Top 10 Homeschool Scholarships Without A GPA | 2024

Apart from asking this question, “How will I cope with college?”, homeschoolers also ask, “Are there Homeschool scholarships without a GPA?”.

With millions of students homeschooling in the United States, many students don’t get adequate education due to inadequate funding from parents and the inability to provide the required books for homeschooling.

The Government and other institutions looked into the issue and provided a list of Homeschool scholarships for homeschool graduates.

These Homeschool scholarships are coming from sources like:

  • Communities,
  •  Churches,
  •  Parents
  • Employers and
  • Government.

Types of Homeschool scholarships

Homeschool scholarships come in three forms:

Athletic Scholarships:

Athletic Scholarships are homeschool scholarships offered to students that are exceptionally good in athletics. It is one of the most challenging scholarships to get, as the NCAA and other leagues carefully assess the students to pick a few students that they find eligible.

Merit-Based Scholarships:

The Merit-Based Scholarships are offered to students based on their superb academic strengths in school, not minding the school’s location. The scholarship is based on merit, considering factors like an artistic accomplishment and volunteer work.

Location-Based Scholarships:

The Location-Based Scholarships are scholarships for students based on location. For instance, the award could be for California homeschoolers or students who performed exceptionally well while homeschooling in a specific region.

Unusual Scholarships:

The unusual Scholarships are various scholarships given to homeschoolers not standing on any factor. Any academic interest could attract this scholarship, including sports, attitude, hospitality, etc., to homeschoolers.

Need-based Scholarships

These are scholarships for students whose families cannot offer the funds for higher education. This scholarship comes from companies and organizations like Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Demographic Scholarships:

These are scholarships for homeschoolers of a particular demographic population like Culture, health, skin color, disability, etc.

List of Homeschool scholarships

Here is the top 10 list of Homeschool scholarships that you won’t find anywhere:

Apologia National Scholarship for Christian Service

The Apologia Scholarship scheme provides a grant of $2,000 to home-educated students across the United States. It is funded through the non-profit Apologia Educational Ministries Mission. The scholarship deadline is October 15th, and selection is on leadership potential and academic excellence.

You can apply for the scholarship by applying through (706) 407-4287 or

Sonlight Scholarship

The Sonlight scholarship is for homeschoolers who have used at least five Sonlight History/Bible programs since 2000. They provide 13 awards of about $20,000 annually. The scholarship is awarded based on two criteria:

Blue Criteria– For students with high academic performance.
Green Criteria – For students with high leadership and self-development skills.

Apply here

George Snow Scholarship

This specific scholarship is for high school students to support their career journey. As of 2019, it was worth $12,500.00 with 10 awards. This scholarship is remembered by George Snow, who died in a helicopter accident and loved students’ career success. The deadline for this scholarship is February 01, 2024.

Apply here

Evan C. Gary Memorial Scholarship

The Arizona Families for Home Education (AFHE) created the Evan C. Gary Memorial Scholarship. It is a Christian scholarship for $1000 for each student. The essential requirement for this scholarship is a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5.

The deadline for this scholarship is March 7th. Another condition is that you must be a freshman attending Arizona University.

Apply here

Herb Kohl Excellence Scholarship Program

This homeschool scholarship is about $3000 per student.  The primary requirement of this scholarship is good academic skills, leadership, and citizenship in Wisconsin. The Herb Kohl Excellence Scholarship Program reserves about 100 annual awards for homeschooled students in Wisconsin.

Apply here

Kimball Memorial Homeschool Scholarship

This scholarship is for students who scored highest in the writing category of the SAT or acted standardized tests. The primary requirement for this scholarship is a commitment to community service, and one must have been home-schooled for at least three years in high school. This scholarship is offered by the Klipsan Beach Life Saving Station annually.

Apply here

HOPE Scholarship Program for Home-Schooled Students

HOPE Scholarship Program for Home-Schooled Students is an extension of the academic program for Georgia residents. It covers $3,000 in tuition expenses with a book allowance of $150 per semester.

 The deadline is this scholarship for homeschooled students is May 1st, seeking. That the student has to make a minimum of 3.5 GPA in the first year of admission into Georgia’s public or private universities.

Apply here

HERO (Home Education Recognition Organization)

Home Education Recognition Organization is an organization that has home educators at heart. They offer three one-time awards of $1,000 each into home education. The three categories for the scholarship include:

  • Craig Dickinson Memorial Scholarship 
  • Mason Lighthouse Scholarship
  • State of the Arts Scholarship

Craig Dickinson Memorial Scholarship – This is a HERO scholarship for elite students.

Mason Lighthouse Scholarship – This is a hero scholarship for not self-centered students. Students that care about that society and its well-being.

State of the Arts Scholarship – This is a hero scholarship for students interested in ART after high school.

Apply here

Morgan Gray Memorial Scholarship

The criteria for this scholarship are being equipped with extracurricular and leadership skills. This scholarship is about $500 for home-schooled students in Rowan County.

Apply here

Nyack Homeschool Scholars Grant

This scholarship is ongoing for homeschoolers in the Rockland campus of Nyack College in New York. The scholarship is awarded based on how long you are homeschooled. It is about $2,000 for a student with a unique academic interest and academic performance who submits documentation of homeschool attendance.

Apply here

How to get a scholarship as a Homeschooler:

Keep researching for Scholarships:

Homeschool scholarships come up regularly, so it’s best to always check up on the new scholarship updates for homeschoolers.

Fill out the FAFSA application:

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) provides funds and grants to over 13 million students annually, with over $150 billion spent on grants. So, the FAFSA is the first application to follow up.

Keep Applying:

Once a homeschool scholarship comes up, apply for as many as possible. Follow up on each scholarship according to the deadline so that you will win more to further your studies after the period of homeschooling.


These homeschool scholarships help foster the education of students without the hope of continuing their studies due to financial factors. The best way to take advantage of these scholarships is to stay updated on scholarships for homeschoolers constantly.

Thanks for reading this article. Sharing is caring.


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