How To Become Anorexic In Less time | Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

While trying out those dieting plans to shed some pounds, be cautious not to become anorexic; however, there is a right way to become anorexic in 2024 and still be healthy. Give yourself and others a healthy self-image by learning about anorexia nervosa, its causes, symptoms, treatments, and the right way to become anorexic.

Even though this disorder may be self-imposed, people with this condition deserve compassion and proper medical care.

To avoid an array of health issues, emotional turmoil, and many treatments involving psychological counseling, we advise you to prevent anorexia nervosa like a plague.

However, if you wish to become still anorexic but under controlled circumstances, we have the tips and ways to become it also outlined.

Read through the table of content to find out all the items we will discuss.

What Is Anorexia Nervosa?

Anorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder that affects both men and women, where a person becomes obsessed with their body shape, food intake, and weight to the point of self-imposed starvation.

People with this disorder determine their self-worth by their ability to reach and maintain a particular weight. As a result, they consume little food, leading to starvation. Consequently, they become malnourished and still see themselves as fat.

It is important to note that the symptoms do not appear overnight. Instead, they often develop over an extended period, some taking years before the symptoms start to form a pattern.

These individuals often take extreme measures to continue losing weight and ensure no weight gain.

Even though they have to be hospitalized, they still think nothing is wrong with them.

Subdivisions of Anorexia

People can be considered anorexic when they restrict food intake to the extent that it leads to acute low body weight, which is often followed by an intense fear of gaining weight and an excessive concern with body weight and shape.

There are two subdivisions of Anorexia.

The first type of eating disorder is called bulimia. It is a case where a person eats but then deliberately vomits the food. It can be recognized by deliberate purging and bingeing.

With bulimia, the person eats large amounts of food without control over the food and then purges to get rid of extra calories.

To get rid of calories and prevent weight gain, people with bulimia, for example, may regularly self-induce vomiting or misuse laxatives, weight-loss supplements, diuretics, or enemas after bingeing.

They may also use other methods of abuse, such as fasting, strict dieting, or excessive exercise.

The second type of eating disorder is recognized by severe restriction of food and calories.

What Causes Anorexia Nervosa?

Presently, no singular factor has been known to cause anorexia nervosa. Typically, it involves a complicated interaction of biological, psychological, and social causes.

But recently, healthcare practitioners have agreed that genetics has a role in the development of anorexia. Stating that one may have an increased chance of being anorexic if his parents are suffering from the condition.

In addition to the mentioned, there are also psychological and emotional factors that can cause self-imposed starvation.

Also, personality traits make it easier for some people to follow rather rigorous diet plans.

Furthermore, cultural factors and influences may also play a role in anorexia nervosa, especially as the modern world fancy thin women as we see in magazines, billboards, and television.

The cause of anorexia nervosa is much more severe than we believe. Although anorexia is most shown by disorder in eating behaviors, the disorder involves much more than food. It is ultimately rooted in an obsession for the perfect body and an unhealthy view of food.

What Are The Symptoms Of Being Anorexic?

The signs and symptoms to determine if someone is anorexic appear in two related threads.

Firstly, Anorexia nervosa victim usually exhibits a conscious refusal to maintain a healthy body weight ideal for a person’s age and height.

Secondly, patients have huge, distorted self-images. This is made evident by their belief that they are overweight when severely underweight.

Another symptom is excessive exercise and constant consciousness, and complaints about weight. They weigh themselves regularly and become conscious of flaws. As a result, they would dress differently to hide their perceived imperfections.

It usually worsens with time as the patient’s weight becomes increasingly apparent if he is not managed.

Now to list them in a tabular manner, the symptoms a person exhibits when he sees food, and indicates he is becoming anorexic are these;

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  • regularly skipping/avoiding meals
  • taking medication to reduce hunger or remove food/fluid from the body
  • obsessive calorie counting of foods
  • an unhealthy fixation on one’s weight
  • forced vomiting immediately after eating
  • increasing physical problems like dizziness, unnatural weight loss, dry skin

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Which Gender Does Anorexia Affect Most?

Studies show that Anorexia most often develops among young women in their teenage years. Also, there is an increasing report of symptoms of this disorder and other eating disorders like EDNOS in pre-teen girls and boys.

Anorexia usually develops during puberty.

Often, these people already have genetic, emotional, and life-experience predispositions for the condition to thrive. 

What Are The Complications That May Arise From Being Anorexic?

Anorexia has many complications. At the extreme, it may result in death. This may result from abnormal heart rhythms or an imbalance of electrolytes and minerals such as sodium, potassium, and calcium that maintain the balance of fluids in your body.

Other complications may include;

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  • Anemia
  • Heart problems, such as mitral valve prolapse, abnormal heart rhythms or heart failure
  • Bone loss (osteoporosis), increasing the risk of fractures
  • Loss of muscle
  • In females, the absence of a period
  • In males, decreased testosterone
  • Gastrointestinal problems, such as constipation, bloating or nausea
  • Kidney problems
  • Depression, anxiety and other mood disorders
  • Personality disorders
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorders
  • Alcohol and substance misuse
  • Self-injury, suicidal thoughts or suicide attempts

Treatment Of Anorexia

Treating anorexia entails bringing in a team of doctors and specialists to help bring the patient back to excellent health. This involves a multi-faced approach.

