How to Become a YouTuber in : Training, Salary, Cost, Requirements

Creating educating, informative, and entertaining videos can be your major source of income. All you have to do is upload your creative videos on YouTube to get paid. How to become a YouTuber is a guide that teaches you how to create and upload videos that can pay you on YouTube.

According to Investopedia, top Youtube stars make close to  $20 million a year. Launched in 2005 at San Mateo, California, United States, Youtube has been a reliable way to make money online since fifteen years.

In fact, Ryan ToysReview who is the highest paid Youtuber earned over $22 million in 2018. That is absolutely good money made while having so much fun and entertaining if not educating others.

Interestingly, Ryan who was just seven years old at that moment reviews toys online for other kids. His video on Easter eggs and a bouncy house has over 1.6 billion views while his YouTube channel has recorded over 25 billion views.

Creating good and quality videos, uploading it on Youtube, and driving traffic to it converts to good money. So, you love appearing on camera, you have a lot of ideas to share with the world, why are you not a Youtuber?

Well, how to become a successful Youtuber is carefully written to guide you and aid you in start-up and grow as one.

Take a quick glance at the table of contents below to get a glimpse of all discussed in detail in this article.

Who is a Youtuber?

The term Youtuber refers to a YouTube content creator. Basically, YouTube is one of Google products that accommodates videos from all genres. So, a YouTuber is a type of “videographer” that creates videos for the video-sharing website YouTube.

he main content on YouTube is videos. They could be entertaining, educating, or informative. The goal of the website is to collate videos for the viewing pleasure of YouTube users.

So, Youtube content creators are also known as Youtubers. The majority of them monetize their Youtube content. The subsequent paragraphs will explain how to monetize your video content on Youtube.

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How Do I Make Money On Youtube?

There are quite a number of ways to make money on Youtube. Though all seems to boil down to good content and teeming traffic. However, you must certify some eligibility requirements to get into the Youtube partner program.

Ways to make Money on YouTube Partner Program

Generally, Youtube allows you to choose what kind of videos to produce. Though your choice is limited to the genre that is if you wish to produce informative, entertaining, or educating videos.

YouTube, however, reserves the right to peruse what you produce in terms of quality, censor, and content generally. In fact, they hold their responsibility to do right for their viewers, creators and advertisers to heart.

  • Advertising revenue: You can make money on YouTube through ad revenue from the display, overlay, and video ads.
  • Channel memberships: Your members make recurring monthly payments in exchange for special perks that you offer.
  • Merchandise shelf: Your fans can browse and buy official branded merchandise that’s showcased on your watch pages.
  • Super Chat & Super Stickers: Your fans pay to get their messages highlighted in chat streams.
  • YouTube Premium Revenue: Get part of a YouTube Premium subscriber’s subscription fee when they watch your content.

Eligibility for YouTube partner program

Ad revenueBe at least 18 years old, or have a legal guardian older than 18 years of age who can handle your payments via AdSense.Create content that meets our advertiser-friendly content guidelines
Channel membershipsBe at least 18 years old Have more than 30,000 subscribers
Merchandise shelfBe at least 18 years old Have more than 10,000 subscribers
Super Chat & Super StickersBe at least 18 years old Live in a country/region where Super Chat is available
YouTube Premium revenueCreate content watched by a viewer who is a YouTube Premium subscriber

Can I make money on Youtube Without Creating Videos

Yes, you can make money on Youtube without creating videos. Though videos are the sole content for Youtube, Youtube stars can still monetize their channels without having to produce new videos every week.

One way basic way to achieve this feat is to republish very popular and trending videos on your Youtube channel. Consider the following while choosing what video to republish on your channel.

  • choose videos in popular categories e.g. Sports highlights, video games, and fitness sites.
  • republish videos with a high number of views
  • click on the creative common in the filter section of your channel. This makes your video pull up on search results for shareable videos.
  • optimize keywords on Google trends with fairly high search numbers, and a medium level of difficulty.
  • with your optimized keywords drive traffic to your video.

