In Australia

Griffith University and the Commonwealth Government are accepting applications for Chancellor Scholarships in Australia. These scholarships can be awarded to Australian citizens, permanent residents, permanent humanitarian visa holders, or New Zealand citizens.

The Chancellor Scholarships are aimed at students in financial difficulty and/or disadvantaged in education who have affected their ability to reach their full potential.

Griffith University is one of the 3% of the world’s largest universities. Griffith University’s mission is to provide exceptional scholarships that make a significant contribution to society and lead innovative research.

Is Griffith University Public or Private?

Griffith UniversityGriffith University is a public research university in South East Queensland on the east coast of Australia. Formally founded in 1971, Griffith opened its doors in 1975, introducing Australia’s first degrees in environmental science and Asian studies.

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Eligibility Criteria


The scholarship is open for an undergraduate student (this includes school leavers and non-school leavers, commencing and continuing students) awarded in the subjects offered by the university.


This scholarship is to be taken in Australia. If you are an international student and you wish to study in the united state of America, check out the best scholarships obtainable for study in the United States of America


Scholarships are available to Australian Citizen, Permanent Resident, Permanent Humanitarian Visa Holder or New Zealand Citizen are eligible to apply Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

Scholarship Benefits: 

The scholarship will cover:

  • Chancellor’s Accommodation Scholarship, maximum value $22,000, for a maximum of eight payments
  • Chancellor’s Education Costs Scholarship, a maximum value of $11,000, for a maximum of eight payments
  • Kombumerri People Accommodation Scholarship, maximum value $22,000, for a maximum of eight payments
  • Kombumerri People Education Costs Scholarship, maximum value $11,000, for a maximum of eight payments
  • Neville Bonner Scholarship, maximum value $2,500, for one trimester

Griffith University Chancellor’s Scholarships Eligibility:

To be eligible, you must:

  • An Australian citizen, permanent resident, holder of a permanent or New Zealand permanent humanitarian visa
  • be a domestic undergraduate student (this includes school leavers and non-school leavers, commencing and continuing students)
  • demonstrate financial disadvantage by either: being in receipt of a means-tested Commonwealth income support payment; or a comprehensive assessment by the University.
  • not have completed the requirements for an Australian Bachelor award unless such an award is a pre-requisite to their undergraduate program of enrolment and there is no alternate pathway into that program.

Griffith University Chancellor’s Scholarships Application procedure:

To be eligible for this Australian scholarship, you must complete the following sections of the application:

Details of the study

  • Secondary education history (commencing students)
  • Program (continuing students)

Personal background

  • Income and expenditure
  • Scholarships
  • Circumstances

The assessment is made on the basis of an assessment in accordance with the following five categories:

  1. Financial hardship
  2. Home environment and responsibilities
  3. English language difficulty
  4. Personal illness and disability
  5.  Educational disruption.

How to Apply: To apply for the scholarship, the applicants must submit an online application through the given link:

APPLICATION DEADLINE: June 30, each year.


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