The treatment process of anorexia nervosa uses a combination of psychological therapy and supervising the process of gaining weight back safely. Nevertheless, the early treatment of the patient will reduce the risk of complications to damage body organs.

The treatment can vary depending on the case and its underlying circumstances.

Most patients are treated as outpatients who can either visit a hospital or a specialist center or opt for private treatment. Severe cases have to stay in the hospital for treatment.

The treatment itself has the services of different medical professionals. For instance, a counselor specializing in anorexia will help the patient through the process.

Alongside, different medical personnel assesses his physical, psychological, and social needs. Their analysis will make them draft a treatment plan peculiar to that patient.

Tips On How to Help an Anorexic Person

First, if you know someone who has unhealthy and obsessive thoughts about their weight and body image or is showing any signs we have discussed, you must reach out to them.

Trying to help someone with anorexia can be very difficult, but your support is vital to their recovery.

Please take the following steps to help someone with anorexia; Talk to them about the problem in a non-judgmental way. Offer to help them seek treatment for their disorder.

If you feel that their disorder is severe, seek emergency care. Support them through the recovery process while avoiding policing them or making derogatory statements.

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How To Become An Anorexic In Easy Steps?

People who are anorexic do not see it as a disorder but a different way of life that does not fit into general nutrition standards.

In the last decade, the trend to be skinny has been mainly seen in the population of white women. In recent research, 18% of children are obese. Due to this, teenage girls are asking questions about how to become anorexic. Now to answer this question.

The steps to becoming anorexic follow thus;

Step 1:Prepare yourself Psychologically

Hunger is a specific psychological need of humans, so it is essential to convince your brain about the quantity of food your body needs.

Step 2: Choose the Right Diet Plan

Significant dietary and workout changes can be pretty dangerous if carried out incorrectly.

So, if you choose extreme moves, consult a specialist to avoid endangering your organs. Therefore, consult a nutritionist to draft your diet plans under a constant medical control scheme.

Lastly, don’t skip breakfast; let dinner as well be taken four hours before bedtime.

Step 3: Stay Hydrated

Because your body is stressed, take lots of fluid. When you get hungry, drink a glass or two of water. Only eat if there is still a need.

If you love coffee, take only unsweetened black coffee, an excellent appetite suppressant.

Step 4: Achieve the Goal

Keep yourself motivated all the time. It is yours, so set out to achieve it.

How to Become Anorexic In A week?

To become an anorexic in one week, you have to reconsider your nutrition

This should be geared towards reducing the amount of food we consume. This is quite simple; take fewer calories and do more energy-consuming activities.

So, if you eat healthily, can you still become anorexic? The answer is yes. You will if you eat healthily but in small portions with increased physical activity.

Eat baby Food

With this, you don’t have to cook; it is cheap and can quickly shed some pounds with regulated portions and less exercise.

If you want to become anorexic fast, here is how to use the baby food method. Replace two to three meals a day with baby food. However, leave dinner or one meal a day as a regular meal which may be salad or fruit. This ensures that your digestive system works at least to the barest minimum.

Adopt Boot Camp Diet

This is one of the most extreme weight loss methods and ways of becoming anorexic in a week. However, it is long-term. People are advised to consult experts before starting this out and compensate for the reduced calories with natural supplements.

The shortfall of this method is that it reduces the body’s metabolism.

Join The Five Bites Diet

This system does not count food as calories, but as the number of times you chew your food. This only allows you to take five bites of any food. It is the fastest way to become an anorexic in a week.

With this, you determine the exact time to eat and devote to it. You can eat anything but eat and chew slowly for about thirty times and enjoy every bite. However, you must have at least one protein in your meals. Also, remember to use supplements.

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Being anorexic is not a death sentence, rather it can lead to death if not properly managed. Read through this guide to avoid any of these signs and causes to be anorexia nervosa free.

Do not hesitate to help anyone you notice that is exhibiting these symptoms. If, on the other hand, you want to lose some pounds, we also have a guide on how to kickstart plus the kind of diets you should take. Kiiky cares!

FAQs On How To Become Anorexic

What makes a person Anorexic?

People can be considered anorexic when they restrict food intake to the extent that it leads to acute low body weight, which is often followed by an intense fear of gaining weight and an excessive concern with body weight and shape.

What other factors cause anorexia?

Presently, no singular factor has been known to cause anorexia nervosa. Typically, it involves a complicated interaction of different biological, psychological, cultural, personality, and social causes.

How can I beat Anorexia?

Step 1:Prepare yourself Psychologically
Step 2: Choose the Right Diet Plan
Step 3: Stay Hydrated
Step 4: Achieve the Goal

Does Anorexia lead to health complications?

Anorexia has many complications. At the extreme, it may result in death. This may result from abnormal heart rhythms or an imbalance of electrolytes and minerals such as sodium, potassium, and calcium that maintain the balance of fluids in your body. Others are;


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