Who are the Richest Youtubers in 2024?

Ryan a 9-year-old who reviews toys for other kids top the list of the richest YouTube stars in 2024. He earns over $26 million with over 23.3 million YouTube subscribers. Other rich YouTubers include:

  • Jake Paul earns $11.5 million with over 19.7 million
  •  Markiplier earns $13 million with over 25.7 million
  • Logan Paul earns $14.5 million with over 20.1 million
  •  VanossGaming earns $15.5 million with over 24 million
  • PewDiePie  earns $15.5 million with over 102 million

You can also become a Youtube Gamer. Read this piece on how to become a Video Game Designer now.

What are the Requirements to Become a Youtuber?

Aside from the eligibility needed to satisfy the Youtube Partner program, there are no special requirements needed to become a YouTube.

However, if you wish to be successful, it is best to do what successful people do.

So, you get the right training, and equipment to become a successful Youtuber.

Online Training to Become a YouTube star

Basically, there is no stipulated training to become a YouTuber. However, you can choose to watch successful videos of YouTube stars on how they started and how they grew.

In addition, you will need basic skills to succeed as a Youtuber. These skills include:

  • Creativity
  • Editing
  • Persistence
  • Be entertaining
  • Brand yourself
  • Network/collaborate with bigger channels
  • Be innovative
  • Be organized
  • Have a strong work ethic
  • Be ambitious
  • Be authentic

Equipment to become a Youtuber

In addition to the basic skills and online training to become a YouTuber, you will need the following equipment to become a successful YouTuber.

  • Camera: This is the most important equipment to become a successful YouTuber.
  • Microphone; You need an external microphone to record quality audio that complements your video.
  • Tripod or Gimbal Stabilizer: These are great tools for stabilizing your photos and videos. 
  • Lighting: You need lighting to change the mood and even out the brightness of your setup
  • Video Editing Software: Adobe Premiere Elements 18  is a very popular choice for videographers in general.
  • Laptop

Can I Become a Youtuber with a Phone?

Yes, you can become a YouTube with a phone. What really matters on YouTube is your content, how creative are they? Can they drive traffic and generate money for you?

If yes, then you can definitely capture the moment and edit thoroughly before uploading on YouTube

However, to produce quality work to match those recorded with Camcorders and DSL, you may need a phone with good camera quality. In addition, you can add selfie sticks a good editing software.

What Does it Cost to Become a YouTuber?

It costs about $300- $500 to launch and create a YouTube channel. Basically, the cost is to purchase the necessary equipment required to produce good and quality content.

If you have a quality camera, access to a good external microphone, and editing software, then, you may spend less than the figure above.

While they appear expensive, it is important you get quality ones that could stand the test of time and give amazing content to become a successful YouTuber.

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How Much do YouTubers Make in 2024?

Generally, how much you make as YouTuber in 2024 depends on the streams of income. Previously, this article outlined several ways to make money online on YouTube.

It is practically, best you employ all streams to increase your total earnings from YouTube. For instance, you can make a fixed amount from ad revenue, affiliate link, donations, and other Youtube Partner programs.

In a nutshell, you can make as much as $26 million like Ryan, or as little as $100 per month. Whichever way you choose to earn, you need the traffic to make it happen. The next plot will explain what 1 million views mean for YouTubers.

What does 1 million views mean for YouTubers?

On the average, a YouTuber with at least 1 million subscribers earns about $60,000 a year. Earlier, this article opined that irrespective of how you choose to earn on Youtube, money flows where there is traffic.

So, 1 million views mean more money to YouTubers. For instance, at least 1 million people can now see their products or services.

This will, definitely, increase their chances of selling off their products faster and to more people. If they render service, chances are that over 70 percent of their viewers may patronize them.

In addition, their ad revenue will also spring up because more ads will be placed on the channel to reach 1 million people

How Much Does YouTube Pay for 1 Million Views?

On average, YouTube pays $1.50 – $3 to YouTubers for 100 views. So, judging by the above statistics, 1 million views on YouTube means the YouTuber may earn anywhere from $3000 to $7000.

In summary, traffic and how long your audience spends on your video influences how much you earn as a YouTub star with 1 million views on each video.

What is YouTube Views to Money Converter?

Generally, YouTubers receive 55% of every dollar paid by advertisers. So, YouTubers earn from ads placed on each new video placed on their channel.

Practically, if an advertiser pays the average $7.60 CPM, a YouTuber with 1000 views on a video will earn 55% x $7.60, equaling $4.18.

However, there is a software that could help you convert your YouTube views to money. They are called YouTube Views to Money converters.

You can either use the one offered by YouTube or download the Estimated Youtube Money Calculator by Social Blade.

How Does YouTube Send me Money?

YouTube sends you money in your Adsense account. The money sent is usually an accumulation of all money earned through ad revenue.

You will receive money in your AdSense account for ads posted on your channel. By the end of every month, if you have $100 and above, you will receive payment next month. However, you may have to verify your address with google once you earn $10.

Steps on How to Become a YouTuber

Basically, anyone can become a YouTuber. To become a YouTuber as a beginner follow these steps below:

  • Choose a Niche
  • Set Your Channel Goal
  • Brainstorm Content Ideas
  • Get a Set of Recording Equipment
  • Create and Optimise Your Channel
  • Become a YouTuber
  • Be Consistent and Patient
  • Enhance your Search Engine Optimization
  • Keep up to date with trends
  • Promote your channel on other platforms
  • Keep up to date with trends
  • Monetize your channel

#STEP 1: Choose a Niche

To succeed as a Youtuber, you must choose a niche that interests you. Because it is only your passion that prompts you to be consistent, it is best you choose a niche that aligns with your passion.

Choosing a Niche doesn’t restrict you to it alone. So, you can also harness other related ideas to your niche.

For instance, if you choose a lifestyle and fashion niche, you can also make subcategories revolve around living a healthy life and slaying even on a low budget. Also, the World Scholarship Forum YouTube channel’s niche is scholarship opportunities for students. However, we also offer educational tips for students across the globe.

Generally, choosing a niche makes you recognize your audience and how best to become an expert in that niche.

#STEP 2: Set Your Channel Goal

The next step to becoming a Youtuber is to have clear set goals for your Youtube channel. First, choose a specific audience, then, map out what you intend to achieve.

Your channel goal must clearly be a guide on what you intend to achieve. For instance, your channel goal may read ” helping 200 people lose weight in 2024 with practical tips”.

Because it has a specific number and a spelled out intention, you can easily access your growth towards achieving the goal.

#STEP 3: Brainstorm Content Ideas

One you have clearly stated your channel goal, you should proceed to generate content ideas that could help you achieve this feat.

An in-depth research can help you get content topics to address on your channel. Critically, listen to other Vloggers in your niche, and identify what you would do differently. Then, apply it to your video Ideas with a touch of excellence.

If you are serious about becoming a successful YouTuber, you should have over 40 content ideas clearly stated in their order of sequence. This should last you for 40 weeks if you post one content every week or 1 month if you post content every day.

#STEP 4: Get a Set of Recording Equipment

There are a thousand Vloggers in virtually every niche in the world today. So, you may be dancing to fail as a Youtuber if you start off with badly recorded videos.

basically, access your recording equipment, if they are not good enough, it is important you invest in getting good ones.

It cost about $500 to get a set of good cameras, lighting, external microphone, tripod stabilizer, and good editing software. It is actually, an investment worth making. You can scroll up to see how much you may earn as a successful YouTuber.

#STEP 5: Become a YouTuber

Once you have got your set of recording equipment and content ideas, create a YouTube channel. Then, optimize it for your niche and upload your first video.

If you have a video on your channel, you have become a YouTube star. However, what determines if you will be a successful YouTuber reflects what you do afterward.

A Guide on How to Become a Successful YouTuber

An African adage says “there is not much work in becoming rich, work lies in maintaining wealth.”

Now you have become a YouTube star, to be successful and make good money, take the following steps:

Be Consistent and Patient

What will make or mar you in this journey will be determined by your consistency. Earlier, it was clearly stated that you should choose a niche that aligns with your passion.

On the long run, you must be consistent with your content schedule and niche. If your content schedule says once a week, then, consistently post content every week.

To keep your viewers anticipating, you can always state in your video when the next content would be uploaded.

Enhance your Search Engine Optimization

No matter how good your contents are, with no viewers, they are automatically irrelevant. Especially, if you intend to earn as a YouTuber. One way to achieve this feat is to generate organic traffic by optimizing your channel for search results.

For each content you post, you should optimize the keywords in such a manner that it becomes the first option on YouTube for searchers. Quality is important but, appearance on google search will generate traffic that will convert to money.

Promote your channel on other platforms

Aside from organic search, you can promote your channel on other platforms too to get traffic. In fact, you should create a social media platform, and run ads to reach your target audience.

You must see your YouTube channel as your community. Then, do anything within your powers to make it grow.

To remain relevant in the eyes of your audience, you must post contents that are trending in your niche. If not, they will get it somewhere else.

So, continuous research should aid you to find relevant topics in your niche especially, trending ones. Talk about them in your new video to sustain the interest of your audience.

Monetize your channel

You can now apply to YouTube Partners Program to monetize your channel. However, it is important you consider the eligibility above before applying.

Once your application is approved and you get your AdSense, you should focus on growing your view per video from the least you had to you can get.

Also, you can sell products on your channel or post sponsored video to earn more money as a YouTuber. Whichever way you choose to monetize your channel, always remember money flows toward traffic.

Get traffic, get money. More traffic as a Youtuber means more money, so, get traffic.

How To become a Successful Youtuber as a Kid

Well, the highest-paid Youtuber in 2020 is Ryan, an 8-year-old boy. So, you can become a Youtuber even as a child. First, you need to choose something you are really passionate about.

Find a topic or subject area you won’t get bored of talking about. Choose a niche around it, then follow the steps above on how to become a Youtube star.

How Do I Become Famous on Youtube

Becoming famous on You Tube means more traffic which means more money. So, to become famous on Youtube, take the following steps:

  • Be an Expert in Your Niche
  • Create an Enticing personal profile
  • Let people know what you do perfectly well
  • Invite people to your channel
  • Add a welcome video that explains to viewers what they should expect.
  • Use some smart tech hacks
  • Promote your videos
  • Watch and Subscribe to other Youtube Channels
  • Run ads for your YouTube Channel
  • Go controversial often to generate traffic
  • Involve yourself in community development and humanity service
  • Collaborate with famous YouTubers
  • Make Great Videos

How To become a Youtuber FAQs

How do I make money as a YouTuber?

To make money as YouTuber, create a YouTube channel, post relevant content, and generate traffic. Traffic determines how much you earn from ads.

How many subscribers do I need on YouTube to get paid?

You need at least 1000 subscribers on YouTube to get paid. This is clearly stated in the YouTube Partner Program requirements.

In what possible ways can I become a successful YouTuber?

Very easy. Simply create a channel, optimize your keywords, and post relevant content. However, to become a successful YouTuber, you must be consistent, determined, and able to manage your community.


While it seems very easy to become a YouTuber, owning a YouTube Channel doesn’t make you a successful YouTuber.

Basically, there is so much more to just uploading videos on YouTube. In fact, you must learn. Either on your own or understudying very famous YouTube stars.

As a matter of fact, you must be committed, consistent and determined to grow your YouTube Channel. Especially, if you wish to make money from it.

Above all, becoming a YouTuber is quite easy if you follow the steps outlined in this article.

In fact, with this full guide on how to become a YouTuber, you should be able to generate over 1000 views on your videos to earn from ad revenue.


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